7 Things Every Home Business Entrepreneur Needs To Know


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Looking back on many unsuccessful attempts at home business, we wish we had received guidance from someone who had already been down the road we wanted to travel. We had so many failures that we were starting to doubt that success in a home business would ever happen for us.

Thankfully, we didn’t give up and through perseverance, we were able to achieve the success that had eluded us for years. Along the way, we discovered many things that we wish we had known when we started this journey.

Our success has literally transformed our lives. We believe that to whom much has been given, much is required. Consider this information our gift to you. If we can be of assistance please, do not hesitate to fill out the contact form at TheHomeBusinessPodcast.

1. Success doesn’t happen overnight.

For some reason, people think that they should become rich in a few months with their new home business and some people believe success should happen within weeks or days! We introduced a man in his early 50’s to our business and he was excited. When we first met he complained that he had been working hard for more than 30 years and he was broke.

He said he never had any time for himself or his family. We told him what it would take to become successful and he agreed to do it. Then, he disappeared. A few weeks later he called to tell me that he was quitting. He hadn’t even started and here he was ready to give up.

We asked him if he would be better off quitting his full-time job and keeping his home business! Of course, we didn’t really mean that he should quit his job, but he had been working full-time for more than 30 years and he was still broke. He started his home business just a few weeks earlier and he never gave it a chance.

Why is it that so many people think that they should become wealthy in a few weeks? The answer probably lies in all the get rich quick schemes that are so prevalent in our society today. You’ve seen the emails or read these lines in your junk mail. No Selling, We Do All The Work For You, Make $30,000 in 90 days and on and on.

Those get rich quick scams cause people to think that every home business is a scam and that’s not true. We just got off the phone with Doug, a nice guy who is seriously considering our home business. During our conversation, we made it clear that he wouldn’t be rich in 60 or 90 days and his response was the kind of response we hear often, “Thanks for telling me the truth. I’m happy to know that I’m dealing with people of integrity.”

We were frustrated so many times in the first year of our home business that quitting seemed like the sensible thing to do. After all, these things don’t work. Who do you think you are? Why don’t you just get a job like everybody else? These thoughts and many, like them nearly kept us from success.

If you already have a home business, perhaps you are facing the same thoughts. Don’t let the negative thoughts crowd out the life-changing success that a home business offers. Sure, we struggled at first, but after 20 months we were making $100,000 a year in lifetime residual income! When you find yourself facing bankruptcy and foreclosure as we were and then apply for food stamps you have a firm grasp on the tough times life can bring.

Occasionally, we’ll say “What If?” As in, what if we hadn’t stuck it out through the hard times? What if we had taken the advice of supposedly well meaning people who said that we would never have success in a home business?

What if it took you two to four years to become successful in a home business? What if you could make $100,000 without a boss and a job to go to? What if you could actually be home for your children and know them as people instead of looking at them as the little people who live in your house?

Most people who start a home business quit in their first 90 days and go back to their dreadful lives of desperation. Most people aren’t really living. They are only existing. They’re going from one day to the next without any hope of a better life.

Benjamin Franklin said “most people die at 18, we just don’t bury them until they turn 65+.”

2. Success doesn’t happen without work.

I talked to a woman who said she was interested in changing her life. When it was time for her to make a decision she asked me, “Do I have to do anything?” “No” I replied, “once a month we just back the money truck up to your house and unload!”

If you had a traditional business you’d have to open your business every day. If you have a job you’ve got to show up if you want to get paid. When you start a home business you can’t simply sign up and expect the money to start being deposited in your bank account. There’s work to be done.

Is it hard to become successful in a home business? Compared to giving all of the best years of your life to your employer and missing birthdays, anniversaries, your child’s first words, your child’s first steps and realizing that life is nearly over and in your golden years you don’t have the money to do the things you want to do, no it really isn’t that hard at all!

If you’re in a business like ours when you employ leverage, getting paid for other people’s efforts, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor so much more. Even if you have a home business where you do all the work it’s better than working for an employer.

We are convinced that to live a great life your home business must employ the leverage concept. It’s the only way you can have money and the time to enjoy it. The wealthiest people in America became wealthy by owning businesses. The businesses that created great wealth were out in front of a trend and the business owner got paid based on the efforts of thousands of people. We wouldn’t be enjoying the life we live today if we were getting paid only on our own efforts.

We worked really hard with very little success in our first year. Our 2nd year was the breakthrough that we were looking for, success was on the way. What we failed to realize was that during our first 12 months we were improving our skills and our confidence and that’s when success started to happen.

So, how much did we work in our first two years? We worked as much as it took. How much should you work your home business? That depends on a variety of factors. How bad do you want it? How fast do you want to achieve success? We recommend that you work your home business a minimum of 7 to 10 hours a week, and do it consistently for at least two years.

Success doesn’t happen without work and it isn’t limited to working your business. Are you committed to improving your skills and working on you? Read at least 10 pages from a great book every day. Books like “Think and Grow Rich” will change the way you think and when you change the way you think you will change your life.

Expecting success without work from your home business is like expecting a paycheck from a job that you never started. It just doesn’t make sense.

3. You must be disciplined to achieve success.

So, you’re working your new home business and a friend calls offering to take you to lunch. Can you afford to go? Your favorite show is on TV, but you know you need to be working your home business, what will you do? Perhaps the biggest adjustment most of us need to make is to be disciplined in our home business.

Let’s face it in a work environment there is usually supervision. Many people fail in a home business because there’s nobody looking over their shoulder to see that they do what they need to do.

Since most people who start a home business have never owned a business, we must learn to be disciplined, if we’re going to operate a successful home business. There were times when somebody told us no and that was devastating. We’d usually mope around and fail to do anything else the rest of the day. Had we maintained that attitude, we’d have a job right now instead of a successful home business!

Consider setting business hours. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, but asking friends and family members to respect your business and your business hours is an important step to success. We’ve got a good friend who makes more than $100,000 a year and when you come over to his house during business hours you can visit with his wife, but he excuses himself and works his business. If you have a small child, work when he or she is napping and when they are in bed at night.

It’s also a good idea to have a permanent workspace, so you can shut the door, eliminate distractions and get your work done.

This is a difficult adjustment for some people to make, but your children can learn that when Mommy or Daddy is in this room with the door shut that they are working. You’d be amazed at how many children will respect your space and time if you ask them too. We’ve seen many successful, stay at home moms and dads work with children nearby. Don’t let screaming children or children that interrupt you on occasion become a big deal, the person on the other end of the phone may be convinced that your business is right for them BECAUSE they hear your children in the background.

When you promise to call somebody back at a certain time you’ve got to find the time. Children will appreciate knowing why Mommy or Daddy isn’t available at certain times and you can explain to them that it will be worth all the sacrifices once you become successful.

Discipline can be difficult with all the distractions that can occur in your home, but it is one ingredient that you must have to become successful.

4. Who you’re involved with is more important than the business you’re in.

Let’s face it, most people don’t really have a clue how to operate a business, any kind of business not just a home business. When we’re young we are told to go to school to get good grades so we can get a good… JOB! That’s exactly the path most of us start on, get a job, work hard, work long hours and try to get a promotion so we can work more hours and hopefully make more money.

We do that for 10, 20 or 30 years and then realize that we are never going to get ahead. That’s when the idea that a home business could change our life hits most of us. We’ve been told to be good employees and that’s what most of us have done all of our lives.

There is no substitute for leadership. If you are blessed to find somebody who has been successful in a home business and you know that they can sincerely help you change your life forever, you should jump at the chance to work with them. Make sure you’re comfortable with them before you get started. So, what should you look for? You should look for somebody that knows exactly what they are doing. When you ask questions are they comfortable or uncomfortable? Do they have a system that you can plug in to and have immediate success?

One of the reasons I failed in other home businesses is that I didn’t understand the importance of finding the right person to work with. I am not blaming my failures on somebody else, but if I had been associated with people who really knew what they were doing they would have given me guidance that I did not get. Perhaps I would have failed anyway, but there is no doubt that working with successful people will cut your learning curve and save you a lot of time and money. Only you can assure your success, but finding the right person to work with and then listening to that person gives you a tremendous advantage over most people working a business from their homes!

Let’s say you have what you think is a great idea and you’ve got a little extra money stashed away for a rainy day. Your spouse isn’t overly supportive, but he or she wants you to succeed. You decide to invest $1,000 or $2,000 in your new business by taking out an ad in a local magazine. You get no response at all. How do you think your spouse feels about your home business now? That kind of mistake destroys most people and they never recover.

Last week I received an email from a so-called marketing guru offering his services. I could get his marketing expertise if I paid him almost $800. Almost everything he offered we give to our team members for FREE! We know that what we’re doing works for our business because it has been tested and proven to be successful or we wouldn’t do it. His material, although similar to ours, hasn’t been tested in our business and could prove to be a waste of both time and money. What would happen if you sent that $800 and it didn’t work? How supportive would your spouse be then?

5. Technology has changed everything.

Many years ago you had to get out and meet people and most businesses was, done face to face. You could call people around the country, but if they had any interest in your business you had to send a package overnight. That proved to be very expensive.

When we were broke, I thought everybody that sounded serious, was serious. I was sending out packages several times a week only to find that these people weren’t serious at all.

Then, the internet changed everything. You don’t have to meet people face to face anymore, although I must admit it’s still my favorite way of doing business. Today, you can upload a video in seconds, so people can see you. You can send an email with links to websites, videos, and your contact information. Autoresponders make you look like a Fortune 500 company, and nobody knows how big your business really is because anybody anywhere can have a great looking website.

When I started my business more than 10 years ago my long distance phone bill was nearly $1,000 a month, today we can call as much as we want for $20! You can use conference calling and webcasts to present your business to hundreds of people at a time.

People can automatically receive your latest Podcast and watch it on the subway or at lunch. This is the information age and you should capitalize on the shift in technology in your home business. Don’t worry about all the latest gadgets when you start your business because the personal touch will always be important. Even if you don’t have a lot of money technology allows your home business to operate and look like a very big business.

Don’t get too preoccupied with technology. You can, however, use it to enhance your image and your productivity if you know what you are doing. Today, we don’t mail anybody any information regarding our home business. With internet access almost everywhere, we realize that if somebody needs us to mail them something, they probably aren’t the person we were looking for.

6. It’s a home business, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a big business.

Most people that start a home business are looking for an extra $300 to $500 a month. What would an extra $50,000 or $100,000 a year do for you and your family, seriously! Maybe it’s because so many of us have failed so many times that we just don’t believe in ourselves anymore.

Once you understand the basic fundamentals of your new home business and once you’ve achieved some success, you’ll understand that the sky is the limit. We make much more money than we ever thought possible and we have friends that are making more than $1,000,000 a year! Hard to believe? Of course, it is! Just because it’s hard to believe doesn’t mean that it isn’t happening.

After we struggled with so many other businesses I wanted to believe that we could become incredibly successful, but my past was holding me back. Today, we operate a home business that generates almost $10,000,000 in annual sales! Years ago I never knew anybody that made $1,000,000 a year, so it was hard for me to “see” myself ever reaching that milestone. When a good friend of mine did it, I could then start to see that I could have that kind of success.

So, do you really want to struggle all your life? Then why do we settle for mediocrity? Here’s why, we’re unsure of ourselves, stuck in a rut, scared, we lack confidence, we tried and failed and tried and failed, what will my spouse, mother, brother, best friend think? We care too much about what other people say, think and do!

7. As a Man Thinketh…

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Joyce Meyer is fond of saying that where the mind goes, the man follows. Of course, it makes no difference whether you are a man or a woman, you are what you think you are. As we struggled in our home business it was easy to become discouraged. We had always failed. Those constant thoughts of failure surrounded us.

Then, we realized that others had succeeded. Why did they succeed where so many others had failed? Could it really be that the only reason they achieved success was that they thought differently? We were so broke and so desperate for a breakthrough in our lives that we realized that we could not afford the luxury of having negative thoughts. There were plenty of other negative people that we could have listened to, but what was that going to get us?

What if we listened to the people that were positive, which by the way were the same people who were achieving success? When we started our home business we felt like the biggest loser on the planet. If something positive didn’t happen soon we were going to have to move out of state to live with Judith’s mother. How were we going to explain to our children that we had lost our home? If our home business was going to change, we would have to change first.

We couldn’t afford the luxury of one negative thought. We started making good choices. We would distance ourselves from anybody that had anything negative to say about anything! We would surround ourselves with positive, uplifting people who would speak life into our lives.

We didn’t listen to people who laughed at us and yes, there really were people who laughed at us. We believed that we would have life-changing success even before there were any real signs of success. Some people call that the “fake it till you make it” concept. While we wholeheartedly endorse that concept we do not recommend that you mislead people.

There is nothing wrong with having a positive attitude. It is wrong to misrepresent your current financial situation. One of the most disappointing things we encounter in home business is the tendency that people have to inflate their incomes. There must be some school of thought that this is appealing or O.K. and it is not.

Once you lose your integrity, you can never get it back. We have done everything we can to make it clear that a home business will not typically solve your financial pressures overnight. We know many people that have made $500 to $2,000 in their first month in a home business. Very few make more than that in their first 30 days. If you think you have to lie to become successful you are wrong. We made just over $300 our first month in the home business that has paid us more money than we ever thought possible.

Negative people tried to convince us that we would never have success. We didn’t listen to them then, and we don’t listen to negative people now. We know that you can have success in a home business. We know that it won’t be easy. We know that if you get guidance along the way from successful people that you will live an extraordinary life.

Remember: Sharing is caring!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/487814

There’s work to be done employ leverage, getting paid for other people’s efforts, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor so much more. the efforts of thousands of people. the leverage concept.
It’s the only way you can have money and the time to enjoy it. The wealthiest people in America became wealthy by owning businesses.
the breakthrough improving our skills and our confidence and that’s when success started to happen.
We recommend that you work your home business a minimum of 7 to 10 hours a week, and do it consistently for at least two years.
Are you committed to improving your skills and working on you? Read at least 10 pages from a great book every day. Books like “Think and Grow Rich” will change the way you think and when you change the way you think you will change your life.
Success doesn’t happen overnight…

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The Diderot Effect

The Diderot Effect: Why We Want Things We Don’t Need

— And What to Do About It

Denis Diderot as depicted by Louis-Michel van Loo in 1767. In this painting Diderot is wearing a robe similar to the one that prompted his famous essay on the Diderot Effect.

The famous French philosopher Denis Diderot lived nearly his entire life in poverty, but that all changed in 1765.

Diderot was 52 years old and his daughter was about to be married, but he could not afford to provide a dowry. Despite his lack of wealth, Diderot’s name was well-known because he was the co-founder and writer of Encyclopédie, one of the most comprehensive encyclopedias of the time.

When Catherine the Great, the emperor of Russia, heard of Diderot’s financial troubles she offered to buy his library from him for £1000 GBP, which is approximately $50,000 USD in 2015 dollars. Suddenly, Diderot had money to spare.

Shortly after this lucky sale, Diderot acquired a new scarlet robe. That’s when everything went wrong.

Is there anything Diderot Effect has in common with home biz online?

Of course it has. When you join any kind of business you’ll find that you need not only website link to promote, but also landing pages, autoresponder, tracking software, front end and back end offer etc.

Read at the end of this post perfect solution to this – that is done for you..

The Diderot Effect

Diderot’s scarlet robe was beautiful. So beautiful, in fact, that he immediately noticed how out of place it seemed when surrounded by the rest of his common possessions. In his words, there was “no more coordination, no more unity, no more beauty” between his robe and the rest of his items. The philosopher soon felt the urge to buy some new things to match the beauty of his robe.

He replaced his old rug with a new one from Damascus. He decorated his home with beautiful sculptures and a better kitchen table. He bought a new mirror to place above the mantle and his “straw chair was relegated to the antechamber by a leather chair.”

These reactive purchases have become known as the Diderot Effect.

The Diderot Effect states that obtaining a new possession often creates a spiral of consumption which leads you to acquire more new things. As a result, we end up buying things that our previous selves never needed to feel happy or fulfilled.

Why We Want Things We Don’t Need

Like many others, I have fallen victim to the Diderot Effect (says James Clear, writer, personal growth). I recently bought a new car and I ended up purchasing all sorts of additional things to go inside it. I bought a tire pressure gauge, a car charger for my cell phone, an extra umbrella, a first aid kit, a pocket knife, a flashlight, emergency blankets, and even a seat belt cutting tool.

Allow me to point out that I owned my previous car for nearly 10 years and at no point did I feel that any of the previously mentioned items were worth purchasing. And yet, after getting my shiny new car, I found myself falling into the same consumption spiral as Diderot.

You can spot similar behaviors in many other areas of life:

  • You buy a new dress and now you have to get shoes and earrings to match.
  • You buy a CrossFit membership and soon you’re paying for foam rollers, knee sleeves, wrist wraps, and paleo meal plans.
  • You buy your kid an American Girl doll and find yourself purchasing more accessories than you ever knew existed for dolls.
  • You buy a new couch and suddenly you’re questioning the layout of your entire living room. Those chairs? That coffee table? That rug? They all gotta go.

Life has a natural tendency to become filled with more. We are rarely lookingto downgrade, to simplify, to eliminate, to reduce. Our natural inclination is always to accumulate, to add, to upgrade, and to build upon.

In the words of sociology professor Juliet Schor, “the pressure to upgrade our stock of stuff is relentlessly unidirectional, always ascending.”

Mastering the Diderot Effect

The Diderot Effect tells us that your life is only going to have more things fighting to get in it, so you need to to understand how to curate, eliminate, and focus on the things that matter.

Reduce exposure. Nearly every habit is initiated by a trigger or cue. One of the quickest ways to reduce the power of the Diderot Effect is to avoid the habit triggers that cause it in the first place. Unsubscribe from commercial emails. Call the magazines that send you catalogs and opt out of their mailings. Meet friends at the park rather than the mall. Block your favorite shopping websites using tools like Freedom.

Buy items that fit your current system. You don’t have to start from scratch each time you buy something new. When you purchase new clothes, look for items that work well with your current wardrobe. When you upgrade to new electronics, get things that play nicely with your current pieces so you can avoid buying new chargers, adapters, or cables.

Set self-imposed limits. Live a carefully constrained life by creating limitations for you to operate within.

Buy One, Give One. Each time you make a new purchase, give something away. Get a new TV? Give your old one away rather than moving it to another room. The idea is to prevent your number of items from growing. Always be curating your life to include only the things that bring you joy and happiness.

Go one month without buying something new. Don’t allow yourself to buy any new items for one month. Instead of buying a new lawn mower, rent one from a neighbor. Get your new shirt from the thrift store rather than the department store. The more we restrict ourselves, the more resourceful we become.

Let go of wanting things. There will never be a level where you will be done wanting things. There is always something to upgrade to. Get a new Honda? You can upgrade to a Mercedes. Get a new Mercedes? You can upgrade to a Bentley. Get a new Bentley? You can upgrade to a Ferrari. Get a new Ferrari? Have you thought about buying a private plane? Realize that wanting is just an option your mind provides, not an order you have to follow.

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How do I get leads from Solo Ads?

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 “I Need Leads”.. How Do I Get Them!

(by internet entrepreneur, Jim Redland published press release in Ibotoolbox.com)

What we’ve got is different ways to build your list. Yes, but “I Need Leads” how do I get them! If you want to build a business you are going too have to invest. Remember in any situation if you don’t feed it it doesn’t go. You can have a fine car but if you don’t gas it up it’s stands still.

Hey, “I Need Leads” how do I get them! Well, we solved that. The best and only way to get good ads and return on your money, you buy solo ads.  Solo ads usually give back approximately 40-50% return with opt-in opportunity seekers. The trick to it is don’t buy cheap solo ads that’s like throwing your money to the winds. Figure on spending about 45-60 cents per click.  You’ll get usually pretty good prospects out of that but no guarantees.

That is why you need to keep track on all your advertising using special software – this one I can recommend.

Once you start receiving prospects they’ll go into a funnel.  A funnel is what sorts them out. Again, “I need Leads” how do I get them! Hold on now the autoresponder comes in to go to work now. Next, sending out a series of messages encouraging your prospects to join the business or team. sooner or later some will come aboard. The old saying is some will some won’t ..next.  The name of the process is patience. Your leads start to build.

Pulling in good leads can be a chore. Finding or making a good capture page will get their attention for them to fill in their name and email. Usually a solo ad dealer will write a good door opening letter with your capture page in the end to real them in..bingo you got one.

The list is the life blood of the business. No list.. is like car out of gas. Do you remember when you joined your program they told you to make a list? Well, the NFL no friends left club isn’t a good feeling. Or when friends saw you coming everyone scattered. Now that’s why you need a list of people interested in a work at home business. Your friends aren’t looking and not from you.

You know “I Need Leads” how do I get them..whinning and crying is about to end. There’s a better way. Lets get started with this business.  It’s not a hobby. It’s a serious opportunity that’ll bring rewards to you and family. Apply yourself and step out.

If you want to get all my system that can bring sometime $300 per day check the link below (capture page or banner)

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My capture page.  There’s more training, tools and help than ever for your success.


Short-cut to success is possible.

We can see a lot of examples of shortcuts in real life (like on the picture above). It’s natural for people to try save time and energy.Sometimes shortcuts are the smart way to beat the competition.

= Short-cut your path to online success =

Some people think that there is no such a thing as short-cut. Let see what thinks Jeff Goins

” Really? There are no shortcuts in life? Only the hardest working people in the world win? It’s a popular belief, which should be reason enough to question its validity.

But let’s explore this idea.

Let’s say there are no shortcuts and everyone is as successful as they absolutely deserve to be. Does that mean Bill Gates, who makes about $11 billion per year (or $1.3 million per hour!) works 54,000 times harder than the average American worker who earns $50,000 per year? How is that even possible?

Look. We all want to believe hard work pays off. And it does. But at a certain point, you can’t work any harder. You have no more time than anyone else. So what do you do? You have to learn how to work smarter.

And that means learning from someone who’s already been there.

Apply this profit plan to your online business


You need a guide.

For years as a writer, I struggled to get noticed. I blogged and nobody cared,

tried to write books no one would read, and failed to motivate myself to work.

I wanted a publisher but didn’t know anyone in the industry and didn’t have

any readers to show for my work. I was stuck.

What I needed was someone to show me another path. It didn’t have to be a shortcut. I was just tired of the long road to success — because it was leading nowhere — desperately wanted to know what was missing.

In any great story, there is a point in the journey when the hero meets an obstacle he cannot overcome. This is the moment when the guide arrives. This is the essence of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey: you cannot succeed without someone wiser to show you the way. Frodo needed Gandalf. Luke needed Obi-wan. And you and I need a mentor.

Sure enough, in my own journey, that’s what happened. I met a handful of people who acted as guides in helping me become an author, speaker, and entrepreneur. My dream became a reality within a matter of 18 months. But this wasn’t because I hustled — it’s because I found a guide.”

“ I didn’t succeed because I hustled any harder. I succeeded because I found a guide.”

If you are building online business from home, It’s possible with done for you products, or using franchise model.

What you are going to read can save you 2-3 years of hard work, time and money if you are trying

to build online business from home (or actually from anywhere where Wi-Fi is available)

OR want to scale it up.

Please, pay close attention.

Let me ask you a question…

Are you still trying to start an online business…?

If so, let me know if this sounds like you:

You want to make money online, but you keep getting caught up in all of the technical stuff that goes along with starting an online business…

HTML, CSS, FTP, PHP and a dozen other things you have to have to know to get a website online

and making you money… right?

Or, do you FINALLY feel like you’ve got things figured out, and as you are about

to move forward on your dreams…

You get ANOTHER email… from ANOTHER guru… telling you about the NEW shiny object of the day…

They never give you a real value. Your own website

– I mean a m-o-n-e-y making website.

And your plans… that you felt SO confident about just minutes earlier… fall to the ground

as you reluctantly turn your back on your “plan” and start moving towards the next new thing…

If that sounds like you… then don’t worry.

I can help, because I received the same assistance that I offer to you.

Go to the link below and you can get your website set up for in the next 24 hours (actually this is much more then one page website – see what is inside).

Shortcut your path to success!

Important skills for any kind of business.

Just don’t quit trying.

Executive in National Football League

Vincent Thomas Lombardi, American football coach.

Be the mosquito in affiliate marketing.

If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in the dark with a mosquito. –  Betty Reese

Powerful quote, the principle is such a simple one: Size doesn’t matter, persistence does.

Some of us have accomplished incredible things in our lives, but many still don’t believe that they can actually cause changes they want.

Maybe you’re on the hunt for a better standard of living, to be debt free, or simply have less stress day to day. There’s really only one thing that has been tried and trusted and proven over and over again to be effective…

You guessed it: Persistence.

Persistence is almost always the determining factor when it comes to making lasting, positive, change.

Are you willing to “fail” over and over again, learning from your mistakes along the way, to achieve your goal? Lot’s of people say they are, but simply don’t “put their money where their mouth is”.

Yes, persistence can be a risk. There’s no doubt you will fail at first when you try something new, whether it’s a new way of thinking or a new way of living, you’re going to make mistakes.

Just one tip! Disconnect the words “failure” and “bad”, remind yourself every day that ACTION is what’s important, not the end result (for now).

What you can accomplish once you start applying this principle is nothing short of incredible. Doors start to open, boredom is replaced with excitement, and best of all you finally feel in control of the direction of your life.

How can I be so confident that this principle works? Because I saw it working in others life and I apply it to my life (especially now in affiliate marketing).

Note that it’s not an “overnight” success, you have sometimes actually spend over a year with many courses and coaching programs… and no success.

If you don’t give up, you’ll see the result. Your persistence will pay off.

Now I have to add an important detail to the “persistence is everything” equation…

WHAT you’re being persistent at is important.

As successful people noted in their stories, they had tried a lot of things that didn’t work (again not a bad thing), but what did work was a tried and tested system. If you can start on a path that’s been tested before, even if it’s difficult, it has a much higher chance of bringing you the results you want.

That’s exactly what many online top-earners did, they were fortunate to find a system that worked for them. Their persistence paid off.

Now, I want to invite you to watch the video that helped many people get the results … click here (17 min only watch till the end)

Best Easy Work



https://www.besteasywork.com/MeWht.gif   The ‘WHY & HOW’


Best Easy Work

Hey There, from Martin Ruiz

I want you to know I got tired of Corporate America, and this is WHY I basically invested in a replicating program to create a job for myself which allows me to leverage my time to team up with as many people who wish to join BestEasyWork (BEW).

I designed this program so that anyone can benefit by answering this question: HOW WOULD I LIKE TO BE TREATED?  BEW will show you HOW to easily be in front of thousands of people in our Training. Our job is to deliver such a powerful program, the viewer will clearly see our opportunity.

I personally pay for webhosting services and maintain my site which allows You to be a FREE member and earn $25 to $300 per PAID member you find, or you can partner with me to enjoy a better compensation plan. Do yourself a favor, and look up Best Easy Work on Youtube, to see what REAL people are experiencing. 

Best Easy Work

In the year 2002, I was fortunate enough to work with a real millionaire for about 4 – 5 months. It’s always great to learn from someone that is for real to pick up some excellent pearls. This individual taught me to open my mind, never be afraid to ask for the money, and to deliver such a powerful presentation people will find foolish to refuse.

Unfortunately, this millionaire was too arrogant to continue working with. His mindset was stuck on only working with the big elephants as he called them. He was also conditioned into thinking he can only work within a 100 mile radius.

I, on the other hand, knew and believed I can work worldwide with many squirrels to leverage my time. I’ve been thinking of my own strategy to deliver since the mid 90s.

Someone once told me the phone rings both ways, to become the hunted, rather than the hunter. One must use opm (other people’s money or time) to leverage or multiply their efforts.

I learned that most salespeople are really just order takers, to excel, they must become trusted consultants to sell concept, be a customer servant first with sales intent. Practice what people want and doors will open.

Talk To You Soon!

Martin R.

Best Easy Work

Join to become a partner – click HERE >>

Yuri Grin, Canada

A World Health Organization -WHO

WHO Report Finds No Public Health Risks Or Abuse Potential For CBD

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

A World Health Organization (WHO) report has found no adverse health outcomes but rather several medical applications for cannabidiol, a.k.a. CBD, despite U.S. federal policy on this cannabinoid chemical.

According to a preliminary WHO report published last month, naturally occurring CBD is safe and well tolerated in humans (and animals), and is not associated with any negative public health effects [PDF].

Experts further stated that CBD, a non-psychoactive chemical found in cannabis, does not induce physical dependence and is “not associated with abuse potential.” The WHO also wrote that, unlike THC, people aren’t getting high off of CBD, either.

cannabis fight cancer, Parkinson desease

Start you own hemp oil business

“To date, there is no evidence of recreational use of CBD or any public health related problems associated with the use of pure CBD,” they wrote. In fact, evidence suggests that CBD mitigates the effects of THC (whether joyous or panicky), according to this and other reports.

 The authors pointed out that research has officially confirmed some positive effects of the chemical, however.

The WHO team determined that CBD has “been demonstrated as an effective treatment for epilepsy” in adults, children, and even animals, and that there’s “preliminary evidence” that CBD could be useful in treating  Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, psychosis, Parkinson’s disease, and other serious conditions.

Alternative to Big Pharma

Relief from pain

See also: Medicaid, Marijuana And Me: An Ex-Opioid Addict’s Take On American Drug Denial

“To date, there is no evidence of recreational use of CBD or any public health related problems associated with the use of pure CBD,” they wrote. In fact, evidence suggests that CBD mitigates the effects of THC (whether joyous or panicky), according to this and other reports.

 The authors pointed out that research has officially confirmed some positive effects of the chemical, however.

The WHO team determined that CBD has “been demonstrated as an effective treatment for epilepsy” in adults, children, and even animals, and that there’s “preliminary evidence” that CBD could be useful in treating  Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, psychosis, Parkinson’s disease, and other serious conditions.

See also: Study Explores Chemical Links Of Cannabis, Exercise, And Sexual Bliss

In acknowledgement of these kinds of discoveries in recent years, the report continued, “Several countries have modified their national controls to accommodate CBD as a medicinal product.”

The situation was like this….

But the U.S., the report noted, isn’t one of them. As a cannabis component, CBD remains classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, meaning it has a “high potential for abuse” in the federal government’s view. Nevertheless, the “unsanctioned medical use” of CBD is fairly common, experts found.

For many CBD users in the U.S., the substance’s mostly unsanctioned and illegal state creates problems, especially as a wave of online (mostly hemp) and store-bought CBD oils and extracts have allowed patients to take the treatment process–and the risks involved in buying unregulated medicine–into their own hands and homes.

While CBD itself is safe and found to be helpful for many users, industry experts have warned that not all cannabis extracts are created equally, purely, or with the same methods of extraction.

You have to know that company – CTFO – produces legal CBD products.

CBD legit products from CTFO

Cannabioid formula

The Super Affiliates Checklist

The Super Affiliates Checklist

There are three types of affiliates:

1. The struggling affiliate who can’t seem to bring in any consistent cash.

2. The so-so affiliate who makes a few hundred dollars per month, but wants more.

3. The super affiliate, who pulls down a nice commission check every month like clockwork.

If you’re either a struggling affiliate or a so-so affiliate, then you’re going to want to use this checklist to take you to super affiliate status. Take a look… Keep It Simple Struggling affiliates tend to throw stuff at the wall to see what sticks. They jump from promoting one product to another, they deploy a dozen different traffic methods, and they’re always hustling but not getting anywhere very fast.

If you want to take your business to the next level, keep it simple.

Here’s how:

• Start with one offer to promote.

• Create one autoresponder series to promote it.

• Create one lead magnet to attract people to your list.

• Select one source of traffic and use it to send people to your lead magnet.

• Then optimize until this process is creating results for you.

• Once you have one source of traffic up and running, then and only then should you add another source.

• Start building your sales funnel with additional offers. Get the point?

Focus on one step at a time and get that piece working for you before you move onto the next step. Keep it simple.


Set Goals Struggling affiliates may set goals, but they’re vague goals without any basis in reality. Super affiliates do it differently. Not only do they set goals, they then figure out exactly how they’ll achieve those goals.

Now in order to “reverse engineer” your goals, you need to start keeping track of the data.

This includes:

• How much traffic you generate.

• What percentage of this traffic subscribes to your mailing list.

• What percentage of these new subscribers buy an offer from your initial autoresponder series.

• How much money you make per subscriber per month. You’ll need to plug in your own numbers to determine how to achieve your goals.

But here’s a good rule of thumb: a well-targeted list can make about $1 per subscriber per month. So if you’re looking to make $10,000 per month, then one of your goals should be to grow your list as quickly as possible to 10,000 subscribers.


One way to do this is suggest your future subscribers or partners so called “Done-for-You” products (programs, software, blogs, websites).

Click here to get ready and set up for you commission system.