Marketing Tweaks to Make to Your Blog

4 Awesome Marketing Tweaks to Make to Your Blog

It’s important you have unique ways to build engagement on your blog. Over the years, we have learned a lot about the way people interact with blogs. This is cool because it allows us to keep up-to date with changing trends within the industry. Let’s explore some cool tweaks you can make to your blog to help WITH marketing. (post by Rizvan Ullah, blogger)

Let’s get started, and your feedback will be greatly appreciated.

  1. Always Tell a Story Through Text or Video

The name of the game is sales, and people must know within a second or two of landing on your site exactly what you are selling. If it’s vague, unclear or hidden behind a lot of wordage you`ll have lost their interest. You lose their interest and you lose the sale which is going to completely ruin your bottom line.

You have to be clear and bold with product placement. Entice the reader through blocks of text or Demonstration videos, and it`s important to be creative so you come up with unique ways to sell and market your product.

A strategically placed demonstration video can add significant revenue to your monthly income. For example, despite the 3-minute length of their video, the Crazy Egg video has brought in an additional 21, 000 dollars per month because of the way they market to their customers and/or visitors.

Telling your story is vital to the sale. People must understand what service you are providing, and what you have to offer. We recommend using personal accounts, and testimonials which shows potential customers the opportunity to understand the product. I also give them examples of my own personal experience because when people can relate to your own personal situations, they are more likely to see the value in the product or service you are offering.

The data doesn’t lie. 37 out of 119 customers surveyed commented that they only became customers after reading personal stories. This alone shows the huge effect telling stories can have on your bottom line.

Storytelling is a craft and you must master this craft to achieve results. You can use customer feedback to help build the foundations of your story. A survey asking customers what they know of your company, and how they would describe what you do is a very good place to start if you are just beginning the process.

  1. Understanding Your Customer

Marketing involves understanding your customer and how they think. Not all people are visiting your site with the intention to buy but all visitors CAN become potential customers if use a few simple strategies.

How you market your product is crucial in attracting attention but even more important is how you re-market your

product and keep someone’s attention long after they have left your site. Consumers are always enticed by free information kits or coupons. Whether you are selling a service or a product, the possibility of getting a bonus for free is often very appealing to potential customers. These kits are generally sent out via email which can come attached with a weekly subscription to a product newsletter. This allows your product to remain in the customer’s consciousness and build awareness on a consistent basis.

Building trusting and lasting relationships with your customers is the ultimate goal and you can do this by creating a series of at least 7 emails called follow-sequence which will highlight the product or service in a new and unique manner. Often it is time and information that will convince a customer to buy and the efficiency of an email strand can effectively accomplish this feat. Head over to your competitor, and you’ll see how they have effectively put together an information kit for their readers. I would focus on those which have been around a long-time so you can learn from the best in the industry.

Re-marketing allows you to have an online presence in a digital era. Upon entering your site, visitors will be pixeled with a cookie which simply means that your advertisements will pop up on their browsing screen thus reminding them again of the services you offer. The ingenious part of this is that there already exists an interest so it’s just a matter of keeping the awareness alive. Many marketing networks now offer affordable remarketing package. Do a quick search in Google to find some which you’ll find very attractive.

The business world is evolving quickly and so is the face of marketing. Push your business into the next stratosphere by adopting a few key strategies and you’ll be well on your way!

  1. Focus on What’s Important

The bottom line in marketing is that you are only as strong as the processes you employ so it’s important to take the time to create a solid marketing initiative. Consistently measure to test out new strategies, and you’ll discover where you need to make changes. It’s important to mention that online blogging, and marketing is always about finding out what works. This means you’ll have to track data so you can find ways to optimize at a later time. Flaws and weaknesses are to be expected but it’s the constant revision, and adjustments that will help add profitability to your business.

The online marketing world has a lot of competition, and those looking to use any tactic to acquire business.  You have to embrace the competition. A strategy may be successful for a short term and then others may catch on. This is all part of the marketing game, and you must expect this so you can refresh your approach at regular intervals. Remember, I mentioned above how tracking your results is very important because it helps you keep a close eye on your competition. It also helps you determine what’s been working, and what needs to be changed.

Lastly it’s important to create a diverse portfolio. Putting your eggs in more than one basket allows multiple channels to generate revenue as each drives a percentage of your overall profit. Marketing your business through a variety of different outlets increases the chances that a wide demographic will be exposed to the services and/or products you provide.

Focus on what’s truly important; the marketing process. Don’t be afraid to be creative, and innovative in your approach and your business will reap the rewards.

  1. Call-To-Actions Matter – Time to Maximize

The goal of a Call-to-Action Button is to convert browsers into buyers. Call-to-Action buttons include tactics such as free consultations, appointments or offers of downloadable e-books.  All of these are designed to draw the customer in when they click on the icon. The promise of free products, and services increases the possibility that somewhere down the road browsers to the site might become valued customers to the business.

To get a good idea of the call-to-actions available, especially those which perform, I like to visit competitor blogs to see how they are doing things. Remember, some have been in the industry for a long time so have tested out many of the methods.

Here’s how to design effective call-to-action buttons:

Location, color and button placement are the first things that you need to consider when designing your Call to Action Buttons. You want to ensure they are in a place where they can be seen for optimal conversions. If they can’t be seen then we can conclude they won’t be clicked.

Consumers respond in different ways to color, for example, QuickSprout.com mentioned how SAP software solutions increased their conversion rate by over 32% by employing the color orange in their Call-to- Action Button. It comes down to trial, and error when deciding on the right color fit for your site. This doesn’t mean orange will work for you, but means color does make a huge difference. I encourage you try different ones until you find a combination that works

The location of your call-to-action Button is also crucial. Some consumers prefer to read your story and understand what you are offering before visiting other links. Placing your button below the fold may actually be a more effective tactic.  However,

This can only be taken on a case by case basis so it is necessary to test different locations within your landing pages. Remember, again, it all comes down to testing everything…right?

White space around your call-to-action button allows it to be more visible, and thus increase the probability that consumers will click on it. Providing credit card symbols, trust symbols or placing product logos around your Call-To-Action Button can help increase customer satisfaction and convert browsers to buyers.

Here are some additional tips to follow going forward.

Special Effects, Unique Slogans and Ingenious Exit Call to Action Buttons can be very effective customer conversion techniques. Many people I know have added flash to some of their buttons because this helps them stand out when visitors are on your page.

Unique slogans such as “Show me my Heat-map” are creative ways to excite customers to click on your call-to-action button. For example, CrazyEgg.com who show’s bloggers their heat-map increased CTR by 20% by simply employing a button flashing with this text – “Show me my Heat-map”. They tested this strategy, and it had enormous results when optimized so they continue to implement it till today.

Designing effective call-to-action buttons is the key, and over the year’s businesses have used psychology and creativity to harness untapped markets. Amazingly enough, utilizing a “don’t click” button can actually entice people into clicking on that button. Trust me, I have fell victim to this trick when I have been on a niche relevant blog.

Knowing human psychology can help you market your service in creative and exciting ways. We all know how frustrating it is to wait in a long line to get into our favorite night spot only to discover the bar is empty. It’s awesome how call-to-action buttons, and advertisements which read “SOLD OUT” can actually generate interest in your product as the perception of desirability is what consumers are responding to. It’s all about enticing the reader, and giving them the idea that they might miss out on a cool opportunity if they wait too long.

Utilize a variety of techniques and make sure you are constantly measuring your success rate. Call-to-Action buttons can be very effective conversion tools when used properly, but the process always remains the same. Create a strategy, measure your successes and make necessary adjustments on a regular basis. Persistence and consistency will drive your business to the next level if you take into consideration a few of these helpful hints, and put them into action!

Final Thoughts

I hope you’ll use this information, and start applying some of these strategies to your blog going forward. It’s amazing how some of the call-to-action techniques have helped me double even triple my conversion rate. You have to make sure you take the first step, and implement these strategies right now. I know if you wait, you might get lazy and never get around to implementing what you have learned.

Here’s what I need you to do…

First, it’s time to go through this content again making notes on the important idea’s discussed. Secondly, please implement these strategies as they would apply to your business or niche. It’s important you do this right now because any delay will cause you to neglect going forward. A delay also means you’ll be gathering important statistics much later. Third, install Google Analytics because this tool is great for you to find information on how conversions have improved. GA will provide you the following:

  • Location
  • Referrals
  • Landing page
  • Search queries
  • Bounce rate
  • And much more.



Tools you need to know for WP Beginners and higher levels

5 Growth Hacking Tools You Need to Know

You’re more than just a mere marketer. You are an entrepreneur, you get things done, you set goals, and most importantly, you follow through. Due to the busy nature of owning a business, there’s no doubt that you’re looking for ways to become a smarter marketer — and that’s where we come in.

The key to every business is growth. We want to help you explode your revenue and bring in more happy customers on a consistent basis. In order to get this done, you’re going to have to implement tools into your marketing plan. But not just any tools, you need the best.

Our goal today is to bring you some of best hacking tools for growth that the internet has to offer. The tools listed here are designed to help you in multiple ways. You have to keep in mind that like all professions, a diverse toolset is crucial to success.

Crazy Egg

A/B Testing is a pivotal way to make sure your marketing plan is working. Essentially, A/B testing is when you run two different email copies, marketing campaigns, or ads at the same time and gauge the results.

The point is to find out what works, toss out what doesn’t, and improve on your marketing strategy until you have a lineup of advertising that promotes substantial growth. Crazy Egg is an excellent tool that makes doing A/B testing a breeze.

Crazy Egg allows you to build visual heat maps to see where customers are going on your website. You can look at both individual sessions as well as overall stats for any given period of time. So, how does this help?

Let’s say you set up two ads on your website. You can insert the link into Crazy Egg’s heat map tool and see which ad is getting more clicks. Based on your discoveries, you can learn what your customers like and help build clean efficient ads.


Social media has quickly become one of the best ways to market your brand to a new, wide audience. Due to the popularity, all of the major social media outlets have come up with ways for you to explode your growth through creating and designing custom ads.
Marketo allows you to roll all the traditional social media ad applications together into one easy to use system. This versatile tool will help you build ad campaigns and spread them on all of your business social media accounts.

Once you have your ads posted, Marketo lets you develop a plan and follow analytics on each platform. You can see which ads are generating growth, and which ones need some tweaking. The detailed overview gives you information such as click-through rate, conversions, views, and more.


Growing and acting on your lead list is perhaps the most important part of any business. If you’re advertising to the same people over and over, you’re not going to see any substantial growth.

OptinMonster is a tool that’s used by marketers to help curate leads through smart design forms, audience targeting, and converting people who come to your page. One of the best ways that this tool will help you grow your business is by helping you entice and target visitors to your website.

There are multiple ways OptinMonster connects visitors to your brand. You can use it to build custom forms that encourage people who come to your page to sign up for your mailing list. If properly implemented, you can also use this tool to target people who leave pending shopping carts on your page.

The purpose is to cast out a net and pull in those who would otherwise leave your website and never come back. You have to be able to turn this section of your audience into customers, and this tool helps you get that done.


When you’re writing content for your website, it’s crucial that the content matches what’s popular, particularly with your audience. There are ways that you can sift through popular content so you can ensure that you’re delivering something meaningful to your audience.

BuzzSumo is a tool that helps you deliver quality content that’s bound to grow. You can target specific keywords and see what’s ranking well in your niche — including with your competitors. You’ll discover what kind of content people are publishing, including the titles.

There’s no quicker way to add some serious growth to your brand than by publishing quality content. You can use BuzzSumo in combination with Google’s Keyword Tool to develop a long-term SEO and marketing plan.

After you’ve published some content, you can come back and track it alongside your competitors to see where you can improve. The real-time analytics gives you insight on how you can craft curated content that will keep your audience coming back for more.


There are few things that will turn customers away from your product or brand like a website with technical issues or logical problems when logging in and making a purchase. If you want to see some serious growth in your business, you should work to solve these problems as soon as possible.

Mixpanel is a tool that, among other things, can help you hammer out the details of your customer’s experience when they make a purchase. This resource helps you build data on your customers as they are going through and filling up their cart.

You’ll learn if they are running into problems, and how you can speed up the checkout process. Studies show that the longer the customer lofts around before the purchase, the better chance you’ll end up with an abandoned cart. While you can use your marketing skills to pull those people back in, your best bet is to make sure they can finish their order the first time.

Mixpanel will help give you a competitive edge on the market by helping you tweak and perfect your customers experience from start to finish.


Website growth is something that you have to work to achieve. However, if you have the right tools at your fingertips, you can “hack” the system and make some serious progress towards your long-term marketing goals.

Each one of these tools offers something a little different. You have to make sure you’re creating engaging, SEO-rich content, entice the people who come to your website to become customers, have an all-star social media plan, and engage in A/B testings.

Are you an average folks like Joe and Suzy? Check this out and contact me.



Viorgon-21 Anti-aging food Organic Selenium









Viorgon – 21: The aqueous fraction of the Selecor – organic selenium.

Organic Selenium is superstar among micro elements.

(Go to the Main Page to read more about this anti-aging food and what is specific in the modern technology. This is the breakthrough in the industry of food supplements.)

Viorgons (flurevites) are aqueous solutions of organic compounds of micro- and macro elements (MME). These include developed and applied solutions that have been found to be used in ultra-low doses. At the same time, negative side effects of the solutions are leveled, and its main effect not only persists, but even increases.

Like all Viorgons, MME-flurevites in ultra-low doses are safe, they have no side effects, they are highly bio available and compatible with all medications, drugs, etc.

VIORGON 21 (MME – Flurevit Selekora-α)

Source of excretion: aqueous fraction of the drug Selecor-α.

Viorgon 21 contains an aqueous fraction of the substance Selecor-α, which is a biologically available divalent organic selenium, which is necessary for the effective functioning of the most important systems of the body:

  • Antioxidant protection systems (represented by protein and vitamin compounds and enzymes independently produced by our body that ensure the neutralization of toxic free radicals and the control of oxidative reactions)
  • Systems of natural detoxification (detoxification, excretory and synthetic functions of the liver, excretory function of the kidneys, non-respiratory function of the lungs – protecting the body from harmful components of inhaled air, metabolism of biologically active substances).
  • Selenium is a superstar among micro elements, as it strengthens the immune system and protects against cardiovascular diseases. Selenium is essential for the overall health and optimal functioning of the brain, it is necessary to resist diseases.
  • Selenium is associated with the functions of more than 100 enzymes. Selenium-containing enzymes are involved in the detoxification process of numerous metabolic products in the body, regulate the oxidation of fatty acids, affect metabolism and the synthesis of many hormones, control the activity of humoral and cellular immunity, affect reproductive function

Viorgon 21 is recommended as an adjunct for use in complex programs in the following cases:

  • diabetes, coronary heart disease, chronic gastrointestinal diseases (ulcerative colitis, chronic pancreatitis);
  • in case of lungs diseases, including tuberculosis;
  • in immunodeficiency states;
  • to prevent and reduce the severity of damage to the liver and kidneys;
  • for the prevention of precancerous conditions (cysts, benign tumors, mastopathy, uterine myoma, smoker’s bronchitis) and cancer diseases;
  • with precancerous conditions and cancer diseases (slows down the metastasis of tumors of various origins);
  • for the prevention of side effects during radiation and chemotherapy;
  • to reduce the effects of continuous nervous tension; protects against stress;
  • to prevent premature aging of the body, protection from radiation and chemical effects of the environment.
  • with rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis;
  • with type 2 diabetes;
  • with female and male infertility;
  • with pathology of the retina.

Introduction to the body of selenium in microdilution contributes to a significant improvement in the structure and function of parenchymal organs, cellular and humoral elements of the immune system, reproductive organs, and ensuring normal embryogenesis.

Mode of application:

Dilute 15 drops to 500 ml of water and drink a sip throughout the day. Drink at least 5-7 times a day. It is recommended to use at least 2-3 months, as separate courses 2-3 times a year as a prophylactic.


Viorgon 21 can be combined with any biofluravites, mycoprofluoritis and phyto-fluoreitis.




The best Bitcoin exchange in 2015

It’s all about reputation, currency support and transaction fees (By )

Welcome to our guide to the best Bitcoin exchange of 2018. This list is essential if you’re serious about making money from Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. (see more info here)

But what is a Bitcoin exchange, and how can you be sure you sign up to the best Bitcoin exchange? Well, think of Bitcoin exchanges as digital marketplaces for people to buy and sell Bitcoins using different currencies. The Bitcoin can be exchanged for either fiat money (legal tender) or other alternative cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum. The exchange serves as the middleman for traders of the cryptocurrency.

Being able to purchase Bitcoin is the initial step to trading in it. Just like trading a stock, Bitcoin exchanges charge transaction fees, which range from 0 to 1%. In order to trade Bitcoin on an exchange, the user needs to have an account, and go through a series of steps to be verified. Remember that Bitcoin and alternative cryptocurrencies are a completely digital currency, and there are no physical Bitcoins.

However, before plunging in with both feet, users should be aware of what to look for in choosing a Bitcoin exchange for their cryptocurrency transactions. This is analogous to the issues and potential pitfalls in making a choice of where to do your banking, or open an online brokerage account. Furthermore, bear in mind that unlike banks and stock trading, Bitcoin trading is largely unregulated by most countries, although this is changing as its popularity increases.

A good place to start is to look at the virtual coins which are supported by an exchange. With over 4,000 cryptocurrencies, and additional ones being added all the time, it is key to figure out which currencies you want to trade in, and then match the exchange that deals in those. For example, Ethereum mining has recently become more popular, but not all Bitcoin Exchanges support this alternative cryptocurrency.

Language barriers

Next look at the country that is hosting the Bitcoin exchange. Some are in less regulated countries, and there may be additional problems if something goes awry. This can include time differences, international long distance costs, and language barriers. In general, it’s preferable to find an exchange that speaks your language.

Additionally, pay close attention to the fees levied. While all these exchanges charge transaction fees – after all, they are businesses looking to make a profit – as the user, it is obviously best to find one with the lowest costs in order to maximize your own profits.

Now that we know the features to look for in the best Bitcoin exchanges, let’s move on to pick out our particular favorities. (I personally use and recommend Coinbase).

  1. Coinbase

This is a US-based exchange which was founded in 2012, and it supports over 32 countries. Coinbase exchanges Bitcoin and the alternative cryptocurrencies of Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin, and it’s the largest of the exchanges, claiming $150 billion (£112 billion) in currency exchanged. In 2014 Coinbase created GDAX, the Global Digital Asset Exchange which was developed for professionals with high volumes of trading. Since June 29th, GDAX is now Coinbase Pro with some improvements, and visiting GDAX site will redirect you to Coinbase Pro.

The firm offers a mobile wallet, offline storage, and insurance protection for currency stored on its servers. Coinbase supports several fiat currencies: British Pounds, US Dollars, Euros, Canadian Dollars, Australian Dollars and Singapore Dollars.

The Coinbase exchange has a 1% flat fee for each purchase, while cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals are done without any fees. A streamlined user interface which is ideal for novice traders – and fast trades – makes Coinbase a popular exchange with traders.

2. Gemini Exchange

Gemini Exchange is another US-based outfit founded by the Winklevoss twins – the pair who sued Mark Zuckerberg over social networking, and were awarded $65 million (£48 million), which they put to use as venture capitalists. This exchange is based in New York, and is available in 49 US states, as well as the Puerto Rico, Canada, UK, Singapore, South Korea and Hong Kong.

Gemini’s only supported fiat currency is US dollars, and it trades Bitcoin, Ethereum and Zcash. Gemini does not charge deposit or withdrawal fees, and has a 1% fee (depending on your 30 day trading volume – thee fee will go down as your trading volume increases) for trades, to both the buyer and the seller.

Another advantage of Gemini is that it’s a New York state limited liability trust company, and is regulated by New York’s Department of Financial Services. Close proximity to the Wall Street financial markets allows the company to easily provide a bridge from more traditional investments to newer cryptocurrency markets, for both individual and institutional investors.

Gemini is also notable in that it accepts ACH transfers for fast access to money for trades. A potential downside is that the interface is not particularly novice-friendly. In September 2018, Gemini launched a stablecoin called Gemini Dollar, which you can convert to US Dollars and vice versa in your Gemini account.

3. Changelly

Changelly is a cryptocurrency exchange with support for many more virtual currencies than most, including Monero, Dash, Bytecoin, and DigitalNote among others. If you are mining a less popular currency, chances are that Changelly can exchange it for you.

This exchange comes from the popular mining platform MinerGate which provides a merged mining pool across Windows, Mac, Linux and Android operating systems. While Changelly focuses on exchanges between different cryptocurrencies, users can also purchase cryptocurrency with US Dollars or Euros.

Note that this exchange has a shorter track record, as it only entered the market in 2016. Exchange fees are 0.5% on transactions.



How to make living promoting online ClickBank Products

I think ClickBank University is the starting point, but read on…

If you’re wondering what are the keys to running a successful online marketing business, we’ll share them with you really quickly here:

1. You want to have a good product or service…the better received it is by your market the better you’ll do.
2. The platform you use to reach your audience should be one that is easily accessible…think Amazon, they do this very well.
3. You want a starving audience, not literally…but hungry enough that they are ready to devour what it is that you are offering them.

Sounds pretty simple, right?

#1 OFFER       CB Cash Code

It is, especially once you know how to piece this all together and this week we’re having two special guests to show you how you can make it work…
Tie all 3 of these steps above together to help increase your chances of creating a successful, online business.
We’ve been trying to get Ty Cohen & Mike Balmaceda to share their CONFIDENTIAL online business formula that they used to generate 22k in under two hours…
… And they wouldn’t release it to ANYONE… until NOW.

The CB Passive Income License Has Been The Turnkey System To Make Money Online For The Past 5 Years…
Introducing Version 5.0


This Wednesday, November 7th at 9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific, they’re spilling the beans and they’ve offered to show you exactly how they do it. Join us here >>>

Here’s the catch…they don’t want too many people to catch on, so make sure to get in right now while you still can.

During this workshop, you’ll learn how to make more, while working less.

  • No, you don’t need your own product…
  • You don’t need any SEO, Google Ads, Websites, Email Lists, upfront cash..
  • You don’t need ANY of that!
  • It doesn’t matter where you live, how old you are, or how much experience you have!
If you’re tired of working a full-time job, OR if you’re just looking for a new and HOT way to generate income from home, make sure to register for the workshop now!

#3 OFFER –   From Beginner to Super Affiliate – Spend 5 min with TOP ClickBank Earner

PS: As always, spots fill up fast!But don’t worry we’ll have more soon if you missed it out…

Click Here to Register and Get Invitation For The Workshop


Revealed: The Secrets our Clients Used to Earn $3 Billion



How to Find Email Address Source

How To Trace an Email Address

Trace an email address in the most popular programs like Microsoft Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, by finding the header.

What Is an Email Header

Each email you receive comes with headers. The headers contain information about the routing of the message and the originating Internet Protocol address of the message. Not all electronic messeges you receive will allow you to track them back to the originating point and depending on how you send messages determines whether or not they can trace an email address back to you. The headers don’t contain any personal information. At most, the results of the trace will show you the origination IP and the computer name that sent the email. After viewing the trace information, the initiating IP can be looked up to determine from where the message was sent. IP address location information DOES NOT contain your street name, house number, or phone number. The trace will most likely determine the city and the ISP the sender used.

How Do I Get The Header to Start the Email Trace Process?

Each electronic messaging program will vary as to how you get to the message options. I’ll cover the basics to start the trace…the rest is up to you.

You can see that no matter the program, the headers are usually just a right click away.

I’ve Got the Header, Now How Do I Start The Trace?

The next step is to paste the header data into our Email Header Analyzer Tool. Our tool should return the IP attached to the initiating point. However, there are exceptions to this. You’ll have to look at the information logically to deduce the originating IP.

Can You Trace any Email Address?

Yes and No. For example, someone who sends a message to your hotmail account shows in the X-Originating IP section of the headers. However, someone who sends you a message from GMail will ONLY trace back to Google IP addresses.

We’ve got more information in our Trace An Email questions and answers area.

Find the Person Behind an Email Address

Written by Amit Agarwal )

You have received an email from a person with whom you have never interacted earlier and thus, before you take the conversation forward, you would like to do some research on the Internet to know more about that person. How do you do this without directly asking the other person?

Cell phone number tracker >>> click here

Google is the most obvious place for performing reverse email lookups (just Google for the email address) but if that person doesn’t have a website or if they have never used their email address on public forums, Google will be of little help.

No worries. If you only know the email address of a person and nothing more, here are some ways that may help you uncover the identity of that unknown email sender.

How to do Reverse Email Search

#1. Find the sender’s location

Location of Email Sender Open the header of the email message and look for lines that say “Received: from” and are followed by an IP address in square brackets. If there are multiple entries, use the IP address mentioned in the last entry.

Now paste the IP address in this trace route tool and you should get a fairly good idea about the approximate location of the email sender.

#2. Reverse email search with Facebook

Facebook has a billion users and the likelihood is therefore high that the sender may also have a profile on Facebook.

Unlike LinkedIn and most other social networks, Facebook lets you search users by email address so that should make your job simpler. Just paste the email address of the person into the search box and Facebook will instantly tell you if a profile exists with that email address or not.

Telephone Area Codes – locator and complete guide for North America

This website provides a list of locations for all area codes in the USA, Canada and several Caribbean Islands. These codes are all regulated by the North American Numbering Plan Administration NANPA.

Listed on our main pages are towns and cities with population of over 6,000 with some exceptions. For overlay telephone codes (area codes introduced to cover an existing code) we list larger cities, generally over 20,000 population. Major cities of over 50,000 people are highlighted in bold text.

In addition, you can search for the area code(s) covering a certain city/town. In this search we include the vast majority of towns and cities regardless of population.



All in one profits – AIOP – teamwork and relationship.

How to turn your leads into sales (Hint: NOT by “selling”)

That’s the main reason why so many network marketers fail!  They are doing it wrong. (part content of this post by Rob Williams)

Stop Selling…
Yes, stop selling your offer or opportunity.


People like to buy, but no one likes to be sold.  Life is about helping and giving to others…

When you establish relationship with others you create what every successful marketer
have:  Know, Like, and Trust

Be sincere about helping others get what they want.  Provide valuable free or low cost marketing
tools and resources that have proven to work to help others get what they want.







When you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want!

(Zig Ziglar)

How To Have More Financial Freedom.

Discover how you can succeed online without recruiting and selling if you don’t like it (as many people do).  Get access to this Free 100% Done for You System. 

Does this scenario sound familiar?

You have been doing it tough for years trying to find enough money to have a decent
life for yourself and family by being in a job that overworks you and underpays you.

So you decided to try and work online where apparently people are making thousand
of dollars of easy money.

First you tried a M l M business and worked your butt off for months but ended up spending
more money than you made and completely burnt yourself out.

Next you tried a few online businesses that promised the world but always failed
to deliver and giving you the same results as your previous efforts.

This is a sad but very familiar story, truth is only 3% ever succeed in that space.

Don’t ever give up the dream.

Consider forex trading, a 5 trillion dollar/day business.

Right about now your probably thinking that I am a crazy man and out of my mind
for suggesting that to you.

Rather than me go in to heaps of details, let me put this in front of you.

A fully managed, automated and hands-free trading account, that does all the work for you.

You don’t send them money to trade with, that stays in your own account.
Minimum amount to start trading is only $200.

If you don’t have $200 in your possession, we will show you how you can earn hundreds,
maybe thousands of dollars at no cost to you.

Money which you can later fund your trading, when you think that you are ready.

If you’re excited by this idea and starting to dream again, access the free portal
and see for yourself.

Questions? Email me, text me.
skype: grinyuri
Yuri Grin
