Best Bitcoin Wallets of 2020

Best Bitcoin Wallets of 2020

Best Bitcoin Wallets of 2020

The best Bitcoin wallets for safe and secure storage (By  Updated Oct 25, 2020).

Since Bitcoin’s emergence it 2009 it has become the first thing people think about when the word crypto or blockchain comes up. While cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are highly volatile, they don’t seem to go away. One Bitcoin is still worth thousands of dollars today. As cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin continue to exist or even appreciate in value, individuals may become interested in owning some, but it’s important to understand how to safely store Bitcoin.

To accommodate those looking to safely invest in Bitcoin, we have assembled a list of the best Bitcoin wallets and storage devices. Some of these wallets have more features than others, including the ability to store more cryptocurrencies than just Bitcoin, as well as added security measures. This list goes in no particular order other than having hot wallets come first, but that does not mean hot wallets are better. To learn about the differences in specific wallet types, such as hot and cold wallets, you can check below this list for detailed information.

For now, you can think of hot wallets as a less secure way to make transactions quickly and cold wallets as a more secure way to store for longer terms, though we do recommend that you understand these concepts entirely before choosing a wallet, as safe storage is key.

Best Bitcoin Wallets of 2020

  • Exodus: Best Hot Wallet for Beginners
  • Electrum: Best Hot Wallet for Advanced Users
  • Mycelium: Best Hot Wallet for Mobile Users
  • Ledger Nano X: Best Hardware Wallet (Cold Wallet)
  • Trezor Model T: Best Hardware Wallet For a Large Number of Cryptocurrencies (Cold Wallet)
  • Ledger Nano S: Best Bang For Your Buck Hardware Wallet (Cold Wallet)

This post can be useful for those who are in online programs get paid commissions in BTC.

#1 Online Program I recommend – WSA

How to find Best Bitcoin Wallets of 2020

  • Type of wallet: Hot Wallet
  • Purchase cost: Free
  • Compatible with hardware wallet: Trezor
  • Incorporated exchange: Yes

Exodus is a desktop and mobile wallet with a very simple user interface and an exchange built-in. One of Exodus’s most popular features is the ability to swap between a growing number of cryptocurrencies. Exodus currently allows for swaps between over 100 different cryptocurrencies.

With its simplicity, this wallet is great for beginners just getting into the crypto space. It also has great support, which is an essential feature for beginners getting into what many would consider a confusing market.

While it is great for beginners, more advanced users may find it lacking in some features. First, Exodus is a closed source wallet. This goes against the ethos of the idea of Bitcoin and blockchain and can create some security concerns as its code is not open for everyone to see. Instead, users rely on the Exodus team to ensure there are no holes in the security of its wallet.

Exodus has an option to set custom fees in addition to automatically setting a fee that ensures the transaction completes quickly.


  • Huge variety of cryptocurrencies
  • Built-in exchange
  • Good customer support


  • Closed source software

Exodus Wallet

Exodus is a well-established software wallet that allows users to store and exchange cryptocurrency assets. Exodus is available on desktop and mobile, however, is it safe to use? Software wallets have 1 major drawback, so how will this one fare against its competitors?

Check out this Exodus review to find out.

Disclaimer. This is to be used for information purposes only. None of its content should be treated as financial or investment advice. While we may receive compensation from some of the products we review, you do not incur any extra charge whatsoever for using our content and clicking external links. Caution: Any form of trading involves significant risk of loss to your capital.

Register with us in WSA

Find your Best Bitcoin Wallets of 2020

You will start earn crypto and there will be a need in Exodus Wallet.



Henry Ford

Henry Ford

This man chose your future for you?

I want to introduce you to someone.

Henry Ford

Henry Ford

Meet Henry Ford. The man that created your life…

What do I mean by that?

Well, although most people know him for being the founder of Ford Motor Company…

He was also one of the very first to standardize the 9 to 5 workday.

And because millions of companies still follow this same model – he essentially created life as most people know it. Pretty influential right?

Now. Because it’s been almost 100 years since Henry Ford made the 9 to 5 mainstream…

Many say that the model is out of date. And even go as far as saying that working a 9 – 5 can be an absolute nightmare.
But is it true?

Well, today I’m going to share with you three reasons some people struggle working in a 9 – 5 job. And also if there’s something you can do instead…

So read on and see if you can relate.

#1 Your Internal Body Clock

Most people I know are either night people, or morning people – but not both.

Which one are you?

Well, if you’re an “early bird”, you probably get more things done in the early hours of the morning (like 6 or 7 am) – but by the afternoon, you need to rest a little, recover and recharge.

And if you’re a “night owl”, you’ll probably want to press snooze as many times as possible – but then when evening comes around you suddenly become very creative and you can work all through the night…

Now, there’s nothing wrong with being either of these. But here’s the problem.

At a 9 – 5, you have to work around the company’s schedule – not yours.

So even if you’re better in the morning, you can’t just arrive at 6AM and leave at 2PM.

It just doesn’t work.

#2 Your Goals

The cost of living 100 years ago is very different to that of today.

Wouldn’t you agree?

While all you needed back then was one job…

For most people, one job isn’t enough. Sometimes two isn’t enough!

So even if you want to live modestly, usually you can’t do it on 9 – 5 paychecks.

And that’s the problem. Because we as human beings always have goals.

We are always aiming for better.

So I want you to think about your goals for a moment.

Do you want to live in a nice neighborhood in a nice comfortable home?

Do you want to travel around the world?

Do you want to own all the latest gadgets without having to feel guilty for spending some money on yourself?

Chances are, if you have any of these goals or other worthwhile goals, a 9 to 5 is not the vehicle that’s going to get you there.

Maybe 100 years ago it would be. But not today.

#3 Your Personality

We’re all different, and some people just won’t get along.

And when you have a 9 to 5, this is a problem.

Because you can’t really choose who you work with.

Often, you just have to talk to that toxic coworker.

And oftentimes, you just have to work with a group that you don’t gel with…

In fact, I remember having a major clash with my boss when I used to work at the grocery store.

He was such a jerk to me. And after one big fight, I decided just couldn’t go through that anymore. And I quit 9 – 5  jobs forever.

Anyway. After looking at these three reasons, here’s a question for you…

Henry Ford

Have You Also Grown Out of The 9 to 5 Model?

Of course everyone is at a different point in their life…

But if your answer was yes, and if you want to keep growing without a regular 9 to 5 job…

You’ll need something else to get to your destination.

Now if you’ve been following my work for a while, you’ll know I have multiple free trainings that help people get started on their first High-Income Skill.

And who knows. Maybe this is what you’ve been looking for:

Here is one of the amazing way online to break out of their 9 to 5 schedule.

It won’t happen overnight.

“What If I Don’t Want To Work A 9-5 job?”

So start your adventure from here >>



Do you need to be smart to succeed?

Do you need to be smart to succeed?

Do you need to be smart to succeed?

Some people believe you have to be really smart to make it.

They say.

“You have to know something no one else does to be successful.”


“You have to come up with a unique business idea.”

But is that the truth?

Can you really only be successful if you are also smart?

Well… before I let you know what I think, let me share with you a short story…(this post is generated out of Dan Lok ideas)

Back in my early 20s, just a little after I first got started in business, I would attend this elite mastermind that my mentor Alan Jacques was a part of…

And while everyone would sit in a circle talking about very their large business problems – I would sit far back in the corner intimidated.

“I don’t even know what they’re talking about.” 

“No wonder they’re so successful.”

But I kept going.

And after a while, the strangest thing happened.

I started understanding what they were talking about. And I started to get comfortable around them.

And then it hit me.

Even though these guys were 10x more successful than me…

It was impossible they could be 10x smarter than me.

And they couldn’t possibly be 10x more hardworking than me too.

So it didn’t matter to me anymore if I was the smartest or not.

All that mattered was my attitude towards success.

Because I realized…

Success Is More About Attitude Than IQ

I can see why people think that you have to be super smart to be successful…

When you look at Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates, it seems like they’re all successful because of how smart they are.

But what about all the other smart people in the world?

What about 99.99% of smart people that never make it?

If success was about IQ, why aren’t they also successful?

You see, I believe that what really matters is not your IQ – but your attitude.

It’s true that Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates are smart.

But would they be anywhere near where they are today if they didn’t also work hard, remain persistent, and learn from other people?

I don’t think so.

And that’s what many people overlook.

There are so many talented and gifted people out there that never achieve anything in their life – simply because they are too lazy.

And because they have the wrong attitude.

When I was getting started, I can tell you right now – I wasn’t at all talented at what I do.

I’m not a native English speaker, I’m not naturally good at speaking, and I was definitely not naturally good at writing.

But because I had the right attitude. And because I worked harder than anyone else – I made it.

If you do the same, who knows what you’ll be able to achieve…

Keep learning and keep growing.

Do you need to be smart to succeed?

Here is one way to start growing and help others >>

How you understand that you don't need to be smart to succeed?

Interview Question: “What Are Your Weaknesses?” And You Say, “…”
(with Dan Lok)

Register with our WESA community – Here is one way to start growing and help others >>



Nest Egg

Nest Egg

nest egg

WESA Tokens are the hot property in the Crypto Space.

These are Tokens associated with the We Share Abundance (WSA) economy and have grown from about 5 cents 12 months ago to around $245.23 each today (see price here).

The best thing is that they are forecast to double each month for the next few months.

You can buy these on the Waves.exchange right now but better still you can join We Share Abundance and get them FREE!

Stake Pools for a Guaranteed minimum 50% return on a 30 day contract and you will start to build your nest egg today.

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You can get started FREE (but better if you have from $2 to $100 to deposit for a 50% a month profit).

Here you can create your nest egg

You don’t need to be a crypto expert…

Nest Egg

Just follow these simple steps..

Register HERE >>> 

… or subscribe to my personal support (recommended) – Click HERE
(you will get my emails explaining everything in more details, you can contact me if you don’t know how to buy crypto, exchange them etc.)

Verify your email (you can’t log in until you do this).

Check spam folders if not in your inbox and if you still have trouble put in a support ticket.

From the dropdown menu in your office select “Pool Options”

Choose the Pools you wish to enter and add them to the cart (Pools must be entered in order). If you choose all 6 Pools (Only $125, if you pay with wesa tokens then only $100) and stake within 48 hours of registration you will get an instant $25 cash back reward.

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Paypal is fastest and easiest if you don’t have crypto (it’s better to buy crypto, for example from Coinbase).

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If you already hold some crypto assets you can select to use them with the Coinpayment options. Time about 20 minutes to complete.

If you are experienced in trading Crypto then you can buy WESA Tokens in the Waves.exchange and upload them to your WSA Wallet and stake pools with them. Time, can take up to 8 hours.

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Accumulate all the Tokens you can now because by this time next year they are likely to be worth thousands of dollars each!

This is how you create your nest egg!

Start now, click the image, open your account, read FAQ and testimonials.

Contact me after you registered with WSA. Use Skype: yurigrin

contact@yurigrin.com   or Telegram   https://t.me/YuriGrin




Join here >>





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What is the difference between Coins and Tokens

What is the difference between Coins and Tokens

What is the difference between Coins and Tokens

Coins are any cryptocurrency that has a standalone independent blockchain (Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, …)

– Altcoins are considered as coins that are not Bitcoin.

– Tokens are cryptocurrencies that do not have their own blockchain but live on another blockchain.

Entering the cryptocurrency market can be a complicated and daunting task. You may have heard of Bitcoin, but what about the other thousands of coins and blockchain projects out there?

To obtain a better grasp of the crypto markets, it’s easiest to classify cryptocurrencies into two distinct categories: coins and tokens.


Coins refer to any cryptocurrency that has a standalone, independent blockchain — like Bitcoin.

These cryptocurrencies are bootstrapped from scratch, and the broader network is designed explicitly to achieve a certain goal. For example, Bitcoin exists as a censorship-resistant store of value and medium of exchange that has a secure, fixed monetary policy. The native token of Bitcoin, BTC (i.e., bitcoins), is the most liquid cryptocurrency in the market and has both the highest market cap and realized market cap in the cryptocurrency sector.

Coin projects typically draw inspiration from past technologies or other cryptocurrencies and fuse them into an innovative network catering to a specific purpose.

Another example of a coin, Ethereum’s Ether (ETH) is the native coin of a smart contracts platform for creating general-purpose computer programs that run on a decentralized blockchain. Rather than focusing on financial data, Ethereum focuses on arbitrary program data that can cover anything from games to social media. Ether is used for sending/receiving, managing assets, paying gas fees, and interacting with decentralized applications (dapps) on the network.



Tokens are a unique outlay of broader smart contracts platforms like Ethereum that enable users to create, issue, and manage tokens that are derivatives of the primary blockchain.

For example, the ICO craze of 2017 was fueled by Ethereum’s ERC-20 token standard, which is basically a protocol for creating tokens (besides ETH) on the Ethereum blockchain that can be exchanged with each other. Projects would announce or build an application on Ethereum using smart contracts, and issue a native token for use in that application, raising funds directly from investors in ETH in the process.

Tokens occupy a unique corner of the cryptocurrency market where they function as “utility” tokens within an application’s ecosystem for incentivizing certain behavior or paying fees. For example, the popular ERC-20 token Dai is part of the MakerDAO dapp on Ethereum. MakerDAO is a way for users to access credit instruments like lending/borrowing using Dai, which is designed to be stable. ERC-20 tokens like Dai can be exchanged for any other ERC-20 token or other Ethereum-based standards (i.e., ERC-721), including the ETH coin.

As a result, tokens exist as application-specific tokens within a coin’s broader cryptocurrency/blockchain network, like Dai existing within Ethereum’s ecosystem.

Other tokens besides Dai include Maker (MKR), 0x, Augur (REP), Komodo (KMD), and Golem (GNT).


Coins need to be exchanged with each other through cryptocurrency exchanges because they are built on different, non-standardized code protocols. Conversely, tokens on Ethereum (e.g., ERC-20) can be exchanged through internal applications amongst each other with minimal friction because they are built on standardized code protocols.

Approaching cryptocurrency markets is a challenging task, but understanding the basic distinction between the various types of cryptocurrencies can help you manage risk and make better decisions in a volatile ecosystem.

What is the difference between Coins and Tokens

See how I stake WESA tokens here >> with good monthly results

How to understand what is the difference between Coins and Tokens

Click HERE to start on the path to financial independence>



Asana Siddhasana

Asana Siddhasana

One of the most popular meditation postures is Siddhasana.

The Sanskrit name means “Perfect Pose,” because one attains perfection in Yoga by meditating in this position.

The positions of the legs and the hands also contain the body energies by closing the circuits and allowing awakened vital forces to remain in the system during meditation practice.

Asana Siddhasana

Sit down with both legs outstretched.
Bend the left knee and place the sole of the left foot against the right thigh so that the heel touches the perineum. Bend the right knee and put the right heel against the public bone.
Place your hands in gyana mudra: join the thumb and forefinger of each hand, and extend the other three fingers.
Rest your hands on your knees with the palms facing up. The spine should always be held erect.
This is Siddhasana.
Once this has been mastered, it is truly a comfortable position for meditation practice/ Breathe smoothly and naturally as you hold the pose. When you sit on the posture, think: “I am as firm as a rock”. Give this suggestion to the mind half a dozen times. To exit, slide your right foot forward off your left foot, then draw your right knee up/ rotating from your hip. Do the same with your left knee, and then straighten both legs.
Start by sitting in the pose for half an hour and gradually increase the period.
See how to perform other asanas – click here
For example: Yoga for back pain https://youtu.be/TQzettf9Y08
Here you can see basic daily yoga chart – sun salutation
Asana Siddhasana

2 basic steps to Yoga:

1) Asana Siddhasana for meditation

2) Surya Namaskar – daily morning exercise – Sun Salutation

The Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar steps are performed in a flowing motion as a way to warm up the body and increase blood circulation.
Every sun salutation step is linked to an inhale or exhale, the inhales focusing on lengthening and extending, and the exhales on bending and strengthening.
The key to the sun salutation steps is the fluent motion in which you perform this sequence of poses. You should not stay still, so even if the explanation seems long, it is important you perform every part – and in between every part – in a flowing motion.
The Sun Salutation Pose can be done by:
1. Start by standing tall with your arms relaxed to the sides. Your feet can be together or hip-distance apart. Take a couple of breaths here, before starting flowing to find an equal inhale and exhale. You want to try to maintain the same length of the breath throughout the sequence.
2. On the next inhale, circle the arms upwards towards the ceiling, gazing up towards your thumbs.
3. Then exhale, as you draw the abdomen in and fold forward, as you circle the arms all the way down to the ground. If you need you can bend the knees so that your hands can rest on the floor. Keep the head heavy.
4. Inhale again and lengthen the spine halfway up, so your torso is parallel to the floor and gazes forward. If needed your fingers can lift up from the ground here so that your spine can completely straighten.
5. Now place the palms of your hands on the floor, bending the knees if you need as you exhale and step or lightly jumping back into the plank pose. On the same exhale bend the elbows and lower the body halfway down, keep gazing forward.
6. Then inhale, as you roll over your toes and bring your chest forward and up, straightening your arms. Press your feet into the floor, as you keep the abdomen in and chest opening.
7. Exhale, rolling over your toes and lifting your hips up and back towards the downward-facing dog pose. Keep your abdomen drawing in and allow the front of your shoulders to open, gaze back towards your belly.
8. Inhale and slowly walk, step or jump your feet towards your hands, as you lift the chest halfway up, gazing forward. The abdomen is drawing in and again if needed, allow your fingertips to lift from the floor.
9. Then exhale again and fold forward from the hips, dropping the weight of your head down. Keeping a slight bend in the knees.
10. Then, on an inhale, circle the arms up as you come all the way back up to standing and gaze up towards your thumbs, palms together.
11. Exhale, circle the arms back down alongside your body.
12. You can repeat this another three or five rounds until you feel warmed up and ready to approach some of the other poses.
CAUTIONS Read the following cautions to stay safe: • If you are concerned about anything of this pose, please contact your physician on whether this practice is good for you.
MAKING THE POSE EASIER • You can always begin by trying out the tutorials for the individual poses, and then, once you feel confident with these, link them together with flowing breath. So first try the video tutorials for the Mountain Pose, the Standing Forward Bend Pose, the Plank Pose, the Low Plank Pose, the Cobra Pose, and the Downward-facing Dog Pose.



Sadhguru about Life and Death

Sadhguru about Life and Death

For one who is aware, life and death are not separate occurrences – rather, Sadhguru explains, they exist in every breath and every moment.

Those who do not embrace death will never know life.

Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference.

An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.

Jaggi Vasudev (born 3 September 1957), known publicly as Sadhguru, is an Indian yogi and author. Vasudev earned a bachelor’s degree in English.

  • World Records as the “Largest Bust Sculpture” in the world. Designed by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, it weighs around 500 tonnes (490 long tons; 550 short tons)

Sadhguru about Life and Death

Sadhguru about Life and Death

Jaggi Vasudev (born 3 September 1957),[2] known publicly as Sadhguru,[2][a] is an Indian yogi and author.[6][7][8]

Vasudev earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Mysore and has been teaching yoga in southern India since 1982. In 1992, he established Isha Foundation near Coimbatore, which runs an ashram, hosts a yoga centre, and has been involved in various activities in spirituality, education, and the environment.

Vasudev is the author of several books, including Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy (2016). As a public speaker he has spoken at the United Nation‘s Millennium World Peace Summit, the British parliament’s House of Lords, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the International Institute for Management Development. He has also spoken at the annual World Economic Forum in 2007, 2017 and 2020.

In 2017, he was awarded the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second highest civilian award, by the Government of India for his services in social services.

Help to grow the Community – WESA and money will follow you!



Bitcoin 5 Biggest Myths

Bitcoin 5 Biggest Myths

Bitcoin 5 Biggest Myths

Debunking Bitcoin’s 5 Biggest Myths.

Whether you believe in bitcoin as a transformative innovation or not, there’s no denying that it’s a phenomenal success.

Starting from nothing in 2009, with wild swings along the way, bitcoin recently reached a new all-time high of $19,850.

To put that into perspective, $1,000 invested in bitcoin in 2010 would be worth a staggering $172,000,000-plus by now. That’s not a typo.

If you had invested that same $1,000 in the S&P 500, your investment would be worth only $2,500.

But with this immense success comes enormous myths as well. And these myths continue to dog this nascent asset, somewhat keeping it down even as it gains solid institutional, smart-money support.

So what are these misconceptions that are keeping investors from having more clear-eyed perspective on it’s potential?

In this week’s exclusive report, Debunking Bitcoin’s 5 Biggest Myths, Steven Ehrlich, Forbes resident crypto expert, debunks these myths and provides no-nonsense explanations to set the record straight.

  • Bitcoin has no intrinsic value
  • Bitcoin is NOT secure
  • Bitcoin is too volatile?
  • Bitcoin is only used by criminals
  • … or worse, Bitcoin is illegal

These misconceptions stand to keep investors from making informed decisions about their financial future.

Learn more about Bitcoin 5 Biggest Myths

Bitcoin 5 Biggest Myths

There are many common misconceptions that newbies to the Bitcoin world have.

If you’re a Bitcoin newbie/beginner, it’s important for you to constantly learn so you can become a more responsible participant in the Bitcoin ecosystem. After all, choosing Bitcoin is opting out of a traditional financial system, and with that increased freedom and sovereignty, comes more responsibility as well.

In this new Top 5 video, Adrian will share his top 5 biggest misconceptions that he sees beginners often having. Topics range from divisibility, anonymity, usage, and more!

If you’re curious to learn more just give this video a watch and subscribe to watch more in the future!

That’s why we’re here to share the right answers in REPORT.

We hope you find it useful.

Click here to down  load report




New signups to your email list

New signups to your email list

Do you want more online success? More signups and sales for your online business or program?
(post from Matthew Graves, watch the video below)

If so, then there is one thing that you absolutely need to make that happen.

More attention from your ideal prospects! You need to get potential buyers to read your ads, visit your website, and take action on your offers.

I have been coaching online entrepreneurs for decades. I have seen a lot of successes and a lot of failures. If you asked me what the biggest difference is between those who fail and those who succeed, I would have a simple answer.

Those who succeed were able to generate more visitors to their offers on a consistent basis than those who failed.

My most successful affiliates and coaching clients all have this in common. They generate 10,000 or more visitors to their offers every week and that generally translates into over 100 new signups weekly. Most of them do it with free traffic sites, like safelists.

If you are getting 100 new signups to your email list every week, then your chances of getting some of them to buy your product are much higher than if you are only getting 10 signups per week.

High levels of quality traffic = High numbers of responsive subscribers = Sales

It’s a simple formula.

That is why I run 30 different sites that are focused on getting more traffic and attention on your offers.

It is also why I have continually reinvented those sites to deliver the best quality and quantity of traffic possible.

Three weeks ago, I debuted the newest evolution of our traffic generating platform with the launch of Evolved Traffic. It is a safelist-like ad site that delivers high traffic WITHOUT sending you hundreds of emails per day. Instead, it has 6 different ways to get your ads seen and clicked.

The new platform has worked like a charm, delivering TWICE THE VISITORS for the same amount of credits and effort.

One by one, I am moving my other safelist sites to the new platform. Tomorrow (Monday) at Noon, Your Viral Traffic will become the second site in the network that runs on the new platform.

This will be a big launch and will add over 1,000 new members to the site in the next couple of weeks. That will be lots of members to look at your ads … if you join us.

As a member of my audience, you are getting an opportunity to get in ahead of everyone else and join my JV Launch Team. All you need to do is to upgrade to Premium Membership at Your Viral Traffic before the launch at Noon on Monday. (check your calendar, may be you are not late)

Building an audience of people who know, like and trust you is essential to creating a consistent, profitable online business.

The BEST way to get started doing that is still with email marketing, especially in the affiliate and online marketing niche.

Over the next 30 days, I am going to take you on a journey to getting the first 250 members on your email list using free tools and free traffic sources.

It is going to take time, but very little money to get started. Each day, I will show you exactly what I am doing, step by step, and the results I am getting from my efforts.

You will see as I figure out what offers to make and which traffic sources are generating the results. Let’s go on this journey together!

New signups to your email list

New signups to your email list

Do you know where you can apply you list building skills? – Click here or image above.
