I went sober for 1000 days as a productivity experiment – here’s the biggest lessons I learned when I cut alcohol out of my life. What are the main benefits of going sober? Does going sober make dating harder? How does alcohol affect productivity? How does alcohol affect sleep? Is it difficult to stay social when you’re not drinking? And lots of other things.
Alcohol and Cardioprotection
Alcohol and Cardioprotection: Enduring Truth or Myth That Won’t Die?
If you’re a cardiologist and you’ve ever been to a wedding, dinner party, or some other setting where alcohol is served, invariably someone will tell you that alcohol, particularly red wine, is good for your heart.
In this setting, you have three options: You can agree with them and move on; disagree with them and get into a potentially contentious argument while you try to explain the complexity of inferring causality from nonrandomized data; or you can change the subject to less risky topics like religion or politics. I usually go with the third option.
Most physicians could be forgiven if they have trouble formulating a coherent recommendation about alcohol for patients. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans states that “if alcohol is consumed, it should be in moderate dozes”
Alcohol and Cardioprotection
Alcohol and Cardioprotection