Advertising Facebook Business Page

Facebook Ads Tutorial 2022 – How To Create Facebook Ads For Beginners (COMPLETE GUIDE)

Advertising Facebook Business Page

How To Create Facebook Ads For Beginners (COMPLETE GUIDE) | Facebook Ads Tutorial 2022

How Advertising Facebook Business Page works in 2022

Advertising Facebook Business Page

Advertising Facebook Business Page

Advertising Facebook Business Page


В данном видео максимально подробно разобран процесс запуска рекламы Фейсбук:

* Какую рекламную цель выбрать

* Как выбрать аудиторию для рекламы

* Как запустить рекламу на сайт

* Как запустить рекламу для интернет магазина

✅ Книга “Поток клиентов из Facebook и Instagram”. Настольная книга для специалистов и предпринимателей – https://aleksandrkalinin.com/book

✅ Пошаговый видеокурс “Прибыльный таргетинг в Facebook и Instagram ” “https://aleksandrkalinin.com/target-f…

✅ 3-х дневный интенсив: “Как регулярно собирать от 25 до 300 человек на мастер-классы, курсы, семинары, воркшопы, тренинги из социальных сетей, без большого бюджета на рекламу, технических сложностей” https://aleksandrkalinin.com/workshop…

✅ Практический 5-ти дневный интенсив “АВТОМАТИЧЕСКАЯ ВОРОНКА НА ВЕБИНАР. ОТ ИДЕИ ДО ПРОДАЖ ЗА 10 ШАГОВ” https://aleksandrkalinin.com/intensiv…

Как настроить рекламу в Instagram в 2022 году. В этом видео мы разберем как выбрать рекламную цель в Фейсбук, ведь появилось 6 новых рекламных целей вместо 11.

Ссылка на рекламный кабинет Фейсбук https://www.facebook.com/adsmanager/

00:49 Как зайти в рекламный кабинет

01:14 Какая логика выбора цели таргетированной рекламы

02:04 Рекламная цель “Узнаваемость”

03:15 Как получать дешевый трафик на сайт

04:36 Как получать подписчиков в Инстаграм

06:05 Как получать заявки от клиентов с рекламы Инстаграм

08:03 Рекламная цель “Продвижение приложений”

08:35 Как получать продажи с рекламы в Инстаграм и Фейсбук

10:15 Алгоритм работы таргетированной рекламы Фейсбук

Drink 8 glasses of the Right Water a Day!





Enagic K8 Installation and Operation

Enagic K8 Installation and Operation

This is a video showing the setting up and operations of Enagic’s K8 model.

Enagic K8 Installation and Operation

Enagic K8 Installation and Operation

Now it’s the time to drink some ionized water:

How to Install a New K8 Enagic Kangen Water Ionizer

If you need more details, please email: now2drink@gmail.com

Enagic K8 Installation and Operation

How to professionally deep clean Enagic LeveLuk (K8)



Where there is a will there is a way

Where there is a will there is a way

Learn English Idioms: Where there’s a will, there’s a way

Where there is a will there is a way

Picture from freepik.com

Written by Terry Barakat

Where there’s a will, there’s a way means if someone really wants to do something, they will find a way to do it, even if there are things that make it hard to do. This may be used in a positive sense, such as talking about a tireless worker who gets a hard job done. It can also be used in a negative sense, like when talking about a drug addict who will do anything to get their drugs. It is a 400-year old proverb (a short, common saying or expression that gives advice or shares a universal truth).

Here are two examples from the Corpus of Contemporary American English.

  • From the Life without Pants blog:

“I’ll Never Go Back to School” (2012): “I have no doubt that if obtaining your Masters is something that you want to do — you WILL do it… If there’s a will, there’s a way. No doubt you’ll find the way.”

  • In an interview, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives John Boehner (2011) noted this about the two major political parties in the U.S.:

“Where is it that we can stand together? It’s not easy to find sometimes. But I do think that where there’s a will, there’s a way. I think a lot of people around that room from both political parties are very sincere about trying to solve the problem.”

Where there is a will there is a way

Where there is a will there is a way

English proverb: Where there is a will there is a way



Denzel Washington Motivational Speech

WATCH THIS EVERYDAY AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE – Denzel Washington Motivational Speech 2022

“To protect the sheep, you gotta catch the wolf. And it takes a wolf to catch a wolf, you understand?”

Denzel Washington Motivational Speech

Denzel Washington Motivational Speech

“At the end of the day, it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished. It’s about what you’ve done with those accomplishments. Its about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It about what you’ve given back”

Denzel Washington Motivational Speech

“You pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too. That’s a part of it.”

Denzel Hayes Washington Jr. (born December 28, 1954) is an American actor, director, and producer. Known for his performances on the screen and stage, he has been described as an actor who reconfigured “the concept of classic movie stardom”. He is also known for his frequent collaborations with directors Spike Lee, Antoine Fuqua, and Tony Scott.

List of TOP Movies

Denzel Washington Motivational Speech

“Man gives you the award but God gives you the reward.”

Throughout his career spanning over four decades, Washington has received numerous accolades, including a Tony Award, two Academy Awards, three Golden Globe Awards and two Silver Bears. In 2016, he received the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award, and in 2020, The New York Times named him the greatest actor of the 21st century. In 2022, Washington received the Presidential Medal of Freedom bestowed upon him by President Joe Biden.



Robert Kiyosaki about Huge Inflation Ahead

Robert Kiyosaki: How To Profit From Huge Inflation Ahead (For Beginners)

Robert Kiyosaki about Huge Inflation Ahead

Robert Kiyosaki warns of rising inflation and says that it is here to stay. He elaborates on ways to protect yourself from being wiped out by this coming loss of purchasing power.

Robert Kiyosaki about Huge Inflation Ahead

Robert Kiyosaki about Huge Inflation Ahead

Robert T. Kiyosaki is an American businessman, investor, and best-selling author. One of his most popular books is “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and it’s a great educational tool on the way to financial freedom. Kiyosaki has been known for revealing the truth about money and finances that isn’t taught in any school.

Robert Kiyosaki about Huge Inflation Ahead

Share this video with a friend if you found it useful! Consider subscribing to the channel for videos about investing, business, stock market, managing money, building wealth, passive income, and other finance-related content!

The spread of information and misinformation, like the virus itself, is fast and unpredictable. Many people are confused about what is real and what is not. Today’s guests describe how early treatment, in spite of their success, was not welcomed by public health officials. The news of their promising results was dismissed as soon as it was reported.

Dr. Peter McCullough MD says, “The censorship was early and in the open.” Dr. McCullough explains how in early 2020, Henry Ford Hospital had a public gag order put on the doctors to not speak about advancements with treatment for COVID-19.

Host Robert Kiyosaki and guests John Leake, and Dr. Peter McCullough MD discuss their book “The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex” which is a story of doctors who developed a safe and effective early treatment for COVID-19 and their battle with the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex that suppressed it.

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Morning Meditation Music

10 Minute Morning Meditation Music ~ Start your day off Positive

Morning Meditation Music

In this Morning Meditation start your day off Positive by Connecting with the Ocean and marine life. A beautiful display of what the deep blue has to offer with soothing 432 Hz meditation music. Perfect for a healing process, because your mind is in its most vulnerable state when you wake up. These 10 minutes will make you feel alive, connected, and ready to get a positive and productive day going!

Morning Meditation Music


Morning Meditation Music





What is in your bottled water

What is in your bottled water

Ever wonder what’s lurking in your bottled water? Marketplace asked a lab to test five of the top-selling brands of bottled water in Canada, and microplastics were found in all of them.

What is in your bottled water

Microplastics found in 93% of bottled water tested in global study

What is in your bottled water
Microplastics are the result of the breakdown of all the plastic waste that makes its way into landfills and oceans. The purpose of the study was to establish the presence of the plastics in bottled water. (Fred Dufour/AFP/Getty Images)


What is in your bottled water

The bottled water industry is estimated to be worth nearly $200 billion a year, surpassing sugary sodas as the most popular beverage in many countries. But its perceived image of cleanliness and purity is being challenged by a global investigation that found the water tested is often contaminated with tiny particles of plastic.



Kangen water

Water Filtration Secrets with Enagic.

Your body contains at least 70 percent water.

But what water are you made of?

Not all water is created equal.

So, that’s where water filtration comes in.

For over four decades, Enagic continues to be the leader in manufacturing water-ionization systems. In other words, Enagic’s innovative solutions transform regular tap water into pure, healthy, electrolytically reduced and hydrogen-rich drinking water.

Next up, learn about this Japan-based company. They internationally distribute hundreds of thousands of Kangen Water® machines to homes all over the globe.

Enagic’s Kangen Water® systems enhance nature’s most vital life-source using the latest scientific research and technology, merged with superior Japanese craftsmanship.

Stay tuned to learn more about Enagic’s Kangen Water®.


The human body is comprised of over 70% water. It is no exaggeration to say that “the basis of vitality and long life is water.”
Enagic offers safe water that can be used with confidence to benefit health, beauty, cleaning and cuisine.

Compare the pH (acid/alkaline) levels of common drinks to Kangen Water This is the test to show if the drinks we use on a daily basis are Alkaline or acidic?!!

Kangen water

Kangen water

Kangen water

Does Alkaline Water Actually Improve Your Health?

Dr. Oz investigates the real benefits of alkaline water compared to regular water. Plus, family physician Dr. Jennifer Caudle shares the ingredients in alkaline water. Find out if it actually changes the pH in your blood.

Kangen water



99 percent cannot succeed in MLM

Do you want to try yourself in a good company? – Click HERE >>

99 percent cannot succeed in MLM

99% of People Can’t Succeed… (and How to Fix) – Tim Sales

Ever heard this one?

“99% can’t get even 1 paid member in their network, so Marketing doesn’t work.”
(MLM or Network or Recruiting etc.)

Is that true?

Whenever you say you CAN’T do something (anything), you’re making an excuse

— blaming something else as the reason why.

But you can’t have excuses AND have success…

I’ll say that again:

You can have an excuse or you can have success. You can’t have both.

If you’ve failed at something, there is no value in blaming. In fact, it actually hurts you in the end. If you’re blaming anything, you are literally blocking your own ability to be resourceful.

One of my huge discoveries in life is that “everything is knowable with the right training.”

To the degree you realize that nothing is unknowable, the more able you can become.

It’s just a matter of finding/getting the right training.

And when you realize that, it utterly will set you free!

For people who WILL do the pipeline, Network Marketing works brilliantly.
People who WON’T do the pipeline, they will never succeed.

Simple as that.

99 percent cannot succeed in MLM

Click here to get your FREE training on the PIPELINE, my personal framework for building giant Network Marketing teams: https://pipelineboard.com/

99 percent cannot succeed in MLM

#2 is What creates drive?

Why are some people so much more driven to succeed than others?

Drive comes from two things: Desire and Incentive.

If you have a desire to build your network marketing business and a strong incentive (or reason WHY) to build it, you only need one thing: training.


99 percent cannot succeed in MLM

Tim Sales is a 30-year veteran in Network Marketing.

He’s a million-dollar earner in multiple companies, he’s been interviewed by Larry King and Grant Cardone, and now he’s sharing his knowledge on how to build a successful network marketing business of your own, with real-world examples from his 30-year experience in the industry.

He’s breaking down the industry into little bite-sized pieces, so you have exactly what it takes to really have success in network marketing.

Here is your chance to start with awesome networking company – Click here >

99 percent cannot succeed in MLM
