Benefits of Network Marketing

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Benefits of Network Marketing

The 13 Top Benefits of Network Marketing (by Tim Sales)

#1 – Income Can Be Exponential and Residual

This is a factor that I’ve never seen in any other business. What do I mean by that?

Residual income would be, for example, when you subscribed to an internet service, they get a residual income because you’re paying for that service every single month.

Exponential has to do with the compounding effect of something. It is not purely multiplication. It compounds over time. Let me give you an example.  Exponential means that your internet service would get other internet services for them, or your phone would get other phone services. But phones don’t get phones, and real estate rental properties don’t get more real estate rental properties.

Those businesses give you residual income (the phone company collects a payment from you every month for the phone use, or the landlord gets paid every month for the rental property), but those types of businesses cannot create the exponential income you can get from network marketing.

When you combine those two together, this is what you get: I acquired 40 customers and I now I have 36,953 customers. That’s a 92,000% increase from my effort, when united with a team. I recruited 129 new representatives, and that number turned into 41,000 representatives. That is a 32,000 exponential factor. That is a really, really big deal.

Benefits of Network Marketing
Why Network Marketing? The fact that you can earn both residual income AND exponential income is my number one reason why I have a network marketing business.

#2 – Team Effort

Because I acquired 40 customers, I now know how to get customers, so I become valuable to the person that I bring into the business. That’s how my 40 customers turned into 36,000 customers. That is the team effort.

I make myself unimportant to the generation of my income. That is one of the biggest points of how to create wealth. 

Here’s an example: In real estate, let’s say that you sell a $225,000 house, and you make a $5,000 commission. You’d have to sell ten of them to make $50,000. In the next year, you have to do it again if you want to make $50,000. If you want to make $100,000, you will have to sell 20 of them. It’s all you.

I’m not cutting real estate down in any way. I will never cut down any industry. It is just from my vantage point, after being in a lot of different businesses, that network marketing has the most opportunities for building wealth. I talk about this in another video, Side Hustles That Made Me a Millionaire.  I think team effort is a big part of that.

#3 – Reps, Not Employees

I prefer that the people I work with are not employees. I’ll just leave it at that, because with employees, I have to pay them for whatever they do during working hours, whether they produce anything or not.

#4 – Build from Anywhere

I can build my network marketing business from anywhere in the world. That is really important to me, especially right now in 2020, when it seems like America’s sliding off into the ocean. I like to be able to live where I live. I live up in the mountains, on a farm with a river. I like doing it where I want to.

how to use Benefits of Network Marketing
Working with my beautiful wife, Laura.
We love having the freedom to work anywhere in the world.

#5 – Low Financial Entry and Risk

Low financial entry into it is important to me. I can’t believe that at this point in time, I spent $1,500 to start my business, and now I have a $300 million business under me. That is incredible.

#6 – Own Customers

I own my own customers. When you compare network marketing to other businesses, what you’ll find is that in the other businesses you don’t own the customer. If you’re, for example, an Amazon seller, you don’t own the customer. That means that you acquire them for somebody else. Your acquisition of customers takes the most amount of effort – the most amount of money that is ever spent is to acquire a customer. You’re acquiring customers for another business and you don’t get that upside potential of owning that customer.

Benefits of Network Marketing

#7 – 1099 Income

In a W2 (salary) income, somewhere around 30-40% of your income is taken out before you ever see it coming, because it’s taken right out of your check. The advantage with network marketing is that we have 1099 income. If I want to run ads for my business, the IRS allows me to take that deduction for the money I spent to advertise my business. In a way, it doesn’t cost me anything, because I get it back.

#8 – Geographic Diversification

As a real estate agent, I would have to be in a certain location, and be limited to this location. I like the ability I get in network marketing to make money out of Italy even though I don’t know the Italian language. I like being able to make money out of China and not know any Chinese whatsoever.

#9 – Work With People You Want

what are the main Benefits of Network Marketing
With my friend and business partner, Stephane Page. I like being able to
choose the people that I want to work with.

Working with people that I want was an important one for me when I first started. I remember there were people in the military who were jerks. I don’t know any other word to describe them. I didn’t like to work with them, but if they were also wherever my duty station was, I HAD to work with that person for two years.

I like to choose the people that I want to hang with.

#10 – Money and Time Freedom

Because I’ve been making a six to seven figure income for 31 years, this one is lower on the scale for me. I’ve been able to create wealth, and so have had money and time freedom for years. You can place whatever value you like on this one.

#11 – Easier Transition (Part-Time)

This was a big one for me when I started out. I didn’t know I would be transitioning into a full time effort.  I thought I was just getting money so that I could close on a house. When I first started, I had no idea that it was going to route me into creating wealth.

#12 – Marketing Is Dynamic

This one takes a little bit of an explanation. How do we do network marketing? Some people try to brand us by how we do it.

When I first came into network marketing, somebody said, “Is this one of those things where I have to go door to door?” I said, “No, I’ve never knocked on anybody’s door.” He was trying to put it into that category. Someone else asked, “Is this something where I have to spam my friends?” I said, “No, what are you talking about?”

It doesn’t matter how you want to build, you can build. If I bring somebody into the business and that person owns a postcard business, how am I going to recommend that they generate leads? Postcards. If a doctor comes into the business, how am I going to tell him to build his business? He can send a postcard or an email to his patients and have them come into the office.

It’s dynamic and it’s constantly shifting. I had a lady who specialized in doing expos. Guess how I told her to generate leads? Go to expos. You can never say how we do it because we are always changing and adapting to any opportunity, technology or  situation. When the coronavirus hit, we shifted to Zoom, just like that. How can we do big events? Let’s put them on the internet, do them on Zoom. It’s that aspect of network marketing that I love.

#13 – Availability of Training

application of Benefits of Network Marketing
Hands-on training: putting his feet to the fire.
There’s nothing like training with someone until they CAN do it.

This was number one for me when I first started, but not now, because I don’t need to be trained a whole lot anymore. I had to learn when I first came back into the industry, because back when I started, the fax machine was the blazing speed that we operated with.

But today, it’s the internet. I had to learn social media. I had to learn ads, display ads, Facebook ads and YouTube marketing. The concepts were the same, but they were just placed in different places.

You just don’t get that availability of training everywhere. In real estate, I think you do, because you do have to have a broker sponsor you in order to be accepted and hang your certificate up on their wall. I think there is guidance from that sponsor, but I don’t know how much marketing training there is.

And I want to emphasize: I’m not putting it down or doubting it. I’m just saying that I don’t know how much there is.

I do know that based upon my situation in network marketing, training is getting in there elbow to elbow.

I really want this person to succeed. It helps me. Why wouldn’t I?




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Making Money While Sleeping

Biz Opp


Have you ever pictured the opportunity to shape your destiny? 

A life where you call the shots and live on your own terms?

Are you tired of renting your life out to others?

Are you tired of letting your paycheck regulate what you can Be… what you can Do… and what you can Have?

Does your boring job drain the life out of you?

Well, you are not alone.

Many people have the same dream, but just don’t have the courage to go out and grab life by the reins.

Sure, entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart.

It requires discipline, motivation and investment.

There will be stressors and setbacks.

Yet, the sense of accomplishment you receive is more than worth all of the effort you put into it.

Stop working on someone else’s dream, and pursue your own.

Here are a few more reasons why you should consider being your own boss.

Learn how to get EasyCash4Ads

Work from anywhere

There are days when you just don’t feel like working in the same, cramped cubicle passing by similar faces you see everyday.

Why not work from anywhere?

As an entrepreneur, you get to decide if you want to work at your local coffee shop with any pastry you prefer–so much better than the company cafeteria or vending machine.

The next week, you might be sitting on a beach in Costa Rica with your laptop or skiing and working out of Whistler, B.C.

You can essentially work from any location with Internet access.

Isn’t that a much more exciting prospect?


Biz Opp EasyCash4Ads

Create the salary of your dreams

The only limit to your success are the ones you put on yourself.

At a 9-to-5 job, your employer decides how much you make and whether or not you get a raise.

You might go five years or more without getting any wage increases.

Sure, you might make a comfortable living on a predictable salary–but, in today’s world, you never know if your company may go under or you get laid off.

You might work over 80 hours a week and save every penny.

Yet, you might also be divorced with kids and a mortgage.

As an entrepreneur, you can set your salary.

You might decide, “I need $4,000 a month to be happy,” or you can say “$5,000,000 is all I need to retire.”

Don’t let other people decide your numbers.

Watch the video about EasyCash4Ads on this post

You don’t have to conform

You know what it’s like going to the office day in and day out.

You must get your hair cut a certain way, you must have a specific look, you need to purchase work clothes, you have to look happy even when you’re not, you need to speak a certain way.

It’s enough to make you mad.

When you work for yourself, you can have a mohawk and no one would care.

The most beautiful part of it all is you can be yourself.

You no longer have to wear slacks or khakis everyday, in fact, you can work in your skivvies surrounded by your cats if you like.

If you enjoy exercise, you can do so when you feel like it.

Try asking your boss for an hour off at 10 a.m. to work out and see how well that boils over.

Change your situation with EasyCash4Ads

You can live outside the box

You don’t have the restraints of standard work hours.

If you want to work at night and play during the day, you can!

You don’t have to worry about your reputation at the office.

Want to attend pool parties all summer?

Do it! Want to visit Trekkie conventions throughout the nation?

Nothing is stopping you. No need to worry about asking for time off.

You set your hours and your schedule.

Are you convinced that you should set your own hours and salary doing what you love?

Are you ready to break off that employer ball and chain?

Want to earn some extra income working from the comfort of your home?

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Opportunity since 2015 - easycash4ads
You will be redirected to opt-in page to the program “EasyCash4Ads”.
This is an easy and affordable program for all affiliate marketers especially beginners.
What you get with your ONE-TIME $19 purchase?
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This is an easy way to earn money online with a very low investment.
Send me a Friend Request on Facebook, so I can answer questions and help you get started. https://www.facebook.com/yurigrin
Email me at: yurigrin@gmail.com



Larry King and Tim Sales interview

Watch and then join your first online program – Click here >>
(more information will be sent to you in my follow up emails)

This interview and Tim Sales personality inspired me to continue with online business.

You have to start with something simple and easy.

Read my resume at the end of this post..

Larry King and Tim Sales interview

About Tim Sales

He’s a million-dollar earner in multiple companies, he’s been interviewed by Larry King and Grant Cardone, and now he’s sharing his knowledge on how to build a successful network marketing business of your own, with real-world examples from his 30-year experience in the industry.

He’s breaking down the industry into little bite-sized pieces, so you have exactly what it takes to really have success in network marketing. For more information please visit www.networkmarketingpower.com

Larry King and Tim Sales interview

Larry King and Tim Sales interview

How do you respond when someone says, “Only the people at the top make money in MLM?”

Last week, a YouTube interviewer told me, “Tim Sales, You’re at the top of the pyramid scheme. Of course it works for you” …

But where was this person when I was the ONLY rep in my company?  I started from the bottom — just like anybody who starts any business.

Today, I’m going to dispel one of the biggest network marketing objections and give you a new perspective on WHY I believe this is the best industry in the world.

Think about these three questions while you watch the video:

  1. Do the people at the top really make all the money?
  2. Was my position/rank gifted to me?  Or did I have to earn it?
  3. Is there anything more fair than being paid on your “production” (how much you produce)?

Watch and then join our project called “The $10 Dollar Business”
or “EasyCash4Ads” – Click here >>
(more information will be sent to you in my follow up emails)


I think it is clear to everybody.

If you stop working, does the money stop coming in?
If so, you need passive (residual) income.

That means you continue to get paid
long after the work is done.

The opportunities are out there –
if you know where to look.

It’s time to start working on your future, right?
It will not happen overnight, but I have a plan
that works for many people since 2015.

Watch this 5 min video
(62 % of people who watched the video – join!)

This program is not a real network marketing, but it teaches you
that you have to sponsor at least 3 people or you are not at the right place
thinking the job can be done for you (many “gurus” tell you).

It’s just a beginning to start earning residual income.

Very interesting Larry King and Tim Sales interview

See you on inside soon
Yuri Grin



Success with LeadsLeap

Join this program and make money using LeadsLeap >>

Success with LeadsLeap

LeadsLeap 2.0 Review – A New Worthy Source for Your Free Business Opportunity Leads.

How Can LeadsLeap Grows Your Business?

What attract me initially to LeadsLeap is the ability to post free ads for my other businesses and still able to earn some money (not much) with it which I feel is better to reinvest in my business. This means that I am to get free advertisement for my business. More exposure. More leads. More sales.

As a free member, you get to post 3 free ads in LeadsLeap advertising platform. This is free advertisement for your business that all members and even non-members (public) of LeadsLeap will get to see you ads.


Kenneth Koh

Who is it For:

People who need new business leads, looking to have more sales, affordable business advertising and earn some money online.

Success with LeadsLeap

How to get Success with LeadsLeap

Read this article that owner of LeadsLeap Kenneth Koh posted here..

“How to be successful”:

How to be successful?

The answer is so simple that most people do not believe.

Success is about doing the same tasks that have worked, again and again, no matter how mundane they are.

That’s it.

If you want more sales, just keep doing the same thing that made your first sales.

If you want to be a successful speaker, just keep on practicing public speaking.

Think about it.

A successful singer sings almost everyday.

A successful salesman repeats the same sales pitch almost everyday.

Every successful person has one thing in common:

They keep on doing what they did right, again and again, no matter how mundane it is.

What do losers do?

Losers abhor mundane tasks.

They only do things that interest them or things they have to do.

Let me ask you…

Do you like singing? If you do, how about singing everyday, will you get bored? If that were not enough, how about sing the same song everyday? That’s what a professional singer does.

Or take motivational speakers for example. They have to repeat the same presentation in every seminar, not to mention the countless of practicing they have done behind the scene. You think it is interesting or boring?

I told you in my earlier newsletter that in 2004, I created my first mini content website and made some money from Adsense. At that time, I asked myself, “What if I create 100s of those websites?”

That was what I did during my spare time.

I purchased private label articles, rewrote them and created many mini content websites with those articles.

With my experience in search engine optimization, it didn’t take long for the new websites to start getting traffic and making money from Adsense. Some websites made $50 a month. Better ones can make $200 a month.

Few years down the road, I had accumulated about 200 of such websites, earning about $10k a month from Adsense alone.

Sounds good right?

What did I do to achieve that?

Nothing really spectacular.

I just kept doing the mundane task of creating mini content websites again and again.

Remember, success is about doing the same tasks that have worked, again and again, no matter how mundane they are.

It’s always true!

To your success,

This is a bonus for you to kick start your business online.
Success with LeadsLeap program is designed to build your list





Yuri Grin in Barrie, ON

Yuri Grin, Toronto, Canada

Welcome and congrats on your first very important step!
My name is Yuri Grin. Click the link below to get started.
See you on inside soon.

Our FREE Facebook Group shows you how to earn commissions every day. Our team will do all the hard work so you can start earning daily commissions!

Click here before reading this post >>

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OLSP Systems Reviews 2021 Update – Earn Money Sharing Our Facebook Group. Ideal for making money online with affiliate marketing for beginners and experts alike.

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What is inside?

0:00 Intro into the OLSP system reviews video

0:52 Where to find my bonus free training

1:40 How to join the Facebook group and OLSP System

2:08 What to do first when in the traffic dominators group

3:12 Where to get your mega link from in the Facebook group

3:52 How to join the OLSP system website for free

4:48 Inside the OLSP Dashboard

6:04 Training units what do you get for free

8:32 Where you can meet your team and mentors

9:52 Traffic toolbox overview

10:50 What products can you earn money from

11:40 Where to get solo ads traffic from

12:00 Access to previous live training sessions

12:52 Easy to follow community tab

how olsp system works

Thanks for reading my post – Here is the bonus for you – Send FREE Solo Ad
( this is from very successful internet marketer Matthew Graves. You will benefit more than Solo Ad when you see his programs)



1 dollar roger

Get inspired by Zig Ziglar speech and join our team – HERE 

“You don’t have to be great at something to start,
but you have to start to be great at something.”  Zig Ziglar

1 dollar roger

Despite the fact that this is JUST a $1-a-month business, this is a Serious Business..
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What Is Here For You?

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We even have a customized rotator that you can earn FREE traffic just for reading the emails each day, entering weekly promo codes, or “Spin the Wheel” each day. (Think Wheel of Fortune.)

Even if you have other business ventures running, this is a fully “Done For You” system that you only need to send some of your current traffic efforts to your pages here and reap the benefits of a complete marketing system.

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But What Exactly Are We Promoting?

So what exactly is this business you ask?

Well the core business is a 3x matrix that builds month after month, again and again. It isn’t a cycler but a true forced matrix that builds a residual income to $7,000 per month and even more.

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I know, I know…some of you may be saying “Good grief…a matrix?!?” But in reality, this is the Holy Grail of Internet Marketing. If you are constantly promoting the next “new shiny” thing, you are starting from scratch each and every time. But the money is in the RESIDUAL payments.

Click here or image below to learn more..

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Easy Cash 4 Ads

Register for  EasyCash4Ads – HERE

Easy Cash 4 Ads

In this EasyCash4Ads Review video I show you proof of my 1st Qualifier Sale and
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With Easy Cash 4 Ads you can advertise your best offer and opportunities with unlimited advertising for life!

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Enjoy all the marketing aspects, both off-line and on-line with plenty of tools
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Easy Cash 4 Ads

Easy Cash 4 Ads

What you will get:

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– Easy to get leads to optin and subsequently turn into paying referrals.

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– The 5 minutes Easy Cash 4 Ads prospecting video will help you turn your potential visitors into your referrals. Currently converting at 60%+ who watch the full video.

Click here to join >>

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Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. Income

Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes only. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas mentioned in this video. I am not a financial advisor and anything that I say on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in this video will require hard-work, experience, and knowledge. I am only sharing my biased opinion based off of speculation and my personal experience. You should always understand that with investing there is always risk. You should always do your own research before making any investment. We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information on this video is accurate, but we cannot represent that the website(s) mentioned in this video are free from errors.

Sample of Email #3

Subject: This message has worked for me very good.

“I will give it a shot, if it does not work I can always quit!”

Hello, dear friend and possible partner.

You have read the subject of this email.

Don’t reply to this email if you’re not serious about focusing
and generating life changing -i.n.c.o.m.e-

If you’re still thinking thoughts like..

“Well, I’ll give it a shot, if it doesn’t work I can always quit”

Then, you DO NOT need to check this offer out.

I know it may sound harsh,
but I am not interested to work with you if that’s your mindset.

Trust me, the system I’m about to show you works,
but with that type of mindset it won’t matter, you’ll still fail.

It’s like “Locomotive Breath” starting slowly, but
then you get the MOMENTUM.

Here it is

See you on inside
~Yuri Grin~

p.s. “The secret of success is constancy of purpose.”
~ Benjamin Disraeli – 1804-1881
– Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom




Get online business started

Go register with me HERE >>

Get online business started

Why many people can’t get their online business started?

Getting the first online business to get started is always the hardest.

Someone once described starting a business as boiling water.

Water will not boil until it reaches its boiling point. So is starting an online business.

Only when you work on it up to the ‘boiling point’ then magic will happen.

Unfortunately the ‘boiling point’ of a business is not as clear-cut as that of water, so many people give up before the boiling point is reached.

Get online business started

Get online business started

When I was preparing for my first online business, my wife happened to be in the US for an 8-month secondment.

I had no kid at that time.

That left me as a lonely man in the house.

That was an important factor why I could focus and start my first online business.

Everyday after work, I would bury myself in the computer, learning about HTML and customizing the website for my first online business.

I usually worked until 2am, sleeping only 4-5 hours before going to work the next day. This went on for about 5 months.

There were times when I wanted to give up.

But whenever I asked myself, “What other alternatives do I have?”, the answer was “None”.

That had pushed me to continue working.

Don’t get me wrong. I had a good Masters Degree, so I potentially had lots of career choices. My answer was ‘None’ because I wanted a career that can eventually lead me to time and financial freedom, and I reckoned that running an online business was the only answer.

If you are starting out and thinking of giving up, telling yourself to ‘Not Give Up’ is easier said than done.

If your goal is to achieve time and financial freedom, perhaps you can ask yourself the same question that I asked myself,

“What other alternatives do you have that can lead you to time and financial freedom?”

If the answer is none, then forget about giving up and keep working.

To your success,

(CEO of LeadsLeap, join here to have all necessary online tools)

10 Reasons Why Your New Online Business Will Fail
and How to Avoid Having These Things Happen

I read a statistic recently that said 90 percent of new online businesses fail in the first four months. Four months! The reasons for this? There are many. Having been through the journey myself recently here are the 10 main reasons I’ve seen people fail at starting their own online business.

10 Lack of commitment. You talk about how much you want to start your own business with your family or friends, but you never really commit to getting started. You keep waiting for the ‘right time’ or continue to ‘think about it’ without ever getting started.

9 Poor planning. You finally get started but you didn’t plan well enough for the financial, emotional, mental and physical implications. You didn’t save enough money, you didn’t do enough research. As a result, you run out of money and ideas very quickly with no plan of how to get yourself back on track.

8 Lack of action. You simply don’t take enough (or any) action. Or if you do, because you’re new at business your actions aren’t properly aligned to your business so you waste a lot of time.

7 You attempt to grow your following on Facebook and Instagram but instead of being tactful and succinct you spend entire days on there browsing aimlessly.

6 You don’t know who your target clients are, or where to find them. So when you do get yourself all set up with your new website, Facebook page and business cards you’ll be completely baffled as to why new customers aren’t queueing up out the door.

5 You have no idea about copy, SEO or sales, so as much as you are fantastic at what you do, you can’t sell yourself, so you get very little business.

4 Business plan; you don’t have one. Or if you do, you’ve just made it up with no real idea about how to generate the numbers or how to hit any of your targets.

3 Visibility. You keep yourself hidden behind the curtains (i.e. your laptop) as opposed to being as visible as possible.

2 You try to do it all on your own, without the support of others. You decide not to enlist the help of professionals and instead try to figure out everything on your own. You spend hours each week on non-money making tasks, such as fixing annoying tech issues with your website or mailing list. You end up scared, overwhelmed and lost, and frustrated at your lack of results. You realise there is a long road ahead that you aren’t prepared for.

The number 1 reason I see people fail at their new online business:

1 Comparison.

Social media can be dangerous for motivation, especially if it makes you feel negative about your own situation. Looking at what everyone else is doing and getting overwhelmed by their results can spell new online business disaster. Comparison crushes your creativity and feeds self-doubt, worry and concern. Concern that you’re not good enough, smart enough, young enough, old enough, not ‘liked’ enough, not earning enough or that there’s something wrong with you in general can really knock your confidence.  Read more..

P.S. “Every day is a new opportunity.
You can build on yesterday’s success or
put its failures behind and start over again.
That’s the way life is, with a new game every day,
and that’s the way baseball is.”
~ Bob Feller, Baseball Hall Of Fame, 1918-2010

How one good training can change your life?See this ..




Misha Wilson

You can apply your skills here >

Misha Wilson

How To Sell Without Selling To Dominate The Competition…

Have you ever felt kind of weird thinking about “selling” someone?

Maybe even a little bit “icky” or “gross”…?

How would you like to be able to double your sales in half the time, WITHOUT ever having to “sell” anything to anyone?

If so, you’ll want to check out today’s video and watch through the entire thing until the very end.

Inside you’ll discover the SIMPLE trick that marketing experts use to amplify sales and exponentially increase their bottom-line… WITHOUT hard-selling, without the boiler room sales tactics, and without ever feeling like a gross use car sales just trying to make a quick buck.

Use this formula in your online business and you’ll have people practically begging to buy your products and services!

Misha Wilson

Misha Wilson

Give your audience a reason to like you

In social media marketing, or really any form of marketing, you rarely want to talk about yourself. This might seem counter intuitive but if you talk about things your audience cares about, educate them about the topics you are an expert in, and let them share their thoughts, they will be much more willing to listen to you when you do talk about yourself.

Remember, you are an expert in whatever you do and your audience knows that. This gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your expertise and build relationships with your customers. For example, if you are a hair salon owner, offer a daily tip about how to do your hair. This can be anything from “Tip: If you’re going to curl your hair, make sure you do not wash it for 12 hours before curling,” to a video tutorial about how to style your hair for a black tie event.

When you show off your expertise, your customers will appreciate you for educating them about the things they’re interested in. Also, the next time they are looking for a hair salon, they’ll think of you first because you gave them such great tips on how to do their hair at home.

Let your audience talk about themselves

No surprise here: people love to talk about themselves. Tap into that urge. Ask your audience questions related to your brand or create a poll and let them participate. The best thing about doing this is that you’re not only increasing engagement but you’re learning who your audience is, what they’re interested in, and what they’re looking to learn from you.

Make your audience laugh

So many people are afraid to post things that are not directly related to their brand. This is a fear you need to overcome. Again, we return to the hair salon. You can post a picture of a dog having a bad hair day and have a caption that says, “Looks like Fido should have come into the salon today.” You can also go a little further off topic but make sure to bring it back to your audience.

Use the 80/20 rule

Now comes the part where you get to promote your business—yes, you can still do that, of course! The key is to stick to the 80/20 rule for your content. By building relationships with your customers and ensuring 80% of your content is for them, you can then throw in 20% about yourself without the fear of scaring them away. Since you’ve engaged your customers with the valuable information they’re looking for, allowed them to talk about themselves, and entertained them, they’ll be willing to listen to your promotions without feeling like they’re just another person you’re selling to.

Not a salesman? That’s perfect! People don’t want to be (overtly) sold to. There are numerous ways to spin your content so you are selling them without making them feel like you’re selling them. This is the key way to build engagement and relationships.




If you use this project consistently – you’ll see the first results in 24 hours and
very good results in 5 months (with compounding method).


Mind Trick to Accomplish Your Goals.

I am going to show you how to eliminate the biggest killer of success
in absolutely everything in life.

That problem is CONSISTENCY.

We all know that we should eat well and exercise.
Maybe we even do it … once in a while.
If you want to see the real benefit though, you have to do it consistently.
Lack of Consistency is the biggest “wrecker of dreams” that humans could ever imagine.

How important is consistency

It is silent and insidious and hiding right there in our daily routine.

Luckily, you can help to overcome it by using a common trick
to convince people to buy which I gleaned from watching late night infomercials.

The same trick they use to get people to buy, you can use to get your mind
focused on the success you deserve.
This will help you determine how to set goals and create an action plan.

Take Action to Supercharge Your Success!



Trust me. You already have too many Ginsu knives. You don’t need another knife in the kitchen. Same goes for your vacuum cleaner.

However, those late night infomercials are enticing. They make you want to buy another knife AND a new vacuum.

There is a persuasion mind trick that they use to convince you to buy their product. Marketers use it all the time.

Last night, I posted a new video that shows you how to use the same infomercial mind trick to help you accomplish your goals. If you are struggling to make progress, then this video is for you!

It is time that we used these kind of persuasion tactics to help us, rather than just make us buy more things we don’t need.

Develop and apply this habit of consistency HERE

Put consistency into an action
