New signups to your email list

New signups to your email list

Do you want more online success? More signups and sales for your online business or program?
(post from Matthew Graves, watch the video below)

If so, then there is one thing that you absolutely need to make that happen.

More attention from your ideal prospects! You need to get potential buyers to read your ads, visit your website, and take action on your offers.

I have been coaching online entrepreneurs for decades. I have seen a lot of successes and a lot of failures. If you asked me what the biggest difference is between those who fail and those who succeed, I would have a simple answer.

Those who succeed were able to generate more visitors to their offers on a consistent basis than those who failed.

My most successful affiliates and coaching clients all have this in common. They generate 10,000 or more visitors to their offers every week and that generally translates into over 100 new signups weekly. Most of them do it with free traffic sites, like safelists.

If you are getting 100 new signups to your email list every week, then your chances of getting some of them to buy your product are much higher than if you are only getting 10 signups per week.

High levels of quality traffic = High numbers of responsive subscribers = Sales

It’s a simple formula.

That is why I run 30 different sites that are focused on getting more traffic and attention on your offers.

It is also why I have continually reinvented those sites to deliver the best quality and quantity of traffic possible.

Three weeks ago, I debuted the newest evolution of our traffic generating platform with the launch of Evolved Traffic. It is a safelist-like ad site that delivers high traffic WITHOUT sending you hundreds of emails per day. Instead, it has 6 different ways to get your ads seen and clicked.

The new platform has worked like a charm, delivering TWICE THE VISITORS for the same amount of credits and effort.

One by one, I am moving my other safelist sites to the new platform. Tomorrow (Monday) at Noon, Your Viral Traffic will become the second site in the network that runs on the new platform.

This will be a big launch and will add over 1,000 new members to the site in the next couple of weeks. That will be lots of members to look at your ads … if you join us.

As a member of my audience, you are getting an opportunity to get in ahead of everyone else and join my JV Launch Team. All you need to do is to upgrade to Premium Membership at Your Viral Traffic before the launch at Noon on Monday. (check your calendar, may be you are not late)

Building an audience of people who know, like and trust you is essential to creating a consistent, profitable online business.

The BEST way to get started doing that is still with email marketing, especially in the affiliate and online marketing niche.

Over the next 30 days, I am going to take you on a journey to getting the first 250 members on your email list using free tools and free traffic sources.

It is going to take time, but very little money to get started. Each day, I will show you exactly what I am doing, step by step, and the results I am getting from my efforts.

You will see as I figure out what offers to make and which traffic sources are generating the results. Let’s go on this journey together!

New signups to your email list

New signups to your email list

Do you know where you can apply you list building skills? – Click here or image above.



What is We share Abundance in 2020

What is We share Abundance in 2020

We Share Abundance is a non-profit Charitable Organisation.

Its objectives are to fight poverty and suffering on a global scale, while promoting equality, love and sharing.

Our mission is to build a community of like minded individuals who seek more than just material abundance; a community built around service to others and so providing a path to spiritual gratification and true happiness through abundance in God.

The structure of our community resembles that of a republic and as such we are a “Cloud Nation” created under God.

We have our own constitution, economy and currency which is the WESA Token.

WESA Tokens are distributed at no cost to ALL citizens each month in varying quantities based on the contributions of love and service that they as individuals offer.

What is We share Abundance in 2020

WE Share Abundance is a new Community, an Internet State and our greatest and only real resource is the members of our community, who are welcomed from all nations and backgrounds and who have a will to work as One for the benefit of the community as a whole. Naturally we have our own structure, laws and regulations to protect all and that should be respected as you respect the laws of your country of residence. The structure of our community is set up in such a way that every member is a benefit to all other members through the “Power Of One”.

What is We share Abundance in 2020

What is WESA as currency and token?

WE Share Abundance has its own currency in the WESA Token, but unlike Bitcoin it is unique among the many thousands of other Cryptos in that it has a Guaranteed Minimum Value within our community. This is a value programmed into the extremely limited issue of new WESA Tokens and in such a way that the value can never be reduced and only increase. The effect of this in the free market is that from a few cents in May 2019 our currency now trades on the Wave’s Exchange at around $170.34 each.

How you make money with “We Share Abundance”?

Join, confirm your email and find supportclick here >> 

Join and Register Here >> 

Join WESA now – click here >> 

We Share Abundance! Click Here For Free Traffic



Coin-Trades Investment Platform

Coin-Trades Investment Platform

Welcome to coins-trades.com

coins-trades.com -managed by the company named as coins-trades.com endowed in 12 July 2019 in the United Kingdom with the Company number #12099813.

coins-trades.com is programmed financing platform that glorifies it’s improved trust management co-operation worldwide to the concerned investors. Our acknowledged team centres on complex advanced Forex, stocks and crypto trading techniques and strategies over multiple Exchanges & Brokers and markets. As finance diversification is quite excellent, we can able to produce secured and steady accretion for our clients.

coins-trades.com is thoroughly automated and adaptable that even investors with oblivion experience will also gain. If you have been looking for an easy to use investment platform, engage besides coins-trades.com and achieve your desires with reliance!

Coin-Trades Investment Platform

Why Choose coins-trades.com?


We are a legal company registered in the United Kingdom providing its services to the members all around the world.


We are a legal company registered in the United Kingdom providing its services to the members all around the world.


We are a legal company registered in the United Kingdom providing its services to the members all around the world.

Coin-Trades Investment Platform


We are a legal company registered in the United Kingdom providing its services to the members all around the world.


We are a legal company registered in the United Kingdom providing its services to the members all around the world.


We are a legal company registered in the United Kingdom providing its services to the members all around the world.

We accept the following:



Angel Business Club

How to access the #1 method used by the super rich to unlock the potential of ultra-high financial gains.

Introducing the Angel Business Club

The Angel Business Club is a private, Members’ only business investment Club with thousands of active members around the world. If you have ever wanted to reap the massive rewards of investing in small businesses that have the potential to become the next huge corporate success story, making you a fortune in the process, then this is the Club for you.

Receive real shares in exciting, privately owned businesses, every month with Angel Business Club

Join the Club and every month you’ll receive shares in exciting young businesses. Choose an affordable subscription and receive shares to virtually same value each month. Being a member of the Club gives an affordable way to profit from opportunities normally only available to the super rich but without the need for any special skills, knowledge or large sums of money.

Join Angel Business Club >>

Angel Business Club

A fast growing portfolio.

The Angel Business Club was founded in 2015 and has already built up an impressive portfolio of investments for it’s members. Three companies have already gone public and successfully listed on public stock exchanges.

The Club carefully selects opportunities to invest where they can also add value through skills and experience to help accelerate growth. The Angel Business Club is NOT just another crowdfunding Club, it’s a unique business accelerator that takes an active interest in the businesses it invests in.

You are always in control with Angel Business Club

Members are always in control of their subscription payments. Members can hold onto their shares or sell them to other members. Members who join the Club need to understand these are early stage businesses and so should really have a 3-10 year time horizon. However, if a member wishes to “cash out” early, they can take advantage of the private internal share exchange which is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Join Angel Business Club and build your portfolio >>



Your Success Advantage from Matthew Graves

Your Success Advantage from Matthew Graves

Getting Started – Part 2 – Getting Traffic and Visitors (see part 1 here)

In the Your Success Advantage system, your path to success relies on being able to generate a large volume of high quality visitors to the best converting funnels we give you.

This means that becoming a traffic expert is a great way to get more results. When discussing website traffic, I like to use the analogy of a fire hose. Your job is to build the biggest flow of traffic possible through your fire hose.

I will then direct you on where to point that hose that will generate the maximum number of subscribers in the system under you. Once someone subscribes, I take it from there, building a relationship, educating and motivating them to want to buy the products we promote … all with your affiliate links.

So, how do you create a really powerful fire hose of traffic to send to the highest converting lead funnels? It starts with understanding website traffic.

There are three types of traffic.

Traffic that you EARN, traffic that you CONTROL, and traffic that you OWN.

All the traffic you generate will fall into one of these three categories.

Which kind of traffic is best for you depends on some factors we will discuss later in this video.

Traffic that you EARN is the website traffic that comes from you trading your time for traffic. This is great for people who have free time, but not as much money to spend on traffic.

The second type of traffic is traffic which you CONTROL. Most paid traffic falls into this category, as well as Joint Venture Partnerships or having affiliates promote your own product for you. The traffic BELONGS to someone else, but you cut a deal to CONTROL a certain amount of it. If you run an ad on Facebook for example, you are paying for the ability to CONTROL some of the traffic they own from their community. That CONTROL allows you to send it to something that you want, like your product or lead capture page.

The third type of traffic is Traffic That You OWN. You OWN traffic when you have built up a community of people that you can contact and ask for them to visit a site you recommend.

This could be an email list in an auto-responder program. You send them emails with a links in them. They click the links and that traffic would be considered traffic that you own. If you have a large following on social media, then making posts with links in them to your audience would also be OWNED traffic.

Traffic that you OWN is generally the best quality traffic. Since you have a relationship with these people, they are more likely to take your advice and signup or buy.

Your Success Advantage from Matthew Graves

The goal of Your Success Advantage is to build up that community of people under you and when I email them on your behalf, I am creating traffic which you OWN that is going to affiliate offers where you can make a commission.

Traffic like this, which comes from people who know you, is called Warm Traffic. Traffic which comes from people who do not know who you are, like most earned and controlled traffic is called Cold Traffic.

Your basic strategy regarding traffic in your online business should be to send all your Cold Traffic, from strangers, to only offers which build your email list.

From that email list, you send emails to generate Warm Traffic, which get sent to the offers that you want people to take action to signup and buy. You turn strangers into subscribers, and then turn subscribers into customers.

This is another way of stating what I said at the beginning about turning strangers into friends and friends into customers.

The most successful members in Your Success Advantage send all their cold traffic to the offers that build their list in the program. They let the program promote the actual offers.

A sure way to failure is to try to split your cold traffic over too many different programs. You need to focus your cold traffic on what is building your list for the future. If you only have a small list, then you will only have small results.

Your Success Advantage from Matthew Graves

Stay focused and build your long-term asset, not draining off traffic to try to make a quick buck by selling something to strangers. It won’t work, and you will have lost the opportunity to use that traffic to build your list in Your Success Advantage, which will set back your progress.

Only send cold traffic to offers which build a list that you control. One important fact to realize is that every person will generate their traffic with a different mixture of earned, controlled, and owned traffic.

You have to find the right mixture that works for your unique constraints of time, money, and other resources. Some people get all their traffic from earned sources. They spend lots of time and very little money to get traffic.

Other people get all their traffic from paid sources. It takes less time, but you have to have some money to test sources and invest.

Others may have big email lists, and they promote using just emails sent to that list.

Click Image Below to Join Your Success Advantage >>

Your success advantage



Your Success Advantage

Your success advantage

Your Success Advantage

Part 1 – The Challenge of Affiliate Income 

Thanks for watching Getting Started With Your Success Advantage.

In the videos of this series, I am going to show you how to use Your Success Advantage to overcome the biggest problem holding you back from making a reliable online income.

Making money online hasn’t always been as hard as it is today. I started online in 2001 and back then, it was much easier to get people to buy whatever products you wanted to promote.

However, things have changed in the last 18 years. Competition has gotten much greater. Your prospects are overwhelmed with ads. The noise in the marketplace has gotten to a deafening roar.

How do you stand out?

In addition, people are more careful with their purchases than they were in 2001. They trust less and take longer to decide, even on relatively small amounts.

Your Success Advantage

Why should they trust you?

It has reached a point where they old techniques of just getting visitors to come to your sales page and expecting them to buy just doesn’t work. They don’t know who you are and they don’t trust what you say. You simply cannot sell to strangers anymore. You might get an occasional sale, here and there, but not something that you can count on or build a life around. Just enough to keep the hope alive that you might find a breakthrough. However, a breakthrough only happens when you change strategy.

The strategy that works today is to focus on turning those strangers into friends, and friends into customers. You need to build awareness and trust before they will make the decision to buy. You need to get them to “know, like, and trust” you.

This means that you need a system where you can take some time to build the relationship. You need to communicate with them over time, rather than trying to get them to buy on the first contact.

The most common way to do this is to get them to subscribe to your email list, and then build the relationship through a series of emails that are designed to educate and motivate them to want to do business with you. Patience and a system that works is the key.

I worked for years creating those systems for individual entrepreneurs. I setup lead capture pages to get people to subscribe, autoresponder systems to deliver the emails, wrote copy for thousands of mails, setup the tracking so we could analyze the results. Each person was a unique new setup … and it worked.

At the same time, I saw those who were starting out online struggling. They kept trying to sell to strangers because setting up a “know, like, and trust” system takes a lot of time, learning and experience. That is the hole that beginners get stuck in. They have to be skilled to compete with the pro’s in today’s market, but building those skills in so many areas of business takes years.

Most quit before they ever get good enough to see results … or they keep jumping from program to program trying to find the one that will work.

Sound familiar?

That is why I created Your Success Advantage. If I could automate or have “done for you” systems that did the hardest part of selling affiliate products online, then people could focus on mastering just one area of the business and get results faster.

The role of the member in Your Success Advantage is simply to send visitors to the lead capture funnels provided in the system. Your job is to become experts at getting good quality traffic in the highest volume possible.

You do not have to learn how to create lead capture funnels, setup email autoresponders, write compelling email copy, find products your audience wants to buy, and then figure out how to get them to buy them. That is the hard part that we do for you.

Your Success Advantage

You get a sophisticated marketing system, designed and managed by experts, but you only have to do one part of the puzzle. Get traffic that converts. Watch the next video to see how to create a traffic generating system that delivers a large volume of high quality visitors to your pages.

Take Your Challenge with Your Success Advantage!

Join here your success advantage

(Go to the part 2) >>



Prosperity Marketing System in April 2020

Prosperity Marketing System in April 2020

This program was designed by Darren Olander. He is an admin in many other traffic generating programs, safelists and traffic exchanges.

This guy, Jeff Aman, could change his career and start making full-time income with this program in 1 year.

Prosperity Marketing System in April 2020

Read one of many testimonials (you cab see more in side the program):

” Hi Darren, No doubts…this is the best system
I have seen so far where we can build a multiple
income streams with such a very low cost.
I have seen your other programs but when I saw
this one I did not hesitate to join immediately
because this is the best I have seen in my online
marketing experience. Building your own mailing
lists while making money at the same time is
WORTH GOLD!! Many…many…many thanks!!! ”

(Robert Jabas, internet entrepreneur)

Go ahead, register for a free tour and make up you mind.

Prosperity Marketing System in April 2020


This is another comment from Dan Lok (you can relate to the video above)..

>> Since the lock down started, over 26 million Americans have filed for unemployment…

And in most countries, the lock down is far from over. We haven’t even peaked yet.

The longer this lasts, the higher the numbers of unemployment goes.

Can you imagine millions of people…

Stressing out about how they’re going to keep a roof over their heads?

Or if their job could be at risk?

Now, I don’t know if any of these things are happening to you Iouri (I hope they aren’t)…

But who knows what’s going to happen next.

And even if this isn’t affecting you personally. What about your family? And your loved ones. Things are certainly NOT looking good right now.

When you look at those numbers and how fast people are being laid off, I don’t think I need to try to prove anything to you…

Jobs aren’t secure like they used to be…

Also, when you have a job…

You’re dependent on someone else to look after you. You’re trading your life and time for money. And when you have a job – you’re building someone else’s security. Not yours.

Jobs Are NOT Crisis-Proof — High-Income Skills Are

So what do you do?

Well, take a look at this…

Literally, since the economy started nose-diving, my students with High-Income Skills have been getting MORE results. >>

Prosperity Marketing System in April 2020

Learn how prosperity marketing system works
Review Prosperity Marketing Systemhttp://trckapp.com/h34m8y43/blog-post



How to Write a Business Plan

How to Write a Business Plan

” If you fail to plan, you plan to fail “

” Goal without a plan is just a wish “

Writing a business plan shouldn’t be complicated. In this step-by-step guide, I’ll show you how to quickly and easily write a business plan that will get the results you want. Don’t worry, you don’t have to have a business or accounting degree to put together a great business plan. This guide will show you how to get your plan done step-by-step without any of the complexity or frustration.

The six components of a business Plan

Whether you’re building a business plan to raise money and grow your business or just need to figure out if your idea will work, every business plan needs to cover 6 essential topics. Here’s a quick overview of each topic. There are a lot more details and instructions for each step later in this guide.

1. Executive summary

The executive summary is an overview of your business and your plans. It comes first in your plan and is ideally only one to two pages. Most people write it last, though.

How to Write a Business Plan

2. Opportunity

The opportunity section answers these questions: What are you actually selling and how are you solving a problem (or “need”) for your market? Who is your target market and competition?

3. Execution

In the execution chapter of your business plan, you’ll answer the question: how are you going to take your opportunity and turn it into a business? This section will cover your marketing and sales plan, operations, and your milestones and metrics for success.

4. Company and management summary

Investors look for great teams in addition to great ideas. Use the company and management chapter to describe your current team and who you need to hire. You will also provide a quick overview of your legal structure, location, and history if you’re already up and running.

5. Financial plan

Your business plan isn’t complete without a financial forecast. We’ll tell you what to include in your financial plan, but you’ll definitely want to start with a sales forecast, cash flow statement, income statement (also called profit and loss) and your balance sheet.

6. Appendix

If you need more space for product images or additional information, use the appendix for those details.

In the upcoming sections of this article, I’ll dive into the details of each section of your business plan and focus on building one that your investors and lenders will want to read. (learn more details from here >>)

How to Write a Business Plan

Here is the sample of business plan you can use for affiliate marketing programs (high-ticket offers) – download here >>

Components of a business plan

Press this image to download a            sample of a business plan



One ClickFunnel Away 30 days challenge

One ClickFunnel Away 30 days challenge 

– Will You Do This Cool Challenge With Me?
– I Just Joined The Coolest 30 Day Challenge…

This year, I’m putting a huge focus on IMPLEMENTATION
in my business.

We live in a world with soooo much information right at
our fingertips.

Almost anything we need to know is literally
a few clicks away…right?

But here’s the thing…

All the articles you sift through to find out how
to grow your business online…
All the business books that you read…
All the info products that you buy…
All the courses…

They mean almost NOTHING if you don’t actually execute.

But imagine if you took just ONE plan to start and
grow your business (or next business) online,
and hyper-executed EVERYTHING…

ONE plan well executed is infinitely more powerful
than knowledge from 50 books that you do nothing with

So here’s my challenge for you:

I’m challenging you for 30 days to TAKE ACTION on
your business, and get your funnel built and launched.

It’s the SAME challenge that Russell Brunson just gave
to me, and I accepted!

It’s called the One Funnel Away Challenge, and thought
it would be cool if you and I could go through
it together…

It’s designed to FORCE entrepreneurs to stop working
on stuff that doesn’t matter, and start implementing
the KEY tasks that will get your funnel LIVE,
and your business flowing…

One ClickFunnel Away 30 days challenge.

In 30 days, you’ll have a funnel that is built and LIVE,
and ready to gather leads and sales.

If you’re the type of person who vaguely knows what to do,
but just needs to buckle down and DO IT…
then this Challenge is going to be the kick-in-the-pants
you need EVERY DAY until you get your funnel launched!

You can start today and try for another 2 weeks
to understand how it works.

Here’s the link to join the One Funnel Away Challenge
with me.

“A Journey off thousand miles begins with one
first step.” (Lao-Tzu)

Traffic Secrets from ClickFunnels


One ClickFunnel Away 30 days challenge
Yuri Grin

Are you ready to take the challenge?

One ClickFunnel Away 30 days challenge.

Join us here: 

For today’s episode of the One Funnel Away:

Stories, I’m joined by Cory Oldham.

Cory is a doctor of chiropractic by trade and education.

Still, the title he prefers to go by is “servant” and if you tune into our conversation, you’re going to find out exactly why.

During his college days, Cory was struggling with a chronic back injury. Fortunately, he was able to find relief and manage his condition through chiropractic adjustment. And because the treatment had such an amazing effect on him, the whole experience inspired him to get into the field and help others.

Now, more often than not, you’ll hear stories about people being forced into entrepreneurship.

Kind of like a thing you turn to when you’ve run out of options. What makes Cory’s story so special is that he actually turned down a very lucrative offer and chose to start a private business with his wife.

And why was he so determined to turn down a sure thing in order to take the road less traveled? It’s because he was able to get out of his head and follow his passion.

In today’s episode, Cory is going to take us through his journey bit by bit and explain why listening to his heart turned out to be the best decision he ever made.



Odds of success are like Rubik’s Cube

Odds of success are like Rubik’s Cube

Your odds of success are 1 in 43 quintillion?
( I’ve got this article from Dan Lok subscription)

Odds of success are like Rubik's Cube

Did you know a Rubik’s Cube has over 43 quintillion different configurations?

Here’s what that looks like as a number:


Now, this is WAY more than the billions of stars in our universe…

And it would take you one-thousand-four-hundred trillion years just to make each configuration once!

It’s insane.

But want to know something even more incredible?

Thanks to supercomputers, we’ve discovered that any Rubik’s Cube — no matter how mixed up it is — can be solved in just 20 moves or less.

Are you getting this?

It sounds crazy. But it’s true.

And it really makes you wonder…

When you’re trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube, but you don’t know what you’re doing…

Are You Really Solving The Cube – Or Just Mixing It Up Even More?

When I was younger, I tried so many different configurations…

I tried everything to make a buck.

And I failed at all of them.

It was like trying to solve “the cube” without knowing how…

And I was just making my situation worse and worse.

I had no idea what I was doing. And I was just digging myself deeper and deeper into debt.

Odds of success are like Rubik’s Cube

I felt like giving up.

But just before I did, I had an idea. Know what it was?

I thought to myself.

“Imagine if I could find someone who has already solved this “cube”. Maybe then they could show me how to do it too!”

And that’s my biggest secret ..

You Could Be 20 Moves Away From Overwhelming Success

It’s not about luck. Or about your background. Or even about your talents.

Once you find someone who will teach you to solve ‘the cube’, your life will never be the same again.

After learning how to solve ‘the cube’ from my mentor, I hit 6 figures in 6 months.

And then before I knew it, I hit 7-figures.

And then before I knew it, I had solved ‘the cube’, and I was doing whatever the hell I wanted with my life.

And that’s the power of learning from someone who has solved ‘the cube’.

Odds of success are like Rubik’s Cube

Now, not everyone is as hard-working or as driven as I was back then.

And I’m NOT saying getting a mentor will instantly make your life easy and care-free.

But always remember: When you’re trying to solve a problem…

When it feels like you’re not making any progress…

And when it feels like there’s no way out…

There’s always a way.

Maybe you’re only a few moves away from overwhelming success.

And maybe it’s just time to reach out for help..

(see link below for a possible solution >>)

Well-Known Internet Marketer Takes Ordinary People
To Experienced, Confident Income Earners.

You can be one of them in less then 15 days of
training and see your first results in a couple
of weeks from now (full training is 6 weeks).

Click the image below
(now updated version is available) >>>

Your Odds of success


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