We Are Not Direct Selling and We Are Not MLM

In this week’s video, Eric answers the ultimate question: what do we call what we do? Some call it Direct Selling or Multi-Level Marketing (MLM). And some call it Network Marketing.

Right now, we are confusing the world.

The only way we can tell people what we do is by naming a certain company.

“We’re like that company,” we say. We need to have a standard that describes the channel of distribution we represent.

So, what do we actually do?

Ultimately, we sell products to consumers using word of mouth advertising. This is accomplished with three basic strategies.

First, we personally go out and sell the products or services to consumers.

Second, we build and expand a network of other distributors who do the same thing.

And third, we apply leadership to that network to improve productivity of our network.

That is what we do. So, how can we describe that in a term?

MLM is, in Eric’s opinion, a terrible term. All that the term describes is that you can get more than one level from network building. But it doesn’t talk about sales, leadership, or expanding the network. MLM only touches on one little aspect of the compensation plan.

Direct Selling is also, in Eric’s opinion, a terrible term. It still only describes one piece of what we do. Yes, we take products and sell them directly to consumers, but so does the kid with the lemonade stand. Most of the world is involved in Direct Selling to some extent.

The best description is Network Marketing. Network Marketing perfectly covers how we are in the business of marketing products and services through a network of ever expanding and increasingly productive distributors using word of mouth advertising.

Eric realizes that this might be controversial, and some people might run away from defining us as Network Marketers. But we need to be proud of what we do and provide. Our entire profession and all of the companies represented in it need to say “Yes, I’m a part of Network Marketing. Yes, I’m proud of it, and for the average person with entrepreneurial dreams it is a better way.” The faster that happens, the faster the entire profession gets standardized around the world and we stop attacking each other by trying to differentiate what we are.

We need to be proud to be Network Marketers. Proud of who we are and the quality of the products and services we provide. So, spread the word. We are Network Marketers. Tell your friends and family, your company, your contacts, everyone. With shoulders back and chins up, let’s go tell the world that we have a better way.

Note: Here is a good example of network company you can join today!

One of the TOP 10 Traffic Exchanges

Getting Free and Paid Traffic from Traffic Exchanges

(by traffic exchanges expert, Jesse Grant)

Traffic exchanges are a great way to advertise your websites. Traffic exchanges have a large list of websites, when you want to earn credits to advertise you view other people’s pages. For a certain number of pages viewed your pages will be viewed a certain number of times. This is known as the surf ratio. A good ratio would be 1:1 or better. Traffic exchanges are either auto surf or manual surf. To earn credits to advertise your sites you must either pay money or browse the sites within the exchange.

When you browse the sites within a traffic exchange you must stay on a site for a certain number of seconds then you can advance to the next site. When using a manual surf exchange you must click a picture or with some of the newest traffic exchanges you can just hover the mouse over a certain area of the page to advance. With an auto surf exchange in order to advance to the next page you do nothing at all. So you can start your computer surfing then walk away from it for hours while it generates credits for you. The only problem with this type of exchange is no humans will actually view your pages. So the hits you get are good for statistical purposes only.

The Most Popular Traffic Exchange

To make the most out of your traffic exchange experience expect to spend about $100 for a yearly discounted membership. When you sign up to a new exchange you will often be given a one time offer that is basically their best membership for a heavily discounted price. You would be wise to take this offer when it comes along because if you decide to buy credits at a later point expect to pay a lot more.

You only get what you pay for when it comes to traffic exchanges, because I’ve tried surfing them in order to generate credits, and with a free account it takes forever to earn just a few hits. You’d be better off going to work at a McDonalds and investing your money in advertising for your online ventures, until you’re at the point where you can make online transactions your full time job.

Traffic exchange I recommend to join – EasyHits4u (click the banner below)

The Most Popular Traffic Exchange

Another benefit of paying for a good membership on your exchange of choice is that they typically give you a much better surfing ratio. Instead of being forced to look at 3 or 4 sites to get one page view, you’ll often be given a 1:1 ratio or better. Which means when your credits run out you can generate a tonne of hits quickly by just surfing a bit, and who knows, while you’re at it you just might win bonus credits or a prize or two. Traffic exchanges are a fun and lucrative way to build your online profile, so take full advantage of them.

Note: If you want to get access to thousands people in 2-3 weeks – here is another way! Join MoneyLine WorldWide platform!


If I had more time to start online business.

One of the most common objections that prospects like to throw up when you introduce them to Network Marketing or just any business from home computer (or WiFi connection)  is “I don’t have the time.”

Don’t believe that, and here’s one reason why… There was a recent study that talked about television time. This study showed that the average American watches about 27 hours a week watching television. Let me give you some break downs of this…

Let’s watch and listen to what Eric Worre says about that…

Those under 24, average about 22 hours a week watching television. That might sound better than the national average, but that’s because those people are sitting with their devices watching YouTube, playing games, and texting like crazy.

Their brains are still being sucked into a device. One of the things that shocked me is that the older a person gets, the more television they watch. They don’t become wiser and decide to spend their time doing something else. They become more absorbed into the machine.

The study showed that if you’re over 65, the average is over 50 hours a week on television. So, the older we get instead of becoming more engaged with the world, we become less engaged in the world, in business, and in contributing to others.

Imagine if people took those 27 hours, and devoted it to building their future instead of being plugged into the system like a battery in a machine. After all, how much contribution can you have on the world if you’re spending 27-50 hours a week watching television? So, when people tell you that they don’t have the time, don’t call them a liar but don’t believe their story either.

Show them that there is a better way than plugging into the latest television series. There’s a better way than just becoming a super consumer and being told what to buy, how to feel, and what to do. There’s a better way than sitting on your couch. There’s a big world out there. Let’s get out there and contribute to it.

Why not to take 1 hour a day and to try to build online business from home?

May be after that you could have more time freedom. Check my offer here >>>


How to respond to “I don’t have the money”?

“I can’t afford it.”

Even though I use this marketing system that works on autopilot and do not have to persuade people to be my partner. Sometimes you can hear and see it in emails or if you chat with people on Facebook.

“I can’t afford it.” I’ve heard and read those words plenty of times in nearly ten years of growing my business, and if you’re offering programs or products in your business, I’m sure you have too.

What you may not know, however, is that those words are rarely the real reason a potential client isn’t buying from you.

I would recommend to listen how Eric Worre explains this situation.

Eric Worre – Network Marketing Pro.

More comments on this question from – Heather Cottrell (business consultant)

The thing is, your potential client is most likely not going to express her true feeling to you directly. In fact, she may not realize it herself. It is so much easier to just say “I can’t afford it.”

In reality though, it is a very low percentage of people in the US who can’t find a way to raise the money they need for something that’s important to them.

For some people, it’s the latest and greatest TV that they prioritize, and they will open a new credit card to buy it. For your Ideal Client, her health is the priority and she’d be willing to forego the daily Starbucks run, cut back on eating out in restaurants, have a garage sale and maybe turn off the cable, in order to pay for the program or product you’re offering.

There’s always a way, and I’ve seen my clients get brilliantly creative to invest in themselves.

It’s not your job to guess what a potential client can or cannot afford. Only he knows what his priorities are and how willing he is to invest in himself.

Nine times out of ten, if a potential client says “I can’t afford it” the real reason is one of these:

“I’ve bought or signed up for a program or product like yours before, and I didn’t really use it so I’m afraid I’ll be wasting more money.”

“I’m not really resonating with you or your style (but I’m not going to tell you that).”

“I thought I was ready to make a real change in my life, but now that I’m talking to you and get the sense you *really* know what you’re talking about, I’m afraid to make this commitment to myself.”

It’s unlikely you’ll ever hear one of these true reasons. It’s so much easier to say “I can’t afford it” so that’s the main reason you will get when a potential client chooses not to buy from you. It’s important for you to know this.

In the rare case when a client is able to express that she’s hesitating because she’s afraid of making a real change in her life, you might try and walk her through this fear. When she truly sees the value of working with you and feels the very real possibility of huge results, her fears suddenly get triggered. The fear of change, of leaving her old self behind, the fear of really stepping up and having the life she dreams of.

If it feels good to do so, you might share a related story from your own past or about one of your other clients. You can tell her it’s perfectly normal to have that fear, and remind her of the cost of NOT investing in herself.

If you’re hearing “I can’t afford it” too often

Even when things are going well, you’ll still get the occasional “I can’t afford it” throughout your business. That’s OK. Let those go, and don’t even worry about it.

However, if you’re hearing “I can’t afford it” on a frequent basis, I recommend you ask yourself the following questions:

1) Am I really ready to have clients and get paid for my expertise?

It’s very possible that your own money issues are at the heart of this problem, not your clients’. You may be ignoring some of your own doubts and fears, and they’re coming through in the way you market yourself and the way you talk with potential clients.

Check in with yourself about the business you’re trying to build. Are you offering products and services you really love? Are you charging what feels really good to you? How can you clear up your own money issues?

Also notice if you’re saying “I can’t afford it” about investing in your own health, life or business. Figure out the real reasons you’re not investing in yourself and clear that up. When you’re feeling abundant, and prioritizing your money around what’s most important to you, you will attract more of the same in your clients.

2) Are you over-describing the Hows of the work you do with clients?

Many practitioners give too many details on their website and during an initial consultation about all the steps involved in the transformational process they offer their clients. Problem is, doing this can make it sound too challenging or intimidating.

Your potential client only wants to know what the possible results are, and they want to feel comfortable with you. Let the rest unfold after they have chosen to work with you.

Keep your early interactions with potential clients – including your website, blog, newsletter, public talks and initial consultation – focused on the challenges they want to overcome and the results they can enjoy by working with you.

3) Are you undervaluing the work you do?

If you don’t fully see the value in your products or services, then your potential clients won’t see it either. If they can’t see the value, no price – no matter how small – is going to be right.

You have to see the value of your work, and charge accordingly. Contrary to what you might think, people are more likely to choose an expensive option over a cheap one if they see its value. The higher price tag creates the feeling that they’re getting the best (even though this is not always the case, unfortunately).

So don’t set out to undercharge or downplay the value of what you offer. Do the opposite. Make it clear how valuable your programs and products are, and then lower the price as a discount, if that feels good to you.

4) Are you asking for the sale and making it easy for your potential client to say yes?

This can sometimes be a communication issue or a tech issue. First get clear exactly what you want to charge for the product or service you’re offering, and what payment options you’ll accept. If you’re comfortable offering a payment plan, be ready to clearly describe how it works, what each payment is and when each is due.

I strongly recommend you accept credit cards (PayPal is the easiest way to get started), as that’s the easiest way for your clients to safely pay you during a consultation, make a purchase from your website or set up their own financing plan to pay for your high-end service.

Practice the money conversation with your coach or a friend, so that it flows off your tongue easily when you’re speaking with a client. Practice asking them directly if they want to enroll in your program or buy your product, and describing the price and how to pay.

If you’re describing payment options in writing on a salespage, have your coach or a trusted colleague review it for you. Simple and clear wins when it comes to talking money.

5) Are you clear who your Ideal Clients are?

Health coaches often forget to add “She’s ready to change her life” to their Ideal Client description. And this shows up in the way you market your services, and who you’re marketing to.

Get clear that your Ideal Client is ready to invest, ready to do the work and excited about making a transformation. Think of a former client, or friend, who fits that description, and be sure to write every word of your website content, newsletters and social media posts, with her in mind.

Speak to those people – not the many unsures out there – and you’ll attract more of them to your initial consultations, thus eliminating the “I can’t afford it” excuse that’s masking the “I’m not ready” reality.

How to respond to “I can’t afford it”

When a client says “I can’t afford it”, don’t be tempted to start lowering your prices for them. Your program or product will only lose value in his eyes if you suddenly drop the price. Chances that he’ll buy from you at the lower price are extremely slim. Chances that you’ll feel good about it and enjoy working with that particular client are also slim.

You don’t have to do anything, or even respond, to a client who says “I can’t afford it”. You could say “Thanks for letting me know” and wish them well. Or, if it feels good to do so, you could consider one of these other options:

If you already offer a smaller version of the program or product your client was considering, you might offer her that as an alternative. Point out that the results will be different, but the price tag might be easier for her to commit to.

If you’re comfortable accepting a payment plan for your larger service, you can offer that as an alternative to your pay-in-full price.

Otherwise, let her know she can contact you when she’s ready to invest in herself, and until then stay in touch via your newsletter. That’s it. You don’t need to do anymore, or try to persuade her to work with you. Keep your focus on clients who are ready to work with you.

Want to be my partner in home business? Get my marketing system here >>

How To Get Good Response From Safelist Advertising

#1 problem with safelists – almost nobody reads your emails.

Why? People open 2 separate email accounts not to overload their primary account. So you send your messages to mailbox where nobody reads them.

For example: You send 5,000 emails, 10-16% people may open email, 1-3% will go to website and finally you are like to have  1-2 sign ups, no sales. You need to send 100,000 emails and more and make sure they can bring targeted, quality traffic.

So, of course, paid traffic to contact primary email account or guaranteed clicks with Solo Ads is the best solution to compare with Safelists. I would recommend this source – click here.

Time is money. Use paid traffic.

In today’s blog, I’m going to share with you how to get good response from safelist advertising

(what I’ve learnt from LeadsLeap platform expert Kenneth). I included my tools and resources here.

Many gurus will tell you that safelist is a complete waste of time and to certain extend, I agree. But if you know the tricks, it can be a good source of traffic for you.

Without further ado, here are the tricks to get good response from safelist advertising.

1) Don’t sell. Build list!

Safelist traffic seldom buy stuff on the spot. Don’t advertise your business opportunity directly or sell your product upfront. It won’t work.

Instead, your main job is to give. Give away free gifts, free info and/or arouse their curiosity so that they opt-in to your list.

After they opt-in to your list, you can lead them to a one-time offer using the strategy I shared with you earlier on. If the offer is good, they will bite.

To illustrate, when I advertise Plug-In Profit Site program, the sales page I use is this.

As you can see, I’m giving away more than 1000 minutes of internet marketing videos. The opt-in conversion is good. After prospects opt-in, they will see my one-time offer. About 5% will take up the offer, but bear in mind that it’s not the end.

Safelist traffic are usually newbies of the newbies. Once they opt-in to your list, if you can feed them with great information and show them the way to make money online, they can be your best long term customers.

2) It all started with a catchy email subject.

Safelist members receive tons of emails a day. Wanting them to read your email is very tough and that’s why most people fail to get much traffic.

(Usually, when you join an individual safelist program, the response is so low that it can be a waste of your time. For better response, it is wiser to use a safelist submitter that allows you to submit your ad to thousands of safelists at one time.)

As I’ve said, safelist members receive tons of emails everyday. When they browse through their list of emails, the only thing they see is your email subject. Therefore the only way to capture their attention is through your email subject.

There are 2 important tips on writing email subject:

i) When writing your email subject, focus on giving and don’t try to sell or hype.

Email subjects such as “Make $3000 A Month On Autopilot” will not work because people know you are trying to sell something.

Instead, email subject like “Free Report: How I Make $3000 A Month On Autopilot” will get some traffic to your squeeze page.

ii) To further increase the response, you MUST make your subject stand out VISUALLY.

This is the main secret, so pay special attention to this.

What I’m saying is you should add some special characters that can make your ad quickly recognizable from the list of email subjects.

To illustrate what I mean, look at the list of email subjects below and tell me which one captures your attention.

Still Reading Commercial Emails For Free?
Start to Increase Your ClickBank Sales Today!
The Gas Alternatives Report : Up To $2000 Monthly!
### Free Report ### How I Make $3000 A Month On Autopilot
You won’t believe this is free
3 Reasons You Should Consider

If you browse through the subjects above, you should see that “### Free Report ### How I Make $3000 A Month On Autopilot” stands out from the rest.

The trick is to use some special characters to increase your chance of having your email subject being read.

Some tricks you can use include:

### Free Report ###
**** Urgent !!! ****
[Unadvertised Bonus]

I’ve also seen people starting an email subject with characters like these:

L@@K HERE >>

Be creative and think out of the box when using characters to capture attention.

But remember, this trick can ONLY capture people’s attention. Eventually, it’s the words that determine if they want to read your ad. Remember to give rather than to sell or hype in your email subject.

Email subjects like this

**** Urgent !!! **** Start to Increase Your ClickBank Sales Today!

will not get you much traffic, but email subjects like this

**** Urgent !!! **** 6000 Free Leads For You At $0 Cost


To sum up, effective safelist advertising begins with 1) a VISUALLY powerful email subject, 2) an irresistible email subject that offers something that one would be crazy to reject and 3) a squeeze page that can get people to opt-in to get the offer, and finally 4) a good follow-up system that lives on the principle of “give and thou shall receive”.

Last but not least, remember that the success of any advertising campaign does not lie in the source of your traffic (so long as the traffic is targeted). More importantly, it lies in the amount of charcoal you have set up.

One of the way to get leads from safelists is to get guaranteed leads per month to your autoresponder – for example from – European Safelist.- you can get 500 leads per month to your AR. Check banner below – Pro-membership.

The secrets of Big Dogs or Alfa Dog.

You’ve got a Great website – Too bad no one sees it.

Just see if you can relate to it. I want to share my experience.


Simply Amazing AND Amazingly Simple!
by Stan Stuchinski)

REACH – millions of eager prospects automatically!
EARN – multiple income streams on autopilot!
SLASH – your time online to just 30 minutes per day!

It’s the most ingenious AUTOMATED marketing system ever invented!

It’s POWERFUL enough for the most experienced marketer, but SIMPLE enough for the newest newbie.
Stop living on your computer and let your computer start letting you L-I-V-E!

Set it, forget it, and take back your life!

Using the most sophisticated plug-and-play technology this amazing concept allows you undreamed of freedom and undreamed of residual income possibilities.

In fact—

While you’re at a soccer game with the kids the system is generating thousands of valuable leads—

While you’re having a candle light dinner with your spouse the system is sending your ads to those leads-–AUTOMATICALLY!

While you’re on vacation at the beach the system is closing those prospects and making you dollars—

While you’re SLEEPING the system is generating, not just one or two, but TWELVE streams of residual income—

It can only be ONE thing!…

The Big Dogs System! 

And this is what Jack Hauer, from Pennsylvania has to say about it…..

“Wanted to drop you a line to tell you how impressed I am with the simplicity of Big Dogs.  I wish I had seen it before I wasted so much time and money on so many other programs.”

And this is what Stan Stuchinski (the creator) has to say: “if anything is unclear to you, then by all means give me a call. You can reach me at 814-696-0469 and just ask for The Big Dog. Or you can email me at Stan@BigDogSecrets.com

Heck, if you’re in the neighborhood stop in at the office and we’ll go out for a bite to eat together.

Lunch is on ME!  (Drinks are on YOU – LOL!)”

But Grab the eBook first – click here or press the image

You just got that slick new website, and you just
finished posting your ad to a gazillion FFA sites, and
classified ad sites, and search engines. You’re
ready to kick back and watch your hit counter spin
like a maniac.

But every time you go back to your site, your counter
only goes up by one hit – YOURS!

What’s goin’ on!?

Trust me, my friend – I KNOW what you’re going through.
Not so long ago, I was spending countless hours at my
computer using the same techniques YOU’RE using. After
months of bashing my head against the wall I had
nothing to show for it but frustration and depression.
I certainly wasn’t earning all those Internet millions
everybody ELSE said they were earning!

Then I learned the TRUTH!

I learned the ridiculously simple methods that the
folks who ARE making an income on the Internet use.
I learned that—

+++ You CAN do all of your Internet marketing in just
30 minutes a day – but you MUST know certain
easy-to-learn techniques!

+++ You CAN get good, quality hits to your website
– but not the way you’re doing it TODAY!

+++ You CAN make an excellent income on the Internet –
but only with a service that every website owner MUST

Take just a second to click the link below to learn the
truth for YOURSELF at!

And – if something is unclear, please email,
or even CALL me. I might not have ALL the
answers, but I WILL be happy to help in any way I can!

Remember – where you are TODAY, I was YESTERDAY,
Go here now

*** Advertising ***

And now I can share my marketing system with you for FREE.


McDonald’s can give you ideas about traffic.

 You don’t get traffic you need. Learn from McDonald’s.

Mr. Ray Kroc didn’t sell hamburgers. He sold the marketing systems.

You need 2 options.

1) Sales Funnel with High Converting Process and Product. A lot of marketers aware of it and do not advertise old way. Here is an example of already done-for-you sales page.

Did you know that it costs McDonalds $1.91 in advertising to get you into the drive through…?
And when they sell you a burger for $2.09, they ONLY make $0.18…
But… when they upsell you fries and a coke for $1.77 more, they make (and more importantly KEEP $1.32 profit).
Yes, 8 times the profit of the initial sale!
Pretty cool, don’t you think?
But, what does that have to do with you?
Well, If you’re like most people who sell stuff online, you’ve setup a website, and you started selling your product.
But just like McDonalds, even if people are buying it, often times, after your advertising costs, you’re probably not left with enough to even cover your hosting bills. 🙁
And that’s when you realize that if you want to make it online, you can’t sell from a flat website.
You need to do what McDonalds did, and setup an actual ‘Sales Funnel.’
But instead of having people go through a drive-in window…
…online they go through a “capture page” where you can gather their contact information and follow up with them through email…
Then instead of selling them a burger, you have a sales page created to sell your initial product.
And while you’re probably not going to offer your customers fries and a coke… you could upsell them on your other products and services…
You have seen it work at McDonald’s, you have seen it work on Amazon… and you KNOW it will work for you.
Where website visitors can come in the top…
And cash comes out the bottom…

This is sales funnel that marketers use..

2) Even if you get everything in place, you need traffic (quality leads). Here we go because there are a lot of junk traffic offers, not qualified Solo Ads, beat-up, non-fresh lists and robot clicks.

Notice: Some sources for traffic are here (Solo Ads) and here (European Safelist that gives me 500 leads every month).

Cheap traffic eventually cost us money too. For example you advertise on a small budget $300 per month and don’t get anything. Your ads exposed to not real customers.

I can offer to you a better solution >>>

Watch this video and do the math,

I will share with you my marketing system.

Warren Buffett always worked with a simple long-term investment

Warren Buffett explains how you could’ve turned $114 into $400,000 with a simple long-term investment.

Many of us know the magic of investing money in the stock market—just letting it sit and watching it grow—but few of us really grasp just how powerfully enriching this can be. Not surprisingly, Warren Buffett, the world’s greatest investor, has a vivid example of this which he shared with me during a visit earlier this year at Berkshire Hathaway headquarters in Omaha.

First, take yourself back, way back to America’s entry into World War II. Franklin Roosevelt was president and Buffett was a young boy. And as you may know young Buffett, unlike most kids his age interested in games or sports, was basically consumed by the stock market. And at that dark moment in US history, Buffett was ready to take action.

“Let me give you a figure that’ll blow your mind I think. I bought my first stock when I was 11 years old. It was the first quarter of 1942, shortly after Pearl Harbor,” Buffett recalls. “I spent $114.75, [for] shares [of a stock.] $114.75. If I put that $114 into the S&P 500 at that time and reinvested the dividends, think of a figure as to what it…would be worth today,” he asked me?

So, what do think?



I’ll give you some help. That’s way low.

Let’s pick it up with Buffett again: “The answer is about $400,000. So if I as a little kid had taken that 114 bucks I’d saved— shoveling snow (LAUGH) or whatever I’d done, [I’d have] $400,000 today. [In] one person’s lifetime. That’s America. I mean, that isn’t me. You know, it’s the huge tailwind the American economy gives to any equity investor.”

Buffett acknowledges that it’s not always easy to stick with it all the way through.

“Now, the market’s gone down many times during that time,” he reminded me. “People have panicked during that time. Headlines have been terrible. You know, it looked like we were losing the war when we first got in. But America is a powerful economic machine that, since 1776, it’s worked and it’s gonna keep working.”

And then he’s almost giving me a pep talk. As in, ‘come on, you can do this!’

“Now, you don’t wanna buy to hold for a year, you don’t wanna buy with the idea that you could sell it in two years or three years necessarily, to make money. You may— you could lose money that way,” he says. “But if you buy it for $10, $20, just keep buying the S&P 500 index and forget about all the other nonsense that’s being sold to you because I’ll guarantee you one thing about (LAUGH) the stuff being sold to you, it will carry bigger fees than what (LAUGH) I’m talking about.”

By that last point Buffett means those big management or brokerage fees would eat up your returns in a huge way and you’d end up with far less that $400K.

So here’s a big question: Will it happen again? In other words, if you invested a similar sum and held it for the same 76 years or so, would you still make out—maybe not exactly the same of course—but would you still make out like a bandit?

Buffett answers that if not directly, then directionally.

“The S&P 500 companies have earned well over 10% on equity, often 15% annually for years, and years, and years, and years,” Buffett says. “They’ve done it— with Democratic administrations, with Republican administrations. Now, you get money compounding at that kind of rate underlying your investment, and you get a diversified group of that, I mean, you’re going to do well.”

You pick up these kinds of things from investing for almost eight decades.

Watch Warren Buffett LIVE at the 2018 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting exclusively on the Yahoo Finance app and desktop. Coverage begins May 5 at 9:45am ET.

Warren Buffet strategy is good for young people who have enough time to invest.

Do we have a plan for average people who want to make extra income online without long-term perspective?

Check this out (press image below or right side if this blog).

I will share my marketing system with you

What pill, Neo. Blue or red?

This is the moment in the Matrix when Morpheus offers Neo to take the red pill or the blue pill. For Neo, one pill leads to mediocrity and the other leads down the rabbit hole of the unknown.

Red pill or blue pill?

The blue pill of blissful ignorance whispers…

  • Trends, tricks and techniques will make you millions
  • You can build a profitable business working one hour a day
  • You can get rich on free traffic
  • Selling low-priced products is the best way to make money
  • You can use the internet to avoid “selling” to anyone

The red pill of reality states…

Only proven methods and principles will make you profits.

You can START a profitable business working one hour a day, but to grow that business will take more than an hour!

You must master at least one form of PAID traffic to succeed online.

Check this useful source of SOLO Ads  here >>>

The only way to truly succeed online is by selling high-priced, high-commission products or you’re doomed to an Amazonian takeover!

Someone in your organization must know how to sell and sell very well.

At many online companies like SAN, DA, SFI, MOBE people have tossed out the blue pill.

The blue pill may make you FEEL better in the short term…but we live in the REAL world.

For example, MOBE (or MTTB)

MTTB is a 21-step system based on proven principles (so proven they’re backed with a ten-times your money back guarantee).

You can start MTTB working less than an hour a day, but as you start making $1250, $3300 and $5500 commissions, you’ll have to work more…but don’t worry, you’ll WANT to work more.

MTTB preaches the value of BUYING good traffic. Free traffic does not work. At least not for long.

(Ask the folks on Facebook who built up their “likes” only to have Facebook pull the plug on them and say, “If you want your likers to see your posts, you’ll have to pay us.”) Period. Sorry to break it to you. Find a traffic source you can BUY and turn into sales and they can’t take it away from you.

MTTB sells high-priced products. It’s the only way we can pay out such high commissions.

It’s the only way you can make big money without signing up 150 of your friends and family in a “downline”.

With MTTB YOU don’t have to sell, but our phone sales team will sell for you. And they know how to close! No company ever succeeded without GOOD sales people. We provide them for you!

“Remember, people fail, systems work”

Do we have another alternative to make online business with legitimate companies but not to have to buy from the start high priced products, courses, training? Yes, see the plan below.

Okay, Neo, what’s it gonna be? Red pill or blue pill?

Take the red pill here…see my

here you go >>>


Kentucky Fried Chicken box?

Kentucky Fried Chicken box?

Quick, whose portrait is on the side of a…

Kentucky Fried Chicken box?

Colonel Sanders. Right.

The guy who devised the famous “11 Herbs and Spices” recipe that became the most popular chicken franchise in the world.

But do you know what the famed 11th spice was?

According to legend, Sanders was broke and going from restaurant to restaurant and challenging the chefs. “I’ll bet my chicken recipe is better than yours”…and he always lost that bet…but at least he got a free meal out of the ruse.

Well, one day he was running the same schtick on a local bar owner.

The bar owner said, “I’m trying to sell beer, not chicken. This chicken needs WAAAAY more salt, so my customers will order more beer to quench their thirst!”

So, the bar owner shook a few shakers of salt onto the Colonel’s chicken and said, “Now this is GOOD”.

Sanders hated the taste of it…but he was no dummy. “If this is what the customer wants, then I’ll give it to him.”

The secret 11th ingredient? Plain old table salt!

What does this have to do with your online business? (again this thing “never give up”) and many platforms with training.


Well, sometimes the key to your success is hiding in plain site. Sometimes, it’s not a matter of a miracle or some crazy new online sales formula.

It’s not some wild, undiscovered herb or spice.

Sometimes it’s following a simple recipe. Sometimes it’s the simplest ingredient that puts the recipe over the top.

Now many programs for home-based biz have their recipe.

It’s not complicated. It’s not bizarre. It’s just some steps (1-2-3 or 21 proven steps). A recipe anyone can follow.


Check it out today…click here…>>>
