Diabetes is a very serious health problem that affects millions and it also leads to hypertension, heart disease and other problems. This is not a disease to be trifled with. Allowing it to get uncontrolled can mean blindness, amputations, kidney failures or even death.
The implications are severe and if you have diabetes, getting it under control should be your priority. The biggest cause of most type 2 diabetes is one’s diet and sedentary lifestyle. But how do you fix this problem?
There’s big money to be made in medication, insulin, syringes and supplies, etc. The general impression that these companies want you to have is that diabetes requires all these special measures. This is a lie and that’s exactly why Max, titled his book ‘The Big Diabetes Lie’.
The information in this guide is about addressing the root cause of the problem. Treating the symptoms is neither productive nor helpful. Max’s wealth of information in The Big Diabetes lie will show you how to bring the disease to a halt, stabilize your blood sugar levels and lower your risk of diabetes-related complications.
Let’s examine the pros and cons of this highly popular and controversial book.
The avoidance of refined carbs and other detrimental foods that are revealed in the guide will prevent wild blood sugar fluctuations. Your condition will improve by leaps and bounds.
2) This book was written for laymen. Complex medical terms have been forsaken for simplicity and ease of understanding. It’s an easy read and following the tips will be a breeze.
3) Success depends upon a good plan. Max’s ‘7 Steps to Health’ plan is one that you can count on. All you need to do is follow it to the letter and you’ll see results.
4) You can test the program out for 60-days and if you’re not satisfied, you can always ask for a refund. There is a money-back guarantee. 60 days is long enough for you to see major improvements in your condition.
5) The Big Diabetes Lie has sold thousands of copies. It’s been a bestseller for a few years now with many positive reviews on the official website. This is positive social proof that the product delivers what it says it will.
6) Everything you need is provided. Nutrition tips, diet tricks, meal plans, and so much more to help you get this disease under control. You can’t go wrong with it.
7) The tone of The Big Diabetes Lie is very encouraging. The biggest problem with most diabetes books is that they paint a somber picture of how dangerous this disease is and state that it has no cure.
Sidorov’s book is uplifting and give you hope. Diabetes is NOT a death sentence. If you follow the advice in this book, you’ll not need to worry about diabetes ruining your life. You can lead a full and rewarding life while keeping diabetes under control.
The Bad Points:
1) No product is perfect for everyone. Some diabetes sufferers may see no results, but they’re a very small minority. Type 1 diabetes patients will still need insulin injections to manage the problem. It’s also best to see a doctor to ascertain the severity of your problem. The holistic tips in this guide will complement most doctors’ treatments.
2) You can only buy this book online.
Should You Get It?
A definite yes! If you have diabetes, or you know someone who does, this book is a godsend. The advice is on point, easy to follow and highly effective.
You can get 100+ leads for your business daily (or even 200 leads)!
Submit your primary email address where to send the information and 100+ daily leads >>
Still have questions?
Let me give you more details …ok
You joined a business opportunity.
You’re digging the company.
You’re loving the comp plan.
And your sponsor or upline are alright. They got a team training site and everything. Looks like this is what you’ve been waiting for all these years.
Looks like this time it’s going to be different, because they really want you to succeed.
You’ve gone through the training and its time to get leads. You got to get out there to start generating sign ups to make money.
You’ve gone through the “traffic training” section and now it’s time to make a decision.
What’s the best traffic source for you?
You weight your options:
1) Facebook ads — gotta be super technical, patient and geeky. Plus a potential SLAP. 2) Google Adwords — not an option for business opportunity marketers. INSTANT SLAP! 3) YouTube traffic — not comfortable doing videos. Gotta be super-technical. Plus… without retargeting you’re paying out the nose for cold clicks. Plus a SLAP. 4) Social Media — free, don’t need to be technical. Time consuming though. But you don’t mind. You’re willing to do whatever it takes.
Having assessed your options and recognized Social Media is the most likely one for you… You dive in… and you pull no punches. You put in 14 hours a day liking, following, tweeting, instaposting, etc
You knew it seemed too good to be true. And it might have worked for others… But something’s off and it doesn’t work for you.
This is when you got a critical choice to make.
Stick to wasting time on social media making a fool of yourself…
Or be smart enough to recognize a SMARTER WAYto get targeted leads with NO RISK and NO WORK.
Now you can take the next step >>
Submit your primary email address where to send the information and 100+ daily leads >>
Machine learning. Algorithms. Artificial intelligence. Whatever term you prefer to use, it’s obvious enough that computers and computer programs are doing a lot more than basic arithmetic these days.
Carefully designed apps have gained the capability to extrapolate and predict far more information than ever before. What’s shown in your Netflix suggestions or your Facebook news feed is not that by accident. It’s nowhere near random. The system is continually learning your preferences and catering your experience to fit those preferences. (These tools are discussed on Michael Kwan and John Chow blog posts)
From the perspective of a blogger and online content creator, there are numerous online tools that you can use to create better content for your audience. Many of these leverage artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning to some degree or another, and five of the most compelling are highlighted here today.
Before you can start blogging, you need to come up with ideas for content. You might have a lot of them when you first get started, but you’ll eventually find yourself in a bit of a creative rut. We’ve all been there. So, what can you do?
Head on over to AnswerThePublic and enter a keyword or two. The tool at AnswerThePublic is partly fueled by Google’s Autocomplete algorithm, taking that keyword and expanding it into hundreds of potential topic ideas for blog posts and other online content.
For example, I entered “smart glasses” as my query. The tool then suggested such possible topics or areas of exploration as:
Are smart glasses the future?
How to make smart glasses at home
What are level smart glasses?
Smart glasses for cycling
Smart glasses that look normal
It’s like having a brainstorming session with some of your smartest colleagues, but it’s almost instantaneous and far more comprehensive.
I realize that I might be shooting myself in the foot here a little, given that I make my living as a freelance writer and editor. At the same time, I also know that I can’t possibly edit everybody’s work, and yes, even I make typos and mistakes from time to time too. All humans do.
While you might think that the spellcheck utility in your word processor, blogging software, or web browser of choice is good enough, it’s nowhere near perfect. If I typed the word “prefect” in the previous sentence, it would not have been picked up as a spelling mistake, because “prefect” is a word… but it’s not “perfect.”
Grammarly uses artificial intelligence to improve your writing in almost every way, looking for spelling and grammatical mistakes, and offering suggestions for clarity and more. It’s pretty smart.
Many modern smartphone cameras offer some sort of “portrait mode.” On many phones, this mode is facilitated by a camera with multiple lenses. The phone can then better determine what is in the foreground and what is in the background, separating the two and applying a faux “bokeh” effect.
The Google Pixel 3 only has a single camera on the back, and yet it is able to achieve largely the same results thanks to machine learning and artificial intelligence. It takes its best guess to separate the subject from everything else, blurring out the background for an artistic aesthetic.
In some ways, it appears that Remove.bg performs a similar kind of thing, but for an entirely different purpose. Upload any image (or input an image URL), and the online tool will remove the background from that image in a matter of seconds. It’s not perfect, but it’s utterly remarkable, and can make for some fun, creative opportunities.
Grammarly looks at your words. Remove.bg looks at your images. And Wibbitz helps you create videos. As you know, video has very much become the name of the game with online content, but not everyone has the time, expertise or resources to pull together incredible video content.
Yes, everyone is vlogging and you should too. Yes, you can start with $200 or less. But what Wibbitz does is something different altogether. You simply provide it with text and it can convert that text into a video, complete with relevant imagery, making it perfect for platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
This won’t replace your vlog, but it will add tremendously to your repertoire when it comes to the kinds of content you can share with your audience. And fast too.
Hello, I think many people online and offline want to read this!
I’m pretty sure you’ve been looking at ways to finally make some money online.
Let me ask you, have you made your first dollar online?
If you answered “YES” – then congrats! You’re one of the very few who’s finally had success…
However, if you answered “NO” then I would love the opportunity to show you exactly how people all over the world are FINALLY making their first dollar online and more.
Here’s exactly what they are doing…
Now before you freak out and say “yea yea I have heard that before”
Here’s why this is different, and why it works.
Anthony Morrison – a very well know Internet Marketer who’s done millions of dollars online – is giving away one of his million dollar Profit Cycle Businesses.
Why is he doing this?
You’ll find literally a few people online
that offer this kind of partnership now.
He’s currently helping his students make extra income online (and yeah I am proudly one of them..) and you can be too….
Check this out here and if it is not for you – you have nothing to lose, however, if it is what you been looking for then your life may change.
One of the main factors is you are not alone in this. Building a team – Check it out Now!
… and lets get you started.
He’s done 80% for you – and teaching how you can do the rest – all you have to do is take action.
Say yourself: “I have had enough bosses in my life. No More For Me.”
“Life punishes the vague wish and rewards the specific ask.” – Tim Ferriss
What this video is about?
Are you asking for what you want to receive? More importantly, are you asking intelligently?
New International Version “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. (originally from Bible: Matthew 7:7)
Ask, Seek, Knock Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.…Berean Study Bible
To get more understanding, let read this…
Question: “What did Jesus mean when He said, ‘Ask and you shall receive’?”
Answer: Jesus said, “Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete” in John 16:24. Similar statements are found in Matthew 7:7; 21:22; Mark 11:24; Luke 11:9; and John 15:7. Is this a blanket promise with no conditions? If we ask for three hundred pounds of chocolate delivered to our door, is God obligated to give it to us? Or are Jesus’ words to be understood in light of other revelation?
If we assume that “ask and you will receive” means “ask for anything you want and I’ll give it to you,” then we have turned the Lord into a cosmic genie who serves our every whim. This is the problem of prosperity gospel and word of faith teachings.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says that whoever asks receives, whoever seeks finds, and whoever knocks will find an open door (Matthew 7:7–8). But with this and all other verses we must examine the context. Jesus goes on to say that God will not fail to give His children good things (verse 11). So, this is one condition to the promise of “ask and receive”: what we ask for must be good in God’s estimation. God will give advantageous gifts to His children; He will not give us bad or injurious things, no matter how much we clamor for them. The best example of a good gift is the Holy Spirit, according to Luke 11:13. We begin to see a two-fold purpose of prayer—to increase our understanding of what God calls “good” and to cultivate a desire in us for what is good.
Our prayers to God are not unlike our requests of men. Our prayers are based in a relationship, as Jesus points out in Matthew 7:8.
If a child asks his father for something the father knows to be hurtful, the request is denied. The child may be frustrated and unhappy when he doesn’t get what he asked for, but he should trust his father. Conversely, when the child asks for something that the father knows is beneficial, the father will provide it eagerly because he loves his child.
Have you noticed that it gets harder and harder to get a signup or sale in online marketing? I am certain that you have, because it has been going on for quite a while.
T h e r e a l i t y is that to get results today, you have to have a more complicated process to convince a prospect to buy. 80% of the sales in any promotion happen between the 8th and 20th time that you make contact with the prospect. Almost no one just buys from the sales page anymore.
That is a big challenge for a beginning online marketer because it takes training and experience to craft an email series that actually motivates people to buy.
That is why I recommend that you get on the Pre-Launch Early Bird list for a new program starting in May called Your Success Advantage. This program was designed to do all of the “hard” parts of online marketing for you.
You just send high quality traffic to the lead capture pages. They convert your traffic into prospects and then the back-end system turns prospects into buyers … in dozens of online programs where you can earn an income.
This system is radically different than anything else you have tried. Click below to watch the video explain how Your Success Advantage turns your traffic into customers (or press the image).
NOTE: Pay very close attention to this video because you may stop to do what you are doing and switch to this program.
First of all, watch and listen to this video (6:10 min), (recorded by Matthew Graves)
3 Reasons Why You Should not Babysit your Downline
When it comes to MLM Network Marketing building your group is one of the most vital components to your business. Your downline is basically the people that are actively working the business, usually as distributors. In the beginning it is very important to be there for your people, as they will have questions and problems that you can help them solve. However, after a certain point you have to cut the apron strings and allow the people in your downline to work on their own. Here are three reasons that you should not babysit your downline if you want your MLM business to grow effectively: (posted by Nate Leung)
1. Babysitting your downline wastes your time
In the beginning it is crucial that you are there to mentor and train all of your distributors. However, you can quickly fall into the trap of answering every question they have and doing things for them that they could do for themselves. You are obviously responsible for properly training your team, but once they have a good understanding of the company or products then it is time to let them grow on their own. If you are spending all of your time assisting your downline then you won’t have time for the more important aspects of your business. If you have a distributor that is taking an inordinate amount of your time, then you need to have a discussion with them or even consider letting them go. Remember, time is money, particularly when you work from home.
2. They will not grow into leaders
At some point you have to let the birds out of the nest if they are going to fly. Ultimately you would like your distributors to grow into leaders that are recruiting other people and growing your business. If you are constantly holding their hand along the way or doing things that they could do for themselves, then you are simply stunting their growth and the growth of your business. Once you have given them the tools and training to succeed then it is time for your distributors to become leaders.
3. Your business will not grow if you babysit your downline
One of the most important parts of an MLM business is growing it through recruitment. If you are spending too much time dealing with every question your distributors have then you will not be out there recruiting new members. You might find that your business is suddenly stuck in the mud and that your growth is not what it should be. A big reason that MLMs grow stagnate is that the leader is not spending their time effectively. If you want your business to grow then you need to use your time efficiently.
These are just three reasons that you should not waste too much time babysitting your downline. If you find that you are spending too much time dealing with prospects (distributors) then it is probably time to reassess your training methods or even consider getting new distributors. The only way to effectively grow your MLM business is by having a downline that is capable and willing to take leadership roles.
$$$ Advertising $$$
Do you have tools to blast emails to millions prospects legally, no spam?
I would say you can have nothing for free (when it comes to business or something commercial). I think it’s clear that this word is being used according psychological laws. (other part of article was posted by internet entrepreneur Jeff Herring)
Here is why!
Programs advertise this word – F R E E – all the time to get you to join. However, if no money ever changes hands, how can anyone earn an income? Online business is overall cheaper than offline, because you do not deal with some of the typical expenses, such as land, buildings, equipment. You work out of your existing residence using an online connection you already subscribe to, and you use a computer, tablet or phone you already own.
Online businesses still have costs, such as scripts, merchant accounts and hosting. Therefore, the business must recoup these costs plus some profit as they put a price on the product, service or training they are providing.
Some people forget these costs and are just free loaders, trying to get something for nothing. Another possibility is because they have lost some money trying to figure out online marketing, and their reluctance for risk is driving this behavior.
Let me present you with some real life examples: You would never go to a gas station and expect free gas, a restaurant and expect a free meal, or a grocery store and expect free milk and eggs. Yet somehow a lot of people associate online business as free.
For anyone to make an income, money must pass from one person to another. Otherwise, what incentive would anyone have to start an online b u s i n e s s. This is a simple concept you need to realize if you plan to be serious about an online income.
As you start to build you affiliate business, you can go free on some aspects of your business, mainly traffic generation. Using traffic exchanges, safe lists, and social media to send traffic to your offers. However, realize this is a cost in time, not money, but it is a cost to you.
Plus, get email marketing tips delivered to your inbox every week.
Analytics are an essential (and often overlooked) part of your email marketing strategy. When you know things like how many subscribers are opening your emails and what links they’re clicking, you get a look into how your subscribers feel about the content you send them. And as you discover the story told by your analytics, you can identify opportunities to make improvements and bring more value to your readers.
So what should you be looking for to measure the impact of your emails? Here are seven email marketing metrics you need to track (and what they mean):
Open rate
Your email open rate measures the effectiveness of your subject lines, as well as the best times to email your subscribers. With this insight, you can identify how you can get more people to view your emails.
Open rates are calculated by taking the unique opens (i.e., the total number of unique subscribers who open your email) and dividing it by the total number of recipients. For example, if I send an email to 100 subscribers and 30 of them open it, I would have a 30 percent open rate.
Here’s a piece of advice as you track your open rates: since you want to know how many subscribers are actively engaging with your emails, you’ll want to track unique opens instead of total opens.
Total opens represents the number of times an email is opened, which can be misleading because a subscriber may open your email multiple times.
Take the previous scenario for example. If the 30 subscribers who opened your email opened it twice, that would mean you have 60 opens and you’d have a 60 percent open rate. Not an accurate metric, right?
Unique opens, on the other hand, only counts the number of subscribers who opened your email – regardless of how many times they opened it.
While observing your unique opens provides a more accurate picture, tracking email opens isn’t fool-proof. Every open is detected when an invisible tracker image embedded within the email is displayed. However, if your subscribers have disabled images in their email client, it won’t track their opens, which impacts your open rates.
To help resolve this, ask your subscribers to add your “from” address to their address book. This not only guarantees that your emails will arrive in the inbox, but it also will ensure that opens are being tracked (remember that little invisible tracker image I mentioned).
Click-through rate
Your email click-through rate tells you whether or not your email content and call to action is relevant to your subscribers. The insight you gain from your click-through rate metrics can help you optimize the content of your emails; if you notice a lot of people clicking a link to one blog post instead of another, you can assume they’d prefer to receive more content on that topic in the future.
Similar to open rates, click-through rates can be calculated based on unique clicks or total clicks. To get a more accurate idea of how many subscribers are engaged with your emails, you’ll want to look at the total unique clicks (i.e., the number of subscribers who clicked on a link in your email) and divide it by the total number of recipients.
Again, don’t fall into the trap of calculating click-through rate based on total clicks (i.e., the number of times a link was clicked). This is misleading because a subscriber may click the same link multiple times, counting those as “clicks.” Instead, check your unique click-through rate to determine exactly how many subscribers are engaging with your email content.
You can also use your click-through rate to see what type of content your readers find compelling, and what they’re less interested in. With this information, you can focus more on content you know your subscribers will enjoy instead of sending random emails.
Web traffic
If a goal of your email marketing strategy is to increase traffic to your blog or website, you’ll want to track your web traffic results as well.
Web analytics will not only show you how many people are coming through to your website from your email, but also how long they’re staying on your site, where else they’re going on your site, where they’re leaving your website, and more.
To track web traffic to your site from your emails, I recommend using Google Analytics. Adding UTM tracking codes onto links in your emails allows you to capture and analyze email referral traffic within Google Analytics. (If you’re an AWeber customer, here’s how to integrate Google Analytics with AWeber.)
If traffic is low, for example, that might mean you need to make your email content more engaging. Or perhaps the content you’re sending them to isn’t compelling enough, and you should try sending them a web page or blog post related to a different topic.
Are you selling a product or service in your emails? To see how much revenue your emails are generating, you can track the sales that resulted from each email.
Sales from your email are tracked when someone opens you email, clicks through to your site, and makes a purchase.
To get this information, use Google Analytics to set up sales goals and tracking conversions. This is typically done using a destination goal within Google Analytics with your destination being a landing page where buyers land after making a purchase.
By using the appropriate UTM tracking codes on your email links, you’ll be able to track sales conversions from your emails. However, this approach won’t allow you to tie the revenue to specific subscribers, limiting your ability to segment and target those subscribers in the future.
Losing subscribers is difficult for any email marketer to cope with. You want to have as many people on your list as possible, but you also want to send to people who truly want to hear from you.
Rest assured that unsubscribes are a normal and common part of maintaining a healthy email list.
There are many reasons someone may unsubscribe from your emails. Maybe your email content isn’t satisfying their needs anymore. Or perhaps you’re sending too frequently.
Subscribers typically have a few different options when unsubscribing from your list. They can click the “unsubscribe” link in your email, or use an app like Unroll.me to get the job done. In Gmail, people also have the option to click the “unsubscribe” link next to your name and email address. Regardless of how they choose to remove themselves from your list, you should make it easy for them to do so.
To learn why people are leaving your list, ask them for their feedback. This will help you better understand the reasons why they left and what you can do to bring them back or prevent others from leaving.
If more people are unsubscribing than they are joining your list, it might be time to re-evaluate your email content strategy and your open and click-through rates. If they’re low, you might need to see how you can send more relevant and compelling content.
Bounce rate
Bounces are a good indication of the health of your email list, and they’re calculated by taking the total number of bounces and dividing it by the total number of recipients.
Bounce rates are broken out into two categories: hard bounces and soft bounces.
A hard bounce means a recipient’s email account is closed or invalid. Most email marketing providers will automatically unsubscribe someone who hard bounces.
A soft bounce means a recipient’s email account is temporarily unavailable. This typically happens when a server is unavailable or a recipient’s inbox is full. Most email marketing providers will continue to send to a soft bounce several times before automatically unsubscribing them from your email list.
Ideally, you want to aim for a bounce rate that is less than five percent. To do so, my advice is to maintain a clean, active and engaged email list.
Complaint rate
Complaints occur when a subscriber marks your email as spam. Your complaint rate is calculated by taking the total number of complaints and dividing it by the total number of recipients. Your goal should be to keep your complaint rate no higher than 0.1 percent.
A consistently high complaint rate can have serious consequences on your deliverability and potentially get you into trouble with your email marketing provider. Again, sticking to email marketing best practices will help you “>maintain a low complaint rate.
How are your emails doing?
Focusing on your analytics is essential to improving your email marketing game. With them, it makes it easier to gauge whether your emails are delighting subscribers.
All starts from autoresponder. If you still don’t have one, start with TrafficWave and I will show you how it can be used not only for email marketing but as another source of income. Join our The Towers Team – TrafficWave program.
Have you tried YouTube for profits? Even if you don’t know how make videos!
“Is it possible to build an effective and profitable home based business on 80% Autopilot?”
What if you can just turnkey everything away, so that you can make a passive income online with TrafficWave?
If you’ve ever wanted to create multiple income streams and receive 100% commissions from the lucrative world of affiliate marketing, then this is for you. Today you’re about to discover a real-world online marketing business that works…So you can substantially increase your commissions and finally start earning a real income online.
Why TrafficWave?
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6. Weekly and monthly payouts! A residual income can provide you and your family with the financial security that you’ve always desired.
We´ve done everything in our power to make this easy for you.
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Get placed on our team rotators and run your Trafficwave (TW)business on autopilot.
You don’t even need to quit what you are already doing, in fact, TW Towers Team will also help you promote your current online business too in multiple different ways..
You will also get my Personal support and team support. I will pay your first month cost to help you get started.
We promote for you and even build YOUR list for you
Join our TrafficWave Towers Team & Your Downline Will Grow On Autopilot – Like This…
Are You Ready To Start Making Money?
See you on the inside!
Yuri Grin, Toronto, Canada
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