How to Write a Business Plan

How to Write a Business Plan

” If you fail to plan, you plan to fail “

” Goal without a plan is just a wish “

Writing a business plan shouldn’t be complicated. In this step-by-step guide, I’ll show you how to quickly and easily write a business plan that will get the results you want. Don’t worry, you don’t have to have a business or accounting degree to put together a great business plan. This guide will show you how to get your plan done step-by-step without any of the complexity or frustration.

The six components of a business Plan

Whether you’re building a business plan to raise money and grow your business or just need to figure out if your idea will work, every business plan needs to cover 6 essential topics. Here’s a quick overview of each topic. There are a lot more details and instructions for each step later in this guide.

1. Executive summary

The executive summary is an overview of your business and your plans. It comes first in your plan and is ideally only one to two pages. Most people write it last, though.

How to Write a Business Plan

2. Opportunity

The opportunity section answers these questions: What are you actually selling and how are you solving a problem (or “need”) for your market? Who is your target market and competition?

3. Execution

In the execution chapter of your business plan, you’ll answer the question: how are you going to take your opportunity and turn it into a business? This section will cover your marketing and sales plan, operations, and your milestones and metrics for success.

4. Company and management summary

Investors look for great teams in addition to great ideas. Use the company and management chapter to describe your current team and who you need to hire. You will also provide a quick overview of your legal structure, location, and history if you’re already up and running.

5. Financial plan

Your business plan isn’t complete without a financial forecast. We’ll tell you what to include in your financial plan, but you’ll definitely want to start with a sales forecast, cash flow statement, income statement (also called profit and loss) and your balance sheet.

6. Appendix

If you need more space for product images or additional information, use the appendix for those details.

In the upcoming sections of this article, I’ll dive into the details of each section of your business plan and focus on building one that your investors and lenders will want to read. (learn more details from here >>)

How to Write a Business Plan

Here is the sample of business plan you can use for affiliate marketing programs (high-ticket offers) – download here >>

Components of a business plan

Press this image to download a            sample of a business plan



Odds of success are like Rubik’s Cube

Odds of success are like Rubik’s Cube

Your odds of success are 1 in 43 quintillion?
( I’ve got this article from Dan Lok subscription)

Odds of success are like Rubik's Cube

Did you know a Rubik’s Cube has over 43 quintillion different configurations?

Here’s what that looks like as a number:


Now, this is WAY more than the billions of stars in our universe…

And it would take you one-thousand-four-hundred trillion years just to make each configuration once!

It’s insane.

But want to know something even more incredible?

Thanks to supercomputers, we’ve discovered that any Rubik’s Cube — no matter how mixed up it is — can be solved in just 20 moves or less.

Are you getting this?

It sounds crazy. But it’s true.

And it really makes you wonder…

When you’re trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube, but you don’t know what you’re doing…

Are You Really Solving The Cube – Or Just Mixing It Up Even More?

When I was younger, I tried so many different configurations…

I tried everything to make a buck.

And I failed at all of them.

It was like trying to solve “the cube” without knowing how…

And I was just making my situation worse and worse.

I had no idea what I was doing. And I was just digging myself deeper and deeper into debt.

Odds of success are like Rubik’s Cube

I felt like giving up.

But just before I did, I had an idea. Know what it was?

I thought to myself.

“Imagine if I could find someone who has already solved this “cube”. Maybe then they could show me how to do it too!”

And that’s my biggest secret ..

You Could Be 20 Moves Away From Overwhelming Success

It’s not about luck. Or about your background. Or even about your talents.

Once you find someone who will teach you to solve ‘the cube’, your life will never be the same again.

After learning how to solve ‘the cube’ from my mentor, I hit 6 figures in 6 months.

And then before I knew it, I hit 7-figures.

And then before I knew it, I had solved ‘the cube’, and I was doing whatever the hell I wanted with my life.

And that’s the power of learning from someone who has solved ‘the cube’.

Odds of success are like Rubik’s Cube

Now, not everyone is as hard-working or as driven as I was back then.

And I’m NOT saying getting a mentor will instantly make your life easy and care-free.

But always remember: When you’re trying to solve a problem…

When it feels like you’re not making any progress…

And when it feels like there’s no way out…

There’s always a way.

Maybe you’re only a few moves away from overwhelming success.

And maybe it’s just time to reach out for help..

(see link below for a possible solution >>)

Well-Known Internet Marketer Takes Ordinary People
To Experienced, Confident Income Earners.

You can be one of them in less then 15 days of
training and see your first results in a couple
of weeks from now (full training is 6 weeks).

Click the image below
(now updated version is available) >>>

Your Odds of success



7 Common Google AdWords Mistakes to Avoid

Discover 7 common Google AdWords mistakes to avoid
with your Google AdWords campaigns.

There are plenty of mistakes that people make with
Google AdWords so it is important to avoid them and
to keep your campaigns optimized.

Since AdWords can be difficult to learn for beginners,
new advertisers many times make mistakes and
don’t ever test Google AdWords again.

That’s why we put together this video,
so you can look at some common errors that advertisers make.

Your first ad campaign with Google Ads.

7 Google AdWords Mistakes:

Mistake 1 – Opting into the Search Network and Display Network at the same time. The Google Search Network and Search Partners are much different than the Google Display Network (GDN). When you target keywords, you want to target them on the search network since they perform much different for display ads.

Mistake 2 – Not Using Negative Keywords. Negative keywords are vital to a successful campaign. Regardless of the industry you work in, there are always going to be unrelated keywords in your search terms report. In addition, you can remove certain words that will not drive you conversions.

Mistake 3 – Not Optimizing for Conversions. People spend a lot of money on advertising where they simply drive traffic to their website. They have no goal in terms of leads, sales, phone calls, app installs, or any other key performance indicator. In order to successfully manage your advertising budget, you need to track conversions and optimize your conversion rate while keep costs similar.

Mistake 4 – Poor Keyword Research and Bidding on Broad Match Keywords. Keyword Research is absolutely vital to successful campaigns in addition to avoiding broad match keywords. Modified broad match, phrase match, and exact match keywords will help your campaigns perform much better. In addition, finding the right keywords and bidding on them properly will be the best long-term strategy for you.

Mistake 5 – Not Testing Bidding Strategies as you Optimize Google AdWords Campaigns. There are a wide variety of Google AdWords bidding strategies including Target CPA, Target ROAS, Maximize Clicks, Maximize Conversions, Target Outranking Share, Target Top of Page, and Manual CPC. We love starting with Manual CPC and then getting to Target CPA after we test everything.

Mistake 6 – Only Creating 1 Ad Variation and Not Using Ad Extensions. Google AdWords will automatically optimize your campaigns to show your top-performing ads. In addition, ad extensions make your ads larger in search results and you can add more relevant information.

Mistake 7 – Not Understand the Goals of Google AdWords Ultimately, you want to keep testing and optimizing your Google AdWords campaigns until you can effectively use Target CPA or Target ROAS bidding strategies. If you can find the right keywords for your business that drive results, you can keep bidding on them and optimizing your campaigns. Target CPA and Target ROAS bidding strategies will allow Google AdWords to optimize your campaigns for you, you just have to give them the data they need while constantly improving your campaigns.



15 Ways To Make $100 Or More regularly Online

Work on PC from home

Download full -free- report here >>

NOTE: Inside this report you’ll also find the link to website that shows
how to build long-term online business in 2020 to help yourself
-financially- (in 6 weeks)


If you’ve been on the internet for more than a few hours,
you’ve likely seen at least one advertisement teaching you
how to make thousands of dollars a minute, working from your underwear,
in the comfort of your own home.

These ads are so ridiculously popular that if you’re like most people,
you start doubting whether it really IS possible to make money online.

The truth is, it IS possible. It might be hard to make thousands of dollars
a minute from the get-go (or at all ), but there are certainly ways you can
make an extra $100 a day working from home with ease.

In this report, I am going to share 66 different ways in which you can create
more income. I have tried to cover all types of methods for all different personality
and skill types, and I am confident that you’ll be able to find at least a few
that sound good to you.

While some of them require more work than others, please know
that you can mix and match. For example, maybe you can do a few hours of forum
moderation at $10 an hour for $30, and then make up the extra
$70 doing something else.

The key is to have fun and do whatever you enjoy.

I have given an overview of each idea, and then fleshed them all out a little bit
so you could get started on whatever you like, immediately.

Do keep in mind that these methods are NOT internet businesses in any nature
– it’s just opportunities available on the internet to make “part-time” income.
It is my sincere hope that you get a lot out of this report, and that you take action
and start making money!

Without any further ado, let’s get started.

Download full -free- report here >>



I hope you will enjoy this report. 🙂

We tried to find different ways of making money for all types of people,
and I sincerely hope that some of these resonated with you.

Remember that you can mix and match these methods if you want.
Some of them don’t make as much money, but because they’re fun,
they’re a nice thing to add to your repertoire.

Go Behind The Scene How This Guy has Helped
Hundreds Of People To -Make- -Money- -Online-…

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Yuri Grin in Barrie, Ontario, Canada




Super Affiliate System -SAS-v.3.0 with John Crestani in 2020

I Went From Earning $57,673/Year To


Using The “Easiest Way To Start An Online Business” 

… according to the HostingTribunal!
From The Desk Of John Crestani
Malibu, California
December 11, 2019 
I’ve got to be honest with you, to this day those figures above still give me goosebumps.
I never thought I’d be one of those lucky people who got to live a jet-setting lifestyle, living on our own terms, and able to do pretty much whatever we want.
Super Affiliate System -SAS-v.3.0 with John Crestani in 2020
Certainly not when I was working a corporate job as an Analyst living paycheck to paycheck.
My life consisted of a 1.5 hour commute (there and back)…
To sit in a cubicle and be UTTERLY miserable
It felt like no matter what I did, no matter how many hoops I jumped through, or targets I exceeded – the needle wasn’t moving. (That’s “Corporate John” to the left!)
After I paid my rent, bills, the crazy gas prices and put food on the table, I had barely anything left.
In fact, a recent survey revealed that a LOT of people are being forced to live like I used too.
Maybe even you…
  • Nearly 10% of those making $100,000 or more say they can’t make ends meet
  • ​Most workers are in debt and many believe they always will be
  • ​78% of full-time workers said they live paycheck to paycheck
  • ​56% of all U.S. workers say that they’re in debt over their heads
Chances are if you’re in traditional JOB you’re Just Over Broke… and unfortunately, the OVERWHELMING likelihood is that things are going to STAY that way
Having Your Eyes locked on your bank account every month is no way to live
I’m sure you’d agree, right?
As for the government coming in to help, or your boss giving you a raise? 
That’s likely never going to happen either.
Salaries in America
Are decreasing every single year.

I hope you want to read and watch more..

… and more important: MAKE IT HAPPEN TO YOU in 2020 (even 1-3% of that per month).

You have nothing to loose, but possibly gain a lot. Click HERE or Press the button below.

Do the right practical steps – Super Affiliate System -SAS-v.3.0 with John Crestani in 2020.

super affiliate system with John Crestani

Super Affiliate System -SAS-v.3.0 with John Crestani in 2020

Your job isn’t safe.
… and you need more money to survive.
With living expenses spiraling, house prices skyrocketing, and retirement costs getting higher and higher… your salary is getting stretched further, and further.
Wouldn’t you agree that affording your grocery bill every week is becoming more and more challenging?
When you couple that with the little increases to your subscriptions and bills that start to seriously add up over time too…
Your belt is getting tighter and tighter – isn’t it?
Some programs in the internet can help – not “get-rich-quick” scams or Ponzi schemes.



How to Test WordPress Site Performance

Why test WordPress site performance? Well, things like site speed are becoming increasingly more important each year, and maybe even each month. (recomended by ThemeTrust)

Quite simply, and this is something that’s been proven multiple timesthe faster your site is, the better you’ll be able to serve your audience.

This rings true on many levels:

  • chief of them: faster sites are more user-friendly – there’s simply less lag,
  • faster sites are more optimized for mobile viewing,
  • faster sites rank better in Google,
  • lastly, faster sites convert better (people generally don’t like to wait more than two seconds for a webpage to load).

But with all that being said … where does one actually start? How to test WordPress site performance – your site performance? Or, to put it bluntly, how do you know if your site’s slow?

Your answers:

Four ways to test WordPress site performance

1. Test your load times

Let’s begin by going through perhaps the most significant way to test WordPress site performance – the test of how fast your site is.

For starters, you could just enter the URL of the site in your browser’s address bar, and see for yourself. But a test like that doesn’t give you the whole picture. As in, it only lets you know how fast the site behaves for you, and not for your audience.

To do a better test, go to Pingdom:

Tools to test WordPress site performance: Pingdom

There, select the server location from where you want to measure your site performance. It’s best to select the location that is nearest to your target audience:

Pingdom locations

A couple of seconds after clicking “START TEST,” Pingdom will let you know about the individual components of your overall performance score.

You can look into them one by one for more insight:

Pingdom results

That being said, the most important info you can find right in the first section:

Pingdom performance summary

2. Test how much concurrent traffic your site can handle

The next test really worth doing is via the Load Impact tools:

Tools to test WordPress site performance: LoadImpact

Just enter your site’s URL in the box and click “Run free test.”

What Load Impact does is that it actually creates 25 concurrent (bot) users, and sends them over to your site in order to see how the site performs under load. The test takes place over the duration of five minutes.

When the test is done, you get a nice summary + chart:

LoadImpact results

At first glance, this seems complicated, but you can actually read that chart pretty easily. Basically, all that matters is this:

(!) You want the green line – representing your load time – to be as flat as possible. If it goes up, it means that your site performance can be improved.

3. Test the quality of your WordPress setup

Much like all software products, your WordPress site consists of multiple small elements, scripts, and mechanisms that, when combined together, give you all the features that make WordPress awesome.

However, not all those elements are always 100% optimized…

This is where GTmetrix comes into play, and provides a really comprehensive way to test WordPress site performance.

Tools to test WordPress site performance: GTmetrix

Similarly, all you need to do is enter your site’s URL and click the “Analyze” button.

After a while, you will get a detailed summary, going through different elements of your website:

  • image optimization,
  • browser caching,
  • JavaScript optimization,
  • CSS optimization,
  • redirections,
  • HTTP requests optimization, and much much more.

GTmetrix also gives you an overall score using a simple grading system. For example, if you’re not doing all that great in the performance department, you’ll see this:

GTmetrix d-score

4. Test how optimized your plugins are

Finally, we have the last element of the puzzle. It’s this plugin: P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler).

Tools to test WordPress site performance: P3 plugin

Once you have it installed and activated, you can go to wp-admin / Tools / P3 Plugin Profiler. There, just click the “Start Scan” button, and then “auto scan” when prompted:

P3 start scan

After a while, you’ll get a chart representing the impact that each of your plugins has on the overall load time of the entire site. Like this one:

P3 results

What you can do now, for example, is remove some of the slow plugins, and look for faster alternatives offering similar functionality.

So is your WordPress site slow?

After performing these tests, did you discover that your site could be faster? If so, the easiest and most surefire way to have a fast WordPress site, is through your web host. If you are looking for a new host, my recommendation is SiteGround. To put it simply, they are super fast, not only in serving your pages, but also in providing support.

In a recent survey among WordPress site owners, SiteGround received the most votes for the fastest web host. Of course do your own research, and if you decide to move to SiteGround, they will even migrate your site for free.

If you still want to learn more ways to speed up your site, don’t forget to check out this resource of ours.



Some Artificial Intelligence Tools for Bloggers

4 AI Tools to Make You a Better Blogger

Machine learning. Algorithms. Artificial intelligence. Whatever term you prefer to use, it’s obvious enough that computers and computer programs are doing a lot more than basic arithmetic these days.

Carefully designed apps have gained the capability to extrapolate and predict far more information than ever before. What’s shown in your Netflix suggestions or your Facebook news feed is not that by accident. It’s nowhere near random. The system is continually learning your preferences and catering your experience to fit those preferences. (These tools are discussed on Michael Kwan and John Chow blog posts)

From the perspective of a blogger and online content creator, there are numerous online tools that you can use to create better content for your audience. Many of these leverage artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning to some degree or another, and five of the most compelling are highlighted here today.


Before you can start blogging, you need to come up with ideas for content. You might have a lot of them when you first get started, but you’ll eventually find yourself in a bit of a creative rut. We’ve all been there. So, what can you do?

Head on over to AnswerThePublic and enter a keyword or two. The tool at AnswerThePublic is partly fueled by Google’s Autocomplete algorithm, taking that keyword and expanding it into hundreds of potential topic ideas for blog posts and other online content.

For example, I entered “smart glasses” as my query. The tool then suggested such possible topics or areas of exploration as:

  • Are smart glasses the future?
  • How to make smart glasses at home
  • What are level smart glasses?
  • Smart glasses for cycling
  • Smart glasses that look normal

It’s like having a brainstorming session with some of your smartest colleagues, but it’s almost instantaneous and far more comprehensive.


I realize that I might be shooting myself in the foot here a little, given that I make my living as a freelance writer and editor. At the same time, I also know that I can’t possibly edit everybody’s work, and yes, even I make typos and mistakes from time to time too. All humans do.

While you might think that the spellcheck utility in your word processor, blogging software, or web browser of choice is good enough, it’s nowhere near perfect. If I typed the word “prefect” in the previous sentence, it would not have been picked up as a spelling mistake, because “prefect” is a word… but it’s not “perfect.”

Grammarly uses artificial intelligence to improve your writing in almost every way, looking for spelling and grammatical mistakes, and offering suggestions for clarity and more. It’s pretty smart.


Many modern smartphone cameras offer some sort of “portrait mode.” On many phones, this mode is facilitated by a camera with multiple lenses. The phone can then better determine what is in the foreground and what is in the background, separating the two and applying a faux “bokeh” effect.

The Google Pixel 3 only has a single camera on the back, and yet it is able to achieve largely the same results thanks to machine learning and artificial intelligence. It takes its best guess to separate the subject from everything else, blurring out the background for an artistic aesthetic.

In some ways, it appears that Remove.bg performs a similar kind of thing, but for an entirely different purpose. Upload any image (or input an image URL), and the online tool will remove the background from that image in a matter of seconds. It’s not perfect, but it’s utterly remarkable, and can make for some fun, creative opportunities.


Grammarly looks at your words. Remove.bg looks at your images. And Wibbitz helps you create videos. As you know, video has very much become the name of the game with online content, but not everyone has the time, expertise or resources to pull together incredible video content.

Yes, everyone is vlogging and you should too. Yes, you can start with $200 or less. But what Wibbitz does is something different altogether. You simply provide it with text and it can convert that text into a video, complete with relevant imagery, making it perfect for platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

This won’t replace your vlog, but it will add tremendously to your repertoire when it comes to the kinds of content you can share with your audience. And fast too.



10 Best Google Chrome Extensions for Bloggers

Blogging is hard work; you’ve got to come up with interesting content ideas, do online research and keyword research, collect screenshots, and finally write the article. According to statistics, the average blog post takes 3.5 hours to write. (tips from Syed Balkhi, creator of WpBegginer)

But a typical blogger has many other daily tasks to manage as well such as social media posting, guest blogging outreach, email marketing, and so on. All of this can take up a lot of time.

So, are you wondering how you can speed up these processes?

If you’re able to write great articles faster and be more productive regarding other daily tasks, you’ll have more time to work on growing your blog and your business. That’s why you should take advantage of some awesome free tools that will help you become a better, more efficient blogger.

Check out these 10 best (and free!) Google Chrome extensions for bloggers.

1. Keywords Everywhere

In order to increase organic traffic to your blog and improve your ranking in search engine results, you need to optimize your content for SEO. Keywords Everywhere is the perfect tool for the job.

Keywords Everywhere makes it easy to research keywords on the go. This browser add-on works seamlessly with Google search. As you’re typing your keywords, it shows the monthly keyword volume, cost-per-click, and Adwords competition as well as the exact data for automatic suggestions and related keywords.

So, no more going back and forth in between different tools, Keywords Everywhere puts all the data you need, where you need it.

2. Grammarly

Even the best of writers make spelling and grammatical errors once and awhile, but with Grammarly you can easily catch those mistakes and improve your writing.

Grammarly’s free Chrome extension allows you to get instant corrections no matter where you’re typing including Gmail, Google Docs, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more.

Grammarly even goes beyond spelling and grammar with their Premium account, providing you style and tone suggestions that will really help you step up your writing skills.

3. Awesome Screenshot

Whether you’re creating featured blog post images or collecting screenshots for the body of your article, Awesome Screenshot makes it easy to obtain quality images for your blog.

With Awesome Screenshot you can screencast, take a full page screenshot with 1-click, annotate, blur sensitive information, and share your screenshots to multiple destinations easily.

Awesome Screenshot is the highest-rated screenshot tool on Chrome with over 2 million users.

4. Hunter (Email Hunter)

Searching for the email address of the right contact for a website can take hours. But, Hunter allows you to easily find the email addresses of contacts that are important to your blog or business.

As you’re browsing websites, Hunter will immediately compile a list of all of the email addresses associated with that particular website and their public sources. Their free account provides 50 free searches per month, but you can upgrade for more.

This tool comes in handy for getting new guest blogging opportunities, making connections with others in your industry, and generating more leads for your business.

5. MailTrack

MailTrack is a free email tracking tool for Gmail. It allows you to see if the emails you sent have been opened, even showing how many times in total your email was opened and at what time(s).

MailTrack also sends you real-time popup notifications to alert you at the exact moment when your sent emails have been opened.

Tracking your emails and following up with contacts has never been easier.

6. Save to Pocket

As a blogger, you do a lot of internet reading. And there’s probably a ton of articles and posts that you want to save for later or be able to easily refer back to again and again. The Save to Pocket Chrome extension, offered by Pocket, is a handy tool to use for these exact instances.

Save to Pocket allows you to easily save content from anywhere with 1-click. It also syncs with any of your devices so that you can read on-the-go and their app even allows you to listen to the articles you save.

7. Panda

Coming up with awesome blog post ideas can be difficult. That’s why a lot of people recommend that you read blog posts from others to inspire you. But finding those articles and visiting each of your favorite sites everyday is time consuming. Luckily, the Panda Chrome extension makes this easy.

Panda replaces your default tab, becoming your homepage with all of your favorite websites in one place. By having all of your news in one place, you can stay inspired and informed at all times.

This tool also seamlessly integrates with Pocket so that you can access all your Pocket items right from Panda.

8. Airstory

Airstory is the ultimate web clipper, allowing you to refer to research as you’re writing so that you can complete your blog posts faster. With this Chrome extension you can make notes out of your online research and drag them straight into anywhere you’re writing online.

Airstory works many of the best blogging platforms including WordPress and Medium, as well as Google Docs, many popular email marketing services, LinkedIn, and much more.

9. Forest: Stay Focused

Staying focused while writing is difficult and distractions online can really affect your productivity. So, if online distraction is a problem for you, you may want to try out the Forest: Stay Focused, Be Present Chrome extension.

Forest is a popular app and Chrome extension that makes staying focused more fun. You plant a seed and in the next 30 minutes, the seed will gradually grow into a tree. But, if you visit one of the websites that you put on your Blacklist, your tree will wither away.

This interesting, self-motivated method is a great way to help you stay focused on your writing.

10. Buffer

Social media is a great way to drive traffic to your blog, whether you’re sharing your content, running a giveaway, or using Instagram Live to connect with your audience. But social media can be difficult and time consuming to manage. Luckily, the Buffer Chrome extension makes it easier.

With Buffer’s Chrome extension you can share and schedule posts to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more with 1-click.

Over to You

If you want to grow your blog this year, you should take advantage of any and all resources that will help you reach your goals. So, start creating better content and create it faster with these helpful Chrome extensions for bloggers. These tools won’t only help you become a better writer, but they can help you build a larger, more dedicated audience of readers for your blog as well.

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We are opening Partners page to the public in a couple days:

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Monthly Income From Selling “Done-For-You” Chatbots

Do you have a Blog?

Are you struggling to get your Visitors to engage with your content?

You’re not the only one.

So many Blog Owners struggle to engage with their audience.

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What if you could exploit NEW “AI” Technology to engage with your Visitors INSTANTLY.

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The Wall Street Journal

Pizza Hut




& Mastercard

They all use similar “AI” Chat Technology to ConversioBot – the Internet’s #1 Chatbot for Blog Owners.

The founders of ConversioBot have used their highly sophisticated ChatBot to:

– AUTOMATICALLY build a massive Email list of 11,643 Subscribers in just 7 Days

– AUTOMATICALLY add 6,386 Sales in only 6 Months

– AUTOMATICALLY explode their Conversion Rate by 198% in only 6 Hours.

Now it’s your turn to get in on this exciting NEW Cloud-Based App.

You can start using ConversioBot today by copying and pasting ONE line of “Automated Bot Code” to your Blog.

Watch this short video to find out how >>

P.S. ConversioBot comes with an easy-to-install WP Plugin.

==> This could be happening on your Blog TODAY..

“Done-For-You” Bots You Could Sell For $500+ Each

Together these 3 Marketing Veterans have 32 Years of experience in developing cutting-edge Marketing Software.

Their latest creation is their best yet!

It’s “Artificial Intelligence” Technology similar to that used by HUGE Fortune 500 companies like:

Facebook Spotify Starbucks Staples The Wall Street Journal Pizza Hut Amtrak Disney H&M & Mastercard

So what’s this all about?


They’re NEW and rapidly taking over the Internet.

If you use Facebook Messenger, it’s very likely you’ve interacted with a Chatbot.

Sometimes it’s actually quite hard to tell whether it’s a Robot or a real human speaking to you!

Businesses are using Chatbots to interact with people on their Websites as well as through Social Media.

It’s a powerful way, in 2019, for them to get more leads and sales without breaking the bank on Live Chat agent employees.

OK, but how can you make money from Chatbots?

Well most businesses can’t afford to develop their own Chatbots.

It’s highly sophisticated technology and it can costs tens of THOUSANDS of dollars to Develop.

So they’re looking for a ready-made solution..

Allow me to introduce ConversioBot – the Internet’s #1 Chatbot for Business Website Owners.

It comes with a simple drag-and drop builder allowing even a complete newbie to build a Chatbot.

WITHOUT any technical knowledge or special skills.

It also comes with a range of “Done-For-You” Bots which are designed to get more leads and more sales.

Now this is where you come in..

ConversioBot comes with a FULL Commercial License allowing you to sell Bots to hungry businesses.

Their highly experienced team will show you exactly where there’s HOT demand for Chatbots.

You can sell their Done-For-You Bots directly to businesses.

Think about how many businesses out there have a Website and DON’T have a Chatbot.

It’s very common to sell them for $200 to $500 each! Sometimes even more!

See the proof here >> 

They’ll also give you “pitch templates” you can copy and paste.

These will do the selling for you. They pitch the benefits of Chatbots as an idea to the business you’re selling them to.

So you DON’T need:

– any special skills or experience

– to build your own Bots

– any selling skills

Watch this short presentation to find out more >>

Btw, Chatbots are here to stay.

Mark Zuckerburg, the founder of Facebook, has built a 10 Year Plan around them.

This is a HOT business opportunity with serious LONG-TERM potential.

Get in and ahead of the competition before it’s too late >>

P.S. You DON’T need your own Website. ConversioBot comes with a Commercial License (valued at $497).

So what that means is that you can sell your Bots and keep ALL the profits.

Find out more here >> 


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