Residual and Passive Income 2023

Congratulation on you first step!

This ‘Simple System’ Puts Your Money To Work For You 💰 And Pays Daily In Bitcoin To Your Wallet!

How To Build a $80+ per Day Business
From Your Kitchen Table, Or Anywhere!

Want To Retire This Year?
Do you want a system that can
take you away from that 9 to 5 grind.

My name is Yuri Grin, 🙂

Residual and Passive Income 2023

I might have come across your name in a crypto group I’m in
or just simply send an email to my list of subscribers or used one of mailers
for advertising… and you signed up to see what I have to offer.

Discover How To Earn Bitcoin Profits
Daily 💰 Even On A Budget And
With No Experience!

I would like to bless your life financially if you are open to something Big.
I started with $100 only.
(as it did my mentor and sponsors one day)

You may not know me yet, but I personally am doing not bad in the Crypto space
(for 2.5 years now) and very blessed to have partnered with people who did 7 figures income.
(my goal now is to make extra 2k in a month)

😇 The reason we do well is because we are very selective with what we get involved in
and make sure everyone will win with us long-term.

But enough about us;

We just joined forces and signed a contract with a ‘New Tech Company’
that allows us to leverage an AI Software.

It trades our crypto in Binance Futures and also partnered with Coinbase to manage all funds.
Very Blue Chip Partnerships. (and I personally work with NDAX, one of the best options, especially for Canada)

This project has been earning us a minimum of 1.2% (and 1.8% now) Daily on any capital our members put to work for them and pays everyone Bitcoin daily and no holds on your cash, so you can withdraw your profits daily as well.

That’s over 30%+ monthly gains in your pocket 💰 even in a bear market.

This is our ‘Big Play’ for 2023 and we expect to see a lot of average people achieve ‘Financial Freedom’ in the Crypto space with our current setup.

Question is:

Would you like to go on this exciting journey with us?

Let me know if you would like to test this with us and be one of the first 100,000 members
that are on their way to 6-7 Figures this year.

We have already brought in over $5-Million in just the first 6 weeks
and we are about to take this to the moon.

We would love to have you on board,
while we take this project to $100-Million in 2023 alone. 🎯

If you are not interested,
I wish you phenomenal success in what you are currently involved in.

👉  If you are Interested…

I’d really like to send you a walkthrough video we did,
on how Simple this Bitcoin System is.

Connect you with our Telegram chat, training, zoom meetings etc.

If your plate is full, no problem,
I’ll cross you off my list and wish you a blessed day.
(but stay on my list of subscribers for a while
to figure out what this all project is about

We are looking for Big thinkers and want to build an army
of 6-figure to 7-figure earners in 2023 and Beyond.

Residual and Passive Income 2023

Plan for Residual and Passive Income 2023

Here is more information:

Built For Your Success
  • Withdrawal Any Time
  • Minimum Withdrawal $20
  • Withdrawal Fee 5%
  • Built In Re-Invest Button (Compound)
  • Re-Invest Minimum $15
  • Yearly Trading Bot Fee $50
  • Deposits Returned In 8 Months
  • Bots Profiting Serious ROI Daily 7 Days A Week
  • Minimum Deposit $50
  • 24/7 Live Support

Let’s start => Give it a try..

STEP 1: CBM Summary (.pdf) or..

STEP 2: Watch PDF Extended Presentation or..

STEP 3: Watch Video Presentation (Zoom Meeting, March 4, 2023). CMB Corporate Zoom Mar 4 – Binance Bots Software Overview & Business

Residual and Passive Income 2023

Register your account (it’s free) then contact me.

STEP 4: Register Your Account

Residual and Passive Income 2023

I want to finish this post with the words of one of my sponsors:

It seems like not too long ago, I was broke, out of options and had to live with my parents at age 30 and had no clue what to do next…

I explain how I broke through when I was poor and became financially free in a very short time when I took action.
For the past 2 years I lived on the beach with my wife and now I want to help more folks like you to make sure no one is left behind.
Let’s change your financial future as well.

I’m on a Mission and I’d like you to come with me, (Pete Kachev)

Download Simple Calculator v.12

You can calculate how much to invest to earn your planned income (with daily 1.2% and reinvesting).


If something is stopping you from plugging into this ‘Awesome Cash Machine’,
message me on Facebook or Telegram.

I am your solution guy that will help you overcome your obstacles and get you to Financial Freedom!







Basics Of Email Marketing from Matthew Graves

This week, I shared 5 videos about how to get more sales by focusing on building a list (audience) and then building a relationship with your followers.

Trying to sell to strangers without building a relationship first doesn’t work anymore.

“Stop selling to strangers. Turn strangers into friends and friends into customers.”

Here are links below to the 5 videos in the series. You can watch them on YouTube or Facebook!

Click Here to Audience Building Like a Kardashian on You Tube or Facebook

Click Here to Watch Your Target Audience on You Tube or Facebook

Click Here to Watch Ideal Lead Capture Page on You Tube or Facebook

Click Here to Watch Building Relationships on You Tube or Facebook

Click Here to Watch Patience is the Key on You Tube or Facebook

Make sure you check your inbox and earn some credits at Traffic For Success as well.

Click Here to Earn Credits at Traffic For Success

Take ACTION to Supercharge Your Success!

Basics Of Email Marketing from Matthew Graves

Ideal Lead Capture Page to Get More Subscribers

If you want to build an email list fast and for free, then you need to know how to build a capture page. Whether you are creating a landing page for affiliate marketing, online coaching, consulting, or as a course creator, it needs to have specific elements to convince your visitors to subscribe to your list.

In the video, you will discover

– What NOT to put on your landing page to increase conversions

– How to write the perfect headline

– Why you should use odd numbers in your list of benefits

– Why a cheatsheet increases conversions over an ebook or report

– Why you want to list the benefits of subscribing over and over

– Does the color of your button matter

– Advantage of a two-step opt in process (micro commitments)

– Should you put your lead magnet on the thank you page

– Differences between email subscription only versus redirecting to a sales page.

Watch the other videos in the Audience Building Series and subscribe to get notified of future videos to help you build your business.

Video 1 – Audience Building Like a Kardashian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dz3Rk…

Video 2 – Building a Target Audience of Ideal Prospects https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebHy1…

Video 3 – Ideal Lead Capture Page to Get More Subscribers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHsOM…

Video 4 – Relationship Building With Your Audience or Email List https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQf5u…

Video 5 – Patience is the Key to Audience Building https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aOGT…

Take ACTION to Supercharge Your Success!

Basics Of Email Marketing from Matthew Graves

Building a Target Audience of Ideal Prospects.

To make money online, you have to stop selling to strangers and build an audience of people who know, like, and trust you.

To build an audience, you need to know who you are trying to reach and what is going to motivate them to join you.

In this video, I am going to share with you …

– How to choose a target audience

– How to find your target audience

– How to create an audience avatar

– The two things we all think about most of the time

– How to enter the conversation already going on in the mind of your ideal prospect

– How to design a bribe that will make them beg to give you their email address

– How to build a lead magnet that has three critical elements every lead magnet must have.

Watch the other videos in the Audience Building Series and subscribe to get notified of future videos to help you build your business.

Basics Of Email Marketing from Matthew Graves

Basics Of Email Marketing from Matthew Graves

Patience is the Key to Audience Building

Building an audience or email list is not a way to get rich quick.

It takes time to attract enough followers and get them to know, like, and trust you.

There is no such thing as an overnight success.

True success comes from putting in the daily work to keep growing and having the patience to understand that you are investing now in building an asset that will pay off in the future.

Your email list is the most valuable asset in your business!

Watch the video to discover:

– Why focusing on the audience rather than the product is important

– How widening your vision of the products you sell makes more money

– Why creating products before you have an audience can be a waste of effort

– How much time to spend building your list versus communicating with them

– Why free list building isn’t really free and the price you must pay

– How patience helped Kylie Jenner and Gary Vee (Vaynerchuk) build multi-million dollar businesses


How to produce 8 glasses of the right water in your home kitchen?

Visit my presentation to learn more – click here >>



List Building

Free 30 Day Email List Building Challenge – Day 1

Here you can find where you can apply this knowledge and what to recommend your list of subscribers – click here =

List Building

Building an audience of people who know, like and trust you is essential to creating a consistent, profitable online business.

The BEST way to get started doing that is still with email marketing, especially in the affiliate and online marketing niche.

Over the next 30 days, I am going to take you on a journey to getting the first 250 members on your email list using free tools and free traffic sources.

It is going to take time, but very little money to get started.

Each day, I will show you exactly what I am doing, step by step, and the results I am getting from my efforts.

You will see as I figure out what offers to make and which traffic sources are generating the results. Let’s go on this journey together!

List Building

List Building

March Traffic Madness is the BIG launch this month!

Over 1,000 members have joined in under 4 days!

Why wouldn’t they join?

The site is giving away free traffic from high quality sites everyday for the entire month.

In just the first 5 days, they have given away 40,000 mailing credits and a free solo ad!

Every day, there is another traffic package worth $5 to $20.

This month, there will be over 300,000 free credits at top ranked mailers and safelists.

Free solo ads and Premium Memberships. ALL FREE!

If you want thousands of free visitors this month,

just click below and join March Traffic Madness for FREE!

List Building

here is what Matthew Graves advises..

Are you wasting your website traffic that you spend so much effort generating? Unfortunately, most beginning online marketers are doing exactly that!

Here is why …

If you are generating traffic from safelists, traffic exchanges, solo ads, and even paid advertising with Facebook or Google, then it needs to be used for ONLY ONE PURPOSE.

Collecting new leads. In other words, building a list of email addresses of prospects who MAY be interested in doing business with you.

Any traffic which you send to pages which do not have the sole purpose of collecting email addresses is WASTED.

“But what about promoting that great offer on Click Bank, Warrior+, or JV Zoo?”

It doesn’t work. If you have been trying to make sales directly to visitors from your ads, then you know it is true. Most people don’t buy from strangers. They rarely buy on impulse, especially if the product costs more than a few dollars.

Let me use an example.

Just yesterday, I was on Instagram and saw an ad for a new workout program aimed just at men over 50, like me. It caught my interest because I am focused on getting in better shape this year. I clicked the ad and it went to the sales page for a $37 program. I thought about clicking the buy button but I hesitated. Would it work? Would I do the work to follow the program? Do I have time for a new workout routine? Instead of buying, I saved the link to look at later.

If the price of the program had been $7, I might have bought it, but it wasn’t. It was $37.

I am not willing to waste $37 on a program I haven’t heard of before. Even if the program is great, I don’t know if I have the time to do it right. I wont spend that much money on an impulse.

If you think about it from the point of view of the person advertising that program to me, it isn’t good. They probably paid Instagram $1 to $3 to get me to click that link. I didn’t buy. They paid the money and lost the opportunity to turn me into a customer.

How could they have done it differently?

If the ad had sent me to a page which offered a quick free workout in exchange for my email address, then they would have an asset for the money they spent. They would have my email address and could keep communicating with me to try to entice me to buy the $37 program. Instead, by trying to go straight for the sale, they lost me.

As the title of my podcast says, you have to Stop Selling to Strangers!

Instead of going straight for the sale, you need to turn strangers into friends and friends into customers.

You do this by offering something your ideal prospects want in exchange for their email address. Then, you communicate with them over time to get them to know, like, and trust you. Once you have done that, then getting them to buy is SO MUCH EASIER!

It is what I teach my coaching clients and members of my programs. It is also what I actually do. I practice what I preach. 

You are a member of March Traffic Madness because I offered you free traffic in exchange for your email address!




6 Persuasion Laws Of Internet Marketing

Your Success Advantage from Matthew Graves


Persuasion is a form of social influence.

Download all report here >>

(when you download this report, you’ll get the link to the website
to see it in action)

Social Influence is the way of affecting other person’s thoughts or actions.

There are specific techniques to help persuade people to adopt new ideas
and attitudes toward something.

Over the years of studies and experiences we know exactly
what persuade people to take action, change belief, etc.

Understanding the main laws of persuasion will give you a big advantage
over other marketers online to get your message across
and get the results you always wanted.

These are 6 laws with exact samples how you can use them
in internet marketing area. It will give you an idea how to take
this information and apply in your online business.

Keep in mind that many of these laws originated
from the book called, “Influence” by Robert Cialdini.

1. Law Of Reciprocation

6 Persuasion Laws Of Internet Marketing

This is one of the most powerful weapons of influence but
hardly ever used consciously. Actually, most of the time,
we are unaware that we use It. This law is saying that we are programmed,
conditioned to repay what other people provide to use.

For example, if you will send a text message to someone
with a Christmas greetings, there is a pressure, obligation on
you to reply with similar greetings.

Returning a favor is written in our nature.
This rule is so powerful, because it creates a totally different
state of mind for your prospect. People love to buy but hate to be sold.

Additionally, this law produces a “yes” response in their minds,
that can easily give you an advantage at start.

Free Samples:

These techniques can be used in any marketing messages
by giving away something for free. If the content you are giving away is good,
people will feel obligated to do whatever you ask.

Free samples, free videos, free reports are some ideas.
That’s the best way to get people check out your content at first,
and then – in return – check your site and purchase the product.

Free sample technique is used everywhere.

If you go to the supermarket, you will be offered a free sample
of cheese near cheese section with some new brand of cheese.
Once you take a slice of cheese and taste it you are automatically
obligated to at least check it out. There is much more chance
to get person buy it, if it tastes good.

Giving a free sample on start is a well-known tactic in any kind
of capture page, squeeze page, where you ask your visitor
to put their name and e-mail address
to get their information in your database.

Download all report here >>

To fully utilize law of reciprocation, you need to make sure
to provide quality free content.

Amaze people with stunning content and they will start to listen to you.
If you are selling own product, get the best chapter of your eBook
and give it away for free.

If it’s a video content grab the best few minutes of pure content
that will totally shock your audience and give a great value.

Here is how it works in internet marketing:

1. Give a free report/video/audio/call

2. Introduce low priced e-book/video/interview recording for $7-$27

3. Offer more advanced course for $47-$97 – for example with videos,
interviews with experts

4. Full modular course with all goodies and in physical form –
videos, audios, reports, study guide, checklists, action plans,
access to members area, private forum, mastermind group for $97-$497

5. Promote your seminar/coaching/mastermind group for $497-$9,997

6. Private mentoring for $10,000+


What is worth taking notice, is that a small favor can produce an obligation
to return much more significant favor. It doesn’t have to be equal.
The nature of the return favor can be manipulated to exploit this rule.
In fact small, first favors often stimulate larger return favors.

Once being obligated to return a favor, we have this unpleasant felling
of indebtedness. It weighs on us emotionally and
we want to lose it as soon as possible.

Download all report here >>

Make Important Changes to Your Budget in 2020


Do Online Classifieds Ads Still Work?

online classified ads blog post, online classified ads, blog post, featured image

Do Online Classified Ads Still Work? Yes They Do and Here’s Why.

Here is why online classified ads still work and how to grow your business with them.

Also see our ***special offer*** in the end of this post.

Online Classified Ad Marketing: an Underrated Source of Leads

business, side hustle, online business


Classified ad sites like Craigslist, Kijiji, and Gumtree are some of the most popular websites on the web. If you haven’t used these sites yourself, I’m sure you know someone who has used them to buy furniture, electronics or other products and services in your local area.


When it comes to making money online, most people are already aware of the basics, such as building a blog or starting an ecommerce store. They also know that these are methods are not necessarily for everyone.

So what are these people going to do? The answer is keep searching. People want to find unique opportunities to make money. And they’ll do so by eventually stumbling upon your ad on a classified ad site!

So even if your ads don’t get tons of traffic, online classified advertising works for online business owners because you’re getting the RIGHT type of traffic: people who are hungry for an opportunity and have searched high and low already for something that could work for them.

Longevity of Your Online Classified Ads

business calendar, month, calendar

Online classified ads are one of the few remaining forms of advertising that you can place and they’re going to stick around for awhile. With other forms of advertising, your ad might only be available for a few hours before you have to invest again.

Free classified advertising sites allow you to post completely free of charge for 30 or even 60 days. When you post premium advertising on classified ad sites, your ads could be shown to visitors for as long as 90 days for a one-time fee!

Targeted Advertising on Classified Ad Sites

target audience, darts


Very few traffic sources allow you to geotarget your advertising for a low cost. Most sites will just show your ads to anybody that browses the site which isn’t very helpful if you need to attract visitors from a specific location.

With classified ad sites, you can specify the category, country, and city where you want to advertise your product or service. By doing this, you can attract local leads without the high cost.

To make this method even more powerful, use a short link generator like ClickMeter that will allow you to geotarget users who click on your ads to ensure that you only get traffic from your requested location.

Savvy Marketers Use Online Classified Ads for SEO

online marketing, seo, google ranking

Most advertisers just want to use classified ads to try to sell their products and services. However, there is another reason that online classified ads are still around: SEO.

If you’re familiar with SEO, you know that you can use established sites to boost the rank of your own site in Google. Traffic is one of the main factors in SEO and classified ad sites get a lot of it.

In addition, classified ad sites send REAL visitors to your site which means that they do not increase your bounce rate. As a result, classified ad sites are a cheap and easy way to help you get your site ranked higher for your chosen keywords.

You can also use online classified ad marketing to increase the number of views to your YouTube videos.

The number of sites where your YouTube videos are embedded has an impact on your YouTube rankings. Many classified ad sites will allow you to include your YouTube video in your admissions which will help to increase views and embeds for your videos.

Online Classified Ad Posting on Autopilot

free classified ads, classified ads

Another reason why classified ad posting still works is because there are literally thousands of classified ad sites online. The best part is that you can submit your ads to them all in just a few clicks.

In the old days, people used to spend hours creating ads manually. It took too long to get the ads posted on more than a few sites which is why some people gave up. There was also a major problem with ads being flagged or “ghosted.” With all of these issues, some marketers still believe that online classified advertising is dead.

However, you don’t have to worry about any of that any more! There are proven classified ad posting softwares and online classified ad submission services that will do all of the hard work for you. No ghosting, no flagging, no posting errors. All you have to do is submit your ad.

If you want a service that will do all of the hard work for you, I highly recommend:

classified submissions, classified ad submission service

This service will submit your ad to the following:

✔ 1,000’s of classified ad pages!

✔ 500+ Permanent ads on their high quality blog network

✔ 100+ High Quality Web 2.0 sites like wordpress.com, Tumblr

✔ 1,500+ Whois Statistic Sites

✔ 10 Upgraded Ads For Monthly Members, 30+ Upgraded Ads For Yearly Members

Special Offer: Join the Program “Partner with Anthony” – 2019

… and you will get all pieces of puzzle connected together. Get On The Right Track in Building Online Business in 2019 – Click HERE >>
