Couscous in 10 minutes

Couscous in 10 minutes

How to make a fluffy couscous in 10 minutes! Find more from the author – Halia >>

What Is Couscous?

We all know and love couscous, but do you know what couscous is, where it comes from or how it’s made? Hint: it doesn’t grow on bushes or trees.

All couscous is made from semolina. Semolina is the name we give to flour that is ground from durum wheat. Durum wheat is a very hard wheat, higher in protein than the wheat all-purpose flour is made from. Semolina is golden yellow and gives couscous a nuttier taste than a pasta made with all-purpose flour. Read more..

Couscous in 10 minutes


Uncooked couscous (500 ml)

— Raw coucous, NOT half-cooked

— Boiling water (same volume as the couscous – 500 ml)

— Olive oil (2 tablespoons)

— Salt (1/4 teaspoon)

Couscous in 10 minutes

Directions :

Preparing the Lentils
1- First, you need to measure the volume of the uncooked couscous. Here I have around 500 ml. This is an important step so do not skip it!
2- Place the couscous in a bowl and add olive oil. Mix well with your hands, until you feel that all the couscous grains are well coated.
3- Now, in the same container where you measured the couscous, put a large pinch of salt, and add boiling water until you have the exact volume as the couscous. So in my case it’s 500 ml. Remember, it’s a 1 to 1 volume ratio for couscous and water.
4- Add the boiling water to the couscous and immediately cover the bowl with a plate – we want to keep the steam inside!
5- And that’s it. Wait for 10 minutes. Then break apart and fluff the cooked couscous with a fork! The couscous is done!

…and you can add garlic, too.

How to cook Couscous in 10 minutes

Bon Appetite
