Success loves speed

Success loves speed

You can use this rule, “Success loves speed”, HERE.

Success loves speed

Why? (let’s read what Kenneth, Founder of LeadsLeap, wrote in his post)

Have you heard of success loves speed, or money loves speed?

I heard it many times.

Marketers use it as a sales pitch to get prospects to take action immediately.

Some use it as a motivation to stop people from procrastinating.

But my understanding of ‘success loves speed’ is not some kind of sales pitch or motivational quote.

My understanding is that we have to take action fast when an idea strikes, before the next door is opened to us.

When we have a clear goal in our mind, the law of attraction will start working. We may suddenly have an idea to do something. When that happens, we should take action fast, for two reasons.

1) That idea is a milestone that you need to complete. The faster you complete it, the faster the next milestone will be revealed to you.

Not only do you need to complete it fast, you need to put in your best effort to do it, otherwise, the next idea may not come.

Interesting, life is like a game. You can’t move on to the next level until you’ve completed the current level.

Many people are stuck in life because they didn’t do their best or they simply procrastinate at a level.

2) The window of opportunity may be closed if you do not act fast.

Success loves speed

In my early 20s, after being jobless for more than a year (I quit after reading Think And Grow Rich, LOL), my mother was dead worried. She knew that I won’t listen to her, so she suggested that I should talk to my dad’s friend, a successful businessman.

I did, because I had a business idea and I needed funding!

This friend of my dad later became the business partner for my first business.

Why did he agree to partner with a rookie like me?

He had his motive too.

He had a son, who was the same age as me. Being born with a silver spoon, he wasn’t motivated to work. My dad’s friend was thinking of finding someone to partner with his son and motivate him, and I came into the picture.

Had I procrastinated, this opportunity might be gone.

Although this opportunity resulted in a loss of $50k in our first business venture, it was an important foundational lesson for me.

Also, my dad’s friend later became my close friend and mentor. He had taught me a lot of things about business and investing.

Back to our topic today – Success loves speed.

If you have a clear goal, you should act fast on the idea that comes to you. As you complete one idea and learn the lesson, the next idea will come. You just keep on working on the next idea and learning the lessons until your goal is achieved.

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How to Write a Business Plan

How to Write a Business Plan

” If you fail to plan, you plan to fail “

” Goal without a plan is just a wish “

Writing a business plan shouldn’t be complicated. In this step-by-step guide, I’ll show you how to quickly and easily write a business plan that will get the results you want. Don’t worry, you don’t have to have a business or accounting degree to put together a great business plan. This guide will show you how to get your plan done step-by-step without any of the complexity or frustration.

The six components of a business Plan

Whether you’re building a business plan to raise money and grow your business or just need to figure out if your idea will work, every business plan needs to cover 6 essential topics. Here’s a quick overview of each topic. There are a lot more details and instructions for each step later in this guide.

1. Executive summary

The executive summary is an overview of your business and your plans. It comes first in your plan and is ideally only one to two pages. Most people write it last, though.

How to Write a Business Plan

2. Opportunity

The opportunity section answers these questions: What are you actually selling and how are you solving a problem (or “need”) for your market? Who is your target market and competition?

3. Execution

In the execution chapter of your business plan, you’ll answer the question: how are you going to take your opportunity and turn it into a business? This section will cover your marketing and sales plan, operations, and your milestones and metrics for success.

4. Company and management summary

Investors look for great teams in addition to great ideas. Use the company and management chapter to describe your current team and who you need to hire. You will also provide a quick overview of your legal structure, location, and history if you’re already up and running.

5. Financial plan

Your business plan isn’t complete without a financial forecast. We’ll tell you what to include in your financial plan, but you’ll definitely want to start with a sales forecast, cash flow statement, income statement (also called profit and loss) and your balance sheet.

6. Appendix

If you need more space for product images or additional information, use the appendix for those details.

In the upcoming sections of this article, I’ll dive into the details of each section of your business plan and focus on building one that your investors and lenders will want to read. (learn more details from here >>)

How to Write a Business Plan

Here is the sample of business plan you can use for affiliate marketing programs (high-ticket offers) – download here >>

Components of a business plan

Press this image to download a            sample of a business plan



9 recommended copywriting books

There’s a lot of copywriting books out that are good.

But if you had to ask me. Here are my 9 absolute must-reads
(recommended by Dan Lok – watch video at the end of the post):

9 recommended copywriting books

#1 Made To Stick – Chip Heath and Dan Heath

How do you come up with sticky ideas? Ideas that sell again and again? And ideas that no one ever forgets?

It’s not what you’d expect. Some ideas take on a life of their own, but in Made To Stick, you’ll get a formula to write winning, sticky ideas more often.

You’ll also discover why stories are powerful, emotionally engaging, and memorable.

#2 One Sentence Persuasion – Blair Warren

When it comes to influence, this is it.

There is nothing more powerful than this very short book. If you don’t enjoy reading long books from front to end – you’ll love this little one.

And what you learn actually works.

#3 Dazzling Dialogue – James Scott Bell

Do you know the difference between good dialogue and AMAZING dialogue?

It’s one word: conflict.

Very few copywriters know how to write interesting dialogue. And even fewer know how to write dialogue that contains conflict. After you read this book however; you’ll know how to do it.

#4 On Advertising – David Ogilvy

What separates a good ad from a bad ad?

And how do you make sure your ads GLUE everyone that looks at them – and force them to go and buy whatever you’re selling?

After you’ve read this book – you’ll know how.

#5 On Writing Well – William Zinsser

In copywriting, every word has a purpose. And that’s why it can be so tricky.

You want everything you write to bypass the reader’s critical mind and get past their defences. But how do you do that? How do you actually write in a way that no one knows you’re actually convincing them to buy?

This book will show you how.

#6 The Adweek Copywriting Handbook – Joseph Sugarman

Imagine downloading one of the greatest copywriter minds into your brain just by reading one book.

That’s how good this one is.

Sugarman is an incredible copywriter. Just one of his ads sold 20 MILLION pairs of sunglasses. And that’s back before people bought things online!

This is everything you need to build your foundations as a copywriter.

#7 How To Write A Good Advertisement – Victor O Schwab

Copywriting isn’t just about the words you use. Copywriting is also all about psychology.

People buy because they want to feel a certain way: happy, loved, wanted.

Once you can tap into those underlying human desire in your copy, you’ll be able to sell anything with your copy.

#8 Great Leads – Michael Masterson

Don’t know how to start your sales message? Michael Masterson will show you how to never get writer’s block again. And you know what else? He’ll show you when some leads are actually 10x better than others.

This is one of the more advanced books on this list – but every copywriter should read it.

#9 Traffic Secrets – Russell Brunson [This Shouldn’t Be Here]

This last one isn’t about writing better copy – but it is THE book for anyone who’s anyone in the internet marketing space.

You see, if you’re going to become a good copywriter – you NEED to understand how traffic works…

You need to know how to drive traffic. How to convert traffic. And how to turn it into profits for your clients.

And that’s exactly what this book is all about.

But there’s something else unique about this book.

You could go to Amazon.com and pay the full price of $24.95…

Or for a limited time, you could actually get this one at no-cost.

(All you have to do is cover shipping)

That’s right. Russell is actually giving his books away for those that take action fast.

If you want to start your copywriting collection at no cost,
click here to grab your copy of Traffic Secrets today

That is why I included this book in the list of:

9 recommended copywriting books

9 recommended copywriting books

Order your free copy here >>



Cold email marketing and templates

This is cold email marketing. You can face 2 situations.

  1. You email people, prospects and no one opens your emails (dead list).
  2. You have to find new people to your business,
    you’ve got email addresses, how to send proper email.

Cold email marketing and templates.

Download this guide “Cold Email Hacks” by Steli Efti – here >>

You will find templates and recommendations there.

One more question is where to find people, prospects, targeted audience with email addresses?

Check this offer – here >> 

Cold Email​ ​Hacks

Most​ ​cold​ ​emails​ ​fail.​ ​

Even​ ​most​ ​of​ ​the​ ​really​ ​well-crafted,​ ​strategically​ ​targeted​ ​cold emails​
​never​ ​accomplish​ ​anything​ ​other​ ​than​ ​annoying​ ​their​ ​recipient.

And​ ​yet,​ ​you​ ​probably​ ​should​ ​be​ ​sending​ ​more​ ​cold​ ​emails​
​than​ ​you’re​ ​sending​ ​now. Because​ ​if​ ​just​ ​1​ ​out​ ​of​ ​10​ ​people​ ​
who​ ​get​ ​your​ ​cold​ ​emails​ ​respond,​ ​and​ ​you’ve​ ​got​ ​a halfway​ ​decent​ ​system​ ​
for​ ​sourcing​ ​leads,​ ​cold​ ​emailing​ ​could​ ​be​ ​one​ ​of​ ​the​ ​main
revenue​ ​growth​ ​opportunities​ ​for​ ​your​ ​business.

But​ ​where​ ​to​ ​start?

Cold email marketing and templates

Most​ ​people​ ​want​ ​to​ ​start​ ​with:​ ​​

What ​​ email ​​ should ​​ I ​​ be ​​ sending ​​ out? ​ ​ ​And​ ​then​ ​they​ ​go around​ ​searching​
​for​ ​cold​ ​emails.​ ​Which​ ​isn’t​ ​wrong​ ,​ ​but​ ​it’s​ ​not​ ​enough.

Taking​ ​a​ ​template,​ ​filling​ ​in​ ​the​ ​blanks​ ​and​ ​hitting​ ​send​ ​is​ ​easy.​
​It​ ​even​ ​feels​ ​like​ ​you accomplished​ ​something​ ​important.​

​But​ ​that’s​ ​not​ ​how​ ​you​ ​grow​ ​your​ ​business.

The ​​ best ​​ cold ​​ email ​​ template ​ in ​​ the ​ world ​​ is ​​ not ​​ enough.
You​ ​grow​ ​your​ ​business​ ​by​ ​developing​ ​a​ ​solid​ ​process.​ ​
Or​ ​even​ ​better,​ ​emulating​ ​a process​ ​that​ ​works,​ ​
and​ ​improving​ ​on​ ​it​ ​over​ ​time.

Download this guide “Cold Email Hacks” by Steli Efti – here >>

Start​ ​with​ ​the​ ​end​ ​in mind.

What​ ​do​ ​you​ ​want​ ​to​ ​achieve​ ​with​ ​cold​ ​emails?​

​The​ ​goal​ ​of​ ​your​ ​cold​ ​emails​ ​should​ ​be​

​a)​ ​to​ ​set up​ ​a​ ​meeting/call​ ​or​ ​

b)​ ​to​ ​get​ ​referred​ ​to​ ​the​ ​right​ ​person.​

​It’s​ ​an​ ​opening​ ​so​ ​that​ ​people​ ​expect (and​ ​want)​ ​to​ ​talk​ ​with​ ​you.
Cold​ ​emails​ ​are​ ​the​ ​fastest​ ​way​ ​to​ ​reach​ ​the​ ​decision​ ​maker​
​within​ ​an​ ​organization​ ​without​ ​a pre-existing​ ​relationship.

Do not expect more from cold emails then they can do.

Cold emails is like introducing yourself.

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

Another handshake tip is to move one step back after the handshake
and watch the steps of other person. If they move closer to you,
it means they want to have a deeper relationship with you.
If they stay on the same spot, it means they are okay with the current settings.
If they move back, it means, they are not comfortable.
You can then use this information to your advantage.

Cold email marketing and templates

15 Best Sales Email Subject Lines We’ve Come Across (Updated)


We always say that a cold email subject line is like a key to a door. Today, I present to you examples of attention-grabbing subject lines that will work like the right key to the right door and open up a conversation with your prospect.

We analyzed the best sales email subject lines at Woodpecker and uncovered a really interesting thing that may help you.

Keep on reading to find out what it is.

Why is it so important that a sales email has a good subject line?

The subject line is one of the few things, if not the most important one, prospects judge your emails by. It’s one of the first things that pops up when they open their mailbox. It’s the thing that makes them open and read the rest of the message.

How to write a good email subject line for reaching out?

It’s a tricky task:

  • Make it too salesy, they will mark your email as SPAM
  • Make it too click-baity, they will lose trust
  • Make it boring, they will forget to open your email

With all that in mind, how should you approach writing a subject line for reaching out?

We analyzed dozens of subject lines and identified the best ones. But we didn’t stop there. We challenged ourselves to go one step further. We decided to group the subject lines to uncover the pattern behind their effectiveness. And we did. Here it goes — the most successful sales email subject lines appealed to the needs that prospects may have been experiencing in their businesses.

What’s great about focusing on needs when crafting a sales email subject line?

By focusing on our prospect’s needs, you catch a prospect’s attention (the first principle of a good subject line — checked). But that’s not all. Remember how important giving value is? A sales email subject line that focuses on needs is already promising value that the prospect can get from the email.

We should always define the value our prospect can get from replying back to us. And throwing prospect’s needs in the equation may be exactly what we need to make them open and read our email.

Value Proposition – How to Tell My Addressee What I Want from Them? >>

Do you want to apply this knowledge to business?

Read my free report here >>>



The Most Common Missing Factor in Starting an Online Business


Special White Paper (by Sean Vosler)

 The Most Common Missing Factor
in Starting an Online Business?
It Could Be This Simple…

Working smarter, not harder,
is the key to better results…

Everyone has seen the enticing world
of building a business online,
but few are able to harness its power.
     In this article I’m going to share with you a simple, yet regularly overlooked,
factor in building a business online.

     Before I do let’s make sure we’re all on the same page about what
an online business is. The vision of fancy cars and crazy “laptop lifestyle”
Instagram kids might come to mind, and I wouldn’t blame you for brushing off
the idea of building an online business as a “scam” or a “myth” – something that
all these flashy people are faking, using trust funds to pay for it all.

     Truth is, those types of individuals are a microcosm of reality.
Today more people than ever are making a living by selling products
(physical or digital) online. From young upstarts fresh out of school,
to retirees the online economy is more diverse than ever.

     Maybe you’ve dabbled in selling online, or know someone who has.
If you didn’t see “instant success” did you just conclude that there’s
no way to make it work? Many find themselves either too skeptical
of the concept, or have been stung by the pain of failure, so it’s understandable
why you might find yourself holding back feelings of excitement and
letting feelings of hesitation take their place.

     There’s an interesting phenomenon in Stock Trading that can be useful
to understand WHY we might hesitate to explore opportunities like
building a business. If someone gets into stock trading and finds themselves
experiencing early success, a good trade, they are much more likely to trade
more aggressively in the future. Likewise, if someone experiences a poor trade
early on they are much more likely to quit all together or be so risk adverse that
they don’t have a chances to experience any level of success.
     Without risk there is no reward.

     The problem is that often times we let emotion have control over our
lives instead of logic. One bad decision (or really one good decision)
shouldn’t determine our destiny. What we need is to understand what
caused any failures or mistakes we experience, and learn from them!

     The same goes for building a business online… (-> read more…)

Hi, I am Yuri Grin.


I got the full version of this article
from Sean Vosler
(master of copywriting).
It’s really interesting so
I would recommend you
continue reading >>>



Copywriting explained by Sean Vosler in his book 7 figure Marketing Copy

Hi, readers of my blog and readers of this post only.

” I’d like to recommend you this book –
this is “live” and full of valuable stuff, on copywriting,
psychology, marketing..you name it when you read it.

 If you are still looking for a good program,
business opportunity, I would also recommended you
to check [Partner With Anthony-2019] program.

I am the member of this community.
Training from Sean is incorporated there,
as also many other methods.

PDF format of Sean’s book available in this
PWA-2019 program inside the last modules.”

Yuri Grin

A Quick Note from Sean Vosler, author of the book…
( physical version is not released yet,
Sean is still working on content)

Specifically, sales copywriting…

Copywriting is the act of writing text for the purpose of advertising
or other forms of marketing.
The product, called copy, is written content that aims
to increase brand awareness and ultimately
persuade a person or group to take a particular action.
But copywriting is so much more
than the academic definition.
I’ll add to that…
Copywriting is the most profitable skill I’ve ever learned.
Every serious entrepreneur ought to
understand its principles if they want to reach their
most audacious goals.
Yet, copywriting seems to be the one business skill
that’s riddled with… well, riddles.
This guide is designed to teach you how to solve
the copywriting riddle, and take the headache,
and heartache, out of writing marketing copy.
I’ll also hand you a copywriting method I’ve developed
that’s saved me countless
hours, and I know will help you write killer content
about your product or service.
here’s the point…
NONE OF THOSE SKILLS, and I really mean
NONE OF THEM, can shake a stick at compare
with the staggeringly profitable results copywriting skills
can generated. For many of my clients I’ve become the
most profitable “division” of their business mainly because
I’m better able to leverage their audiences with
my copy strategies than they can.
Which brings them a healthy return on their “investment” in me.
You can be a great funnel developer, video producer,
freelancer, graphic designer, “ecommerce-
marketer”, or agency owner…
But, if you can’t persuade people to actually buy
your stuff (or your client’s stuff)…
well… you’re screwed.

Click here to learn more about this book (it is just 7% of book content)
or plug into PWA-2019 program to build your own business.


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