Home Profit Game Plan Part 1

Get Started

Let’s start with the basics.  Does this picture represent how you feel about the whole process of generating leads and building a list? (by Jeff Herring)

We will start with an autoresponder.  This is a tool that allows us to send automated follow up messages to a subscriber.  It allows for automation, instead of you having to write down when someone joins, and manually email the messages in the order you want your subscriber to receive them.

You can begin to set up your autoresponder by having a campaign name or list name.  This allows you to create multiple campaigns to build different lists.  If I am doing a lead generation list I would not be sending subscribers information on fitness, they would be on a separate list receiving different content.  We also create a form code that we copy and paste into our lead capture pages, which allows them to be connected and function properly.  We will also set up a thank you page that the subscriber will receive to acknowledge that he or she has subscribed to our list.  You can use a generic page or customize it.

The order and the way these parts of the autoresponder are ‘named’ can vary from provider to provider.  However, this is the general process.

Next we need to learn more about squeeze pages, or lead capture pages.  The term squeeze page comes from the idea that you are trying to squeeze information out of someone.  At a minimum we need an email address so our autoresponder can send our messages. We can also set up our page to ask for the name and phone number.  Most of these pages will ask for the name, because you can set up most autoresponders to mention someones name when they receive your emails.

One of the most important components for our page is the lead magnet.  The lead magnet is a gift, also known as an ethical bribe, to encourage someone to agree to enter their email address and start receiving your emails.  This usually takes the form of a report, a video, a pdf document, or check lists.

Now let’s assume we have our autoresponder and lead capture page set up, what is next?   We are now ready to accept subscribers, but they will just join our list and will NOT be receiving any content.  We need to go to our autoresponder and set up some emails to be sent when someone subscribes.  You choose a list (how about the one for lead generation) and then specify what day your subscriber will receive the message.  This is numerical, based on how many days have transpired since they subscribed.  For example, day zero would be the actual day someone subscribed.  This email should deliver the lead magnet (if not from the thank you page) and set the tone for the messages you will be sending.  You can now set up the messages you will send on day 1,2,3 and so on.

Choosing your providers:  You can choose an autoreponder and lead capture page provider, or you can choose a tool suite where they are both integrated.

Choosing different providers gives you more flexibility.  Some providers may have unique features, mostly of interest to experienced marketers.  If you choose different providers, you need to make sure the autoresponder can generate form code that will connect with the landing page provider.  This information is usually very visible on the providers home page.  This is where the tool suite has its advantage, because integration is assured.

You will need to use this provider for several years, so do your research.  The main reason is because you will not be able to automatically move your subscribers from one provider to another.  The providers are having to enforce legislation such as the CAN-SPAM act of 2003.They have resources to know if someone actually subscribed to your list, while another provider you wanted to move to would not be able to access this information.

Single or double opt in?  Single opt in allows someone to put in their email address and they are added to your list immediately.  Double opt in will send an email to the (potential) subscriber asking him or her to verify they want to subscribe.  A verification link must be activated before someone is added to your list.  Single opt in makes the subscribing process quicker, while double opt in may decrease SPAM complaints in some circumstances.

The way the process works and the steps needed for setup vary depending on the provider.  I want to assure you that any reputable provider WILL have a good tutorial to help you set up your system.  There is a learning curve as with anything!

I recommend that you select your provider(s) and start setting up lead capture pages and an email series as soon as possible.  Set up a few ‘extra’ email addresses and use these to subscribe to your own campaigns.  This will allow you to see the process from the perspective of the subscriber, and assure everything is connected properly.

Note: This is not just one of the autoresponders. It’s the system that will create your residual income.

Step 1: Set up your autoresponder (30 days free trial)

Yuri Grin, Lake Ontario



Email 70 MILLION Targeted – Opt-In Prospects Every Month

#1 Rated System


One of the most efficient traffic producers online today.
Their lists are tightly managed and updated daily.
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more info »

Send your ad to over 2.3 million recipients with each blast. We provide everything you need, including the newest and fastest email server on the market, the massive email database, and the visual tools you need in order to design an effective email ad.Email is the most direct and powerful method of marketing today. There are potentially millions of buyers willing to purchase your product or service. You will be mailing, using our one click web mailer which sends mail through our servers. You can advertise just about anything. You can advertise many businesses, products or opportunities.

Pay once for a lifetime membership.
Get all our upgrades at no extra cost.

The Ultimate in Internet Marketing! Enjoy this super value by clicking this link or image below.

Pop Quiz

Do you have a product or service to sell?

Are you getting tired of promoting and getting nowhere?

Are you interested in increasing your sales by 1000%?

Are you sick of only getting counter offers in your inbox?

Are you looking for something with a money back guarantee?

Are you going from one safelist to another cutting & pasting your ads?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions then the Solution has found YOU!
What is the solution? Targeted email is the most direct and powerful method of marketing on the internet today.

Targeted, Safe and 100% Opt-In

There are potentially millions of targeted buyers willing to purchase your product or service.

Program Features

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The system is easy to use. (one click mailing)
You can use this system once EVERY DAY to reach well over 2.3 MILLION prospects TARGETED to receive business offers like yours.
Email marketing companies regularly charge $200-$300 to reach 10,000 prospects once! Why pay for each blast?
You will be provided with detailed instructions on how to send out your ads in the most effective way without worry with our easy to follow Video Tutorial.
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Review Brian Tracy and his book Eat the frog.

This eat that frog story comes from Mark Twain. Mark Twain once said that, “If the
first thing that you do when you wake up in the morning is to eat a live frog, you’ll
have the satisfaction of knowing that’s probably the worst thing that’s going
to happen to you all day long.”

We all have only 24 hours per day. We cannot change that. Some people use that 24 hours per day in  more efficient way and eventually get the job done. Other people finish their day and get only minimum possible things done.

We don’t want to eat that frog. So we procrastinate. Advice from Mark Twain has 2 points.

  1. If you have to do something very hard or unpleasant (ugly frog) start you day with this (don’t spoil the rest of the day).
  2. If you have to do 2 hard tasks today do the most difficult first ( the ugliest frog).

You cannot manage time, you can manage the things (events) that you can do during the day (or the order of events). It’s really the management of the sequence of events in your life.

Personal management is the ability to choose what you do first, what you do second, and what you do later if at all. Way you use your time and order of choices you make really changes  output of whole day.

You can read a lot more in the book of Brian Tracy “Eat that Frog”.

Email 70 MILLION Targeted – Opt-In Prospects
Every Month! That’s 2.3 MILLION Every Day!

Increase Web Traffic & Sales Overnight!



My Lead Generation System vs. free safelists and traffic exchange.

A funnel is a way to introduce people to your product or service.

It’s called a funnel because the goal is to attract the most-people possible at the TOP…

So you can have the best chance possible at making sales throughout the funnel.

In the marketing world, these people are called leads.

The more leads you get in your  f u n n e l, the more sales you make.

For example, let’s say you have a funnel that attracts 100 leads every day.

And on average, you make 1 sale for every 100 leads.

This means you’re getting 1 sale a day, right?

But here’s where the magic happens.

And where life-changing fortunes are made.

If you get 200 leads into your funnel, you’re making 2 sales a day.

And if you’re able to get 1,000 leads into your funnel…

NOTE: From my experience it is very hard to build list just surfing for free Traffic exchange or safelists.

I would like to show you the system and program that can generate for you 100 leads a day of highly responsive traffic. Check it here >>>

At the end read one email message I’ve got from Jim Harmon, CEO and Owner of My Lead Generation System (that I am using now for my business).

“” The money’s in the… uh-oh.

Don’t you just hate it? A schmooroo gives you a  “pearl” of wisdom like “the money’s in the list” but fails to provide the details.


The money is in the list.

No sh** Sherlock.

The question is – how do you get a list?

The answer (luckily for you Moto) is by using my secret.

(This is a NEW way of getting a list which nobody else is offering). “” Check it here>>>



TOP 10 Tips for Safelist Marketing

Safelist Marketing is one of the fastest, simplest methods of getting your ads out to potential prospects.

Before starting, read 10 tips on how to use this method better and find some good safelists below to join.

Here’s how to get started right away: sign up for each safelist below and start blasting away! Many of the are free to join, and most also pay commissions or  g i v e  you credits for referring others, giving you an additional source of income and/or more advertising!

NOTE: When you join a safelist, many times you will need to give them two email addresses in order to join. You can use your main email address as your Contact email, as long as you don’t mind getting an a few Solo Ads sent to you every day. But, it’s a better idea just to use a Contact Email address specifically for Safelists. You must NEVER use your main email account for your List Email because you will be inundated with tons of emails.

If you want a great List Email account, where you NEVER have to worry about running out of space, just click here for the BEST FREE email account on the net.

Here are TOP 10 Safelist Tips: (by Cynthia Howard)

Tip #1: Keep it Short and to the Point!

These days, people are so deluged with emails that they will NOT take the time to read a long email ad, even if they ARE interested.

They will just skim over the main points and then click on your link, IF they think it sounds interesting.

Therefore, don’t annoy your potential prospects by making them work hard to get to the point.

Besides, you should not be trying to sell them anything in your ads anyway, so you don’t need to go into a lot of detail.

You just need them to click the link in your ad, and then your website can do the rest of the work for you.

Short and “to the Point” is the ticket!


Safelist Marketing is one of the fastest, simplest and safest methods of getting your message out to
potential prospects.

Recommended safelists:

Tip #2: Use the Name Variables!

Using the Name Variables will insert your prospect’s name right in the Subject Line, and also in the Body of the ad itself if you choose, and this is a Very Good Thing!

You want your prospect’s name to show, especially in the Subject Line. This will accomplish two things.

First, the subject line will stand out from the rest of the emails in your prospect’s inbox because most people do not bother to utilize this feature.

Second, it will seem more personal to your prospect, like you wrote the email special, just for them.

CAUTION: be careful with this feature because the variables differ from safelist to safelist, and it will look very unprofessional if you get it wrong because your prospect will see something like this: {firstname} in place of their name…not good.

Recommended safelist:

Profitable Email Marketing

Tip #3: It’s ALL About the Subject Line!

Your Subject Line is the MOST important part of your Safelist Advertising. In fact, it is way more important than the actual ad itself, because nobody will ever read your ad if they don’t find your Subject Line enticing.

People will be scrolling through a list of subject lines, looking to see if anything looks interesting, so you have to make your ad stand out from the rest.

Hint: Asking a question is one great way to pique curiosity.

Here’s a subject line I use a lot:  Do Safelists Really Work?

Also, you can make your Subject Line stand out by placing odd characters (###, ***, @@@) at either end, or even indenting it by placing word spaces at the beginning.

Putting an ellipses at the end is another way to engage your prospects and make them wonder what’s coming next.

Here’s an example:  How to Triple Your Income by…

Recommended safelist:

Leads, Leads, Leads!

Tip #4: Keep it REAL!

A little bit of hype is ok, but don’t go overboard.

You know what I mean…

“Join, Do Nothing and Make a Million Dollars in One Month!”

People are just tired of it.

Yes, you need to make your product/program sound great, but not impossibly great.



Safelist Marketing is one of the fastest, simplest and safest methods of getting your message out to
potential prospects. But you want to build list of real customers, not of people that are looking for “get- rich-quick”, right?

Recommended safelist:

Special Tip #00: You need Autoresponder and Ad campaign to it!

To get you started, here’s something every marketer should have; a subscribers list. Without one you are losing out on more sales than you’ll ever realize. You might have heard the saying before that “The money is in the list”. Well, it’s true. You can spend a lot of time with free advertising and a lot of money on paid advertising over time and you will get some one-time sales each time you send out a new campaign to your offer. You make the sale, but essentially lose that customer for any future sales.

I scoured the internet looking at all the options available for email marketing services and when all was said and done, we settled on TrafficWave as the absolute best option out there. All the other providers out there were either more expensive or they increased in price as your subscriber list grows. Not so with TrafficWave. It’s one of the most reliable and affordable options at just $17.95 a month and that price never goes up.

Whether you have 500 subscribers or 500,000 subscribers, you’ll always pay the same low price.

If you’re in need of an email marketing service you’ll definitely want to consider TrafficWave as your first option. We use it ourselves and highly recommend it!

You will have even more benefits (see info at the end of this post) if you sign up to this Autoresponder as The Towers Team Member (not only 30 days free trial, but I will also pay your second month cost and set up Ad Campaign for you). Here is the opt-in form to join The Team and Rotator >>

Recommended safelist:

Join ListAvail.com

Will be updated soon with more tips…#5 etc.



Building and engaging the list is the main thing.

Building and engaging the list is the main thing all online entrepreneurs do on daily basis.

If you’ve been in business for any time at all, you possess a certain hidden asset that can make you financially safe. The best thing is, this hidden asset is also hidden from all your competitors. Once you understand and take advantage of its true value, you’ll enjoy an instant and unfair advantage in your marketplace. What is this hidden asset? The secret is this.

Your customer list Is Everything.

The more promotions you run to your existing customers, and the better your relationship with them is, and the more value will accrue to your list.

America’s first billionaire, Andrew Carnegie, once said: “You can take away all my factories, all my machinery, all my equipment, all of my real estate, and leave me with my very best people—and I’ll have it all back in no time flat.”

I love that quote, because I firmly believe in the value of good people. However, I want to add an important distinction. I say: “Take away everything from me, but leave me my best people and my customer list, and I’ll have it all back in no time flat.” That’s because a good customer list is your meal ticket for life. It can produce enormous  l i f e t i m e  sales and profits.

I’m shocked at the number of small businesses that don’t stay in touch with their best customers on a regular basis. What shocks me even more are all the small businesses that are constantly chasing after new customers, but paying very little attention to their existing  c u s t o m e r s. Their attitude is that their existing customers know where they are, and when they need more of what they sell, they’ll come back automatically. That’s a huge mistake because you can’t be sure it will happen.

This is the secret of success for every business. No matter what business you’re in, getting customers to come back and do business with you repeatedly, for as long as possible, is the key to success. In order to do that you have to invite them to come back and do more business with you. You can’t just wait for them to come to you. It’s easy enough to be proactive.

All you have to do is maintain your mailing list with a service like TrafficWave or other, then contact those people on a regular basis. Develop new products, services, and offers that give them more of what you know is most important to them. Show them you really do care. Every business claims they care about their customers, but what are you doing to prove it?

The key to building a good relationship is to show people you really care about them. That can be very easy to do if you have the systems and processes in place that let you do it. Build and maintain strong relationships with people who have done business with you before. Make it easy for them to keep doing business with you, and you’ll leave your competitors eating your dust. It’s as simple as that.

Start Your List Today – No Risk – No Credit Card Required

My friends over at TrafficWave would like to offer you a free 30 day trial to test out their world class list building service.

The free trial will allow you to explore all the campaign types and features that TrafficWave has to offer. You can create as many campaigns as you want, and try out all the different campaign types available.

IMPORTANT: And here goes even more important thing…

You can join this service – I mean an autoresponder – with our “The Towers Team – TrafficWave” and get more tools, support in building your list, because we will promote for you until you get your first 10 paid members and more features… press the image below (I even help you to pay your first cost to upgrade).

And, unlike other trials, you don’t need a credit card to sign up. Test it out for a full 30 days and then decide if you want to be a customer. I’m sure you will once you see how powerful the service is.

In upcoming post series, I will show you how to take full advantage of all the unique features “The Towers Team – TrafficWave” has to offer. Go set up your free trial now so you learn can along with the training. Remember, it’s free and no credit card is required.




How To Write Effective Emails Advice from Darren Olander

How To Write Effective Emails Advice from Darren Olander

How To Write Effective Emails Advice from Darren Olander

Guide on how to write effective emails that gets results! This video was made by Darren Olander the owner of Adchiever. This is very useful information because so many  p e o p l e   are involved in email marketing.

My number one – #1 – recommendation –
Join 6 programs of D.Olander – Click HERE =>>

Need to build a team? You need to start from 2 people. Press the hand below and join 6 mailers from Darren Olander.

You will love this! (Don’t forget to check my offer at the end of this post)

Check out this f.r.e.e video presentation that will teach you how to write e-mails that demand
attention and pull in the most cash.

Watch it now right here:

It only takes one time to learn these techniques and you will be pumping out
killer e-mail promos every time you write and improve your results by leaps and

Plus, you can avoid the most common mistakes people make when writing their e-mail (or maybe
you are already making them?)…

Find out now:

P.S. If you send ANY e-mails online at all, you need this… even just one new technique
could greatly increase your results!

How To Write Effective Emails Advice from Darren Olander

PS: You can apply this knowledge to your advertising campaigns.

Here you can see the project that just has been launched?

Let me introduce you to ” AtCostMetals” (register for free to get all information and presentation)

Write Effective Emails using the training from Darren Olander




Life and happiness is a process not destination.

… and it’s true about network marketing.

It takes at least 10 months to see first results – according to the Power of One Rule (unfortunately most people quit after 3 months).

Because online you just don’t want to sell stuff through affiliate link again and again (not bad too). The ideal goal is to build the network of people or team who will help you to do the same. The main process is duplication.

Here you will find “The Towers Team – Traffic Wave” – order free report.

A Revolutionary New Concept in Network Marketing, where we put you in a rotator until you receive
10 PAID Referrals and your referrals also get 10 PAID referrals and so on…

Repeating the process for everyone joining after you

Cool No Hits required
Cool No Traffic required
Cool No Work required
Cool We Do ALL the WORK for you

Join the rotator NOW!

NOTE: Actually you should be involved in this process too (or you out of business) . This is what I am doing.

Now I am wondering what is holding you back? (except that you are already have successful online business)

Is it money?

You only need a very low budget to start and the same very low budget monthly to keep on going. But it is not every month. With a direct referral you make 100% commission. So your monthly membership will be paid with one direct referral.
And with 3 referrals, it can be direct or spillover, your monthly membership will be covered. The next referrals is pure earnings.

Is it time?

We will do all the work for you. You do not have to do anything else. We bring the traffic, we get the leads, we get the sales, all for you. You do not need any time. We already done it for you. (my comment: Still you have to work at least 1 hour a day, that’s my opinion)

So you see. You do not have to pay for any traffic nor leads (my comment: when you earn first money it’s better to invest them in your business). You do not have to spend hours clicking ads nor surfing. We do all of that for you. The only thing is to join.

All you have to do is to lock in your position right NOW! Our team will set up your file and tools in 2-3 days (depends on weekends – be patient). And get more details here >>>

Choose your own individual way, listen to yourself !!




The Power of One in Network Marketing and TrafficWave

Network Marketing Wealth With The Power Of One

Most of the time, when we hear about a powerful success story in network marketing, we are hearing about someone that just ran some incredible numbers on an almost impossible to believe level.

While it is exciting to read about this sort of success, most of us tend to think that we just can’t achieve that sort of wealth in network marketing unless we become a power house recruiter and put hundreds of people in to the business, personally.

This article is designed to show you what can be done when you commit to being consistent and focus your efforts for a while, no matter which network marketing business you are building.

I call it:

The Power Of One

This plan is designed for the part-timer that may only have a few hours to spend on their business each week. They aren’t going to quit their job any time soon but they do want to build a business on the side with the expectation that they will have the option to fire their boss or cut their job hours back should they choose to do so.

What we are going to focus on is bringing in 1 new referral each month. Just ONE.

Can you do more? Yes but this example is going to focus on the sort of power and leverage you can build up by bringing in just one new referral and (this is the important part) teaching and helping them to do the same.

Let’s take a look at what can happen with this incredible Power Of One system in your network marketing business.

Remember: We are focusing on getting ONE new referral each month. We are going to then work with that new referral to help them do the same.

So let’s take a look at what can happen.

Month 1: You are just getting started with your new business. You are excited, of course! You probably don’t know much about the pay plan or how it all works but you can definitely see the potential. You reach out to some friends and you bring in one new referral. You now have 1 referral in your team.

Month 2: You and your new team member from last month also bring in a new referral. Your group grows by 2 so you now have a total of 3 referrals in your team.

Month 3: You and your 3 referrals are getting the training. You are working together and you each bring in 1 new referrals. Your team now has 7 total referrals.

Month 4: You and your team are staying in touch with your upline leadership team. You are working together and you each add a new referral. Your network marketing business now has a total of 15 people on your team. You have personally referred just 4 of those!

Month 5: You continue learning about your business. You are now seeing some results and your team is getting excited! You each refer just ONE new referral in this 5th month which now brings your network marketing team to a total of 31 members!

Month 6: By this time, most people have quit their network marketing business. They probably said something like, “I don’t like get rich quick deals” but then got frustrated because they didn’t make money fast. Most folks have been working their regular jobs much longer than 6 months and not only are they not rich yet but they have no reasonable expectation that their job will ever make them rich. But they keep waking up in the morning and going to their job.

You and your team recognize that this is a process that may take some time. You are committed to each other and your future success so you continue working together,. You spend time on personal development. You keep learning more and you each put one new referral on the team this month! Now your network marketing business has a total of 63 people and your team is really starting to get excited!

Month 7: You are starting to feel the excitement in your team, now. This Power of One is really starting to have an impact on your network marketing business. Your team is growing and so is your income!

You and your team are building momentum. Some folks may be putting in more than 1 new referral now but let’s keep doing the math based on everyone on the team bringing in just one new referral this month. Your team continues to grow and now you have 127 people in your network marketing business.

Month 8: Now you are really starting to feel the excitement! This thing is actually working! Your network marketing team is seeing results and you continue working on personal development. Your team follows the system and you each add one new referral. Your team now has 255 members!

Month 9: Your team reaches 511 members this month! Depending on your company’s pay plan, bonus incentives, etc… your income should be at a very nice level by this time!

Month 10: By following the simplicity of The Power Of One, your network marketing business has now reached 1,023 team members!

Month 11: Can you believe your team is now 2,047 members strong?

Month 12: 4,095 members in your network marketing business in your first year!

NOTE: I should say that reality is different than mathematical model and it can take you 2-3 years or even more to reach these numbers.

And Now For The Reality Check: If you are like most folks, you probably gave up around month 3, 4, or 5. Somebody told you “no”. Guess what. That happens to folks who have been in the industry for years and are earning 5 and 6 figure monthly checks, too. We all hear “no”. Those who succeed just didn’t quit. They just talked to the next person on their list.

The key to successfully implementing this plan is for YOU to make up your mind that you are going to see the plan all the way through. Recognize that some will do more than others. Some will do less than others. Some will quit. Some will excel. That’s what happens in the real world and it’s no different in the network marketing arena.

We all know that there are tremendously successful people involved in network marketing. The first question is for you to ask yourself: Am I ready to become one of the success stories? If you are, then make the decision to follow this plan. Don’t beg people to join your opportunity. Invite people to partner with you as you follow a plan to create financial freedom together.

Consider working harder on the front end and go for 2, 3, or 4 new referrals and work with them to do the same. Momentum is a powerful ally in your network marketing venture. Put it to work for you. Build as fast or as slow as you like but the key is to continue building your business!

Want to start? I will show you the plan! Click the image below:


BrianRooneyAbout The Author: Brian Rooney escaped the rat race in the year 2000 by starting his own home based business. Since that time, Mr. Rooney has provided tools and training for thousands of network marketing professionals via his internet marketing services. If you are looking for a home based business for yourself, be sure to view this and get this free report.





TrafficWave Is It Still Worth Your Time In 2019?


Scattered Puzzle Pieces

Have you’ve been looking for ways to make money online, you’ve more than likely come across the term affiliate marketing.

There’s a reason for that — it’s simply one of the best ways for beginners to earn their first dollars online.

  • You don’t have to stockpile any products.
  • There’s no need to set up complicated payment systems.
  • You don’t have to stress about intimidating legal stuff.


All you need to do is to:

  1. Join one or more affiliate programs.
  2. Get your affiliate links and
  3. Find ways to promote them to the right people.

Every time someone buys a product or service through one of your links, you get paid a commission.

Pretty straightforward, right?

Simply learn about the details of each step, and you could get started with very little investment.

There’s just one problem, though…

The information is all over the place!

  • How do you promote your links?
  • Do you make a blog, or is that a waste of time?
  • Should you just build a simple funnel?
  • How do you approach social media?
  • What niches should you go into?
  • Which offers should you promote?
  • Just what makes a good affiliate program?

To get good answers to all of these questions (and many more), you would have to search the web for hours.

And this is where most beginners run into a giant wall of confusion…

They have to piece together what they find, and try to make a coherent game plan out of it all.

This can be time-consuming, tedious and, worst of all, greatly inefficient and worse it can be a huge waste of money!

TrafficWave Is It Still Worth Your Time In 2019?

Time to find one of the missing pieces (see picture above) – TrafficWave

We work in team. We market until you earn your first 1k per month. I will pay for you to help you get started. So I am sure in this program.

We’ll teach you EXACTLY how to do it. We’ll show you how to set up your capture page, list builder,

letters, and even where to promote to build your prospect lists.

Just follow the steps and build your success.

Press the button below to get free report with instructions.



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