Super Affiliate System Review

The expansion and progress of Affiliate Marketing in the global business remain notable. It already gained a huge part in the marketing world and is continually increasing its popularity. It is commonly sought after for a possible source of passive income but with the number of companies and people choosing it as an effective way to earn, it has become a full-blown online business which has helped more and more people to earn worldwide.

The commission-based business models already existed long ago. You influence the buyer to purchase your partner’s products and in turn you earn commissions. With the rise of internet, this long existing business model is now called Affiliate Marketing.

People are even becoming more and more curious about Affiliate Marketing that its search interest in Google rose by 30% from September 2016 to September 2017. And it is predicted that U.S. spend on Affiliate Marketing is expected to rise to $6.8 billion. People are seeing how this business has grown over the years and quickly realizing its big potential to make money.

This business works and has changed a lot of lives just like the life of John Crestani who is now an internationally renowned expert in Affiliate Marketing! He created the Super Affiliate System which was previously known as Internet Jetset System. It is a complete affiliate marketing course for everyone. Everything that you need to know on how to start and how to earn through Affiliate Marketing are provided by this training course.

In fact, it has created a lot of successful students including five 7-figure marketers!

If you are like John who is dissatisfied with his life before being in the corporate world, trying to escape the 9-5 rat race and just wanting to have your own way and live your life the way you want to, Super Affiliate System can help you, just like affiliate marketing changed his life that he’s now living the dream and helping a lot of people to do the same with this training course.

The Good Points:

1. John Crestani is real and authentic unlike other program offers or products that have fake founders. This is John Crestani, who has made a lot of success for himself and has helped a lot of people become successful because of his course. He is an entrepreneur who was featured on Forbes, Affiliate Summit and Yahoo Finance in addition to large news networks like FOX and CBS.

2. His training course not only offers you an in-depth discussion about affiliate marketing, you will also learn about mindset. To be successful, having the right mindset is everything. If you doubt yourself from the beginning, you will have a hard time achieving your goals, instead focus on your capability and believe in yourself.

3. It is a step-by-step training that is easy to follow and understand. If you are a beginner, you don’t need to worry because you don’t need specific expertise to learn Affiliate Marketing and earn through it.

4. This program is promoted by top marketers proving its authenticity and effectivity.

5. It has useful marketing tools and resources that teach students about traffic sources and how to effectively market products with proven tactics and methods to making money online.

6. The Super Affiliate System is committed to make successful students teaching them to create a business for themselves through profitable affiliate campaigns. Creating engaging ads that work, downloadable presell page templates and access to high-ticket affiliate offers that produce recurring revenues are all included in the training.

7. John will help you have an online business in any niche and generate sales numbers.

8. He focuses to teach you core skills like copywriting, data analysis and research. These skills are the pillar of how to effectively market products online.

9. It has many positive reviews and testimonials.

The Bad Points:

1. You will be needing your own computer or laptop to have the program.

2. The product cost may be pricey, but the course is jam-packed with all the data that you need to start and make your own affiliate marketing business a success. This product works which makes it worth your money.

Should You Get It?

Paid advertising and Affiliate Marketing can help you. It’s a proven way towards success. It’s not complicated, it’s a simple business model that can be sum up with John Crestani’s words “Your Job as an Affiliate Marketer is to do a Better Job of Selling the Product than the Merchant Itself”.

If you want to level up your life, Super Affiliate System is a great tool to make it come true. Stop continually escaping from the Corporate Life and start living your dream by learning from the expert who experienced the same stress, dissatisfaction, frustration and exhaustion that you are feeling. John Crestani is now successfully running an internet business anywhere in the world and loving the freedom that he has.

So, if you would like to achieve time and financial freedom, check out the Super Affiliate System today!


CB Passive Income Version 5.0 Review

Who does not like passive income, when passive income is tantamount to freedom! According to BusinessDictionary, Passive Income means the earnings from rent, limited partnership, or other sources of income in which the earner does not take an active part. That’s what greatly differentiates passive income from active income because the latter requires the constant input of time to generate revenues whereas the former does not. Passive Income, for all intents and purposes, is income that is automatic to a large degree.

For most people who are working the 9 to 5 job, they are very eager to have a passive income that can someday free them from the rat race. Passive Income, after all is freedom. Freedom to use your own time according to your own terms, freedom to be with your love ones, freedom to still earn while not regularly putting effort and time on it.

The world’s population have been into finding more ways to earn, trading their time and skills for money, simply because when they stop working, they stop earning and nowadays, having more alternative ways to earn is so much better. Not only can it prepare you for sudden financial crisis, it can also bring you closer to your financial goals, whatever that may be.

Although passive income is easy to understand, it is not very easy to achieve. It takes time and effort to create it. Successful online marketers have already achieved passive income, most have configured how to sell digital products on autopilot.

Now, there is an online system called CB Passive Income Version 5.0 launched recently that will let you clone everything including the creator’s funnel. This is an automated system that will make you earn passive income.

What is CB Passive Income Version 5.0?

CB Passive Income Version 5.0 is an online system that allows you to clone Patric Chan’s entire business system so that it can generate affiliate commissions for you on autopilot. With Chan’s program, you don’t need to write your own content, create products to sell, send emails, provide customer service, research for affiliate programs to promote and you don’t even need to learn what affiliate marketing is. You only need to accomplish ONE TASK and that is to send Chan’s valuable software for free.

There were versions of CB Passive Income in the previous years, this version is of course, the best and most updated version there is using the hottest marketing strategy for recent years which is funneling, and using this program, you can clone Chan’s proven and effective funnel.

With CB Passive Income Version 5.0, the business model lets you promote valuable internet marketing products and you collect commission when the customer buys.

How Does CB Passive Income Version 5.0 Work?

This turnkey system that is proven effective to generate income has three easy steps:

1. Fill in your details inside the CB Passive Income Dashboard to have your clone page that is created within a few seconds only.

2. Send traffic to your clone page to build your subscribers, the system will continually monetize every subscriber you have so that you earn affiliate commissions. This page will offer the visitors a free gift by providing their email address.

3. When they buy something, you earn commission and you can collect it from ClickBank.

The software will generate you a unique link where your visitors can get Chan’s software or course for free, they will get this after subscribing or giving their email address, which can let CB Passive Income system to promote products to them with your affiliate link attached. Once they purchase, you earn commissions.

About the Creator:

Patric Chan is a world-class internet marketer and CLickBank Super Affiliate. He has been featured in newspapers and business magazines.

His rags to riches story has inspired a lot of people to explore internet income potential. He has also authored several best-selling books. He did not accomplish his success overnight, he was like you and thousands of people before who are struggling to make money online.

It took effort, time and a lot of hard work to come to where he is now. Therefore, he knows what works and what does not. He is sharing the very system that has made him successful.


1. It works for everybody especially newbies. It is a done-for-you system with the hard work being handled by the creator himself. All you need to do is drive traffic and get as many email subscribers as possible.

2. The creator is an expert on online marketing business and is successful for it, he even got testimonials from other successful online entrepreneurs. His reputation alone makes the system credible.

3. Using this system, you can have high conversion rate.

4. It’s a proven system and it also comes with a comprehensive promotion training course. You will be fully informed on what to do to succeed in this business.

5. You will also get a LIVE monthly Q and A Training Calls with Patric Chan.

6. It comes with bonuses like: Insider Tools and Training Membership, 15 Months of Fast Cash Series Archive and The 3-Month Traffic to Income Masterclass.

7. You are protected with a 30 Days Money Back Guarantee.


1. Some trainings are already outdated, nevertheless you still get a comprehensive and extensive program.

2. It can only be purchased online.


Everybody wants a passive income. Everybody wants to feel secure about having a fallback in case the stable company they are working for suddenly collapses. And it is always great to have a simple system that can make you earn as a beginner.

It’s safe to try it and you will get your money back if you feel dissatisfied with the program. The CB Passive Income Version 5.0 may be the program that will make you have the freedom that you want and the capacity to live the life you have always dreamed of.


F.U. Money and best-selling author Dan Lok with his book.

What kind of books should you read to become or build successful business?

You will find an answer in Dan Lok book. I am sure you will read this book (download audio version too).

I want to give in this post rather a big piece of the introduction to show the answer for the first question…

(before start reading you can watch some videos to get more impressions about the author)

<< If you go to the business section of bookstores and libraries, the shelves are packed with all kinds of business and success books—endless rows of personal development and self-help books. Most of these books are a complete waste of your time and money.

The first set of books is the touchy-feely, new age, prosperity-type stuff in the self-help section. The thing is, if you were to actually meet and get to know these so-called “prosperity gurus” in person, you would find out they have no money—they’re poor. They don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

So how the hell can they teach you about prosperity when they have no prosperity themselves? Oh, you might say, “Dan, they’re rich spiritually.” Yeah, right. That’s nothing but a lame ass excuse for the prosperity gurus to justify their lack of wealth. To me, true prosperity means being rich in ALL areas of your life.
This includes your home, love life, family, health, friends, fun, and yes, money. Lots of money.

The second set of books is the motivational psycho-babble.  These looney-toons tell you that if you recite daily affirmations… think positively enough… if you meditate and visualize… lock yourself in a room with purple candles and some hippy-smelling incense… that somehow money will fall into your lap.

These motivational gurus tell you if you feel good about yourself, you’ll make money. I say if you make a ton of money, then you’ll feel pretty damn good about yourself.

The third set of books is the business boos written by authors who have no real world business experience whatsoever. I particularly can’t stand these posers.

These are the business school professors and “paper gurus” who pose as business experts yet have never even started a business in their entire miserable lives.

While their theories might sound good, they’re of no help at all because the authors have never been in the trenches. They don’t know what it’s like to miss a payroll. They don’t know what it’s like to sell their car, mortgage their house, and live on rice and beans to keep their business alive.

Yet here they are doing “research” and feeding you all this nonsensical data and making it all so complicated that in the end you’re so confused that you never implement a damn thing.

Then you have the fourth group of books that attempt to walk you through the step-by-step mechanics of starting, growing, and, ultimately, selling a business.

Stuff like raising capital, marketing, selling, management, leadership, those types of books. Some are great, some are not so good, and some are downright dangerous. But NONE of these books will tell you how to prepare your mind and adjust your perspective for making your F.U. Money.

Lastly, you have the financial books—work hard, save money, live below your means, invest in mutual funds, let compound interest work its magic, and then ONE DAY you’ll be able to retire in comfort (not even rich) if you’re lucky.

Of course, that is if you have the self-discipline to put away the money, not blow everything you make at the end of every month, and get a high return on your investments for a LOOOONG period of time.

I don’t know about you, but I think the idea of working your entire life, as hard as you can, usually at a job you hate, so you can retire and enjoy life, is ludicrous.

Why wait until you’re old and gray to retire? Why wait until retirement to start enjoying your life? Why not do it now?

By the way, do you know who most of these financial experts and authors work for? The mutual fund companies! Why do you think these mutual fund companies advertise their retirement plans like crazy?

Cause they have your best interest at heart, or cause they make an obscene fortune in fees?

I think you already know the answer.


…read book>>

Download the book and read (.pdf file 284 pages) >>>
(There you can download Audio version too, but it can take time to download)


Are you clicking your life away in front of the PC monitor?

Are YOU Struggling to Make a Living Online?

“Please STOP Clicking Your Life Away!”

Answer This Question Instead….

“Do You Know the ONLY 2 Things You Need to Make an UNLIMITED Income on the Internet?”

–> I will tell you right NOW – 

1. An EFFECTIVE Digital Sales Funnel with Multiple Offers inside
   (the ONLY thing that works in 2019)              

2. REAL Advertising (interested people – not penny clickers 🙂 )

Are you on the right track? You can change this situation.
Just follow internet expert! I did it for better in 2019.

You Will Get BOTH of those things from THIS PAGE by following these EASY Steps..
(Actually you will take The First STEP. When you join, inside you’ll find more detailed instructions).

STEP 1. Plug-in Yourself in a training and partnership.

So Many People Are Still Trying to Figure it Out Online (How to build online biz).

One thing can hold you back is Shiny Object Syndrome.

What If I Showed You What it Really Takes to Earn Online.

You Post Your Ads and Hope to Get Paid.

In Reality there is so Much More to this Equation.

Online Marketers should have a portfolio of multiple front-end and high-ticket programs to generate consistent
substantial cash flow in an automated turn key, and in easy to duplicate manner!

STEP 2. MONETIZE Your Websites (provided for you inside the program), using tools and multiple sources of income inside.

What Is S.O.S.?

If you don’t know; IT’S LUNCH MEAT for the Guru’s!

It happens all the time – ads that promise you the world!

S.O.S. Means SHINY OBJECT SYNDROME – a well known online acronym.

The Gurus have made Lunch meat of me many times!

Don’t let lack of knowledge be the reason  why you missed out this video (see below)!

Program Jumping is Wearing You Out? Time to Stop Slot Machine Marketing!

STEP 3. ADVERTISE your Digital Sales FunnelPROPERLY! (“HOW TO…”, everything explained inside the program with traffic resources).

May be Lie you… I believed the stories of EFFORTLESS traffic that gets $1000 a day, DOING NO WORK, HAVING NO EXPERIENCE, and NO BRAIN CEllS!

Even THE BEST OF US FALL for the S.O.S. Rip-Offs!

But I got tired of Delusionary Success – then I met this program – PWA-2019 and Anthony Morrison.

I FOUND OUT WHAT IT REALLY TAKES for online success.

He shows how to get:

– REAL quality and targeted traffic
– A TIME-SAVING strategy
– Tools
(You can adapt all of it to your business if you already have one or when you build yours!)

Want to hear THE REAL STORY – watch this video.

this is as real as it gets!

STEP 4  Set Up your Profit Center with YOUR Links!

There’s no such thing as a completely “done for you” business…
But this is as close as it gets.

No More Guess Work.

Check it for yourself in this video.

In less than 10 min from now you will be on the right track for 2019.

*** Advertising ***

Slow Sites Loose Traffic… And Sales!

Slow Sites = Lower Rankings

Slow Sites = High Bounce Rates

Slow Sites = Less Traffic

Slow Sites = Less Opt-ins

Slow Sites = Lower Conversions

Slow Sites = Higher Ad Costs

The Bottom Line is… You are Losing Money because of Your Slow Site!

Site Speed is Essential for

Any Business’ Success!!!

With all the hard work you have put into building your online presence through an attractive website, do you know that just one thing can bury it before it even has a chance?

And that is… “SPEED”!

Site Loading Speed actually plays an important in your conversions. Think about it…. How long are you willing to wait for a site to load before you decide to just move
onto the next one?

Not long, right?

Studies have shown that Site-Loading Speed of More Than
3 Seconds usually Results in About 47% of Visitors Bouncing off the Website.

Moreover, 79% of Visitors Who Have Trouble loading a Page Won’t Return.

You and I know, it is very irritating when a site we’re trying to
visit takes a century to load.


Partner With Anthony Review 2019 by Yuri Grin

As Anthony says…

“I can teach you how to build your own online business, 
but the best way to do this is to Partner with me.”

Partner with Anthony -2019 Learn More

If you’re reading this then you likely know there’s plenty of money
to be made online ….( yet , 1-4% really make it happen)

Of course you have to find the RIGHT STRATEGY and usually have
a ton of experience to really make it work, and I am guessing
if you’re here you’ve tried that before – and it simply didn’t work.

Most “online courses” promise to “show you how” to generate
income online and they cost up to literally $2,495.00 just to gain access
to some videos that are usually outdated…

How are you suppose to take some outdated videos and actually
make money on the Internet?

The simple answer is IT DOESN’T WORK FOR MANY PEOPLE.

I have the solution – Partner with Anthony Program 2019.

He is one of the best PRO’s Online, and he literally takes you
by hand and lead to result.

You want to get Success? Partner with The Best!

10 minutes from now, you’ll understand exactly
what you’ve been doing wrong…

And, more importantly, how to fix it!

Enjoy this training!

P.S. Be sure to check out this video
(up for now, but I’m not 100% sure how long)
by clicking this link here – inside you’re going
to see EXACTLY the steps you need to take
(and avoid).



The Most Common Missing Factor in Starting an Online Business


Special White Paper (by Sean Vosler)

 The Most Common Missing Factor
in Starting an Online Business?
It Could Be This Simple…

Working smarter, not harder,
is the key to better results…

Everyone has seen the enticing world
of building a business online,
but few are able to harness its power.
     In this article I’m going to share with you a simple, yet regularly overlooked,
factor in building a business online.

     Before I do let’s make sure we’re all on the same page about what
an online business is. The vision of fancy cars and crazy “laptop lifestyle”
Instagram kids might come to mind, and I wouldn’t blame you for brushing off
the idea of building an online business as a “scam” or a “myth” – something that
all these flashy people are faking, using trust funds to pay for it all.

     Truth is, those types of individuals are a microcosm of reality.
Today more people than ever are making a living by selling products
(physical or digital) online. From young upstarts fresh out of school,
to retirees the online economy is more diverse than ever.

     Maybe you’ve dabbled in selling online, or know someone who has.
If you didn’t see “instant success” did you just conclude that there’s
no way to make it work? Many find themselves either too skeptical
of the concept, or have been stung by the pain of failure, so it’s understandable
why you might find yourself holding back feelings of excitement and
letting feelings of hesitation take their place.

     There’s an interesting phenomenon in Stock Trading that can be useful
to understand WHY we might hesitate to explore opportunities like
building a business. If someone gets into stock trading and finds themselves
experiencing early success, a good trade, they are much more likely to trade
more aggressively in the future. Likewise, if someone experiences a poor trade
early on they are much more likely to quit all together or be so risk adverse that
they don’t have a chances to experience any level of success.
     Without risk there is no reward.

     The problem is that often times we let emotion have control over our
lives instead of logic. One bad decision (or really one good decision)
shouldn’t determine our destiny. What we need is to understand what
caused any failures or mistakes we experience, and learn from them!

     The same goes for building a business online… (-> read more…)

Hi, I am Yuri Grin.


I got the full version of this article
from Sean Vosler
(master of copywriting).
It’s really interesting so
I would recommend you
continue reading >>>

Email you should send to your list of subscribers

The “REAL” Truth and Fairy Tales About Making Money Online

There Ain’t No Shortcuts!
(by Frances Buchanan & Alicja Tapia, 7 Aug,2019)

No matter what you have read, there is no such thing as easy fast and free.
You must learn, you must pay something
and you must put some work in to see
positive results.

Before anyone can make money there must be an exchange of money.

There is no magic – wand
Magic – The bad and the Ugly – earthempaths
Im Busy Doing Nothing Pictures, Photos, and Images for ...
We all have to work in some way to receive money. Anything
worthwhile takes effort to achieve.
Whether it’s in cash, time or effort,
we all have to pay.​ Don’t be someone who
thinks you can get something for nothing.
I would like to invite you to learn and partner with me and professional internet expert (Anthony Morrison) in something proven, legitimate that will always be needed to build your list. A marketing system with plenty of resources and training to create Traffic to your Business.
As your partner, I will make a promise to help you every step of the way to start building a real residual income and building your own List. I will reveal to you a system that is both honest and transparent. I will tell you exactly how much it will cost you, how exactly to set it up and exactly what you will do in order to make money.

Fairy tales and online business. Test yourself.

Many people want to change their lives. They hear about how easy it is to make money online.

They decide to join any program, without knowing the harsh truth, still believing in fairy tales. Most are losing their money, their time and their dreams…

I don’t want to mislead people and that’s why in my email campaign I send this warning to my subscribers:

“A WARNING and harsh truth about online business. 

Please, read carefully to decide one and for all if you really want to become a successful online marketer.

  1. There’s no such thing as “Get Rich Quick”!  It will take time before you will see the big profit.
  2. Nothing is free in life, neither in online marketing.
  3. You will need to put some money or (and) a lot of time to get what you want.
  4. You need to take massive action and work really hard many hours every day.
  5. You will get not what you wish for, but what you work for.
  6. You will not be rewarded for your work today. Rewards will come in some distant future.
  7. You need to learn a lot and apply what you have learned.
  8. You will be frustrated when you don’t understand                                                                                         what you try to learn and there is no one to help you.
  9. Your friends, your family members will NOT understand                                                                               why you don’t have much time for them any longer.
  10. They will feel frightened by your dedication and do everything to make you quit.
  11. You will feel alone most of the time.
  12. You will fail many times before you succeed.
  13. You will feel disappointed many times.
  14. You will want to quit many times!

PS: May be some of these things will never happen to you…

SORRY, THIS IS A HARSH TRUTH about succeeding with an online business.

That’s why so many people never succeed!

If you can’t accept that truth and you are not ready to stop believing fairy tales and take massive action, better go back to your a nine to five normal and routine job.


If you are willing to pay the price and work hard then I am glad to tell you that the success in online business is possible and real.

If you are willing TO GO ALL IN and give your online business the attention it deserves and treat it like the real business it is and not as the hobby – YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL!”

Many of my subscribers after receiving my email think one more time about participating in the program (PWA-2019). Many decide to leave, but those who stay know the harsh truth and I’m happy about it.

They know, they must work hard to achieve their dreams. 


It’s very important for me to offer a system with great value.

Well, this is a system I AM VERY PROUD TO PROMOTE

You will learn MANY SECRETS AND FEW TRICKS and with this knowledge, you  can generate TRAFFIC as never before. You can use these hits to promote your primary business or to promote this extraordinary system with many other options in Profit Center.

See this video for more details.


One More Solution To Break Free from 9 to 5 hamster wheel




Hello, I think many people online and offline want to read this!

I’m pretty sure you’ve been looking at ways to finally make some money online.

Let me ask you, have you made your first dollar online?

If you answered “YES” – then congrats!
You’re one of the very few who’s finally had success…

However, if you answered “NO” then I would love the opportunity to show you exactly how people all over the world are FINALLY making their first dollar online and more.

Here’s exactly what they are doing…

Now before you freak out and say “yea yea I have heard that before”

Here’s why this is different, and why it works.

Anthony Morrison – a very well know Internet Marketer who’s done millions of dollars online –
is giving away one of his million dollar Profit Cycle Businesses.

Why is he doing this?

You’ll find literally a few people online

that offer this kind of partnership now.

He’s currently helping his students make extra income online (and yeah I am proudly one of them..) and you can be too….

Check this out here and if it is not for you – you have nothing to lose, however, if it is what you been looking for then your life may change.

One of the main factors is you are not alone in this.
Building a team – Check it out Now!

… and lets get you started.

He’s done 80% for you – and teaching how you can do the rest –
all you have to do is take action.

Say yourself: “I have had enough bosses in my life. No More For Me.”

All The Best,
Yuri Grin





So many reasons why retiring is harder than it used to be

Not So Golden Years
(by Mia Taylor)



How to quit 40-40-40 lifetime plan?

It is mind boggling that people will work a 9 to 5 job all their life to make someone else rich and retire broke. Work 40 years, 40 hours per week and retire with 40% of regular previous income.

See what can be done this year to escape from this “vicious cycle”?

                    Click the image to see one solution…