There is no shortcut to success in the internet marketing.

Why Most Online Entrepreneurs Fail ⏳

Let’s mention 2 “why” reasons:

  1. Many people join Scams and Hype programs full of empty promises (often because of so called FOMO effect). Smart “gurus” sell “dreams”, very rarely good training or systems.
  2. Many people think that “Done-for-You” programs mean there a lot of short cuts and do not take serious training.
  3. Many people like “100% FREE PROFIT” programs and do not want to invest in themselves.

The upside of being a entrepreneur is wonderful (control, independence and freedom) (tips and ideas by Deborah White).

The downside? Time. More specifically, the lack of it.

One big enemy, therefore, is the constant fire hose of information (e.g., Internet marketing, SEO, social media, “tips,” news, etc.). Link bait plays off your “Fear of Missing Out” (“FOMO”), wasting hours of precious time. Worse, following bad information (well-meaning or a scam) can set you back by months.

Even if you could follow it all, you should not be juggling so much time just to “keep up.” Instead, focus every hour on the actual building of your online business.

If you ignore it all, though, how can you keep up? Good question. You can relax…

We have your back. See this program – “Partner with Anthony” – 2019

Our “FOMO team” tracks all those balls for you, sorting “signal” from “noise.” We auto-update our program and you with that rare useful piece of new info that you actually need. You keep your eye on the ball of business, the one that means the world to you and your future. 🌏

How else does the lack of time doom your efforts? Here’s a big one…

Shortcuts! They Do Not Save Time:

Lack of time leads most entrepreneur into taking shortcuts. Site building/web hosting services know this, which is why they start you off with “pick your domain name.” What a disservice.

Here are 4 common reasons to fail that all start with shortcuts. All are 100% preventable simply by doing the right upfront research and prep…

  1. Bad Early Decisions: Make all the right calls (niche, content, site structure, visitor thumbnail, etc.) upfront, early in the business process! It makes everything that follows so much higher-yield. Heck, it’s usually the difference between success and failure.
  2. Failure to Stand Out: You may have noticed that successful blogs have something special. A special, intangible presence makes them stand out. Most sites never establish that. PWA– shows you how.
  3. No “Brand of One”: You must build “trust and like.” Write to connect. Interact creatively. With PWA, you’ll build an all-important “Brand of One” that prospective customers remember and like.
  4. Failure to Monetize: Making a realistic monetization plan is critical. Maximize your monetization potential and know ahead of time that it will more than meet your goals.

Those are just the basics. There are many smaller steps within each stage. They are all “doable.” Do them as if your business depends on it (it does!).

Let’s summarize. Early mistakes limit your potential income, even pre-doom your business. Follow a proven process. Avoid the business-damaging errors and maximize both your likelihood and level of business success.

Do this correctly, in order, no shortcuts. You will get on the path to becoming that rare breed of online marketer, one with an online business that…

  1. is valued by visitors who become enthusiastic customers
  2. generates growing, stable, multiple-stream income that’s under your control, and
  3. grows long-term value in the business itself (i.e., equity). If you only grow income, you have merely created a job for yourself. But building a business that can be sold for a multiple of income is serious deal.

Ask any online marketer what his/her most common problem is. The answer is going to be, “time.” We never have enough time to do everything necessary to build a profitable online business.

PWA is not so much a company as a collection of online marketer. We not only “get” the time pressure, we still live it every day — so much to do!

The only possible solution for the everyday online marketer was to design the only all-in-1 package of process, software, guidance, help and auto-updating that squeezes every last ounce of time-effectiveness into what becomes your increasingly profitable online business.

Building a successful online business depends upon following a process that’s been proven to work. That “theory” has become the best track record anywhere.

And the gap is growing. The more complex things become and the more new developments that arise, the more simplifying and optimizing value we pack into PWA (no change in price so far).

Your job? “Follow the PWA – Action Guide.” Simple as that.

We know it’s not easy to completely “get” PWA until you use it.

Most folks prefer the “it’s easy” claims of the GetRichQuick industry. Yes, now may be it’s ease to build a website.

Because it’s not “easy.” Building a business can never be “easy.” Everyone would be rich if that were true.

But PWA can make it doable by breaking it down into step by doable step. It’s perfect for those who…

  • are serious about growing a profitable online business
  • bring a positive attitude and determination to the table.

There are easier approaches that promise success. They don’t work, because most of them are “outdated”.

Press the image below to start this program…




Partner With Anthony Program Content and Schedule

This blog post is to be continued because I am still working on “Partner with Anthony” program 2019.

Here is the content of the program:   (Practical lessons are highlighted with red color)

1 session

Module 1: Welcome and First Steps from Anthony
Module 2: Tour Your “Commission” Account
Module 3: 2 Biggest Reasons People Fail
Module 4: Register for Success Connection Live

2 session

Module 1: Rethink Success

Module 2: The 12 Principles To Uncovering The Entrepreneur In You

Module 3: Momentum is Key

3 session

Module 1: What is Affiliate marketing?
Module 2: The Profit Cycle Blueprint
Module 3: Getting Your Basic Tools (Tracking, Autoresponder, Domains, ClickFunnels)
Module 4: Let’s Review Your New Business Model

4 session

Module 1: Justin’s Success Story
Module 2: Money is Important
Module 3: The Eco-System Explained
Module 4: Expanding Your Eco-System
Module 5: A Quick Recap

5 session

Module 1: Never Give Up
Module 2: Your Tools Reviewed
Module 3: Set up Your Profit Center Links
Module 4: Activate Your Ambassador Links
Module 5: What’s Coming Next?

6 session

Module 1: Create Your Custom Domain
Module 2: Create Your Email Address (Private Account)
Module 3: Create Your Tracking Domain

Module 4: Set up Initial FREE Build Redirects Sub-Domain

Module 5: Set up Custom Domain Tracking

Module 6: Define Your Why

7 session

Module 1: Create a New Email List
Module 2: Connect You Autoresponder with ClickFunnels
Module 3: Install Your PWA Funnels
Module 4: SYNC Your Email List
Module 5: Connect Sales Page $ Thank You Page
Module 6: Set Up Conversion Tracking

Module 7: Create A Tracking Link

Module 8: Recap

8 session

Module 1: The Email Marketers Mindset
Module 2: Create Your Email Followups
Module 3: Download Our Done For You Emails
Module 4: Traffic is the Key
Module 5: Solo Ads Explained
Module 6: Fast Traffic Source

9 session

Module 1: Success Has No Shortcuts
Module 2: Create Your Own Opt-in Page
Module 3: Create Split Test Links
Module 4: Send a “Broadcast” Email
Module 5: Using You New Split Test Link

10 session

Module 1: Traffic Explained
Module 2: Invitation to ITC (Internet Traffic Consultant)
Module 3: Just Do It (JDT)

11 session

Module 1: What Matters?
Module 2: Be “Sales” Focused
Module 3: Solo Ads “Swaps” = Free Traffic
Module 4: Networking is Key
Module 5: Are you Self-Made?

12 session

Module 1: Optimizing your Thank You Page (Timers)
Module 2: Optimizing your Thank You Page (Exit Pop Ups)
Module 3: Eliminating Your Thank You Page
Module 4: Get Insider Information Every Month
Module 5: Please Review

13 session

Module 1: YouTube Review Marketing
Module 2: Create Your Video
Module 3: Upload & Optimize Your Video
Module 4: $250 Video Contest
Module 5: Comments and Engagement

14 session

Module 1: Your Success Connection
Module 2: Let’s Use Student Funnels
Module 3: $100 Funnel Building Contest
Module 4: Post More YouTube Videos

15 session

Module 1: Expand Your Marketing
Module 2: Done For You FaceBook Ads
Module 3: Your Marketing Plan Explained

16 session

Module 1: Case Study (CPB)
Module 2: Case Study (Affiliate)
Module 3: Case Study (Books)
Module 4: Case Study (Condos)
Module 5: Put it All Together

17 session

Module 1: Introduction in FaceBook Marketing
Module 2: Creating Facebook Ad Account (Facebook Ads Manager)
Module 3: Two Types of FaceBook Ads
Module 4: Preparing Your Facebook Fan Page
Module 5: Setting up your Pixel (for Retargeting)
Module 6: Submitting you Facebook Ad

18 session

Module 1: Set Up Facebook Retargeting
Module 2: Analyzing Results (Cost for FB Marketing)
Module 3: Scaling FaceBook (Create or Set Up LookAlike Audience)
Module 4: Live FaceBook Training With Adrian

19 session

Module 1:  Words Matter
Module 2:  Emotion vs. Logic
Module 3:  The Facebook Effect

20 session

Module 1: Your Network = Your Networth
Module 2: My $100M Connection
Module 3: Meet Dan Lok (Exclusive DMM – YouTube Traffic)
Module 4: Meet Igor Kneifets (Exclusive DMM – Solo Ads)
Module 5: The Digital Marketing MasterMind

21 session

Module 1:  You are not average.
Module 2:  Know Your Numbers
Module 3:  Download Your Proforma (Excel Table)

22 session                 (73% of training)

Module 1: Introduction To Udimi
Module 2: Buying Traffic On Udimi
Module 3: Using BuildRedirects
Module 4: Setting Up Your Profit Center Link (Udimi Affiliate)

23 session

Module 1: Creating Your Udimi Selling Account
Module 2: Increase You ROI With This Technique.
Module 3: Student Spotlight (Mike)

24 session                 (80% completed)

Module 1: Business Recap
Module 2: Are You Where You Want To Be?
Module 3: Be A Leader
Module 4: Student Spotlight (Richard)

25 session                  (83% completed)

Module 1: Email Marketing Matters
Module 2: Increase Your Open Rate
Module 3: Increase Your Click Rate
Module 4: Homework For Profits
Module 5: Student Spotlight (Brandon)

26 session                  (87% completed)

Module 1: Time of Day Planning
Module 2: Copy for Clicks vs Sales
Module 3: Continuing YouTube Success
Module 4: Homework For Profits
Module 5: Student Spotlight (Tanya)

27 session                   (90% completed)

Module 1:  Email Marketing Metrics
Module 2:  3 Reasons People Fail (Email Marketing Flaws)
Module 3:  A New Way To Build Your List (Mobile Opt In Software)
Module 4:  Student Spotlight (Verlinda)

28 session                  (93% completed)

Module 1: Review Profit Centers
Module 2: Response Email Marketing (Mobile Opt In App)
Module 3: Copy Introduction
Module 4: Student Spotlight (Jim)

29 session                  (97% completed)

Module 1: Meet Sean Vosler
Module 2: Sean’s Email Marketing Introduction
Module 3: Key Steps – Before Writing
Module 4: Creating Your Hook
Module 5: Compiling Features & Benefits
Module 6: Compelling CTA’s (Call To Action)
Module 7: Putting The Pieces Together
Module 7: Tech Tools Explained (Evernote, Grammarly, WorkFlow, Google Docs)
Module 8: Revising PWA Email Copy
Module 9: Sean’s Copywriting Book

30 session                  (100% completed)

Module 1:  Landing Page Copy with Sean
Module 2: The Power of Landing Pages
Module 3: Lead Capture Page Types & Sections
Module 4: Landing Page Templates
Module 5: Creating Content That Works
Module 6: Download Your PWA Advertorial Pages
Module 7: 7 Figure Copywriting
Module 7: Tech Tools Explained (Evernote, Grammarly, WorkFlow, Google Docs)
Module 8: Revising PWA Email Copy
Module 9: Sean’s Copywriting Book

*** NOTE: All this training you can get for $7 per monthclick here to learn more

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What could you do with that kind of Traffic?

This is quality Traffic from Real People!

It’s All About Traffic was created for the Digital Marketer, though the concepts can be applied to any entity whether it’s business, government or non-profit. They all need Traffic. This is the reality of Traffic… no matter who you are or where you are, you need it, you have to figure out how to navigate through it! If you’re a retail store, you need people walking through your door every day. If you have a website, blog or affiliate link, you need Visitors, you need Views. It’s amazing when you think about how crucial Traffic is to every facet of our world. I could go on and on but the bottom line is Traffic is at the core of our very existence and it has to be dealt with!
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Leverage Affiliate Marketing To Retire Without Stress.

To use affiliate marketing as a leverage to a safe and early retirement you need to find a good training from reliable internet experts. (see my review )

If you’ve been wondering how to retire young and never have to worry about a job again, affiliate marketing may be the answer. With affiliate marketing, you can live the free-spirited lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of… but what’s the catch? (posted by April Dowling)

Why isn’t everyone using affiliate marketing to get rich and float away into the sunset?

Simply put, not everyone understands how to be a success affiliate marketer. Sure, you can grab an affiliate link from thousands of affiliate networks and programs online, but then what? How are you going to promote your affiliate link(s)?

Most people skip affiliate marketing training for beginners, which is crucial to the overall foundation of your affiliate marketing career.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

In a nutshell, affiliate marketing is when you promote other people’s products or services (usually online) and get paid a percentage of the sale. There are thousands of affiliate programs online in virtually every industry and niche, allowing you to really monetize your interests.

Online shopping is a huge market that is growing with each year. Billions of dollars are spent on shopping online each year, and this is just the beginning. As an affiliate marketer, you can get a piece of this auction!


Affiliate marketing is the way many bloggers earn income online as they become affiliates for products and services that relate their blog content. For example, a financial blogger might become an affiliate for a credit repair company or tax software. A food blogger might be an Amazon affiliate and promote cookbooks or cookware on their blog. You get the picture…

You, as an affiliate, are essentially the middleman (or middle woman) between the customer and the seller.

Affiliate Benefits

Here are some benefits of becoming an affiliate, as opposed to creating your own products/services:

  • No cost (or shouldn’t be anyway) to sign up as an affiliate
  • No overhead
  • No handling of customer payments
  • No product fulfillment whatsoever
  • No dealing with any customers… period.
  • Turn your interests into profits

Basically, your responsibilities as an affiliate are very limited, so you have very little (if any) stress. You have the ability to scale up your offers, add more offers to your portfolio, increase your visitors, and really earn whatever you desire.

Affiliate Earning Potential

Are there no limits with affiliate marketing, which is why so many affiliates are earning six and seven figures by just recommending products or services to their audiences.

Affiliate programs all have different commission structures, they can range from 5% to 75% or even more. It really just depends on the individual program.

Some affiliate programs pay upfront, one-time commissions (such as Amazon), while others pay recurring commissions. These are the real goldmines as you can get paid over and over from just one customer you refer. For example; subscription-based offers that charge customers on a monthly basis. These kinds of affiliate programs can really increase your income dramatically.

Additionally, there is no waiting months or years to turn a profit in affiliate marketing. If you promote your affiliate offer (link) and get a sale the first day, you can get paid that same week or month, depending on how often that particular affiliate program pays out (some are net-30, others are weekly).

Want to start today? Why do it alone? Partner With The Best!

Affiliate Requirements

As an affiliate, your main goal is to drive traffic to your offers by means quality content in any shape or form.

Although you don’t necessarily have to have a blog to be an affiliate, it does help you get approved to many affiliate programs. All you really need is an audience and an relevant offer your audience wants or needs.

Essentially, you are just giving people what they want (offers they care about). If you have a specific audience on Pinterest; for example parents of newborns, you can find affiliate offers for baby items and promote to your audience.


For the most part, there are really no requirements to become an affiliate for most programs. Many independent affiliate programs will approve you immediately, but some want to know how many visitors your site gets per month and how you’ll be promoting their offers.

It’s very helpful to have content writing, video, or graphic design skills so that you can provide content that attracts your target audience.


Affiliate Marketing Training.

You may be wondering what the big deal is about learning affiliate marketing, but there’s a little more to it than just putting offers in front of people – how do you really get people to purchase your affiliate offers?

You can’t just spam people, as you’ll lose your following and even possibly get your account flagged and even deleted.

It really comes down to providing your audience with value, and the most common way is through quality content. As mentioned above, this can be videos, blog posts, social media content, etc.

But how do you get YOUR content seen on the noisy, content-overloaded web?

How do you get YOUR offers to stand out and build a relationship with your audience?

Partner With Anthony (2019) is the program that teaches you everything you need to know about how to become a successful affiliate marketer. You literally can copy what successful internet marketing doing.

To Learn more submit this form below:


How to Get Ready for the Next Big Step in Your Career

woman smiling wearing blazer with left hand in her pocket

Are you thinking about going after a big promotion, changing gears toward a new career, or
maybe even launching a business of your own? The worst thing you can do when taking a
professional leap of faith is to dive in without a plan. After all, you only get one shot at a first
impression. Here’s how you can make it count.

Identify Your Goals

So you want to grow in your career. But what, exactly, does that look like? If you want to
succeed in taking the next step, you need to be able to define what success looks like.
SMART goal-setting is the key to setting well-defined goals. SMART goals are:


If your goal is to start your own business, start by clarifying the specific type of business you
want to begin and determining whether you start from scratch or pursue a franchise opportunity.
The most important part of the process is to be honest with yourself about whether you have the
resources to achieve your goal. If not, look for alternative ways to achieve your idea of success.

Create a Roadmap

Now you know what you want to achieve. The next question is how you’ll do it. If you’re
considering becoming an entrepreneur, a helpful first step is to start networking in your future
profession. This enables you to make valuable connections with people who possess
complementary skills and resources to help you realize your dream.

Beyond that, you’ll want to conduct market research and think about how you’ll build a brand
that people want to be a part of. That may mean hiring a professional marketing consultant to
help you develop content that will sell your story, or it may mean buying into an established
business that already has brand awareness in your target market.
Lay out each step in as much detail as possible, then set a timeline so you stay on track toward
your ultimate goal.

Build a Personal Website

An integral part of building your personal brand is getting your name out there and having all of
your information in one place. A personal website is an excellent way to do this. A website
allows you to showcase your experience, portfolio and achievements. The tricky part can be
finding the right hosting service since there are so many to choose from. Ideally, you want a
web host that caters to personal websites, especially if this is new territory for you.

SiteGround, https://digital.com/web-hosting/siteground/#Plans_Prices%20Plans for instance, can be a smart choice for a personal website thanks to their ease of use, custom features, well-trained
customer service staff and plans that start as low as $3.95. Whichever service you choose, be
sure to shop around and do your homework. The last thing you want is to rush into building a
website only to have an end product you can’t be proud of.

Dial In Your Social Media

Don’t underestimate the power of social media when it comes to helping you achieve your
career goals. Whether you’re looking for a new position within the same industry or pursuing a
career change, social networking can help you get there.

If you’re after a career change or starting a new business, Ivy Exec recommends using your
LinkedIn headline to communicate what you do, not just what your job title is. This allows other
professionals to quickly understand how your skill set or business venture may benefit them.
You can also beef up your LinkedIn profile with keywords so it’s optimized for SEO.

Scan postings for the jobs you’re interested in or clients you are looking to attract, and use common
keywords to draw attention to your transferable skills.

Social media is key for women entrepreneurs too. With social media, you can build your brand
and gain a loyal following before ever launching a product. It’s a great way to test the viability of
ideas and develop a customer base so you’re not waiting months for cash flow to start. Sprout
Social has pre-launch social media tips that new entrepreneurs can’t afford to miss.

However, social media can also hurt you. If your social media profiles don’t convey a
professional image, companies won’t be interested in hiring you when they inevitably screen
your online reputation. Negative online content also seriously erodes trust with potential
customers. Make sure you do a thorough audit of your social media so that potential employers
or clients see the best version of you.

Taking the next step in your career requires a leap of faith, but you’re not the only one taking a
risk. The employers and customers you work with are taking a chance on you, too. With these
tips, you can make it a choice they feel confident in.

Image via Unsplash


Build your own prospects list

Frustrated and Confused About What to Do?

Are you spinning your wheels in earning an online income because you are over-whelmed by too much information and too much to learn?

That’s not surprising because there are so many things to manage and learn. You need to be responsible for so much!

You keep trying to reinvent the wheel and come up with systems that let you attract new prospects, connect with them to build a relationship, and then sell products to them without being too pushy. It is a combination of science and art, and you don’t feel experienced enough at either.

Luckily, there is a system that you can just send your traffic to … and they take care of the rest. To help the beginning or struggling online marketer profit from the methods that actually work, without becoming a marketing expert first.

Click HERE to get Early Access.

Just Starting to Make Money Online?

Getting started making a reliable online income can be tough! There are lots of people telling you to do this or that, but most are just trying to sell you their solution.

The problem is that most of the solutions they are pitching are just one piece of the puzzle. You don’t need a puzzle piece.

You need a road map to success. Even better you need someone to just take you there. No hype or holding back the secrets. Just solutions that are proven to work.

I have found that solution that you are looking for. The ideal way to get on the path to earning without all the hype and pressure. Frankly, without all the complexity too. No auto-responder, Click Funnels, writing emails, and all the difficult parts of running a business.

Click HERE to get on the early notification list about this new system. It is going to be revolutionary and you get in early.

     Time is Money. Don’t waste the Time!

You can have your own online business using the power of email marketing, if you have your own list of prospects (potential buyers) and know how to monetize the list. Many people fail in online business because they not only do not have a list, but they have a very small list. Generally, sales start from list of 10,000 and more potential customers. That is why people quit before they can start to see results and profit.

Want to see results this year? Learn more here and take the first step. Ask me for complete details from webinar and testimonies.




Three Hurdles to Reliable Online Income

Your Success Advantage from Matthew Graves

They are:

  1. Building a list
  2. Frequency of emailing your list
  3. Multiple Sources of Income

Don’t skip this 4 min video. Listen to the video to learn about brand new project that has been launched in May to solve these 3 hurdles in a different way –  “Your Success Advantage”.

Read more about Matthew Graves experience below…

Over the last 18 years of helping beginning online entrepreneurs build a reliable online income, I have figured out the common roadblocks that keep people from the success they deserve.

It is my mission to spread that knowledge to help you avoid those traps and create tools to help you get past the common roadblocks.

The first roadblocks that most people face are not technology or marketing. You cannot really make progress to accomplish your goal until you figure out these four things:


To excel in any field, you have to understand that there is no shortcut to success. Those who do the best in any area are the ones to resolve to master it. This means that you have to be committed to learn what it takes to build an income online. That means you should be spending time everyday reading, listening and watching those who are experts in marketing so you can become one.


True success does not come overnight. There is no such thing as “Get Rich Quick” but you can get rich slowly if you don’t quit and you keep pushing forward. There is no such thing as failure as long as you don’t stop trying. Learn from the things that do not give the results you want and keep working.


No matter how hard you work, if you have the wrong strategy, you will not succeed. The market has changed and people do not buy from strangers anymore. They buy from influencers who they know, like, and trust. Your mission must be to become an influencer in the lives of as many people as possible. Only after you do that will you earn reliable income. We become influencers by building email lists or following in social media and then helping them with their problems.


The way to success in anything you do is to be consistent. You cannot diet 1 day a week and expect to lose weight. You must put in consistent effort over time. It is the same with your online business. You need to make sure that this goal is important enough that you will make the sacrifices necessary to succeed. How much you will have to work will depend on how much you want to earn. If you want hundreds or thousands of dollars per month, then you will have to work full time hours until you achieve it. That means rearranging your offline life and priorities to allow that time to happen. Stay up later or wake up earlier. Give up television or some hobbies. Those who succeed do whatever is necessary to have consistent time to work on their future.

The first hurdles you have to overcome are those that are within you. Once you get these down, then you are ready to really execute your strategy and Supercharge Your Success in everything you do!

Want to see this project that has been launched? Click here >>>



Know-Like-Trust Factor in Sales and Marketing

The Game Has Changed. Have You?

Have you noticed that it gets harder and harder to get a signup or sale in online marketing? I am certain that you have, because it has been going on for quite a while.

T h e  r e a l i t y   is that to get results today, you have to have a more complicated process to convince a prospect to buy. 80% of the sales in any promotion happen between the 8th and 20th time that you make contact with the prospect. Almost no one just buys from the sales page anymore.

That is a big challenge for a beginning online marketer because it takes training and experience to craft an email series that actually motivates people to buy.

That is why I recommend that you get on the Pre-Launch Early Bird list for a new program starting in May called Your Success Advantage. This program was designed to do all of the “hard” parts of online marketing for you.

You just send high quality traffic to the lead capture pages. They convert your traffic into prospects and then the back-end system turns prospects into buyers … in dozens of online programs where you can earn an income.

This system is radically different than anything else you have tried. Click below to watch the video explain how Your Success Advantage turns your traffic into customers (or press the image).

NOTE: Pay very close attention to this video because you may stop to do what you are doing and switch to this program.



Profitable home based business with TrafficWave and Towers Team

“Is it possible to build an effective and profitable home based business on 80% Autopilot?”


What if you can just turnkey everything away, so that you can make a passive income online with TrafficWave?


If you’ve ever wanted to create multiple income streams and receive 100% commissions from the lucrative world of affiliate marketing, then this is for you. Today you’re about to discover a real-world online marketing business that works…So you can substantially increase your commissions and finally start earning a real income online.

Why TrafficWave?

1. TrafficWave provides a top rated autoresponder and link tracking service.
(A must have tool for any serious internet marketer)
2. Flat monthly rate with unlimited features, unlimited subscribers, unlimited campaigns and more…3. 100% commissions from every single referral you personally sponsor!4. You earn not only from your own efforts but from the efforts of those above and below you.5. Leadership bonuses … Up to 50% of your personal referrals’ earnings … Huge Leverage!

6. Weekly and monthly payouts! A residual income can provide you and your family with the
financial security that you’ve always desired.

We´ve done everything in our power to make this easy for you.

– Hosted & Done for you high converting capture pages to generate leads and sales.

– Follow up emails and campaign setup with your affiliate links integrated.

– Ready to use team promotional materials. (banners, ad copies, text ads, etc…)

– Earn from multiple income streams and get viral traffic through our fully rebranding system

– Step by step traffic & list building training and methods

– We Get You Traffic and Build YOUR List!

– Get Paid TrafficWave Signups on YOUR team, not someone else’s!

– You will build not only a list, but network.

Get placed on our team rotators and run your Trafficwave (TW) business on autopilot.

You don’t even need to quit what you are already doing, in fact, TW Towers Team will also help you promote your current online business too in multiple different ways..

You will also get my Personal support and team support. I will pay your first month cost to help you get started.

Email Marketing

We promote for you and even build YOUR list for you


Join our TrafficWave Towers Team & Your Downline Will Grow On Autopilot – Like This…

Are You Ready To Start Making Money?

See you on the inside!

Yuri Grin, Toronto, Canada

P.S: If you want to fulfill your dreams of staying at home earning money through a proven system that will create a  r e a l  asset in your business, even while you sleep, get started… today!




Home Profit Game Plan Part 2

Lead Capture Page (LCP)

Let’s start with the landing page (aka squeeze page or lead capture page) since it is the first part of your sales funnel.  This assumes you have traffic or will be sending traffic that is interested in the subject matter you will cover.  You want to try to answer these 3 questions from the potential subscribers perspective:  What do you have?  Why do I need it?  How do I get it? (by post of Jeff Herring

Don’t assume you have to formally answer these questions, some of them may be implied in how you set up the page.  Look at my sample above.  I did not take a lot of words to convince someone they were losing out by making the mistakes on a regular basis.

A lead capture page is not a sales letter.  You have probably seen these sales letters that require you to scroll forever until you reach the end.  We do not need to create material to try and convince someone they need what we are offering.  They should be able to look at our page for a few seconds and answer yes or no.  The best subscribers are satisfied subscribers, so why would you try any arm twisting tactics?

Consider using video.  The video should be you adding substance and credibility to what is on the lead capture page.  This also allows the potential subscriber to know they will be connecting with a person instead of some random beach somewhere. (You have seen those lead capture pages with a beach background?)

Beware of the 72 hour headache relief pill.  If you have a headache, would you seek medication that took 3 days to start working?  No, you want relief as soon as possible!  Consider this lesson when offering your lead magnet.  Your subscriber should be able to implement and use it immediately.

Developing lead magnets:  You can always create your own. You can go online and learn how to create an ebook in .pdf format (you can use – Canva).  You know how to record a video.  You could also consider outsourcing.  Another option is private label rights, which gives you the right to use someone’s  creation as your own.  Some companies even provide ebooks, reports, videos and lead capture pages as a service.  All of these products have a license to let you know what you can and cannot do, and you must adhere to those terms.  You also want to make sure the material will complement the email messages you will be sending.

Consider split testing to increase opt in rates:  You have 2 lead capture pages, only changing one variable, such as the headline, or with your video and without your video.  If one page outperforms the other, use it and start the process again to try and to get an even higher rate.

You may decide to keep a default thank you page.  However, you can use it as an opportunity to increase your credibility with your subscribers.  Offer a report or video, separate from the lead magnet that will be helpful to your subscriber.  Some of my pages have a motivational ebook.  You could also introduce yourself on video or send someone to a bio page.  Just make sure you do not hinder their implementation of the lead magnet.  You could use the opportunity to sell a low cost product or offer a discount.  However, consider how this may affect your overall credibility because the new subscriber does not know you and has no reason whatsoever to trust you at all.



Home Profit Game Plan Part 1

Get Started

Let’s start with the basics.  Does this picture represent how you feel about the whole process of generating leads and building a list? (by Jeff Herring)

We will start with an autoresponder.  This is a tool that allows us to send automated follow up messages to a subscriber.  It allows for automation, instead of you having to write down when someone joins, and manually email the messages in the order you want your subscriber to receive them.

You can begin to set up your autoresponder by having a campaign name or list name.  This allows you to create multiple campaigns to build different lists.  If I am doing a lead generation list I would not be sending subscribers information on fitness, they would be on a separate list receiving different content.  We also create a form code that we copy and paste into our lead capture pages, which allows them to be connected and function properly.  We will also set up a thank you page that the subscriber will receive to acknowledge that he or she has subscribed to our list.  You can use a generic page or customize it.

The order and the way these parts of the autoresponder are ‘named’ can vary from provider to provider.  However, this is the general process.

Next we need to learn more about squeeze pages, or lead capture pages.  The term squeeze page comes from the idea that you are trying to squeeze information out of someone.  At a minimum we need an email address so our autoresponder can send our messages. We can also set up our page to ask for the name and phone number.  Most of these pages will ask for the name, because you can set up most autoresponders to mention someones name when they receive your emails.

One of the most important components for our page is the lead magnet.  The lead magnet is a gift, also known as an ethical bribe, to encourage someone to agree to enter their email address and start receiving your emails.  This usually takes the form of a report, a video, a pdf document, or check lists.

Now let’s assume we have our autoresponder and lead capture page set up, what is next?   We are now ready to accept subscribers, but they will just join our list and will NOT be receiving any content.  We need to go to our autoresponder and set up some emails to be sent when someone subscribes.  You choose a list (how about the one for lead generation) and then specify what day your subscriber will receive the message.  This is numerical, based on how many days have transpired since they subscribed.  For example, day zero would be the actual day someone subscribed.  This email should deliver the lead magnet (if not from the thank you page) and set the tone for the messages you will be sending.  You can now set up the messages you will send on day 1,2,3 and so on.

Choosing your providers:  You can choose an autoreponder and lead capture page provider, or you can choose a tool suite where they are both integrated.

Choosing different providers gives you more flexibility.  Some providers may have unique features, mostly of interest to experienced marketers.  If you choose different providers, you need to make sure the autoresponder can generate form code that will connect with the landing page provider.  This information is usually very visible on the providers home page.  This is where the tool suite has its advantage, because integration is assured.

You will need to use this provider for several years, so do your research.  The main reason is because you will not be able to automatically move your subscribers from one provider to another.  The providers are having to enforce legislation such as the CAN-SPAM act of 2003.They have resources to know if someone actually subscribed to your list, while another provider you wanted to move to would not be able to access this information.

Single or double opt in?  Single opt in allows someone to put in their email address and they are added to your list immediately.  Double opt in will send an email to the (potential) subscriber asking him or her to verify they want to subscribe.  A verification link must be activated before someone is added to your list.  Single opt in makes the subscribing process quicker, while double opt in may decrease SPAM complaints in some circumstances.

The way the process works and the steps needed for setup vary depending on the provider.  I want to assure you that any reputable provider WILL have a good tutorial to help you set up your system.  There is a learning curve as with anything!

I recommend that you select your provider(s) and start setting up lead capture pages and an email series as soon as possible.  Set up a few ‘extra’ email addresses and use these to subscribe to your own campaigns.  This will allow you to see the process from the perspective of the subscriber, and assure everything is connected properly.

Note: This is not just one of the autoresponders. It’s the system that will create your residual income.

Step 1: Set up your autoresponder (30 days free trial)

Yuri Grin, Lake Ontario


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