Nick Torson bestselling book 14 habits and mindsets of millionaires

Nick Torson bestselling book 14 habits and mindsets of millionaires

Nick Torson, the CEO of the project “Quit 9 to 5 Academy”,
also wrote book “14 habits and mindsets” of millionaires.

Nick Torson bestselling book 14 habits and mindsets of millionaires

FREE download here

There is a link to business from home opportunity included inside this eBook
that can be used as a case study or the way to implement
what has been learned from this book.

Nick Torson bestselling book 14 habits and mindsets of millionaires

Get Nick Torson’s incredible best selling book
‘Income Habits’ for free (download as .pdf)

The 14 mindsets of millionaires that create,
develop and sustain success,
including Nick Torson’s Story :-

Content of the Nick Torson’s book:

Habit #1: I Believe in Me

Habit #2: Be An Obsessive Student

Habit #3: Learn By Action

Habit #4: Never Give Up

Habit #5: Mistakes Are Mentors

Habit #6: Adapting to Change

Habit #7: Model Success

Habit #8: Planning For Success

Habit #9: Focus on The One Thing

Habit #10: Outsource Everything Else

Habit #11: Know Your Purpose

Habit #12: Develop a Mindful Mentality

Habit #13: Measure Success

Habit #14: Enjoy What You Do

More about Nick Torson “Quit 9 to 5” Academy


Text Chemistry Review

Chemistry is defined as the emotional or psychological interaction between two people or simply that special “emotion” that two people feel when they have a special connection. It is not a connection that you can easily have given that men and women are intrinsically different, physically, mentally and emotionally. These differences cause a divide which gives ladies a hard time attracting and finding the one. The reason The Text Chemistry Program was developed and ebook was written.

Ladies, do you find yourself wondering why you are still single when you have what it takes to be in a relationship with someone? Do you ask yourself how to make your existing relationship last? Are you one of those ladies who look at their men and worry about being left behind? Whether you are single, dating or in a relationship, it is normal to have these thoughts, they may be unwelcomed but the truth is there comes a time that you are urged to carefully consider your future and that includes evaluating yourself and your relationship.

The Text Chemistry ProgramIf you are still dating or already in a serious relationship, you can easily make the guy fall in love with you by just a text! Yes! You read that right. And that is what Amy North’s ebook is all about! Basically making a man crazy about you by sending him text messages that are tailored to affect the psychology of a man. Amy North being a women’s relationship coach had already studied about not just any words but research-based scientifically proven words that makes the men feel compassion, empathy and love towards you. And this ebook has already helped thousands of women across the globe in finding and keeping the man of their dreams.

The book aims to give you the following benefits that you only need to confidently do and you will be on your way to making the man that you want, wants to be with you.

The Good Points of The Text Chemistry Program:

1. Teaches ladies how to send messages effectively as well as what messages to send by using specific words to trigger man’s psychology and catches his attention in the process. You will learn how to send him messages that will leave him fantasizing about you keeping the relationship filled with intensified excitement.

2. This does not only limit to getting his attention, it will also cause him to establish a communication with you and makes you stay in his mind even when you are not around. And can even make the guy who left you regret it, once you learn to send him the right text, he will only want to reconcile and get back with you.

3. It is like learning and understanding a man’s mind that you can expect him to reply to your messages instantly. Gone are those times when you have to wait for days for a message that may or may not come. Finally a bridge to gap the mental differences between sexes.

The Text Chemistry Program4. If you are one of those ladies who don’t know what message to send or just an impulsive texter who did not put much thought about the messages she is sending, Amy North, in the Text Chemistry program, is teaching you to avoid that mistake and gives you tricks to turn that mistake around and use it to your advantage, making him only want you more.

5. No more ignored messages! He will be rushing to reply to your messages and will only want to keep texting with you.

6. Get rid of other women that can rob you his full attention. With this ebook, you will know how to recognize and appreciate your man that you will be the only woman that he will want forever. Simple, detailed texts can make him love you more than ever before.

7. Although results vary, many women reported having reunited with their lovers or made their partners more affectionate. This only shows how effective Text Chemistry is in finding and keeping your man which will in turn make you happy in your relationship.

8. The Text Chemistry Program includes not only the Text Chemistry ebook but also bonuses that will help you understand men and eventually win his heart forever.

9. The downloadable ebook format of Text Chemistry ebook can be viewed in multiple devices.

10. The Text Chemistry Program has a refund policy. You can ask for a refund by sending an email and you will have your money back, no questions asked!

The Bad Points:

1. Ladies may feel hesitant to try another way after having been exposed to failed texting messages before. But this The Text Chemistry Program (ebook) is worth the try as it has helped thousands of women. You will be more confident if you are equipped with this knowledge on how to send powerful messages to get your man and make him stay with you.

2. You need internet to purchase this product and initially access it.

Should you get The Text Chemistry Program?

Words are powerful. It can make or break any relationship. That is why the foundation of this The Text Chemistry Program is sending a text made up of words that can get a man’s attention and will make him fall in love with you.

If you want to win the heart of the man of your dreams and want to keep him forever, this ebook is worth the shot! After all,this guide teaches you using research based triggers that can catch men’s attention by infiltrating his psychology. Thus, creating a text chemistry between you and your partner.

Check out Text Chemistry via this link today!




Realize Your Self-Employed Dreams With the Gig Economy

Work on PC from home

It has long been the dream of many workers to escape the doldrums of their daily grind into a self-employed utopia. Thanks to the many opportunities available in the gig economy, profitable self-employment is now within the reach of many.

Freelancing requires certain characteristics

Freelancing is not for everyone. In order to be successful, it’s important to have the right personality traits. There will be good days and bad days — you can’t be the kind of person who lets a bad day ruin their week. You also need to be comfortable with risk. Taking the gig economy leap is a big risk for many, as you have a smaller or non-existent safety net.  For success, you also need keen ability to adapt and solve problems, as you will often face these alone.

Organizational tips for gigs

In addition to certain personalities, successful freelancers are well-organized. Without having accountability to a boss or supervisor, some self-employed workers can slide into an

unproductive state. Unlike traditional employment, where you might be able to have an off day without setting off alarms, a bad day can destroy your cash flow for a week. 

You can stay on top of your workload and enjoy the many benefits of freelance work, such as flexible schedules and the ability to work remotely, by planning your day. Make set office hours each week. You’ll need to set aside time for administrative tasks and don’t forget to add prospecting to your weekly calendar. You should plan to research and pitch new work every week in order to ensure your growth.

Always keep a tight control on finances

When you are freelancing, your income will be less predictable than if you were an employee of a business. Beyond staying on top of your tax obligations, it is important to plan for the future with your gig economy income. You will not be in complete control of your income. Some weeks may be better than others, and you may have to endure some dry spells. Even when you have a lot of work and clients, there may be bottlenecks to receiving payment. Anticipate this by budgeting and setting aside money to fall back on when necessary.

Creating work-life balance with the right home office setup

One way to help with organizing and keeping your business on track is to have a home office that works for you. Regardless of your living space, a home office should be as separate as possible from where you live. Although it might sound ideal to work in your pajamas on the living room couch, most experts believe you should dress and go to a separate part of your home. A separate room is best, but if this is not feasible, you should keep the area strictly for business. 

Step out when you can

Another success tip is to leave your home office and reach out to other professionals. You may need their help in finding clients or solving problems. Coworking spaces allow collaborating with other professionals on an ala carte basis, charging a per diem rate. Go to one of these spaces once a week, once a month or whatever you can afford. It’ll shake off the staleness and isolation that can accompany working from home.

If you are up for the task, today’s gig economy is a dream come true for those looking to work for themselves. Create a plan, get organized and embark on a career on your terms.

Photo Credit: Pixabay


Dani Johnson’s “GEMS” Personality Test

Defining your own personality type, along with the people who you are close with, is one of the most valuable things that you can do. I realized that others aren’t motivated by the same things I’m motivated by (see the test here – Shannon Hargrave). 

A great book that helps put this into perspective is Personality Plus by Florence Litthauer! It helps you realize that you can effectively communicate with others by listening to them more and also understanding how they learned and thrived by categorizing them into these styles.

You will build stronger foundations and trust between you. I encourage you to do this as well.

The 4 Personality Gems come from the motivational speaker Dani Johnson.  Johnson says, “You have all four Gem characteristics in you.  Some people have a lot of two Gems and very little of the others. Others have quite a bit of each one in them, but they lead and communicate in one primary Gem most of the time.”

Once you understand your GEM type, you can learn to spot other GEMS™ quickly.

Walk through these various scenarios and answer the questions honestly. Remember, the only right answer is an honest answer! Not all of these scenarios will apply to you perfectly, because we are all different. So just place a check mark next to the answer that is most appropriate or you feel best describes you.

Pass the GEM TEST on your personality.

Once you identify your own personality type, or GEM, and get comfortable with your own language, you will
also spot other GEMS quickly. Being able to identify yourself and others will allow you to communicate
more effectively and speak to others in their language.

You will notice that both your personal and working relationships will become less stressful, more
productive, and more fulfilling in every way.

Downoad eBook by Dan Lok “Gem Theory and closing sales…” and pass the test inside the book >>>

* * *

Notice: That kind of 4-types personality theory (Gem theory) is not the only one (see Hippocrates “4 Humours”, Empedocles “4 elements” or Galen, Karl Gustav Jung “4 temperaments”)

Empedocles theory suggested that four elements: earth, fire, water, and air; earth produce the natural systems. Since this theory was influential for centuries, later scholars paired qualities associated with each humour as described by Hippocrates-Galen with seasons and “basic elements” as described by Empedocles [18].

The following table shows the four humors with their corresponding elements, seasons, sites of formation, and resulting temperaments:[19]

Humour Season Ages Element Organ Qualities Temperament
Blood spring infancy air liver moist and warm sanguine
Yellow bile summer youth fire gallbladder warm and dry choleric
Black bile autumn adulthood earth spleen dry and cold melancholic
Phlegm winter old age water brain/lungs cold and moist phlegmatic

The four temperaments as depicted in an 18th-century woodcut: phlegmatic, choleric, sanguine and melancholic.



F.U. Money and best-selling author Dan Lok with his book.

What kind of books should you read to become or build successful business?

You will find an answer in Dan Lok book. I am sure you will read this book (download audio version too).

I want to give in this post rather a big piece of the introduction to show the answer for the first question…

(before start reading you can watch some videos to get more impressions about the author)

<< If you go to the business section of bookstores and libraries, the shelves are packed with all kinds of business and success books—endless rows of personal development and self-help books. Most of these books are a complete waste of your time and money.

The first set of books is the touchy-feely, new age, prosperity-type stuff in the self-help section. The thing is, if you were to actually meet and get to know these so-called “prosperity gurus” in person, you would find out they have no money—they’re poor. They don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

So how the hell can they teach you about prosperity when they have no prosperity themselves? Oh, you might say, “Dan, they’re rich spiritually.” Yeah, right. That’s nothing but a lame ass excuse for the prosperity gurus to justify their lack of wealth. To me, true prosperity means being rich in ALL areas of your life.
This includes your home, love life, family, health, friends, fun, and yes, money. Lots of money.

The second set of books is the motivational psycho-babble.  These looney-toons tell you that if you recite daily affirmations… think positively enough… if you meditate and visualize… lock yourself in a room with purple candles and some hippy-smelling incense… that somehow money will fall into your lap.

These motivational gurus tell you if you feel good about yourself, you’ll make money. I say if you make a ton of money, then you’ll feel pretty damn good about yourself.

The third set of books is the business boos written by authors who have no real world business experience whatsoever. I particularly can’t stand these posers.

These are the business school professors and “paper gurus” who pose as business experts yet have never even started a business in their entire miserable lives.

While their theories might sound good, they’re of no help at all because the authors have never been in the trenches. They don’t know what it’s like to miss a payroll. They don’t know what it’s like to sell their car, mortgage their house, and live on rice and beans to keep their business alive.

Yet here they are doing “research” and feeding you all this nonsensical data and making it all so complicated that in the end you’re so confused that you never implement a damn thing.

Then you have the fourth group of books that attempt to walk you through the step-by-step mechanics of starting, growing, and, ultimately, selling a business.

Stuff like raising capital, marketing, selling, management, leadership, those types of books. Some are great, some are not so good, and some are downright dangerous. But NONE of these books will tell you how to prepare your mind and adjust your perspective for making your F.U. Money.

Lastly, you have the financial books—work hard, save money, live below your means, invest in mutual funds, let compound interest work its magic, and then ONE DAY you’ll be able to retire in comfort (not even rich) if you’re lucky.

Of course, that is if you have the self-discipline to put away the money, not blow everything you make at the end of every month, and get a high return on your investments for a LOOOONG period of time.

I don’t know about you, but I think the idea of working your entire life, as hard as you can, usually at a job you hate, so you can retire and enjoy life, is ludicrous.

Why wait until you’re old and gray to retire? Why wait until retirement to start enjoying your life? Why not do it now?

By the way, do you know who most of these financial experts and authors work for? The mutual fund companies! Why do you think these mutual fund companies advertise their retirement plans like crazy?

Cause they have your best interest at heart, or cause they make an obscene fortune in fees?

I think you already know the answer.


…read book>>

Download the book and read (.pdf file 284 pages) >>>
(There you can download Audio version too, but it can take time to download)


Dan Lok reminds about #1 Habit that will change the way you live

What is the #1 habit that will change your world?

May be you’ve noticed that in my blog I’ve already posted 3-4 videos from Dan Lok.
I can say that almost every video has value and awesome content, no matter that
they are 5-7 min.

In this video, Dan Lok reveals what he believes is the #1 habit that will change your world.

It’s not positive thinking… it’s not gratitude… and it’s not constant learning and growth…

so what is it?

Watch this video to discover the #1 habit that will change your world.

Dan is the creator of High-Ticket Millions Methodology™, the world’s most advanced system for getting high-end clients and commanding high fees with no resistance.

Dan works exclusively with coaches, consultants, thought leaders and other service professionals who want a more sustainable, leveraged lifestyle and business through High-Ticket programs and Equity Income.

Dan is one of the rare keynote speakers and business consultants that actually owns a portfolio of highly profitable business ventures. Not only he is a two times TEDx opening speaker, he’s also an international best-selling author of over 12 books and the host of Shoulders of Titans show.

Dan’s availability is extremely limited. As such, he’s very selective and he is expensive (although it will be FAR less expensive than staying where you are). Many of his clients are seeing a positive return on their investments in days, not months.

From Two Time TEDx Opening Speaker, Multi-Millionaire Entrepreneur, And Best Selling Author Of Over 12 Books, Dan Lok
F.U. Money Is A Step-By-Step Look At How I Went From Failing At 13 Businesses To Becoming A Self-Made Millionaire By The Age Of 27. And From There, Building An 8-Figure Empire Soon After. For A Limited Time, Download Both The Digital & Audio Version For FREE.

Download from here >>>



Dan Lok Explains How To Destroy Some Objections in Sales

Your prospect says, “I want to think about it.” or “I want to think it over.” That’s crap. In this sales training, Dan Lok reveals the secret to destroy these objections before they even happen. Watch this video now to discover what to do when your prospect says, “I want to think about it.” or “I want to think it over.”

Dan Lok, a.k.a. The King of High-Ticket Sales is one of the highest-paid and most respected consultants in the luxury and “high-ticket” space.

Dan is the creator of High-Ticket Millions Methodology™, the world’s most advanced system for getting high-end clients and commanding high fees with no resistance.

Dan works exclusively with coaches, consultants, thought leaders and other service professionals who want a more sustainable, leveraged lifestyle and business through High-Ticket programs and Equity Income.

Dan is one of the rare keynote speakers and business consultants that actually owns a portfolio of highly profitable business ventures. Not only he is a two times TEDx opening speaker, he’s also an international best-selling author of over 12 books and the host of Shoulders of Titans show.

Dan’s availability is extremely limited. As such, he’s very selective and he is expensive (although it will be FAR less expensive than staying where you are). Many of his clients are seeing a positive return on their investments in days, not months.

You can Partner with internet professional to build your own online business, too!

Join “Partner with Anthony Program” and see how to build residual income this year.


One More Solution To Break Free from 9 to 5 hamster wheel




Hello, I think many people online and offline want to read this!

I’m pretty sure you’ve been looking at ways to finally make some money online.

Let me ask you, have you made your first dollar online?

If you answered “YES” – then congrats!
You’re one of the very few who’s finally had success…

However, if you answered “NO” then I would love the opportunity to show you exactly how people all over the world are FINALLY making their first dollar online and more.

Here’s exactly what they are doing…

Now before you freak out and say “yea yea I have heard that before”

Here’s why this is different, and why it works.

Anthony Morrison – a very well know Internet Marketer who’s done millions of dollars online –
is giving away one of his million dollar Profit Cycle Businesses.

Why is he doing this?

You’ll find literally a few people online

that offer this kind of partnership now.

He’s currently helping his students make extra income online (and yeah I am proudly one of them..) and you can be too….

Check this out here and if it is not for you – you have nothing to lose, however, if it is what you been looking for then your life may change.

One of the main factors is you are not alone in this.
Building a team – Check it out Now!

… and lets get you started.

He’s done 80% for you – and teaching how you can do the rest –
all you have to do is take action.

Say yourself: “I have had enough bosses in my life. No More For Me.”

All The Best,
Yuri Grin





How to quit 40-40-40 lifetime plan?

It is mind boggling that people will work a 9 to 5 job all their life to make someone else rich and retire broke. Work 40 years, 40 hours per week and retire with 40% of regular previous income.

See what can be done this year to escape from this “vicious cycle”?

                    Click the image to see one solution…



Partner With Anthony Program Content and Schedule

This blog post is to be continued because I am still working on “Partner with Anthony” program 2019.

Here is the content of the program:   (Practical lessons are highlighted with red color)

1 session

Module 1: Welcome and First Steps from Anthony
Module 2: Tour Your “Commission” Account
Module 3: 2 Biggest Reasons People Fail
Module 4: Register for Success Connection Live

2 session

Module 1: Rethink Success

Module 2: The 12 Principles To Uncovering The Entrepreneur In You

Module 3: Momentum is Key

3 session

Module 1: What is Affiliate marketing?
Module 2: The Profit Cycle Blueprint
Module 3: Getting Your Basic Tools (Tracking, Autoresponder, Domains, ClickFunnels)
Module 4: Let’s Review Your New Business Model

4 session

Module 1: Justin’s Success Story
Module 2: Money is Important
Module 3: The Eco-System Explained
Module 4: Expanding Your Eco-System
Module 5: A Quick Recap

5 session

Module 1: Never Give Up
Module 2: Your Tools Reviewed
Module 3: Set up Your Profit Center Links
Module 4: Activate Your Ambassador Links
Module 5: What’s Coming Next?

6 session

Module 1: Create Your Custom Domain
Module 2: Create Your Email Address (Private Account)
Module 3: Create Your Tracking Domain

Module 4: Set up Initial FREE Build Redirects Sub-Domain

Module 5: Set up Custom Domain Tracking

Module 6: Define Your Why

7 session

Module 1: Create a New Email List
Module 2: Connect You Autoresponder with ClickFunnels
Module 3: Install Your PWA Funnels
Module 4: SYNC Your Email List
Module 5: Connect Sales Page $ Thank You Page
Module 6: Set Up Conversion Tracking

Module 7: Create A Tracking Link

Module 8: Recap

8 session

Module 1: The Email Marketers Mindset
Module 2: Create Your Email Followups
Module 3: Download Our Done For You Emails
Module 4: Traffic is the Key
Module 5: Solo Ads Explained
Module 6: Fast Traffic Source

9 session

Module 1: Success Has No Shortcuts
Module 2: Create Your Own Opt-in Page
Module 3: Create Split Test Links
Module 4: Send a “Broadcast” Email
Module 5: Using You New Split Test Link

10 session

Module 1: Traffic Explained
Module 2: Invitation to ITC (Internet Traffic Consultant)
Module 3: Just Do It (JDT)

11 session

Module 1: What Matters?
Module 2: Be “Sales” Focused
Module 3: Solo Ads “Swaps” = Free Traffic
Module 4: Networking is Key
Module 5: Are you Self-Made?

12 session

Module 1: Optimizing your Thank You Page (Timers)
Module 2: Optimizing your Thank You Page (Exit Pop Ups)
Module 3: Eliminating Your Thank You Page
Module 4: Get Insider Information Every Month
Module 5: Please Review

13 session

Module 1: YouTube Review Marketing
Module 2: Create Your Video
Module 3: Upload & Optimize Your Video
Module 4: $250 Video Contest
Module 5: Comments and Engagement

14 session

Module 1: Your Success Connection
Module 2: Let’s Use Student Funnels
Module 3: $100 Funnel Building Contest
Module 4: Post More YouTube Videos

15 session

Module 1: Expand Your Marketing
Module 2: Done For You FaceBook Ads
Module 3: Your Marketing Plan Explained

16 session

Module 1: Case Study (CPB)
Module 2: Case Study (Affiliate)
Module 3: Case Study (Books)
Module 4: Case Study (Condos)
Module 5: Put it All Together

17 session

Module 1: Introduction in FaceBook Marketing
Module 2: Creating Facebook Ad Account (Facebook Ads Manager)
Module 3: Two Types of FaceBook Ads
Module 4: Preparing Your Facebook Fan Page
Module 5: Setting up your Pixel (for Retargeting)
Module 6: Submitting you Facebook Ad

18 session

Module 1: Set Up Facebook Retargeting
Module 2: Analyzing Results (Cost for FB Marketing)
Module 3: Scaling FaceBook (Create or Set Up LookAlike Audience)
Module 4: Live FaceBook Training With Adrian

19 session

Module 1:  Words Matter
Module 2:  Emotion vs. Logic
Module 3:  The Facebook Effect

20 session

Module 1: Your Network = Your Networth
Module 2: My $100M Connection
Module 3: Meet Dan Lok (Exclusive DMM – YouTube Traffic)
Module 4: Meet Igor Kneifets (Exclusive DMM – Solo Ads)
Module 5: The Digital Marketing MasterMind

21 session

Module 1:  You are not average.
Module 2:  Know Your Numbers
Module 3:  Download Your Proforma (Excel Table)

22 session                 (73% of training)

Module 1: Introduction To Udimi
Module 2: Buying Traffic On Udimi
Module 3: Using BuildRedirects
Module 4: Setting Up Your Profit Center Link (Udimi Affiliate)

23 session

Module 1: Creating Your Udimi Selling Account
Module 2: Increase You ROI With This Technique.
Module 3: Student Spotlight (Mike)

24 session                 (80% completed)

Module 1: Business Recap
Module 2: Are You Where You Want To Be?
Module 3: Be A Leader
Module 4: Student Spotlight (Richard)

25 session                  (83% completed)

Module 1: Email Marketing Matters
Module 2: Increase Your Open Rate
Module 3: Increase Your Click Rate
Module 4: Homework For Profits
Module 5: Student Spotlight (Brandon)

26 session                  (87% completed)

Module 1: Time of Day Planning
Module 2: Copy for Clicks vs Sales
Module 3: Continuing YouTube Success
Module 4: Homework For Profits
Module 5: Student Spotlight (Tanya)

27 session                   (90% completed)

Module 1:  Email Marketing Metrics
Module 2:  3 Reasons People Fail (Email Marketing Flaws)
Module 3:  A New Way To Build Your List (Mobile Opt In Software)
Module 4:  Student Spotlight (Verlinda)

28 session                  (93% completed)

Module 1: Review Profit Centers
Module 2: Response Email Marketing (Mobile Opt In App)
Module 3: Copy Introduction
Module 4: Student Spotlight (Jim)

29 session                  (97% completed)

Module 1: Meet Sean Vosler
Module 2: Sean’s Email Marketing Introduction
Module 3: Key Steps – Before Writing
Module 4: Creating Your Hook
Module 5: Compiling Features & Benefits
Module 6: Compelling CTA’s (Call To Action)
Module 7: Putting The Pieces Together
Module 7: Tech Tools Explained (Evernote, Grammarly, WorkFlow, Google Docs)
Module 8: Revising PWA Email Copy
Module 9: Sean’s Copywriting Book

30 session                  (100% completed)

Module 1:  Landing Page Copy with Sean
Module 2: The Power of Landing Pages
Module 3: Lead Capture Page Types & Sections
Module 4: Landing Page Templates
Module 5: Creating Content That Works
Module 6: Download Your PWA Advertorial Pages
Module 7: 7 Figure Copywriting
Module 7: Tech Tools Explained (Evernote, Grammarly, WorkFlow, Google Docs)
Module 8: Revising PWA Email Copy
Module 9: Sean’s Copywriting Book

*** NOTE: All this training you can get for $7 per monthclick here to learn more

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