Success loves speed

Success loves speed

You can use this rule, “Success loves speed”, HERE.

Success loves speed

Why? (let’s read what Kenneth, Founder of LeadsLeap, wrote in his post)

Have you heard of success loves speed, or money loves speed?

I heard it many times.

Marketers use it as a sales pitch to get prospects to take action immediately.

Some use it as a motivation to stop people from procrastinating.

But my understanding of ‘success loves speed’ is not some kind of sales pitch or motivational quote.

My understanding is that we have to take action fast when an idea strikes, before the next door is opened to us.

When we have a clear goal in our mind, the law of attraction will start working. We may suddenly have an idea to do something. When that happens, we should take action fast, for two reasons.

1) That idea is a milestone that you need to complete. The faster you complete it, the faster the next milestone will be revealed to you.

Not only do you need to complete it fast, you need to put in your best effort to do it, otherwise, the next idea may not come.

Interesting, life is like a game. You can’t move on to the next level until you’ve completed the current level.

Many people are stuck in life because they didn’t do their best or they simply procrastinate at a level.

2) The window of opportunity may be closed if you do not act fast.

Success loves speed

In my early 20s, after being jobless for more than a year (I quit after reading Think And Grow Rich, LOL), my mother was dead worried. She knew that I won’t listen to her, so she suggested that I should talk to my dad’s friend, a successful businessman.

I did, because I had a business idea and I needed funding!

This friend of my dad later became the business partner for my first business.

Why did he agree to partner with a rookie like me?

He had his motive too.

He had a son, who was the same age as me. Being born with a silver spoon, he wasn’t motivated to work. My dad’s friend was thinking of finding someone to partner with his son and motivate him, and I came into the picture.

Had I procrastinated, this opportunity might be gone.

Although this opportunity resulted in a loss of $50k in our first business venture, it was an important foundational lesson for me.

Also, my dad’s friend later became my close friend and mentor. He had taught me a lot of things about business and investing.

Back to our topic today – Success loves speed.

If you have a clear goal, you should act fast on the idea that comes to you. As you complete one idea and learn the lesson, the next idea will come. You just keep on working on the next idea and learning the lessons until your goal is achieved.

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4 percent rule

4 percent rule

4 percent rule

The world has a magical characteristic that most people don’t know about. We are judged mainly by the size of our accomplishments rather than the number of our failures.

It really barely matters how often you fail. So fail. Then pick yourself back up. Repeat.

So try to improve yourself in a 100 ways so that you succeed in 10 of those ways. You’ll be judged as 10 steps ahead of someone who never tried and never failed.

My standard, dad-joke-style observation about the self-improvement industry goes like this:

I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news. The good news is that this advice works. The bad news is that you’re going to have to get off the sofa.

The Standard Success Rate is 10 Percent. Here’s why you need to try and try and try, but these are not all points of view, read on..

4 percent rule

According to the University of Scranton, a whopping 92 percent of people who set New Year’s goals never actually achieve them. You can count me in that group. Failing to meet goals is pretty frustrating and can set you back.

That leaves 8 percent of us in a very elite category of goal-achievers. What do they do differently that 92 percent of us are missing out on?

Science Says Only 8 Percent of People Actually Achieve Their Goals. Here Are 7 Things They Do Differently.

Most of the time, it comes down to simple habits to keep us accountable.

What is amazing, and to some extent uncomfortable to know, is that half of this 80 Trillion US dollars that is 40 Trillion US dollars, goes to the pockets of just 73 million people in this world out of a total population of 7.3 billion, every year!.

And yes! You got it right. It equals just 1% of the whole world’s population! 

Are you travelling in a flight, right now? Imagine your flight has about 100 passengers, then only one person sitting somewhere in the crowd owns more than 50% of the combined wealth of the whole passenger lot including you.

Nearly 50% of the world’s wealth is in the pockets of just 1% of its population (2015 data).

(2018 update: 82% of the world’s wealth is in the pockets of just 1% of its population)

Why are there only a few “Super Successful” people out there?

Top Reasons why people fail in achieving goals

  1. Not knowing what they really want
  2. Vague goals
  3. Motives are not compelling
  4. Lack of Focus
  5. Forgetting
  6. Weak will-power
  7. Not having clear deadlines

Let me show you one platform I use on the Way Out Of Negative Financial Situation – click here

Why 4 percent..

.. because accordingly to Paretto principle – 80 percent out of 100 people doesn’t take action or advice – only 20 percent.

..if we apply this rule to the rest of people [20 active out of 100 people] – then 16 people [80 percent of them] quit to early [after 3 month of trying, with more results or less] and only 4 people [20 percent] will go until they reach their goals.

4 percent rule – no risk, no rewards

4 percent rule review


Earl Nightingale

We want to build community of like-minded people in this project – We Share Abundance – click here = 

Earl Nightingale

One morning more than 40 years ago, an amazing message was played for a group of salespeople at Earl Nightingale’s insurance agency.

They were utterly electrified by what they heard. Word of the message spread like wildfire, and everyone who heard it was positively ignited into action. Thousands of requests for a copy of the recording came pouring in. Within no time, more than 200,000 people had called, written, or just walked right into Earl’s office to request a copy. As years went by, that number soared above 1,000,000.

Today, The Strangest Secret remains one of the most powerful and influential messages ever recorded, and continues to transform the lives of everyone who hears and heeds it. In The Strangest Secret for Succeeding in the World Today, Earl Nightingale expands the themes of that remarkable original message into a comprehensive program that explores the critical question, What does it take to prosper in an ever-changing world? — and answers it with success building discoveries that have stood the test of time.

Through Earl’s collected wisdom, you’ll learn about two categories of successful people and how to determine the category in which you belong.

You’ll also discover:

-Why you are where you think you ought to be

-Six words that can change your life

-Why hunches pay off

-How to know what you do best

-Why work and well-being are one and the same

And much more!

Earl Nightingale

Earl Nightingale

Join the project – We Share Abundance = here =

I uploaded this, because I feel everyone needs to hear it. Whether you agree with it fully or not, you can’t deny that Earl has some amazing points. If you embrace, what’s been said by Earl in this video – I’m certain your life will be changed forever.

After listening to it only twice, my thought patterns have already started to change.

PLEASE, if Earl enlightens you – go and buy a copy, to show your respect. I plan to, and will post links to where you can get yours. This truly is amazing, and I hope you all feel as inspired as I do now. :] Peace out. xo

– Brad Monroe

No copyright infringement intended, I do not own any of this recording. All rights go to their respective holders.


Comfort zone

See my offer here that can help you break out of your comfort zone.

Comfort zone

Discover The Science Of Breaking Out Of Your Comfort Zone So You Can Take The Right Action And Achieve Wealth, Success, And Significance With The Strategies Found In Dan’s NEW Book, Unlock It.

Most people struggle financially because they don’t know how to break out of their comfort zone. So in this video, Dan and Sharran Srivatsaa sit down and discuss how to break out of your comfort zone and take the action you need to achieve the goals you have. Sharran Srivatsaa grew up on the streets in India and had to move to America with no money and no connections. Fast forward to today, Sharran is the CEO of Kingston Lane and a sought after keynote speaker.

One of his biggest achievements was when he took Teles Properties to $3.4 billion dollars in 5 years. He is also a member of the Genius Network and Young President’s Organization (YPO).

Comfort zone

Comfort zone

Don’t kill your chance

Greetings my friend,

Ever been 100% committed
to do something out of your norm?

Like losing weight…

Like Breaking Bad habits…

Or plain change your life
in some positive way?

Maybe you even made a purchase
and got yourself all passionate
and amped up to do it.

But then, you did NOTHING.

Maybe you’ve repeated
that cycle dozens of times!

It’s okay.

We’ve all been there.

Here’s the thing though…

Our habits can destroy our chances
of having what we truly want in our lives.

We simply have to step out
of our comfort zone and temporarily ignore
the part of our brain that’s holding us back.

Just take the first step.

Click Here to improve your life.

You owe it to yourself to watch it.

See you on inside.
Yuri G.



Speed Reading

After taking a speed reading course, Tony Robbins is known to have read 700 books in 7 years, averaging 2 books per week.

But why 700 books?

Well, the quote “The more you learn, the more you earn.” is very true.

But not everyone can speed read, and not everyone that does a speed reading course reads that fast.

So, if you can’t speed read, how can you increase your learning and earning power?

Well, I myself go through at least 2-3 books each week.

But here’s my secret… I don’t read them.

And not only do I not read them, but I don’t even take notes.

Yet, I use the books to grow at an alarming rate, and I get more out of books than someone who reads them cover to cover.

It sounds too good to be true, but I can assure you it is true.

So, if you want to know my secret to reading without reading, and how you can apply it to your life so you can experience the same growth I do, then click below to watch the quick video I’ve shot for you.

and read my report – here or sign up on the right side of the blog –>

Speed Reading

You have a good chance – download or read online my report:
“How to build your nest egg in 2021” (click image above or link)

Speed Reading

Most people are looking for ways to read books faster, but they’re looking in the wrong direction. It’s not about reading faster… So in today’s video, you’ll discover the truth on how to read more books in less time.

Speed Reading

Four tips to read faster:

How do you improve your reading speed? It’s not as complicated as you may think. Watch this video to discover Dan’s 4 tips to improve your reading speed.



Jean-Paul Sartre

Jean-Paul Sartre

Jean-Paul Sartre

Being and Nothingness: An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology” is a 1943 book by the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. In the book, Sartre develops a philosophical account in support of his existentialism, dealing with topics such as consciousness, perception, social philosophy, self-deception, the existence of “nothingness”, psychoanalysis, and the question of free will.

Jean-Paul Sartre

Being and Nothingness is regarded as both the most important non-fiction expression of Sartre’s existentialism and his most influential philosophical work, original despite its debt to Heidegger. Many have praised the book’s central notion that “existence precedes essence”, its introduction of the concept of bad faith, and its exploration of “nothingness”, as well as its novel contributions to the philosophy of sex.

Being and Nothingness is considered Sartre’s most important philosophical work, and the most important non-fiction expression of his existentialism. Christian existentialist Gabriel Marcel wrote that it was of “incontestable” importance and ranked among the most important contributions made to general philosophy. While Marcel noted the influence of Heidegger on “the form at least” of Being and Nothingness, he also observed that Sartre diverged from the views expressed by Heidegger in Being and Time (1927) in important ways, and that Sartre’s contributions were original.

Jean-Paul Sartre explored the problems and joys of being fundamentally free. Existentialism, the belief system with which he is associated, considers the anguish of freedom.

“Jean-Paul Sartre was born in 1905. His father, a navy captain, died when he was a baby – and he grew up extremely close to his mother until she remarried, much to his regret, when he was twelve. Sartre spent most of his life in Paris, where he often went to cafes on the Left Bank and sat on benches in the Jardin du Luxembourg. He had a strabismus, a wandering eye, and wore distinctive, heavy glasses. He was awarded the 1964 Nobel Prize for literature, but refused it on the grounds that the award was capitalist and bourgeois. He was very short (five feet three inches) and frequently described himself as ugly. He wore his hair vigorously brushed back. When he died in 1980 (aged 74), 50,000 people accompanied his coffin through the streets of Paris…”


Do you need to be smart to succeed?

Do you need to be smart to succeed?

Do you need to be smart to succeed?

Some people believe you have to be really smart to make it.

They say.

“You have to know something no one else does to be successful.”


“You have to come up with a unique business idea.”

But is that the truth?

Can you really only be successful if you are also smart?

Well… before I let you know what I think, let me share with you a short story…(this post is generated out of Dan Lok ideas)

Back in my early 20s, just a little after I first got started in business, I would attend this elite mastermind that my mentor Alan Jacques was a part of…

And while everyone would sit in a circle talking about very their large business problems – I would sit far back in the corner intimidated.

“I don’t even know what they’re talking about.” 

“No wonder they’re so successful.”

But I kept going.

And after a while, the strangest thing happened.

I started understanding what they were talking about. And I started to get comfortable around them.

And then it hit me.

Even though these guys were 10x more successful than me…

It was impossible they could be 10x smarter than me.

And they couldn’t possibly be 10x more hardworking than me too.

So it didn’t matter to me anymore if I was the smartest or not.

All that mattered was my attitude towards success.

Because I realized…

Success Is More About Attitude Than IQ

I can see why people think that you have to be super smart to be successful…

When you look at Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates, it seems like they’re all successful because of how smart they are.

But what about all the other smart people in the world?

What about 99.99% of smart people that never make it?

If success was about IQ, why aren’t they also successful?

You see, I believe that what really matters is not your IQ – but your attitude.

It’s true that Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates are smart.

But would they be anywhere near where they are today if they didn’t also work hard, remain persistent, and learn from other people?

I don’t think so.

And that’s what many people overlook.

There are so many talented and gifted people out there that never achieve anything in their life – simply because they are too lazy.

And because they have the wrong attitude.

When I was getting started, I can tell you right now – I wasn’t at all talented at what I do.

I’m not a native English speaker, I’m not naturally good at speaking, and I was definitely not naturally good at writing.

But because I had the right attitude. And because I worked harder than anyone else – I made it.

If you do the same, who knows what you’ll be able to achieve…

Keep learning and keep growing.

Do you need to be smart to succeed?

Here is one way to start growing and help others >>

How you understand that you don't need to be smart to succeed?

Interview Question: “What Are Your Weaknesses?” And You Say, “…”
(with Dan Lok)

Register with our WESA community – Here is one way to start growing and help others >>


Sadhguru about Life and Death

Sadhguru about Life and Death

For one who is aware, life and death are not separate occurrences – rather, Sadhguru explains, they exist in every breath and every moment.

Those who do not embrace death will never know life.

Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference.

An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.

Jaggi Vasudev (born 3 September 1957), known publicly as Sadhguru, is an Indian yogi and author. Vasudev earned a bachelor’s degree in English.

  • World Records as the “Largest Bust Sculpture” in the world. Designed by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, it weighs around 500 tonnes (490 long tons; 550 short tons)

Sadhguru about Life and Death

Sadhguru about Life and Death

Jaggi Vasudev (born 3 September 1957),[2] known publicly as Sadhguru,[2][a] is an Indian yogi and author.[6][7][8]

Vasudev earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Mysore and has been teaching yoga in southern India since 1982. In 1992, he established Isha Foundation near Coimbatore, which runs an ashram, hosts a yoga centre, and has been involved in various activities in spirituality, education, and the environment.

Vasudev is the author of several books, including Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy (2016). As a public speaker he has spoken at the United Nation‘s Millennium World Peace Summit, the British parliament’s House of Lords, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the International Institute for Management Development. He has also spoken at the annual World Economic Forum in 2007, 2017 and 2020.

In 2017, he was awarded the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second highest civilian award, by the Government of India for his services in social services.

Help to grow the Community – WESA and money will follow you!


Wayne Dyer Meditation

Dr Wayne Dyer – 5 Minutes Before You Fall Asleep – Positive Affirmations – Wayne Dyer Meditation

Wayne Dyer Meditation

WAYNE W. DYER was an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth. Over the four decades of his career, he wrote more than 40 books, including 21 New York Times bestsellers. He created many audio and video programs, and appeared on thousands of television and radio shows.

“All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won’t succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy. ”

“You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be.” ― Dr Wayne W. Dyer 1940 – 2015

Wayne Dyer Meditation



Your success advantage advertising platform

Your success advantage advertising platform

I have coached thousands of people who wanted to earn a reliable online income over the last 19 years. The biggest barrier that most of them faced had nothing to do with the strategy they chose, or the program they were part of, or whether they had previous skills or experience.

The biggest barrier that held them back from being success was their Mindset and Expectations.

I get emails several times a week from people looking for help because they are not getting the results they want. They know that I have been doing this full time since 2004, so they think I have a “magic bullet” or “secret formula” that will allow them quit their jobs and work online.

There IS a secret that no one in the traditional online income world wants to share. Here it is:

“Achieving online success requires patience and a lot of work.”

Most people talking about making money online don’t want you to know that because they benefit by telling you that if you purchase their $27 program, then you will be instantly more successful. It isn’t true. The only person who is more successful when you purchase their $27 instant success formula is THEM.

If you want to be successful, then you need to go into this KNOWING that it is going to be hard and it is going to take a while. You need the expectation that any significant level of reliable online income is AT LEAST a year away. You need the mindset to keep doing the work UNTIL you are successful.

That is the truth. There is no such thing as overnight success or income without work.

I can tell you the truth because I don’t promote any “get rich quick” or “magical transformation” programs. I never have and never will. What I have done is watch people waste thousands of dollars and years of their lives chasing a myth when that same effort and investment could have brought them success. I help people who want to get on the right path.

If you want online success, then I suggest that you start building an email list of people interested in a particular topic, like “make money online” or another passion that you have. You need to email your list at least three times a week with content that is informative, motivational, and entertaining. This will get some of your subscribers to know, like, and trust you. From that relationship, you have the power to recommend products and services that will help them and that will earn you commissions.

You cannot skip any of those steps. You cannot make money without a sizable list of at least 1,000 subscribers (in the “make money online” niche). You cannot skip building a relationship and just start sending them offers of things to buy. You cannot email them once a month and expect them to remember who you are. Building relationships requires consistent effort and caring, just like in the offline world.

Your success advantage advertising platform

Lack of a relationship = Lack of trust. Lack of trust = Lack of income.

Unfortunately, most people who read this email will not take action to change what they are currently doing. They will keep looking for the “magic program” and then they will quit. That is why most people fail. They have the wrong expectations of what it takes to be successful and they don’t have the patience to follow a path that truly works.

An email list of 1,000 subscribers starts with the first signup. You have to take the steps to make that happen and then put in the focus to keep it happening until you hit your goal.

Most people who try to make money online fail. To succeed, you have to do what most people will not do.

I am always looking for people who have the right mindset and are ready to do whatever it takes to be successful.

Take ACTION to Supercharge Your Success – Click HERE

This is Your success advantage advertising platform

Matthew Graves

I want to add from myself another important thing.

You can build a list of 1000 subscribers and know how to generate traffic but you still missing one point.

You need something to offer for people: product, service, company etc.

Let me suggest you review of one of my sponsors:

” Putting my money to work”. I’ve always been interested in investing and putting my money to work. I’ve seen “the dragons” on TV make their fortunes but I’ve never have the opportunity to get involved in opportunities like these before. It’s simple, affordable, great fun and potentially, very rewarding. PAUL H  //  Engineer, Yorkshire, UK “

Curious how to put your money to work? You can start doing it in 60 min or even less. Click button below:


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