What are you looking for in affiliate programs?

I learned it from many  i n t e r n e t  entrepreneurs.

When people ask me what’s the  b e s t  products to promote online? My answer has always been the same. When looking for an affiliate program to promote, you should look for the following features.

  • Product offers a recurring commission
  • Tags customers to you for life
  • Low or no cost to join
  • Support and great training program

One of the best affiliate program that pay recurring commissions is “TrafficW a v e”. They have some more features, especially if you choose to work with team like – The Towers Team – TrafficWave:

  • Provide you with tools to advertise (rotator, tracking, landing capture pages, autoresponder, follow-up campaign)
  • Market for you until you get 10  p a i d  members in your downline (using their unique rotator)
  • You can use “Pay it Forward” option to help your members to get started (as well as it works for you)
  • Bonus: WordPress Blog installed free for you

You  r e a l l y  have to check this out here >>>




How do you enroll new distributors when you are brand new?

How do you enroll new distributors when you’re brand new with no results and no credibility?


Do you try to build a huge social media following to look impressive? Should you take pictures next to big houses and fancy cars? Should you spend hours studying the comp plan and becoming an expert on your product/company in order to get people to take you seriously? (this post was shared by Tyson Zahner on Facebook)

The short answer is … NO ?! You don’t need to do any of that stuff.

Here’s how I know:

In 2013, After 18 years of failure in multiple direct sales opportunities, I joined yet ANOTHER company.

“Surely this time will be different” I thought.

But after a few phone calls to my “Top 100 List”, it became clear that this time would be no different than before.

In fact, it was worse! ?

I had burnt out my friends and family on so many “deals” prior to this one, they were saying things like, “OMG! Not another one” … and “How long is this one gonna last, Tyson?”

(Come to think of it, I actually had the opposite of credibility!)

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, child and outdoor

So I decided to turn to the internet in search of an alternate strategy for building my business outside of the belly to belly methods that had failed me time and time again.

I discovered a simple 3-step process that I was told could result in leads chasing me instead of the other way around.

I was skeptical for sure ? (especially considering the countless empty promises I had been told before).

But, considering I felt I had nothing left to lose, I gave this 3-step process a shot.

Long story short … I was astonished at how well it worked ?

Even though I wasn’t some big name celebrity and even though I had no results, no credibility and no experience, I started getting a consistent flow of leads reaching out to me!

Today I’ve generated tens of thousands of leads online and I landed the top earner position in one of my companies for 3 straight years in a row. ? ? ?

Since then, I’ve spoken on stages across the country teaching this simple 3-step process to all kinds of small business owners.

It’s the exact same 3-step process that I’ll be teaching in a free upcoming web class.

In fact, I’ve had students use this process for ALL kinds of products and services including Networkers, Info Product Creators, Affiliates, Service Providers, Insurance, Real Estate and even Traditional Brick and Mortar Businesses.

Of course, I’ve used this exact same system to acquire customers for my coaching company every month.

But don’t just take my word for it … one of my students who’s a Real Estate agent (named David) used this strategy to generate home buyer leads and closed two separate deals totaling around 13k in commissions.

Another student, Ellie launched her first online program and her first book with these techniques.

And of course, I have a ton of networker marketers who’ve used these strategies successfully as well …

For example, Artis became a top recruiter in his previous company thanks to these techniques.

And Brenda went from no leads to more leads than she could follow-up with in a single day

All from implementing the exact same strategies I’ll be teaching on this upcoming free web class.

The class is only 60 minutes long. You can attend today and start using this 3-step system as early as tomorrow.

By the way, there’s more to this 3-step formula than just attracting leads. Here’s just a fraction of what you’ll get when you attend …

➡️ How to Eliminate Prospecting so you never have to strike up conversations with strangers again.

➡️ Discover the 3 Best Groups of People to Target to Attract Buyers

➡️ The Secret to Selling with Less Objections and Resistance

➡️ What You Should NEVER Say When Someone Asks What Business You’re In (HINT: 99% of Networkers Screw This Up. I’ll tell you what to say instead)

➡️ What if My Company Forbids Marketing Online? I’ll show you how this can work for ANY business (even if your company has strict rules against online advertising)

➡️ Wanna Say Goodbye to Dead Beat Leads and Cold Calling? I’ll show you how to qualify your leads BEFORE you ever waste another precious minute of your time talking to people one-on-one.

➡️ The truth about success that upline sponsors won’t tell you

➡️ What you can do to get people excited to buy from you specifically over every other distributor in your exact same company!

And that’s really just the tip of the iceberg.

But I’m only offering this class for a limited time and the seats are filling up so reserve your spot now! ?

Here’s a bonus videos that you’ll want to watch before the webinar if you have time:

PS. The web class lasts about 60 minutes and you’ll be able to implement what you learn immediately afterwards at no cost. At the end I will be making an offer for those who want to work with me more closely and get additional help. This is 100% optional. The training is free and holds NOTHING back.

*** Advertising ***

If you are interested to plug yourself into the network with our team and build business from home, check out my offer – join “The Tower Team -TrafficWave “!

We will help you promote and place 10 paid members in your downline! Read my free report here >>>

Join The Towers Team!

Yuri Grin, Canada, 2017, Casa Loma Castle



How To Write Effective Emails Advice from Darren Olander

How To Write Effective Emails Advice from Darren Olander

How To Write Effective Emails Advice from Darren Olander

Guide on how to write effective emails that gets results! This video was made by Darren Olander the owner of Adchiever. This is very useful information because so many  p e o p l e   are involved in email marketing.

My number one – #1 – recommendation –
Join 6 programs of D.Olander – Click HERE =>>

Need to build a team? You need to start from 2 people. Press the hand below and join 6 mailers from Darren Olander.

You will love this! (Don’t forget to check my offer at the end of this post)

Check out this f.r.e.e video presentation that will teach you how to write e-mails that demand
attention and pull in the most cash.

Watch it now right here:

It only takes one time to learn these techniques and you will be pumping out
killer e-mail promos every time you write and improve your results by leaps and

Plus, you can avoid the most common mistakes people make when writing their e-mail (or maybe
you are already making them?)…

Find out now:

P.S. If you send ANY e-mails online at all, you need this… even just one new technique
could greatly increase your results!

How To Write Effective Emails Advice from Darren Olander

PS: You can apply this knowledge to your advertising campaigns.

Here you can see the project that just has been launched?

Let me introduce you to ” AtCostMetals” (register for free to get all information and presentation)

Write Effective Emails using the training from Darren Olander




The Power of One in Network Marketing and TrafficWave

Network Marketing Wealth With The Power Of One

Most of the time, when we hear about a powerful success story in network marketing, we are hearing about someone that just ran some incredible numbers on an almost impossible to believe level.

While it is exciting to read about this sort of success, most of us tend to think that we just can’t achieve that sort of wealth in network marketing unless we become a power house recruiter and put hundreds of people in to the business, personally.

This article is designed to show you what can be done when you commit to being consistent and focus your efforts for a while, no matter which network marketing business you are building.

I call it:

The Power Of One

This plan is designed for the part-timer that may only have a few hours to spend on their business each week. They aren’t going to quit their job any time soon but they do want to build a business on the side with the expectation that they will have the option to fire their boss or cut their job hours back should they choose to do so.

What we are going to focus on is bringing in 1 new referral each month. Just ONE.

Can you do more? Yes but this example is going to focus on the sort of power and leverage you can build up by bringing in just one new referral and (this is the important part) teaching and helping them to do the same.

Let’s take a look at what can happen with this incredible Power Of One system in your network marketing business.

Remember: We are focusing on getting ONE new referral each month. We are going to then work with that new referral to help them do the same.

So let’s take a look at what can happen.

Month 1: You are just getting started with your new business. You are excited, of course! You probably don’t know much about the pay plan or how it all works but you can definitely see the potential. You reach out to some friends and you bring in one new referral. You now have 1 referral in your team.

Month 2: You and your new team member from last month also bring in a new referral. Your group grows by 2 so you now have a total of 3 referrals in your team.

Month 3: You and your 3 referrals are getting the training. You are working together and you each bring in 1 new referrals. Your team now has 7 total referrals.

Month 4: You and your team are staying in touch with your upline leadership team. You are working together and you each add a new referral. Your network marketing business now has a total of 15 people on your team. You have personally referred just 4 of those!

Month 5: You continue learning about your business. You are now seeing some results and your team is getting excited! You each refer just ONE new referral in this 5th month which now brings your network marketing team to a total of 31 members!

Month 6: By this time, most people have quit their network marketing business. They probably said something like, “I don’t like get rich quick deals” but then got frustrated because they didn’t make money fast. Most folks have been working their regular jobs much longer than 6 months and not only are they not rich yet but they have no reasonable expectation that their job will ever make them rich. But they keep waking up in the morning and going to their job.

You and your team recognize that this is a process that may take some time. You are committed to each other and your future success so you continue working together,. You spend time on personal development. You keep learning more and you each put one new referral on the team this month! Now your network marketing business has a total of 63 people and your team is really starting to get excited!

Month 7: You are starting to feel the excitement in your team, now. This Power of One is really starting to have an impact on your network marketing business. Your team is growing and so is your income!

You and your team are building momentum. Some folks may be putting in more than 1 new referral now but let’s keep doing the math based on everyone on the team bringing in just one new referral this month. Your team continues to grow and now you have 127 people in your network marketing business.

Month 8: Now you are really starting to feel the excitement! This thing is actually working! Your network marketing team is seeing results and you continue working on personal development. Your team follows the system and you each add one new referral. Your team now has 255 members!

Month 9: Your team reaches 511 members this month! Depending on your company’s pay plan, bonus incentives, etc… your income should be at a very nice level by this time!

Month 10: By following the simplicity of The Power Of One, your network marketing business has now reached 1,023 team members!

Month 11: Can you believe your team is now 2,047 members strong?

Month 12: 4,095 members in your network marketing business in your first year!

NOTE: I should say that reality is different than mathematical model and it can take you 2-3 years or even more to reach these numbers.

And Now For The Reality Check: If you are like most folks, you probably gave up around month 3, 4, or 5. Somebody told you “no”. Guess what. That happens to folks who have been in the industry for years and are earning 5 and 6 figure monthly checks, too. We all hear “no”. Those who succeed just didn’t quit. They just talked to the next person on their list.

The key to successfully implementing this plan is for YOU to make up your mind that you are going to see the plan all the way through. Recognize that some will do more than others. Some will do less than others. Some will quit. Some will excel. That’s what happens in the real world and it’s no different in the network marketing arena.

We all know that there are tremendously successful people involved in network marketing. The first question is for you to ask yourself: Am I ready to become one of the success stories? If you are, then make the decision to follow this plan. Don’t beg people to join your opportunity. Invite people to partner with you as you follow a plan to create financial freedom together.

Consider working harder on the front end and go for 2, 3, or 4 new referrals and work with them to do the same. Momentum is a powerful ally in your network marketing venture. Put it to work for you. Build as fast or as slow as you like but the key is to continue building your business!

Want to start? I will show you the plan! Click the image below:


BrianRooneyAbout The Author: Brian Rooney escaped the rat race in the year 2000 by starting his own home based business. Since that time, Mr. Rooney has provided tools and training for thousands of network marketing professionals via his internet marketing services. If you are looking for a home based business for yourself, be sure to view this and get this free report.





TrafficWave Is It Still Worth Your Time In 2019?


Scattered Puzzle Pieces

Have you’ve been looking for ways to make money online, you’ve more than likely come across the term affiliate marketing.

There’s a reason for that — it’s simply one of the best ways for beginners to earn their first dollars online.

  • You don’t have to stockpile any products.
  • There’s no need to set up complicated payment systems.
  • You don’t have to stress about intimidating legal stuff.


All you need to do is to:

  1. Join one or more affiliate programs.
  2. Get your affiliate links and
  3. Find ways to promote them to the right people.

Every time someone buys a product or service through one of your links, you get paid a commission.

Pretty straightforward, right?

Simply learn about the details of each step, and you could get started with very little investment.

There’s just one problem, though…

The information is all over the place!

  • How do you promote your links?
  • Do you make a blog, or is that a waste of time?
  • Should you just build a simple funnel?
  • How do you approach social media?
  • What niches should you go into?
  • Which offers should you promote?
  • Just what makes a good affiliate program?

To get good answers to all of these questions (and many more), you would have to search the web for hours.

And this is where most beginners run into a giant wall of confusion…

They have to piece together what they find, and try to make a coherent game plan out of it all.

This can be time-consuming, tedious and, worst of all, greatly inefficient and worse it can be a huge waste of money!

TrafficWave Is It Still Worth Your Time In 2019?

Time to find one of the missing pieces (see picture above) – TrafficWave

We work in team. We market until you earn your first 1k per month. I will pay for you to help you get started. So I am sure in this program.

We’ll teach you EXACTLY how to do it. We’ll show you how to set up your capture page, list builder,

letters, and even where to promote to build your prospect lists.

Just follow the steps and build your success.

Press the button below to get free report with instructions.




Why is Alexa rank important?

If you are reading this blog post I think you might be in online business and Alexa Rank,  of course,  is important to you.

Traffic is important too and always.

See what I recommend at the end of the post. I will show how to use the method ( Classified Ads) that have been in the internet marketing for years, using new technology.

Read on …

In simple words Alexa.com as well as Similarweb.com allow other people to easily understand the estimated traffic you website has.
That may be helpful when a potential advertiser, client or partner wants to check out your site for a possible cooperation.

The better rank you have the more trustful your site appears. If for example you are a blogger and you want people to believe that your blog is a popular one and has many readers then the blog should have quite a good Alexa rank. The same goes if you are an e-commerce,
business or any other kind of internet service.

By default all the Alexa’s ranks are estimated, it means that Alexa doesn’t actually knows exactly how much traffic you have since this information is private and only you have access to it so it uses many different publicly accessible metrics to guess a probable traffic volume your site may have.
Since Alexa keeps its algorithms in secret we can only assume that such metrics would be backlinks, banners, paid advertisement, your search engines positions in different keywords etc. It is quite a big massive of information and cannot be processed fast so Alexa rank may take months to update.
Some insights on the algorithm are revealed in the Alexa.com blog: How are Alexa’s traffic rankings determined?
Also many users have Alexa bar extension installed in their browsers and this extension sends some traffic information but obviously it is not enough to measure all the website in the internet. Our humble advice is to install Alexa’s bar extension to help a litte to your website to rank higher.

It is important to understand that Alexa cannot know when you purchase traffic because it is a private information so you need somehow inform Alexa about it. The only way to do it is to get your website certified in Alexa.com, we recommend to read their official article about it Top 5 Benefits of Alexa Certified Metrics
Once your website is certified and you installed their traffic counter on all the pages all the traffic starts being counted and almost always your rank starts growing pretty fast.
By the date when this article was written the minimum price of Alexa Certified Rank was $19.99 per month with a free 7 days trial period.

Our services can be used to improve your Alexa rank, if your website has Alexa Rank Certified then you can use any traffic packages we offer, however we recommend to opt in for Alexa Bar traffic since it is expected to work better with Alexa Rank.
Also we have Guaranteed Alexa Rank packages, you can read about them on this link: https://www.trafficbot.uk/buy-alexa-rank-traffic.html

Similarweb.com works almost the same way as Alexa and is used for the same purposes, you can also get your statistics certified there simply by connecting your Google Analytics to your account there.

Are you a small business owner?

A lawyer, dentist, contractor, service provider, restaurant owner, small business startup entrepreneur selling products or services who is looking for quality low cost advertising? Well we have good news!

Classified ad posting still works! Thousands of potential buyers scour the online classified ads each day for products and services. You definitely want to have your ads listed with as many classified ads sites as possible.

The problem is that it is tedious and time consuming submitting and resubmitting your ad to the appropriate categories and sub categories each month. Every site has a different set of criteria it seems which makes posting classified ads a very frustrating experience.

Most advertisers never reach their full potential with classified ad advertising because of the time and effort it takes to constantly post ads.

Stop Wasting Your Valuable Time Posting Your Ads Manually and Let Us Do All The Work For You With Our Classified Ad Submission Service!

We’ll post your ad every month automatically. See how it works – here



Why People recommend Traffic Exchange – Easy Hits 4 U?

The Most Popular Traffic Exchange
Just read these 2 reviews and everything will get clear for you.

  1. EasyHits4u is a Traffic Exchange with some social features and some handy tools for internet marketers.

    I really liked the simple to understand backoffice and the smart design, as well as the smooth functioning of all features and the really cool people involved in EasyHits4u.

    As far as I am informed EasyHits4u is setting benchmarks for all other traffic exchanges, concerning stability, ease of use, advertising results and member base, so if you ever thought about joining a traffic exchange network, you should seriously consider EasyHits4u.

    If you are interested in getting some traffic to your opportunities and websites, EasyHits4u is the perfect choice, if you are more in getting cash for your surfing, I think another traffic exchange would serve you better, because at EasyHits4u it is really more about advertising and traffic generation, although you do get some small financial rewards for your invested surfing time.

    Being aware that this is traffic exchange traffic, the advertising results I am getting with EasyHits4u are really good.

    EasyHits4u offers a free basic membership with a 1:1 surf ratio, but also offers a premium und ultimate membership, with even better surf ratios, free traffic and some nice add-ons and improvements. If you have some bucks in your advertising budget, these memberships are really worthwhile.

    In conclusion, I must say, concerning traffic exchanges, EasyHits4u is a clear recommendation.

The Most Popular Traffic Exchange

2)   EasyHits4U is a Traffic Exchange (TE) program. However, it’s not a regular Traffic Exchange, but the very best and visited one in the world!

Wonder why it’s got to the leading position in the TE industry? Then, read up!

EH4U is a simple to use yet very powerful platform that suits the needs of both beginner and professional marketers who seek to bring more people (“traffic”) to their websites/blogs/referral links from other programs/etc.

Do you have some time and would like to get some visitors to your links for FREE? Surf other people’s websites – and get others to visit yours, in exchange (at an industry-best, 1:1 conversion rate!).

Or, maybe, you’d prefer to buy some traffic for cash, instead of spending your time to generate it? Then, feel free to choose from a variety of Advertising options, carefully prepared for you by EH4U – and tested over a span of 15 years by almost 1,500,000 users!

As a nice bonus, you’ll, also, receive such presents as ad credits, banner and text ad impressions, Premium days, cash and more on each prize page while surfing. And if you install their browser extension, you’ll be receiving even more and bigger (by 25%) bonuses!

Sounds tempting already? Get ready for even more cool features!

Over the years, EH4U has built a fairly impressive portfolio of easy and useful marketing tools for its members. Even being a free member, you are allowed to use the tools that let you create custom Mini Pages and Site Rotators, as well as Geo-target your ads! And if you go Premium (or even Ultimate), you gain access to such awesome features as Geo targeting by regions (not just countries!), detailed statistics and tracking of your ads, dedicated hosting, random direct referrals assigned to your account and many more!

Is it “too good to be true”? Not in this case!

Check EH4U for yourself -> HERE – and thank me later. 🙂



Path to Cash Flowing The World’s Largest Financial Market

SHOCKING Video Series Reveals A Believable Path To

CA$HFLOWING The World’s Largest Financial Market By Leveraging A 100% Hands-Free, Fully Automated Platform.

Yeah, we know… that sounds like just another Over Zealous Marketing Pitch. We know you have been sold a bunch of CRAP online and in the investment space… So you have now entered the NO BS ZONE!
In less than the time it takes to watch a bad Sitcom… you’ll discover a Believable Path to you CA$HFLOWING the world’s largest financial market.
Read on…

41.8% Return In 1 1/2 Weeks… Webinar (This year we have 2 of them left)

Yeah, I know that sounds CRAZY!

But on a very special webinar tonight, you are going to discover a 100% Hands-Free, Fully Automated
Platform where one of the traders has generated 41.8% returns just since last Monday.

This same trader took an account from 500 to over 18,000 in four months.

(Past performance is no indicator of future results)

The best part is you never have to learn how to trade. The system is 100% Hands-Free and
Fully Automated from the client’s end.

You don’t even have to wait until the webinar to see for yourself. The host of the webinar
prepared a 12 minute pre-training video where he shows the account that is up 41.8% since
last Monday.

Click Here For The Pre-Training

One webinar was on Thursday, December 6 @ 9:30 pm New York Time.
(see the schedule for 2 last webinars this year below)

It will likely be packed so they’ll open up the webinar room @ 9 pm New York Time
so you can reserve your seat.

Here is the webinar link:

Here is a time and date converter:

If you have time before next webinar will start,

Thu, Dec 13, 2018 9:30 PM – 11:00 PM EST
Thu, Dec 20, 2018 9:30 PM – 11:00 PM EST

Go and get your F R E E Portal (watch the video)  – click here

To your success,
Questions? Email me, text me. I already use this strategy.
(see the video above).

Don’t miss out benefits of joining before the end of 2018.
skype: grinyuri
Yuri Grin



Marketing Tweaks to Make to Your Blog

It’s important you have unique ways to build engagement on your blog. Over the years, we have learned a lot about the way people interact with blogs. This is cool because it allows us to keep up-to date with changing trends within the industry. Let’s explore some cool tweaks you can make to your blog to help WITH marketing.

4 Awesome Marketing Tweaks to Make to Your Blog

Let’s get started, and your feedback will be greatly appreciated (by Rizvan Ullah).

  1. Always Tell a Story Through Text or Video

The name of the game is sales, and people must know within a second or two of landing on your site exactly what you are selling. If it’s vague, unclear or hidden behind a lot of wordage you`ll have lost their interest. You lose their interest and you lose the sale which is going to completely ruin your bottom line.

You have to be clear and bold with product placement. Entice the reader through blocks of text or Demonstration videos, and it`s important to be creative so you come up with unique ways to sell and market your product.

A strategically placed demonstration video can add significant revenue to your monthly income. For example, despite the 3-minute length of their video, the Crazy Egg video has brought in an additional 21, 000 dollars per month because of the way they market to their customers and/or visitors.

Telling your story is vital to the sale. People must understand what service you are providing, and what you have to offer. We recommend using personal accounts, and testimonials which shows potential customers the opportunity to understand the product. I also give them examples of my own personal experience because when people can relate to your own personal situations, they are more likely to see the value in the product or service you are offering.

The data doesn’t lie. 37 out of 119 customers surveyed commented that they only became customers after reading personal stories. This alone shows the huge effect telling stories can have on your bottom line.

Storytelling is a craft and you must master this craft to achieve results. You can use customer feedback to help build the foundations of your story. A survey asking customers what they know of your company, and how they would describe what you do is a very good place to start if you are just beginning the process.

  1. Understanding Your Customer

Marketing involves understanding your customer and how they think. Not all people are visiting your site with the intention to buy but all visitors CAN become potential customers if use a few simple strategies.

How you market your product is crucial in attracting attention but even more important is how you re-market your

product and keep someone’s attention long after they have left your site. Consumers are always enticed by free information kits or coupons. Whether you are selling a service or a product, the possibility of getting a bonus for free is often very appealing to potential customers. These kits are generally sent out via email which can come attached with a weekly subscription to a product newsletter. This allows your product to remain in the customer’s consciousness and build awareness on a consistent basis.

Building trusting and lasting relationships with your customers is the ultimate goal and you can do this by creating a series of at least 7 emails called follow-sequence which will highlight the product or service in a new and unique manner. Often it is time and information that will convince a customer to buy and the efficiency of an email strand can effectively accomplish this feat. Head over to your competitor, and you’ll see how they have effectively put together an information kit for their readers. I would focus on those which have been around a long-time so you can learn from the best in the industry.

Re-marketing allows you to have an online presence in a digital era. Upon entering your site, visitors will be pixeled with a cookie which simply means that your advertisements will pop up on their browsing screen thus reminding them again of the services you offer. The ingenious part of this is that there already exists an interest so it’s just a matter of keeping the awareness alive. Many marketing networks now offer affordable remarketing package. Do a quick search in Google to find some which you’ll find very attractive.

The business world is evolving quickly and so is the face of marketing. Push your business into the next stratosphere by adopting a few key strategies and you’ll be well on your way!

  1. Focus on What’s Important

The bottom line in marketing is that you are only as strong as the processes you employ so it’s important to take the time to create a solid marketing initiative. Consistently measure to test out new strategies, and you’ll discover where you need to make changes. It’s important to mention that online blogging, and marketing is always about finding out what works. This means you’ll have to track data so you can find ways to optimize at a later time. Flaws and weaknesses are to be expected but it’s the constant revision, and adjustments that will help add profitability to your business.

The online marketing world has a lot of competition, and those looking to use any tactic to acquire business.  You have to embrace the competition. A strategy may be successful for a short term and then others may catch on. This is all part of the marketing game, and you must expect this so you can refresh your approach at regular intervals. Remember, I mentioned above how tracking your results is very important because it helps you keep a close eye on your competition. It also helps you determine what’s been working, and what needs to be changed.

Lastly it’s important to create a diverse portfolio. Putting your eggs in more than one basket allows multiple channels to generate revenue as each drives a percentage of your overall profit. Marketing your business through a variety of different outlets increases the chances that a wide demographic will be exposed to the services and/or products you provide.

Focus on what’s truly important; the marketing process. Don’t be afraid to be creative, and innovative in your approach and your business will reap the rewards.

  1. Call-To-Actions Matter – Time to Maximize

The goal of a Call-to-Action Button is to convert browsers into buyers. Call-to-Action buttons include tactics such as free consultations, appointments or offers of downloadable e-books.  All of these are designed to draw the customer in when they click on the icon. The promise of free products, and services increases the possibility that somewhere down the road browsers to the site might become valued customers to the business.

To get a good idea of the call-to-actions available, especially those which perform, I like to visit competitor blogs to see how they are doing things. Remember, some have been in the industry for a long time so have tested out many of the methods.

Here’s how to design effective call-to-action buttons:

Location, color and button placement are the first things that you need to consider when designing your Call to Action Buttons. You want to ensure they are in a place where they can be seen for optimal conversions. If they can’t be seen then we can conclude they won’t be clicked.

Consumers respond in different ways to color, for example, QuickSprout.com mentioned how SAP software solutions increased their conversion rate by over 32% by employing the color orange in their Call-to- Action Button. It comes down to trial, and error when deciding on the right color fit for your site. This doesn’t mean orange will work for you, but means color does make a huge difference. I encourage you try different ones until you find a combination that works

The location of your call-to-action Button is also crucial. Some consumers prefer to read your story and understand what you are offering before visiting other links. Placing your button below the fold may actually be a more effective tactic.  However,

This can only be taken on a case by case basis so it is necessary to test different locations within your landing pages. Remember, again, it all comes down to testing everything…right?

White space around your call-to-action button allows it to be more visible, and thus increase the probability that consumers will click on it. Providing credit card symbols, trust symbols or placing product logos around your Call-To-Action Button can help increase customer satisfaction and convert browsers to buyers.

Here are some additional tips to follow going forward.

Special Effects, Unique Slogans and Ingenious Exit Call to Action Buttons can be very effective customer conversion techniques. Many people I know have added flash to some of their buttons because this helps them stand out when visitors are on your page.

Unique slogans such as “Show me my Heat-map” are creative ways to excite customers to click on your call-to-action button. For example, CrazyEgg.com who show’s bloggers their heat-map increased CTR by 20% by simply employing a button flashing with this text – “Show me my Heat-map”. They tested this strategy, and it had enormous results when optimized so they continue to implement it till today.

Designing effective call-to-action buttons is the key, and over the year’s businesses have used psychology and creativity to harness untapped markets. Amazingly enough, utilizing a “don’t click” button can actually entice people into clicking on that button. Trust me, I have fell victim to this trick when I have been on a niche relevant blog.

Knowing human psychology can help you market your service in creative and exciting ways. We all know how frustrating it is to wait in a long line to get into our favorite night spot only to discover the bar is empty. It’s awesome how call-to-action buttons, and advertisements which read “SOLD OUT” can actually generate interest in your product as the perception of desirability is what consumers are responding to. It’s all about enticing the reader, and giving them the idea that they might miss out on a cool opportunity if they wait too long.

Utilize a variety of techniques and make sure you are constantly measuring your success rate. Call-to-Action buttons can be very effective conversion tools when used properly, but the process always remains the same. Create a strategy, measure your successes and make necessary adjustments on a regular basis. Persistence and consistency will drive your business to the next level if you take into consideration a few of these helpful hints, and put them into action!

Final Thoughts

I hope you’ll use this information, and start applying some of these strategies to your blog going forward. It’s amazing how some of the call-to-action techniques have helped me double even triple my conversion rate. You have to make sure you take the first step, and implement these strategies right now. I know if you wait, you might get lazy and never get around to implementing what you have learned.

Here’s what I need you to do…

First, it’s time to go through this content again making notes on the important idea’s discussed. Secondly, please implement these strategies as they would apply to your business or niche. It’s important you do this right now because any delay will cause you to neglect going forward. A delay also means you’ll be gathering important statistics much later. Third, install Google Analytics because this tool is great for you to find information on how conversions have improved. GA will provide you the following:

  • Location
  • Referrals
  • Landing page
  • Search queries
  • Bounce rate
  • And much more.

PS: Let me show you really passive way to profit online (especially good for people who don’t like to sell and recruit, but like to have systems/programs that work on autopilot) – Click here >>>



Marketing Tweaks to Make to Your Blog

4 Awesome Marketing Tweaks to Make to Your Blog

It’s important you have unique ways to build engagement on your blog. Over the years, we have learned a lot about the way people interact with blogs. This is cool because it allows us to keep up-to date with changing trends within the industry. Let’s explore some cool tweaks you can make to your blog to help WITH marketing. (post by Rizvan Ullah, blogger)

Let’s get started, and your feedback will be greatly appreciated.

  1. Always Tell a Story Through Text or Video

The name of the game is sales, and people must know within a second or two of landing on your site exactly what you are selling. If it’s vague, unclear or hidden behind a lot of wordage you`ll have lost their interest. You lose their interest and you lose the sale which is going to completely ruin your bottom line.

You have to be clear and bold with product placement. Entice the reader through blocks of text or Demonstration videos, and it`s important to be creative so you come up with unique ways to sell and market your product.

A strategically placed demonstration video can add significant revenue to your monthly income. For example, despite the 3-minute length of their video, the Crazy Egg video has brought in an additional 21, 000 dollars per month because of the way they market to their customers and/or visitors.

Telling your story is vital to the sale. People must understand what service you are providing, and what you have to offer. We recommend using personal accounts, and testimonials which shows potential customers the opportunity to understand the product. I also give them examples of my own personal experience because when people can relate to your own personal situations, they are more likely to see the value in the product or service you are offering.

The data doesn’t lie. 37 out of 119 customers surveyed commented that they only became customers after reading personal stories. This alone shows the huge effect telling stories can have on your bottom line.

Storytelling is a craft and you must master this craft to achieve results. You can use customer feedback to help build the foundations of your story. A survey asking customers what they know of your company, and how they would describe what you do is a very good place to start if you are just beginning the process.

  1. Understanding Your Customer

Marketing involves understanding your customer and how they think. Not all people are visiting your site with the intention to buy but all visitors CAN become potential customers if use a few simple strategies.

How you market your product is crucial in attracting attention but even more important is how you re-market your

product and keep someone’s attention long after they have left your site. Consumers are always enticed by free information kits or coupons. Whether you are selling a service or a product, the possibility of getting a bonus for free is often very appealing to potential customers. These kits are generally sent out via email which can come attached with a weekly subscription to a product newsletter. This allows your product to remain in the customer’s consciousness and build awareness on a consistent basis.

Building trusting and lasting relationships with your customers is the ultimate goal and you can do this by creating a series of at least 7 emails called follow-sequence which will highlight the product or service in a new and unique manner. Often it is time and information that will convince a customer to buy and the efficiency of an email strand can effectively accomplish this feat. Head over to your competitor, and you’ll see how they have effectively put together an information kit for their readers. I would focus on those which have been around a long-time so you can learn from the best in the industry.

Re-marketing allows you to have an online presence in a digital era. Upon entering your site, visitors will be pixeled with a cookie which simply means that your advertisements will pop up on their browsing screen thus reminding them again of the services you offer. The ingenious part of this is that there already exists an interest so it’s just a matter of keeping the awareness alive. Many marketing networks now offer affordable remarketing package. Do a quick search in Google to find some which you’ll find very attractive.

The business world is evolving quickly and so is the face of marketing. Push your business into the next stratosphere by adopting a few key strategies and you’ll be well on your way!

  1. Focus on What’s Important

The bottom line in marketing is that you are only as strong as the processes you employ so it’s important to take the time to create a solid marketing initiative. Consistently measure to test out new strategies, and you’ll discover where you need to make changes. It’s important to mention that online blogging, and marketing is always about finding out what works. This means you’ll have to track data so you can find ways to optimize at a later time. Flaws and weaknesses are to be expected but it’s the constant revision, and adjustments that will help add profitability to your business.

The online marketing world has a lot of competition, and those looking to use any tactic to acquire business.  You have to embrace the competition. A strategy may be successful for a short term and then others may catch on. This is all part of the marketing game, and you must expect this so you can refresh your approach at regular intervals. Remember, I mentioned above how tracking your results is very important because it helps you keep a close eye on your competition. It also helps you determine what’s been working, and what needs to be changed.

Lastly it’s important to create a diverse portfolio. Putting your eggs in more than one basket allows multiple channels to generate revenue as each drives a percentage of your overall profit. Marketing your business through a variety of different outlets increases the chances that a wide demographic will be exposed to the services and/or products you provide.

Focus on what’s truly important; the marketing process. Don’t be afraid to be creative, and innovative in your approach and your business will reap the rewards.

  1. Call-To-Actions Matter – Time to Maximize

The goal of a Call-to-Action Button is to convert browsers into buyers. Call-to-Action buttons include tactics such as free consultations, appointments or offers of downloadable e-books.  All of these are designed to draw the customer in when they click on the icon. The promise of free products, and services increases the possibility that somewhere down the road browsers to the site might become valued customers to the business.

To get a good idea of the call-to-actions available, especially those which perform, I like to visit competitor blogs to see how they are doing things. Remember, some have been in the industry for a long time so have tested out many of the methods.

Here’s how to design effective call-to-action buttons:

Location, color and button placement are the first things that you need to consider when designing your Call to Action Buttons. You want to ensure they are in a place where they can be seen for optimal conversions. If they can’t be seen then we can conclude they won’t be clicked.

Consumers respond in different ways to color, for example, QuickSprout.com mentioned how SAP software solutions increased their conversion rate by over 32% by employing the color orange in their Call-to- Action Button. It comes down to trial, and error when deciding on the right color fit for your site. This doesn’t mean orange will work for you, but means color does make a huge difference. I encourage you try different ones until you find a combination that works

The location of your call-to-action Button is also crucial. Some consumers prefer to read your story and understand what you are offering before visiting other links. Placing your button below the fold may actually be a more effective tactic.  However,

This can only be taken on a case by case basis so it is necessary to test different locations within your landing pages. Remember, again, it all comes down to testing everything…right?

White space around your call-to-action button allows it to be more visible, and thus increase the probability that consumers will click on it. Providing credit card symbols, trust symbols or placing product logos around your Call-To-Action Button can help increase customer satisfaction and convert browsers to buyers.

Here are some additional tips to follow going forward.

Special Effects, Unique Slogans and Ingenious Exit Call to Action Buttons can be very effective customer conversion techniques. Many people I know have added flash to some of their buttons because this helps them stand out when visitors are on your page.

Unique slogans such as “Show me my Heat-map” are creative ways to excite customers to click on your call-to-action button. For example, CrazyEgg.com who show’s bloggers their heat-map increased CTR by 20% by simply employing a button flashing with this text – “Show me my Heat-map”. They tested this strategy, and it had enormous results when optimized so they continue to implement it till today.

Designing effective call-to-action buttons is the key, and over the year’s businesses have used psychology and creativity to harness untapped markets. Amazingly enough, utilizing a “don’t click” button can actually entice people into clicking on that button. Trust me, I have fell victim to this trick when I have been on a niche relevant blog.

Knowing human psychology can help you market your service in creative and exciting ways. We all know how frustrating it is to wait in a long line to get into our favorite night spot only to discover the bar is empty. It’s awesome how call-to-action buttons, and advertisements which read “SOLD OUT” can actually generate interest in your product as the perception of desirability is what consumers are responding to. It’s all about enticing the reader, and giving them the idea that they might miss out on a cool opportunity if they wait too long.

Utilize a variety of techniques and make sure you are constantly measuring your success rate. Call-to-Action buttons can be very effective conversion tools when used properly, but the process always remains the same. Create a strategy, measure your successes and make necessary adjustments on a regular basis. Persistence and consistency will drive your business to the next level if you take into consideration a few of these helpful hints, and put them into action!

Final Thoughts

I hope you’ll use this information, and start applying some of these strategies to your blog going forward. It’s amazing how some of the call-to-action techniques have helped me double even triple my conversion rate. You have to make sure you take the first step, and implement these strategies right now. I know if you wait, you might get lazy and never get around to implementing what you have learned.

Here’s what I need you to do…

First, it’s time to go through this content again making notes on the important idea’s discussed. Secondly, please implement these strategies as they would apply to your business or niche. It’s important you do this right now because any delay will cause you to neglect going forward. A delay also means you’ll be gathering important statistics much later. Third, install Google Analytics because this tool is great for you to find information on how conversions have improved. GA will provide you the following:

  • Location
  • Referrals
  • Landing page
  • Search queries
  • Bounce rate
  • And much more.
