Fisherman Story

Fisherman Story


What they’ll never teach you at business school…

(it’s a really good story – see how Dan Lok interpreted it). He usually gives very good advice – one more in this video.

Back to Fisherman story.

Read on …

Now you can read how Dan Lok analyzes this story.

Read on…

You see , many entrepreneurs become entrepreneurs because of the ‘freedom’ generally associated with it.

…getting to wake up whenever you want.

…getting to spend as much time as you want with your family.

…and getting to take the time off to do whatever you want.

But along the way to that dream life, most get stuck on a hamster wheel. And the dream life they were so desperate to have just seems to move farther and farther away.

What do I mean? Well, let me show you what no one talks about.

Let’s say you have a 1M-dollar/year company.

It could be a restaurant, it could be an eCommerce store…

Whatever it is…

Let’s be conservative and say the after all the costs it takes to run your 1M revenue company, you have 25% in profits.

So 250,000-dollars in profits

Following so far? Good.

Now, some people might think:

“Okay great, that’s not too bad.”

But you haven’t invested back into the company yet. So now let’s say you reinvest half of it back into your company.

Leaving you with only 125,000 dollars…

It’s not that much – is it?

It’s actually just a little over 10K a month.

And that’s BEFORE tax.

Not so glamorous and incredible like the media makes out that running a million-dollar company is, right?

Also, that’s not even 10K passively…

While you’re scaling and finding the right people – it’s HARD hard work.

When I started my company, I was working for 12-14 hours a day every single damn day. And I did that for 5 years…

I’m NOT saying building a business is bad.

I’m just saying it’s not as simple and glamorous as people are telling you.

So what should you do to work towards your ideal life?

I recommend you take a lesson from the fisherman.

What The Fisherman Can Teach You About True Success

The fisherman had a good skill to provide for his family…

He could’ve used it to make more if he wanted to.

But he also had the freedom to create the lifestyle he wanted to.

And that’s what I recommend you do too.

Instead of pouring years into building companies, why not focus first on a skill that can give you control over your time and life?

A skill that can provide for you everything you need in just a few hours every morning…

— Without the typical overheads of a business.

— Without all the pressure to look after employees and beat the competition.

— And without all the late nights that most entrepreneurs have to experience.

Now, it’s not going to be as easy as fishing!

This is not some magic bullet bs.

It’s not some easy snap your fingers and 100-dollar notes will come flying out of your phone or computer thing.

And just like building a business – this isn’t for lazy people that would rather party and play video games all day.

But unlike a business, once you’ve got a skill that puts bucks in your pocket fast, no one can take that away from you…

Try to build your own online business with big community surrounding it. Click here to learn more >

Read this fisherman story


Super Affiliate System by John Crestani – Updated Review v.3 2020

Super Affiliate System by John Crestani – Review

Get the lowest price on the Super Affiliate System

Program rating: Excellent

Affiliate Marketing sounds awesome to many people. You promote other people’s products on the Internet and you get a good chunk of the profits from each sale you generate. Simple, right? Many people think they can pick it up, and start earning $1,000’s a month online mostly on auto-pilot. The truth is, there ARE people who are doing this. There are people who’re earning $10’s of thousands, and even $100’s of thousands per month, but MOST people don’t succeed at all at affiliate marketing, and end up making next to nothing, or even LOSING money.

The Super Affiliate System by John Crestani is a new, up-to-date, self-study course which shows you step-by-step how to actually succeed at Affiliate Marketing. It does contain a great deal of useful information, and it’s actually a best-seller right now, so we decided to take a closer look.

What You’ll Learn in Super Affiliate System by John Crestani

First of all, this is a 6 (weeks) module long course, packed with information (and resources) for many different aspects of affiliate marketing. One thing which is unique about this program is that the first week’s content is dedicated to helping you start marking some money ASAP. It’s not a magic-button and still requires that you work, but a lot of people quit because they don’t get any results, or they run out of advertising money. Week 1 shows you the basics, and can help you start earning money fast, which is the best motivator to keep going.

The next week focuses on how you can choose the niche and offer. After going through this week, you’ll understand completely how to choose the niche which is right for you, and how to choose the best offers within that niche to promote.  You’re also going to learn how to pick an ad network, and how you can enjoy several competitive advantages over other affiliates.

For the next week, the Super Affiliate System teaches all about conversions and Copywriting. Getting people to see your ads and landing pages is nice, but if they’re not convinced to buy, you’ll only lose money on advertising. You’ll learn several Copywriting and optimization techniques that’ll cause the people who visit your page to want to purchase the product you’re marketing. You’ll learn how you can make an effective “pre-sell” page to get people primed to see the main offer page.  This will greatly increase your conversion rate if done well. What’s really great is that you get tons of pre-made examples that you can use, so you don’t really need to re-invent the wheel at all. Just take the proven creatives that have been demonstrated to work, and make some minor tweaks.

Weeks 4 & 5 are all about getting your message out there. You’ll learn how to do profitable, cost-effective advertising through Google, Facebook ads, YouTube ads, and Native Advertising. You’ll learn how you can get clicks for just pennies in many cases.

In the final section, you’ll learn how to scale up and automate your campaigns. Once you’ve got some profitable campaigns going, you’re going to want to be able to scale them up so that you’re multiplying the profits, and of course, you want to automate these campaigns so they’re generating money on auto-pilot. This will allow you to move onto new campaigns or simply enjoy more free time.

This course is a system for building a side income, and then, if you’re really profitable and like what you’re doing you can do it full time. What’s great is that you can start in your spare time, with small initial investments (a few hundred dollars is enough to get started) and then scale it up. You can also go at your own pace. Be prepared to spend at least 5 hours per week, though, if you want to see some results within a reasonable time.

Conclusion about Super Affiliate System by John Crestani – Updated Review v.3 2020

This home-study course has a lot to offer to anyone who’s looking to make a living or make extra money on the side as an affiliate marketer. It’s not “get rich easy” push-button system which does everything for you, but it does contain all the information you need to become a successful affiliate marketer, if you’re willing to put in some time, effort and dedication. Once you get good, you can still automate your campaigns later. It also contains a lot of valuable resources, such as Swipe Files, Presell Pages, and easy entry into certain Affiliate Networks. There’s definitely a lot of value to be had here.

Get the lowest price on the Super Affiliate System

Super Affiliate System by John Crestani – Review

I kinda want to attend his workshop ! Hm..Hm…

INCOME DISCLAIMER : This website and the websites it links to contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of other people’s results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. We make absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site or others linked from it that you will make any money or improve current profits. As with any business endeavour, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information provided by our company. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations. In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information. In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered “for entertainment purposes only”. Always seek the advice of a professional when making financial, tax or business decisions.


Strange TV series reveals the key to success


This interesting email I received from Dan Lok (You can go to this link to learn more about Dan Lok, but first finish this post). I am subscribed to his list and decided to re-post it.

Read on…

A few weeks ago, when I was chatting with one of my team members, he was telling me about this strange TV series…

A series that is apparently so bad at storytelling – it’s became an international success.

But what’s even more strange about this series, is the main character.

The main character is so powerful, he beats any enemy he fights with ONE single punch.

No. It’s not Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson…

It’s not Chuck Norris…

And it’s not even Bruce Lee…

It’s Saitama.

A ‘regular’ 20-something year old (who’s gone bald) – who’s practically invincible.

The Strongest Man In The World

So apparently this Saitama guy can kick anyone’s ass with one single punch.

And with one punch – I mean completely obliterate any enemy.

– Monsters 32 stories high…

– Meteors as big as a city…

– And even super-speed ninjas…

Now, if you don’t watch Anime, that’s okay. Follow along anyway because I’m about to share with you an invaluable lesson about success.


Okay. So all the other heroes (and villains) in the show want to know how Saitama got so strong…

They theorize that:

He used some sort of “magical strength enhancer”…

That he is actually a machine that looks like a person…

Or that there is actually a God living inside his body…

But when his apprentice (Genos) decides to ask actually him directly:

“Saitama, tell us! What is the true secret to your power?”

He leaves everyone speechless.

“I’ll tell you the secret to my strength. But you must promise you’ll stick to this intense training regime if I do.

No matter how hard it becomes… Okay?”

Then he reveals the secret — the secret training regime:

Saitama’s Training Regime:

100 Pushups

100 Sit Ups

100 Squats

A 10KM run

Every. Single. Day.

Now, when Saitama tells EVERYONE this “secret regime”. Everyone freaks out at him. They say.

“You’re full of crap.”

“Don’t joke with us.”

“What is your real secret?”

And no one actually believes him…

Even though that’s all he really did.

And of course, in real life sure — it makes zero sense that you’ll become invincible doing just 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats…

But in One Punch Man – that’s what happens when you do that.

And I think this story applies to success and business too.

So Many People Want To Know The “Secret Formula To Success”…

They want to know “the trick”.

The ultra-secret thing NO ONE knows.

Or some super complicated business strategy.

To make things worse, there are all these gurus out there selling you their crap promising that once you discover their “3 action steps”, you’ll retire young and have a lambo and stuff.

…and after you buy their 39-dollar program (which can be divided into two easy payments) your life will never be the same again…

But in my experience, the formula to success is simple. In some ways, it’s as simple as Saitama’s training regime.

And here it is. Ready?

Step 1. Find A Mentor

Why spend decades working things out for yourself when you can learn all the mistakes from someone that has already been there and done that?

Finding a mentor is like finding yourself a personal trainer.

And without a mentor, you’re at a HUGE disadvantage. And if you come up against someone else that does have a mentor – when you don’t…

Who do you think is going to win…?

So finding a mentor is the most important step.

Step 2. Develop Your High-Income Skill

When it comes to training and building muscle, without a solid foundation, you can easily get injured.

Without the proper inner muscles to keep you stabilized, you’ll easily injure yourself lifting really heavy weights.

And it’s the same in business.

Before going out there and starting a business. And before lifting all these heavy weights, the first thing you’ll want to do is work on your foundation.

…to work on getting yourself a stable income-stream.

And in today’s economy, the fastest and most profitable way to do that is by developing what I call a High-Income Skill.

A skill that companies cannot automate or outsource easily. And a skill that is in HIGH demand (because so few people know how to do one.)

This is the first step to building your wealth. And it gives you the room to grow without sacrificing comfort.

Step 3. Build Your Scalable Business (Optional)

Now, after you’ve got your core strength down – it’s up to you whether you want to start lifting the heavy weights…

Some people are happy with just a strong body (their High-Income Skill). And that’s fine – that’s why I say this step is an option…

It’s NOT for everyone.

But if you do want to go this route – I would recommend waiting until your High-Income Skill is at least at 10K a month. Which if you’re one of my mentees – shouldn’t take very long.

Then, when you start your business, you don’t have to eat from the profits of your business every month.

Instead, you can reinvest those profits back in the company.

Step 4. Grow Your Networth With High-Return Investments

This is what separates those at the top from everyone else. They know how to invest.

Whether you start a business, or whether you just focus on your High-Income Skill, it doesn’t really matter.

This is the final step.

And when your investments are pulling in more than you spend, you’re in the sweet spot.


So there you have it. The “secret” to success. And now that this training regime is in your hands, all you have to do is use it…

Dan Lok

P.S. 99% of the people that I’ve taught this framework to just say “oh, yeah that’s nice”.

And just like how no one ever takes Saitama up on his training regime – 99% of people I’ve taught this to will continue to go about their life without doing anything.

So this message is not for them. And never will be.

I’m talking to you now – the 1%.

If you’re one of that special 1% that is prepared to do the hard work, and you aren’t looking for some magic “woo-woo” secret sauce, magic potion bs…

I WOULD recommend you to take one of that kind of training.

Click on this link here.

And just see for yourself how much your life will change.


Super Affiliate System -SAS-v.3.0 with John Crestani in 2020

I Went From Earning $57,673/Year To


Using The “Easiest Way To Start An Online Business” 

… according to the HostingTribunal!
From The Desk Of John Crestani
Malibu, California
December 11, 2019 
I’ve got to be honest with you, to this day those figures above still give me goosebumps.
I never thought I’d be one of those lucky people who got to live a jet-setting lifestyle, living on our own terms, and able to do pretty much whatever we want.
Super Affiliate System -SAS-v.3.0 with John Crestani in 2020
Certainly not when I was working a corporate job as an Analyst living paycheck to paycheck.
My life consisted of a 1.5 hour commute (there and back)…
To sit in a cubicle and be UTTERLY miserable
It felt like no matter what I did, no matter how many hoops I jumped through, or targets I exceeded – the needle wasn’t moving. (That’s “Corporate John” to the left!)
After I paid my rent, bills, the crazy gas prices and put food on the table, I had barely anything left.
In fact, a recent survey revealed that a LOT of people are being forced to live like I used too.
Maybe even you…
  • Nearly 10% of those making $100,000 or more say they can’t make ends meet
  • ​Most workers are in debt and many believe they always will be
  • ​78% of full-time workers said they live paycheck to paycheck
  • ​56% of all U.S. workers say that they’re in debt over their heads
Chances are if you’re in traditional JOB you’re Just Over Broke… and unfortunately, the OVERWHELMING likelihood is that things are going to STAY that way
Having Your Eyes locked on your bank account every month is no way to live
I’m sure you’d agree, right?
As for the government coming in to help, or your boss giving you a raise? 
That’s likely never going to happen either.
Salaries in America
Are decreasing every single year.

I hope you want to read and watch more..

… and more important: MAKE IT HAPPEN TO YOU in 2020 (even 1-3% of that per month).

You have nothing to loose, but possibly gain a lot. Click HERE or Press the button below.

Do the right practical steps – Super Affiliate System -SAS-v.3.0 with John Crestani in 2020.

super affiliate system with John Crestani

Super Affiliate System -SAS-v.3.0 with John Crestani in 2020

Your job isn’t safe.
… and you need more money to survive.
With living expenses spiraling, house prices skyrocketing, and retirement costs getting higher and higher… your salary is getting stretched further, and further.
Wouldn’t you agree that affording your grocery bill every week is becoming more and more challenging?
When you couple that with the little increases to your subscriptions and bills that start to seriously add up over time too…
Your belt is getting tighter and tighter – isn’t it?
Some programs in the internet can help – not “get-rich-quick” scams or Ponzi schemes.
Any questions?

Super Affiliate System Webinar Replay

If you missed our training earlier this week
with John Crestani, then you’ll want to watch
the recording – Super Affiliate System, right away.

Here’s why!

Our Special Guest John Crestani Showcase

** His 3-step, affiliate marketing system
that you can start using within 90 minutes.
** How ANYONE can start making their first 4
and 5 figure commissions online ..
** His EXACT process for deploying and
profiting with his ads (in any niche)
** How he has scaled to 6 figures per month
with special traffic sources that
anyone has access too.
** How to use the Landing Page Profits Tactic
that he only shows his 1-on-1 coaching students
** How a Mormon pastor made -1.4M- -dollars-
in 24 months with this system
** .. and MORE.

NO – You don’t need any marketing experience.
NO – You don’t need any tech skills.
NO – You don’t need to invest much money
to get started.
NO – You don’t need an email list.
No – You don’t need a website.
NO – You don’t need your own product.

It doesn’t get much better than this.

==> Click this link to watch the replay!
(He can take down this recording soon)

Skeptical? Watch the replay and you’ll see
how John earned over -800- -dollars- LIVE
on the call with us.

You don’t want to miss the chance to work with
this professional, John Crestani!

You’ll start earning With This Funnel in 2 weeks from now.

Super Affiliate System with John Crestani

Youtube video reviews of Super Affiliate System 2.0

There are a lot of reviews on YouTube.

Warning: I recommend to watch REPLAY of workshop first, because on videos and reviews
people some times can give you comments in order to promote their own product.
I noticed that marketers from Wealthy Affiliate like to do this.

Don’t be the one who didn’t see the movie, but judge about it by reviews of critics.




Nick Torson bestselling book 14 habits and mindsets of millionaires

Nick Torson bestselling book 14 habits and mindsets of millionaires

Nick Torson, the CEO of the project “Quit 9 to 5 Academy”,
also wrote book “14 habits and mindsets” of millionaires.

Nick Torson bestselling book 14 habits and mindsets of millionaires

FREE download here

There is a link to business from home opportunity included inside this eBook
that can be used as a case study or the way to implement
what has been learned from this book.

Nick Torson bestselling book 14 habits and mindsets of millionaires

Get Nick Torson’s incredible best selling book
‘Income Habits’ for free (download as .pdf)

The 14 mindsets of millionaires that create,
develop and sustain success,
including Nick Torson’s Story :-

Content of the Nick Torson’s book:

Habit #1: I Believe in Me

Habit #2: Be An Obsessive Student

Habit #3: Learn By Action

Habit #4: Never Give Up

Habit #5: Mistakes Are Mentors

Habit #6: Adapting to Change

Habit #7: Model Success

Habit #8: Planning For Success

Habit #9: Focus on The One Thing

Habit #10: Outsource Everything Else

Habit #11: Know Your Purpose

Habit #12: Develop a Mindful Mentality

Habit #13: Measure Success

Habit #14: Enjoy What You Do

More about Nick Torson “Quit 9 to 5” Academy


List Building Life Style Club creates success stories.

…and you can be the next one case study when you join (LBLC).

If you tried building your email list this year, you too may have noticed
generating email subscribers has gotten really expensive.

Facebook ads have doubled in costs.

Solo ads quality has gone down dramatically.

Google Adwords is priced out of the wazoo.

With the traffic prices swelling up as if they’ve got peanut allergies,
is there a way to affordably build an email list in 2019?

Better… is it possible to do it for free?

Better… is it possible to build a 10,000 email list for free
and make sales while you do it?

9 out of 10 internet marketers are building their online businesses
with borrowed money.

Some take it out of their 401K.

Others are slapping payments on the card and slowly pay ’em off.

Whatever way you fund your online business, you’re probably concerned with
the piling choking debt.

Your business has to start producing money quickly,
otherwise you can’t afford to go on any longer.

You’ll have to cut your losses…

If you’re anything like many people trying to build a list,
your budget may be holding you back.

You’ve most likely gotten in debt to start your online business.

As a result, you must take on overtime at work to pay off this extra debt.

But if and when you do, you got no time or energy left at the end of each day
to work on your online business.

You’re stuck.

But you’re already heavily invested. You can’t back down now.
You have to make this online business work!


Meet the expert who figured out how to earn while building
an email list (instead of loosing money).

Join List Building Life Style Club here >>

One of the common misconceptions with traffic generation that makes list builders an easy prey for con artists in the solo ads space is the belief that if they only got the right traffic source  where all the good buyers are hiding, they’d quickly build a large responsive list and buy a Lamborghini. 

I know it sounds weird coming from me, however, the reason you’re not seeing a great response from your email list isn’t entirely because of your traffic source. It’s also because you’re probably building your list wrong.

When we ask clients about their previous list building experience they often tell us they’ve made several attempts to build an email list but they never amounted to anything. It seems like most people understand they need to build a list. But almost nobody understands how to do in sustainable way.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why most people struggle with list building – it’s expensive! Key to sustainable list building is being able to recoup your traffic with your sales. That’s where most people struggle.

Here’s why you struggle with traffic right now:

You either don’t know how to get it for free or you can’t afford to pay for it without seeing fast returns, because of your very limited budget.

What’s the difference between a master list builder and an average list builder.

First off, master list builder, makes a full time income with their email list. The average list builder makes next to nothing with their list.

Second, master list builder knows how to grow a large list and how to do it fast. The average list builder has no idea. They’re trying out different methods but no results are showing.

Third, master list builder builds their list with min. time investment. The average list builder is consumed by their day to day actions to a point where they can’t keep up and drop the whole thing.

Forth, master list builder knows how to squeeze profits out of their list on demand. The average list builder is incapable of influencing the list to buy. Most average list builders can’t even get their list to open their emails.

There’s a world of difference between a master list builder and an average list builder.

Watch at least this one free workshop from email marketing professional to get on the right track.



Super Affiliate System Review

The expansion and progress of Affiliate Marketing in the global business remain notable. It already gained a huge part in the marketing world and is continually increasing its popularity. It is commonly sought after for a possible source of passive income but with the number of companies and people choosing it as an effective way to earn, it has become a full-blown online business which has helped more and more people to earn worldwide.

The commission-based business models already existed long ago. You influence the buyer to purchase your partner’s products and in turn you earn commissions. With the rise of internet, this long existing business model is now called Affiliate Marketing.

People are even becoming more and more curious about Affiliate Marketing that its search interest in Google rose by 30% from September 2016 to September 2017. And it is predicted that U.S. spend on Affiliate Marketing is expected to rise to $6.8 billion. People are seeing how this business has grown over the years and quickly realizing its big potential to make money.

This business works and has changed a lot of lives just like the life of John Crestani who is now an internationally renowned expert in Affiliate Marketing! He created the Super Affiliate System which was previously known as Internet Jetset System. It is a complete affiliate marketing course for everyone. Everything that you need to know on how to start and how to earn through Affiliate Marketing are provided by this training course.

In fact, it has created a lot of successful students including five 7-figure marketers!

If you are like John who is dissatisfied with his life before being in the corporate world, trying to escape the 9-5 rat race and just wanting to have your own way and live your life the way you want to, Super Affiliate System can help you, just like affiliate marketing changed his life that he’s now living the dream and helping a lot of people to do the same with this training course.

The Good Points:

1. John Crestani is real and authentic unlike other program offers or products that have fake founders. This is John Crestani, who has made a lot of success for himself and has helped a lot of people become successful because of his course. He is an entrepreneur who was featured on Forbes, Affiliate Summit and Yahoo Finance in addition to large news networks like FOX and CBS.

2. His training course not only offers you an in-depth discussion about affiliate marketing, you will also learn about mindset. To be successful, having the right mindset is everything. If you doubt yourself from the beginning, you will have a hard time achieving your goals, instead focus on your capability and believe in yourself.

3. It is a step-by-step training that is easy to follow and understand. If you are a beginner, you don’t need to worry because you don’t need specific expertise to learn Affiliate Marketing and earn through it.

4. This program is promoted by top marketers proving its authenticity and effectivity.

5. It has useful marketing tools and resources that teach students about traffic sources and how to effectively market products with proven tactics and methods to making money online.

6. The Super Affiliate System is committed to make successful students teaching them to create a business for themselves through profitable affiliate campaigns. Creating engaging ads that work, downloadable presell page templates and access to high-ticket affiliate offers that produce recurring revenues are all included in the training.

7. John will help you have an online business in any niche and generate sales numbers.

8. He focuses to teach you core skills like copywriting, data analysis and research. These skills are the pillar of how to effectively market products online.

9. It has many positive reviews and testimonials.

The Bad Points:

1. You will be needing your own computer or laptop to have the program.

2. The product cost may be pricey, but the course is jam-packed with all the data that you need to start and make your own affiliate marketing business a success. This product works which makes it worth your money.

Should You Get It?

Paid advertising and Affiliate Marketing can help you. It’s a proven way towards success. It’s not complicated, it’s a simple business model that can be sum up with John Crestani’s words “Your Job as an Affiliate Marketer is to do a Better Job of Selling the Product than the Merchant Itself”.

If you want to level up your life, Super Affiliate System is a great tool to make it come true. Stop continually escaping from the Corporate Life and start living your dream by learning from the expert who experienced the same stress, dissatisfaction, frustration and exhaustion that you are feeling. John Crestani is now successfully running an internet business anywhere in the world and loving the freedom that he has.

So, if you would like to achieve time and financial freedom, check out the Super Affiliate System today!


CB Passive Income Version 5.0 Review

Who does not like passive income, when passive income is tantamount to freedom! According to BusinessDictionary, Passive Income means the earnings from rent, limited partnership, or other sources of income in which the earner does not take an active part. That’s what greatly differentiates passive income from active income because the latter requires the constant input of time to generate revenues whereas the former does not. Passive Income, for all intents and purposes, is income that is automatic to a large degree.

For most people who are working the 9 to 5 job, they are very eager to have a passive income that can someday free them from the rat race. Passive Income, after all is freedom. Freedom to use your own time according to your own terms, freedom to be with your love ones, freedom to still earn while not regularly putting effort and time on it.

The world’s population have been into finding more ways to earn, trading their time and skills for money, simply because when they stop working, they stop earning and nowadays, having more alternative ways to earn is so much better. Not only can it prepare you for sudden financial crisis, it can also bring you closer to your financial goals, whatever that may be.

Although passive income is easy to understand, it is not very easy to achieve. It takes time and effort to create it. Successful online marketers have already achieved passive income, most have configured how to sell digital products on autopilot.

Now, there is an online system called CB Passive Income Version 5.0 launched recently that will let you clone everything including the creator’s funnel. This is an automated system that will make you earn passive income.

What is CB Passive Income Version 5.0?

CB Passive Income Version 5.0 is an online system that allows you to clone Patric Chan’s entire business system so that it can generate affiliate commissions for you on autopilot. With Chan’s program, you don’t need to write your own content, create products to sell, send emails, provide customer service, research for affiliate programs to promote and you don’t even need to learn what affiliate marketing is. You only need to accomplish ONE TASK and that is to send Chan’s valuable software for free.

There were versions of CB Passive Income in the previous years, this version is of course, the best and most updated version there is using the hottest marketing strategy for recent years which is funneling, and using this program, you can clone Chan’s proven and effective funnel.

With CB Passive Income Version 5.0, the business model lets you promote valuable internet marketing products and you collect commission when the customer buys.

How Does CB Passive Income Version 5.0 Work?

This turnkey system that is proven effective to generate income has three easy steps:

1. Fill in your details inside the CB Passive Income Dashboard to have your clone page that is created within a few seconds only.

2. Send traffic to your clone page to build your subscribers, the system will continually monetize every subscriber you have so that you earn affiliate commissions. This page will offer the visitors a free gift by providing their email address.

3. When they buy something, you earn commission and you can collect it from ClickBank.

The software will generate you a unique link where your visitors can get Chan’s software or course for free, they will get this after subscribing or giving their email address, which can let CB Passive Income system to promote products to them with your affiliate link attached. Once they purchase, you earn commissions.

About the Creator:

Patric Chan is a world-class internet marketer and CLickBank Super Affiliate. He has been featured in newspapers and business magazines.

His rags to riches story has inspired a lot of people to explore internet income potential. He has also authored several best-selling books. He did not accomplish his success overnight, he was like you and thousands of people before who are struggling to make money online.

It took effort, time and a lot of hard work to come to where he is now. Therefore, he knows what works and what does not. He is sharing the very system that has made him successful.


1. It works for everybody especially newbies. It is a done-for-you system with the hard work being handled by the creator himself. All you need to do is drive traffic and get as many email subscribers as possible.

2. The creator is an expert on online marketing business and is successful for it, he even got testimonials from other successful online entrepreneurs. His reputation alone makes the system credible.

3. Using this system, you can have high conversion rate.

4. It’s a proven system and it also comes with a comprehensive promotion training course. You will be fully informed on what to do to succeed in this business.

5. You will also get a LIVE monthly Q and A Training Calls with Patric Chan.

6. It comes with bonuses like: Insider Tools and Training Membership, 15 Months of Fast Cash Series Archive and The 3-Month Traffic to Income Masterclass.

7. You are protected with a 30 Days Money Back Guarantee.


1. Some trainings are already outdated, nevertheless you still get a comprehensive and extensive program.

2. It can only be purchased online.


Everybody wants a passive income. Everybody wants to feel secure about having a fallback in case the stable company they are working for suddenly collapses. And it is always great to have a simple system that can make you earn as a beginner.

It’s safe to try it and you will get your money back if you feel dissatisfied with the program. The CB Passive Income Version 5.0 may be the program that will make you have the freedom that you want and the capacity to live the life you have always dreamed of.


F.U. Money and best-selling author Dan Lok with his book.

What kind of books should you read to become or build successful business?

You will find an answer in Dan Lok book. I am sure you will read this book (download audio version too).

I want to give in this post rather a big piece of the introduction to show the answer for the first question…

(before start reading you can watch some videos to get more impressions about the author)

<< If you go to the business section of bookstores and libraries, the shelves are packed with all kinds of business and success books—endless rows of personal development and self-help books. Most of these books are a complete waste of your time and money.

The first set of books is the touchy-feely, new age, prosperity-type stuff in the self-help section. The thing is, if you were to actually meet and get to know these so-called “prosperity gurus” in person, you would find out they have no money—they’re poor. They don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

So how the hell can they teach you about prosperity when they have no prosperity themselves? Oh, you might say, “Dan, they’re rich spiritually.” Yeah, right. That’s nothing but a lame ass excuse for the prosperity gurus to justify their lack of wealth. To me, true prosperity means being rich in ALL areas of your life.
This includes your home, love life, family, health, friends, fun, and yes, money. Lots of money.

The second set of books is the motivational psycho-babble.  These looney-toons tell you that if you recite daily affirmations… think positively enough… if you meditate and visualize… lock yourself in a room with purple candles and some hippy-smelling incense… that somehow money will fall into your lap.

These motivational gurus tell you if you feel good about yourself, you’ll make money. I say if you make a ton of money, then you’ll feel pretty damn good about yourself.

The third set of books is the business boos written by authors who have no real world business experience whatsoever. I particularly can’t stand these posers.

These are the business school professors and “paper gurus” who pose as business experts yet have never even started a business in their entire miserable lives.

While their theories might sound good, they’re of no help at all because the authors have never been in the trenches. They don’t know what it’s like to miss a payroll. They don’t know what it’s like to sell their car, mortgage their house, and live on rice and beans to keep their business alive.

Yet here they are doing “research” and feeding you all this nonsensical data and making it all so complicated that in the end you’re so confused that you never implement a damn thing.

Then you have the fourth group of books that attempt to walk you through the step-by-step mechanics of starting, growing, and, ultimately, selling a business.

Stuff like raising capital, marketing, selling, management, leadership, those types of books. Some are great, some are not so good, and some are downright dangerous. But NONE of these books will tell you how to prepare your mind and adjust your perspective for making your F.U. Money.

Lastly, you have the financial books—work hard, save money, live below your means, invest in mutual funds, let compound interest work its magic, and then ONE DAY you’ll be able to retire in comfort (not even rich) if you’re lucky.

Of course, that is if you have the self-discipline to put away the money, not blow everything you make at the end of every month, and get a high return on your investments for a LOOOONG period of time.

I don’t know about you, but I think the idea of working your entire life, as hard as you can, usually at a job you hate, so you can retire and enjoy life, is ludicrous.

Why wait until you’re old and gray to retire? Why wait until retirement to start enjoying your life? Why not do it now?

By the way, do you know who most of these financial experts and authors work for? The mutual fund companies! Why do you think these mutual fund companies advertise their retirement plans like crazy?

Cause they have your best interest at heart, or cause they make an obscene fortune in fees?

I think you already know the answer.


…read book>>

Download the book and read (.pdf file 284 pages) >>>
(There you can download Audio version too, but it can take time to download)