10 Top Popular Traffic Exchanges

10 Top Popular Traffic Exchanges

10 Top Popular Traffic Exchanges

Tracking is one of the Most important Tools you Need in Your Business. Especially when it comes to the Traffic Exchange in List Building Industry. Either you are a beginner or been using Mailers for a while, doing your own tracking is crucial. This is the only way to know which Mailers that gives the best results and where you should spend your Time & Money. 

I use TheRealTracker to Track All Our Pages…


Join all these TOP Traffic exchanges (TE) and use them for advertising on daily basis.

Here is the program I promote now (July, 2021) ->

** List will be updated..

1. EasyHits4u

The Most Popular Traffic Exchange

2. Hit2Hit


3. ViralTECoop

4. Tezzers

5. TrafficG

6. HitSafari

HitSafari - Explore the wonders of great traffic

7. HungryforHits

Hungry For Hits free traffic exchange banner

8. ListSurfing

List Surfing - Social Advertising Network

9. Traffic Splash

10. TrafficAdBar

10 Top Popular Traffic Exchanges

Sign up here – for EasyHits4u

p.s. “The secret of success is constancy of purpose.”
~ Benjamin Disraeli – 1804-1881
– Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom


10 TOP Mailers

10 TOP Mailers

10 TOP Mailers

Tracking is one of the Most important Tools you Need in Your Business.

Especially when it comes to the Mailers – Safelists.

Either you are a beginner or been using Mailers for a while, doing your own tracking is crucial.

This is the only way to know which Mailers give the best results and where you should spend your Time & Money.

I use TheRealTracker to Track my Pages… 

Here is the list of Mailers..

** List will be updated **


10 TOP Mailers advertise

The Lead Magnet

Bweeble (3rd Last Month) Has proven to be one of the “Top mailers for us month after month, always in the top 3”. Owned by Jon Nastor & Bill Maloney. Social features & Branding You are some of the highlights in this Mailer. They have a unique Brand Builder Profile Side Bar to build your brand stronger.


List Joe 


Mister Safelist 




Big Mailer

Boxes of Traffic


Email Marketing Evolved!


6. Tezzer Mail (2nd Last Month) The Owners of this Quality Mailer are The 2 Old Dogs
Tony Tezak And Robert Puddy. Yeah, 40 years of experience at your keyboard. “A lot of people are saying that TezzerMail is one of the best Viral Mailers to come down the pike
in a long time!”


7. List Bonus (6th Last Month) Owned by Jon Nastor & Bill Maloney. This is Their first Mailer, Launched in 2011 and still going strong. Been On My Top 20 List Most of the Time. Check it out, build your list AND earn tons of great commissions at the same time!


8. Build My Downlines (Top Mailer) This is Another Unique Quality mailer owned by Darren Olander. He always delivers Top sites with nice design. The first mailers where you Get Paid To Join Websites or Create An Offer To Build Your List Or Downline Anywhere


9. List Adventure (4th Last Month) Another Relaunched mailer is We have always supported this quality mailer. Since Relaunch it is Better then Ever. You will now find features as Badges – focus on social branding and so on… Get More Ad Power by being active. Now owned by Jon Nastor & Bill Maloney. A great Money Maker As well!


10. List Jumper (Top Mailer) has a nice Design & has a clear message – Click at least 1 email every Day & you will stay active & you will be able to benefit from the Bonus system. Also owned by Darren Olander


I’d like to recommend 3 more Mailers that I use for email marketing:

11. Europeansafelist – you can get 500 leads per month to your Autoresponder if you go on Pro Membership and 140 000 credits per/mo


12. Traffic Bonus – everytime you surf, you get extra credits as a bonus.

13. Herculist – very popular Mailer with 80892 members up to date.

Leads, Leads, Leads!

10 TOP Mailers

You can register here to get you own online system ->

*** Advertising ***




Paid Traffic Game Has been Changed

Forget Everything

You thought you knew about the

Paid-Traffic Game!

If you’ve ever bought traffic online, you know that most traffic sucks. It doesn’t matter if it’s safelist traffic, Solo Ad traffic, or even a VERY expensive Pay Per Click ad.

You simply don’t know if you’ll make a profit, right?

The risk is on you most of the time, and even if it’s not, it’s unlikely you’ll ever make a profit because you simply don’t know if there’s demand for your offers.

Well, what if there was a way you could test-drive your offers, by using traffic that is systematically being Twice confirmed, and PROVEN to convert, over and over again?

Read on… and then press on banners or button below to get inside the system.

And what if, every time you spent money on driving that traffic, you could LITERALLY guarantee a highly profitable return EVERY TIME?

And what if, everytime you spent money on driving that traffic, you could LITERALLY guarantee a highly profitable return EVERYTIME?

That would be pretty incredible, right?

But, before we go any further…I need to acknowledge the fact that this sounds kinda crazy… and even a bit hypey, I know.

If you’re skeptical, I totally respect your caution – especially with so many false promises being made online these days.

But as you’ll see in the next few minutes, these seemingly preposterous ideas have been proven to be very real for myself, and a small group of marketers, as we’ve been quietly perfecting a system that has generated hundreds of thousands of dollars by testing it all out on affiliate offers and some of our own products too.

We wanted to make sure that what we created, wasn’t just another product. The goal was to provide our internet marketing community with…

Something in which everyone could find REAL sustainable value. And It would be able to change the whole traffic & conversion game, forever.

thousands of dollars by testing it all out on affiliate offers and some of our own products too.

Hi my name is, Tyler Anderson!

I’m the founder of this system. And as a long time member of the online marketing community… actually, since high school, I’ve been involved in several online & offline businesses.

But I’ll be honest, I’ve failed many times before I got focused and achieved success.

And I can also tell you, these successes did not come easy. It has taken more than 14 months, and over $100,000 to get all the necessary pieces together.

Sure, the market has been hungry for this kind of solution…

And me and my team could’ve easily compromised on low-quality programmers and developers, and churned out the next shiny object, with lots of smoke and mirrors, just to pacify the market, and make a lot of money.

Like so many others…

You must understand that’

This is NOT a joke, and it’s not a marketing game.

As soon as we have reached our member limit, we will shut the doors until we’re ready for the next batch – or maybe even forever.

If you’ve been struggling as an affiliate for some time now, or even if you sell your own products online, you definitely NEED THIS.

This is nothing like you’ve ever seen before. It’s going to change EVERYTHING for you very quickly.

Especially when it’s traffic that has been tested twice: once by our team, and once by our customers.

Stop using cold traffic TODAY and start using our proven-to-convert traffic RIGHT NOW. CLICK on the  button below to get instant access, and we’ll see you in the member’s area!


Specific way to build your customers list using viral method.

start a home business

Do you know the single most crippling mistake that almost every beginning online marketer makes?  (by internet entrepreneurs Nick and Debbie Anderson)

Trying to blaze their own trail…

There are dozens of proven ways to make an excellent living online… and yet so many
people insist on making it a lot harder than it needs to be…

Look, you don’t get bonus points for creativity in marketing… you just get
extra headaches and it takes longer before you make money…

The pioneers are usually the ones with the arrows in their back…

Why not just relax and do it the easy way?

It used to be a long, grueling process to put together a money-making online system…

* First, you had to design and create a product that you hoped people would want
to buy..

* Then you had to write and design squeeze pages, sales pages, order pages, and thank
you pages – format them and upload them online…

* Next you had to write a series of email autoresponders to promote your product…

* Finally, after all this you still had to figure out how to get traffic to your

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a nice, complete turn-key system that would do all this for

Now there is…

It’s true that the first online marketers had to blaze a trail and do it the hard way…

But there’s no reason for you to work that hard, when they’ve done most of the work for

You want to get out of the rat race,right?

You’ve always dreamed of being your own boss, right?

Well now is the time you can finally make that dream a reality.

Don’t delay it any longer. Find very specific way to get new buyers and build PayPal List.

You owe it to yourself to watch this video (don’t skip it because you will miss out the main idea)

Click image below.




List Joe is one of the best safelists in email marketing.

list joe


One of the most branded and active names in Safelist Marketing is ListJoe. Be sure to sign up today.

ListJoe was developed by a guy named Jonah Klimack.  His software allows you to e-mail 3,000 of it’s members every three days.  Most of ListJoe’s members are Internet marketers so your audience is highly targeted if in fact you have the right offer.  

I had a lot of success using the original system, with the re-launch I expect to go all out!

For those who don’t know yet, ListJoe has been one of the most active and recognized names in mailers on the net for many years. I have been an active member of this safelist since I started my network marketing adventure. List Joe has been a hot target of hackers because of its huge success. The owners had to shut down for few months and they went off the grid and it looked to be for good.


Jonah, the owner of List Joe has partnered with the owners of other popular mailers called LIST ADVENTURE and BWEEEBLE.  These list builders and mailers are really responsive!  They are now relaunching ListJoe 3.0, a brand new look,   with some amazing new features. It is really exciting to get active on this site again knowing the potential it can bring to our online business.

Here are some features and benefits of using ListJoe to build your primary e-mail list.

Right away a big concern people have when signing up for one of these services is that they feel that they will be bombarded with member e-mails in their in boxes.

ListJoe addresses this issue by suggesting that you set up a separate account to receive your e-mails and offering credits for viewing those e-mails.  . You’ll get 15 credits per email.  There are several ways to receive credits and there is a maximum credit use for each mailing.  The amount of e-mails you can expect to see from ListJoe would be around 50 a day or so.

It is very random, some days are more active than others. Another feature of ListJoe is that you can promote other list builders within the system to build a bigger down-line while only promoting your List Joe link.  This works well in the system because  you are encouraged to join other the other list builders through List Joe which will put you in your sponsors down-line in the other list-builders as well.


In 5 minutes, Joe can send your email ad to 1000 home-based internet marketers. That’s right, Joe’s a happy guy, because he’s seen 1000s of people succeed online through email marketing including myself! Don’t miss out on this. The newer the safelist is, the more active people are there. You will be surprised how many clicks you will get on your first mail. So sign up today.

ListJoe is actually one of the “easier to use” list-builders available.  It boasts 100,000+ member pool to mail to.

So click here on this banner to check it out today.  The first email is totally free!


*** Advertising ***

Fire your boss in 8 weeks! See the plan here.


Anthony Morrison Fan Page Business Profits

Everyone’s hot on Facebook Ads right now…

But in my experience (Anthony Morrison – download his free ebook here) , they’re technical, confusing, and hard to master even if you know what you’re doing…

And even if you sink a bunch of time and money into learning them, like I did.

Sure, you can always hire someone to manage ads for you…

But can you still make a profit after that expense? Most people can’t.

Organic reach wasn’t so bad for us… Until Facebook’s recent algorithm changes. ?

What if I told you there was a way to get highly targeted traffic from Facebook, without spending any money on ads, and without worrying about algorithms?

For a limited time, I’m hosting a “Fan Page Domination” workshop, and you can register for free right here:

In this free training, I’m going to teach you the same system that netted me 7,356 email subscribers without spending a dime…

The same system that my student Kevin used to generate 37,000 email subscribers and build a Facebook community of 68,000 fans.

In fact, I’ve shared these tactics with my best students, and we’ve had 139 DOCUMENTED SUCCESS STORIES in just the last two weeks. Are you next?

Learn more and register for this free training by clicking here:

The facts are (like anything in life) there are a few catches that I will need to show you before you
just go blazing on Facebook.

  • How do you make your posts go viral?
  • What types of Facebook post generate the best results?
  • How do you make Facebook show your posts to all of your fans?
  • How do you properly setup your Optin and Thank You pages?
  • How do you place those Google Ads on your page so you can earn money?
  • How do you setup your Auto-Responder?

In this live training I walk step by step through the entire process building my own Fan Page
business right in front of you so you can easily duplicate what I am doing.

The real key here is to make sure you LEARN how to do this so you can duplicate it over and over
again because hey ….

There’s no limit to how many Fan Page Businesses you can start!

Here’s the link to join the webinar again – Your webinar starts here

I hope later the webinar will be available in records.


So let’s start off first by saying that most FREE TRAFFIC sources are terrible and here’s why:


Basically when people tell you they will show you how to get FREE TRAFFIC you should typically RUN the other direction because you’re likely wasting your time…

I’ve been the biggest proponent of the old saying “you get what you pay for” when it comes to
marketing online. I’ve never taught my students free traffic strategies because in the end I knew
it would never give them the results they truly needed in the time frame they wanted.

Let’s be honest as you read this book right now you wanted results yesterday.

You know it’s true…. And I am going to guess something else about you too…
If we’re being honest you’ve probably tried some of these “free traffic” methods and gotten no
results right?

Above you can see Anthony Morrison video recorded 1 year ago. He updated information in the webinar on 21 July 2018.

*** Advertising ***

You may think that some training is too expensive. Here is the way to start online business with small monthly investments. Check this out here.


How to make your first 1 dollar online fast?

The 1 Dollar Project Is Opening A Lot Of Eyes!

This is an original way to promote your blog post and get more customers via PayPal.

First I decided to use this project as the way to promote the blog. It works simple – you pay person to place your email address in the mailing list, so do the others. This is supposed to go viral. And yet it can make you some money to pay for advertising.


Earn money with LESS effort!

How??? – I’ll show you how – just read on.

Take 5 minutes – and read the complete page – then decide.

If you decide to take the following instructions and necessary actions, you are most likely will get a similar result!

Please do not be skeptical about this program.

At least think about it for a few days.

Otherwise, you will throw away over thousands dollars in cash!

This system has been working for over 2 years, thousands of people have already participated WORLDWIDE, and they have been surprised by the results in no time and that with only 1 Dollar! You will too! I received a short and simple e-mail that explained how to earn good money.

This is not a new way. It has been known as “chain” letters. But this is a legit way. You pay people to be added to their mailing list. You pay only one dollar. It can work for you. Remember how much money you spent for Solo Ads, 50-70 cents for one click and it didn’t work at all.

I ignored this message. Quite simply, “I was skeptical.”

However, I did not delete that e-mail because I thought there was something to it.

It went through my mind for days, even weeks, wondering if it would be possible to earn such a huge sum in such a short time.

I finally realized that I had absolutely nothing to lose.

So I put my doubts aside, took the first step and followed the simple instructions given to me in that email.

The implementation took less than 30 minutes and it cost me a ridiculous 1 dollar.

The results were stunning !!!

Only if you read on now, you will learn how it can work for you!

This business plan, which I am about to explain to you, can be implemented right now.

Let me assure you that this is a LEGALLY AUTHORIZED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY and an impeccable money making business.

In fact, you do not even need to get in touch with other people. Anyone, with their own impulse, can succeed and build a fortune with this system.

If you only do this alone, I GUARANTEE that you will receive at least $20,000 in cash through your PayPal account within  

I know it must sound unbelievable to you, especially if you have never had such a sum, but believe me, this business works like nothing else that you have ever seen in your life.

This simple 3-step plan will change your life in a few weeks.

Please do not let your skepticism stand in the way of your financial success.

It is so easy!

And yes, some people get their first dollar the same day they posted this article.

This is the CHEAPEST, THE FASTEST and THE EASIEST way to make money online!

You will quickly and easily earn cash with just one copy of this website as an E-Mail and the simplest and most popular Internet payment system!

This program is by no means new. (read first paragraphs above)

It exists in many forms and has existed for several decades. But in the early days, it took much more time and effort, as well as spending hundreds of DOLLARS. However, thanks to PayPal and the Internet, the issues are now practically ZERO! What is more, the whole process is FASTER, EASIER, and MORE LUCRATIVE than it has ever been!

If you already have a home business, leave it at that, you can run this side by side in the future.

If not, in the history of the internet this is the FASTEST and EASIEST way to earn a lot of money online.

Chances are, you might have never seen such a thing!

glowing bulb among the gray

This program works no matter what country you live in or what currency you have there. It does not matter how old or how young you are. And you certainly do not need any special knowledge or talent. You do not need to run a website, or answer calls, make photocopies or send letters through the post office, or advertise, and so on.

The only things you need are:

An E-Mail address.

A PayPal account in which 1 Dollar is deposited and 30 minutes of your time, this program lasts for half an hour.

After you start it, you do not have the slightest job with it.

And yet, you can earn several thousand Dollars.

Within the next few weeks, you will make scary profits through this 30 minutes simple work! Yes, I know, it sounds too good to be true!

I thought exactly the same way you do now until I was convinced of the opposite!

You have absolutely nothing to lose and there is no limit to the amount you can earn!

The fact is: you will never earn FASTER, CHEAPER and PROFITABLE money.

Take your time and read everything! If you do not have time now, keep this E-Mail in your mailbox and come back later.

You certainly have an E-Mail Address.

Everyone has already heard of “PayPal” (if not you will be there soon) and when I got this concept, I knew it would work as a member of PayPal, I already had experience with the excellent performance. PayPal is the easiest method you’ve ever seen to receive payments online.

Anyone with an E-Mail address can register for FREE! Once you have a PayPal account, you can send and receive credit card payments or cash anywhere in the world!

If you take this half hour you will not forget this day all your life.

HERE ARE TESTIMONIES OF 3 participants who decided to invest only 1 Dollar and half an hour:

“What an amazing plan! Just three weeks ago, I followed your plan, although, so far I have not yet earned 50 thousand, I am pleased with the previous 15,340 Dollars. I am absolutely out of socks ”

Alan Humphries, Leicester

“I do not know what to say … THANK YOU, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I sent 40 of this email and then, I just forgot the thing. To be honest, I did not really believe in the whole thing. But when I checked my Pay-Pal account a week later, more than 6,000.00 Dollars was in it! I now have over 26,000.00 Dollars in 30 days! I cannot thank you enough! ”

Lisa McDonald, Northampton

“I was horrified to see how much money was flowing into my Pay-Pal account. Within 3 weeks my account has risen to 18,625.00 Dollar. At first, I thought that some kind of bad booking had happened! ”

Richard Barrie, Cirencester

Just a few months ago, some people did the same thing as you. Because they choose to follow the simple instructions that follow, they are now considerably better financially. And there is not a single reason why you cannot share in this success.

You have nothing to lose but ALL to win!

Let s start, just follow the instructions as outlined now, and then prepare for a HUGE cash inflow over the next 30 days!

Here is what you need to do.


If you are not already a PayPal user, the very first task you need to do is to click on the PayPal link below and open an account for free. It takes just 2 minutes! Here is the connection:



It is a law of the universe that we must first give to receive. Therefore, the first action to be done now is to open your PayPal account: Deposit 1 Dollar from your PayPal account to the FIRST E-mail address in the list.

As the intended use of the payment, you write: “Please add me to your mailing list.”

Please specify this intended use, as this is a COMPLETELY LEGAL PROGRAM.

For instructions on how to make a payment, see “SEND MONEY” on the PayPal page. It is so easy! If you send your one-off payment of 1 Dollar to the first address in the list, do it with a big smile on your face, because “We reap what we sow!”

Here is the current list:

1. thinkwealthier@hotmail.com <—– ( Send your $1 to this email address ONLY )

2. rugbyrocks2019@gmail.com

3. anthonymateer@gmail.com

4. joshmateer97@gmail.com

5. troywindham50@gmail.com

6. nrz_006@yahoo.com

7. yurigrin@gmail.com

After you have made a payment of 1 Dollar to the first e-mail address of the list, something scary will happen.

It gives you an unsurpassable, overwhelming security, faith and conviction in the system. It has just been proven to that it works because YOU have done it; so, there must be many other people who are willing to do exactly the same thing.

Now you have experienced it first-hand that this business really works!


Once you have made a payment of 1 Dollar to the first address of the list (together with the purpose “Please add me to your Mailing list.” – this is very important!!!), you will still have to do the following operation in the final step. Copy this text or page and send it to (you can also advertise this text on your own website as I have done it) at least 40 people. Keep the number 40 in your head, 40 is a good number of people that you can easily reach on the Internet, hundreds and even thousands of them could emerge.

The copy you send will include YOUR PayPal email address at # 7 in the list – the address at # 1 will add you to the list and the others will put you up in position.

The best way to send the mail now is simply to mark everything and then copy it with the right mouse button and then paste the text into the email, which you now send to about 40 different people.

Here’s how it works:

How The 1 Dollar Project Works

First, you get an email list like the following


1. thinkwealthier@hotmail.com <—– ( Send your $1 to this email address ONLY )

2. rugbyrocks2019@gmail.com

3. anthonymateer@gmail.com

4. joshmateer97@gmail.com

5. troywindham50@gmail.com

6. nrz_006@yahoo.com

7. yurigrin@gmail.com


Then you alter the list by removing #1. and moving all the other emails up so it looks like this:

1. rugbyrocks2019@gmail.com <—– ( Send your $1 to this email address ONLY )

2. anthonymateer@gmail.com

3. joshmateer97@gmail.com

4. troywindham50@gmail.com

5. nrz_006@yahoo.com

6. yurigrin@gmail.com

7. (Add your PayPal Email Address Here.)


Keep all the other text of the email the same then send this new email and list to a minimum of 40 people!!

By the time your PayPal Email address reaches the #1 position your email will be seen by thousands of people who will pay you $1. (or let’s say 12-25% – not bad)

Someone asked me how does it work, my answer “It just does, try it” pay $1 send 40 emails ( or more if you want too) sit back and see, YOU will be Amazed!


Below are some good and recommended advertising portals (safelists and traffic exchange).

1. Pangea.group

2. Trafficadbar

3. EasyHits4u

4. TrafficG

5. HungryforHits

6. Adchiever

Or you can create your own free website with the copy of this post.

There are many free website builders that you can use on the web, for example, these 3 good providers.



Market your site via various German and American Paid Mail Service.

There are countless ways to reach several people and make them participate in this amazing program.

The only task that you have to consider is that YOUR E-mail address is at number 7 in the list.

Please do not send spam. That is the only thing that could harm this genius system!

Of course, the address that was previously at # 1 should have been removed, and the other email addresses should have been moved up one position to put your E-Mail Address at # 7.

As long as you have done this correctly, your e-mail is ready to be sent!


Do not be tempted to add your e-mail address to position 1 to purchase money quickly!

It does not work that way!

If you do that, you will reach ONLY the people to whom you will send the e-mail directly and then your address will immediately be removed from place # 1 and you will not reach thousands of people!

But if you add your email address to position # 7, you will literally reach 100 thousand people who receive or send your email. And at this point, your name will be at point #1 !!!

And if you think you can copy this text just without paying the 1 Dollar to the first E-Mail Address, then you probably did not understand the whole system!!

Because if everybody would do that, then this would not work here and you will not get any money!!

I think one Dollar does not really hurt anyone!!

OK, let’s continue!

Send a minimum of 40 copies of the email, Once your emails are ready.

By sending these emails and paying via PayPal, the response time is EXTREMELY fast, thanks to the INTERNET!!!

Therefore, it will only take a few days for 1 Dollar payments to flood your PayPal account!


The whole process should take about 30 minutes.


Half an hour of the simplest work is required.

No major issues, no stamps, no printing, copies, etc. and the concept is 100% approved.

In fact, you can expect a significant number of 1-Dollar payments within the first few days!

Keep a copy of your e-mail so that you can use it again whenever you need more money!

Here’s how it works:

You have to understand that all calculations are made considering that you and others will send this post or page to at least 40 actual people as minimum.

When you send your E-Mail, first put your E-mail address to number 7 in the list. This is the best position you can get if you really want to make a lot of money.

The response rate for this program is much higher than any typical email marketing campaign due to a number of reasons that will be explained later.

You can expect a response from about 25% of the people to whom you send the E-Mail. But first, let’s be extremely conservative, and assume that you have an average response rate of only 12.5%.

If you send your email to 40 different people, you can expect to reach at least 5 of those who do exactly what you did. (12.5% of 40 = 5).

By that time, your email address is at position #6 on the list, this list would have reached 200 people (5×40).

From these 200 people, you can expect at least 25 to participate (12.5% of 200 = 25).

This puts you in 5th place with your email address further to Position #5 1,000 E-Mails (25 x40) that are sent out.

Among these 1,000 people, you can expect to have at least 125 (12.5% of 1,000 = 125).

This puts you in the fourth position with your e-mail address on another 5,000 E-Mails (125 x 40) that are sent out.

With these 5,000 people, you can expect at least 625 to respond (12.5% out of 5,000 = 625).

As a result, you will now be in the third position, with 25,000 emails (625×40) sent out with your email address.

Among these 25,000 people, you can expect 3,125 to respond (12.5% of 25,000 = 3,125).

And now that you are #2 on the list.

Out of these 125,000 people, you can expect to receive at least

15,625 (12.5% of 125,000 = 15,625).

This will put you in first place with your e-mail address on another 625,000 E-Mails

(15,625 x 40) that is sent out.

Among these 625,000 people, you can expect at least 78,125 to attend (12.5% out of 625,000 = 78,125).

And now that you are #1 on the list, you will receive 78.125,00 Euro (78.125 x 1 Dollar).

NOTICE: Of course, It’s perspective and theoretically possible, but it can work in a long-term period of time and bring you dollars payment in 200-300 days after you started.

If your email address reaches the number one position, you will receive money from a few thousand people within the next 30 days, just as you have sent your 1 Dollar. If you are prepared to invest half an hour, you are ready to receive around 70,000 Dollars or more.

That’s all you have to do!

This is real money, which you can spend on everything you wish!

You can store all the money in your PayPal account, or transfer it to your bank account from there.

Is that not worth half an hour? I guess so. Do you remember?

The example 12.5% above, assumes that 35 of the 40 people delete your email.

However, if you follow the plan correctly and send your E-Mail to the persons, the likelihood of those persons who will participate in it is approximately 25%. The example 12.5% is given only as the worst case.

Furthermore, the example is based on the fact that each participant sends out only 40 E-Mails.

Imagine what would happen if each participant sends out 1,000 emails instead of just 40!

Believe me, many people do this and send much more! I’m an example.

Consider the following! Millions of people surf the internet every day and worldwide! 80,000 new Internet registration every month!

The people who send you offers through emails are an excellent source to send back manually, or simply by using an Autoresponder. You can send e-mails to all your contacts, to business partners, etc.

Please do not send SPAM!

Invest 1 Dollar and 30 minutes of your time, but receive a substantial sum within a month. If you want to run this business continuously, you should have your own website, like this one, and advertise regularly, or have your emails sent regularly through various Paidmails services.

Of course, it would also make sense if you use many languages

So I managed to stay in business for the last 2 years!

There is an infinite number of German and American Paidmail services that you can use to inexpensively send your e-mail, or promote your own copied website.

The possibilities are endless, and it’s that easy!

Unlike many other MLM programs, this 7-LEVEL PROGRAM only cost you 1 Dollar.

Only the first person on the list will receive your 1 Dollar gift, but everyone on the list will move up to position 1.

Because it’s so easy, the response speed is VERY HIGH and – FAST. And you start to see drastic results in less than two weeks! Remember, you only need to send 40 copies to start with.

40 emails are enough to get a substantial sum within 30 days.

For example, send to personal contacts and in response to people sending you their programs that like them already work on the net.

You know that this program works and you are already convinced about this system!

It will NOT be considered spam if you respond to offers from people who send you emails. So send your e-mail now (and/or create your own website like this one here) and prepare for a huge cash inflow within the next 30 days!!

4 factors that make this program so successful. . .





Because of the PRACTICAL ZERO INVESTMENT (only 1 Dollar), SPEED, and HIGH PROFIT POTENTIAL, this program has a VERY HIGH SPEED!

Most email marketing campaigns have an average of 0.5% to 5%. However, this particular program usually produces a response rate of 20% and 30%. Why? Because this program is so easy to start, it costs almost nothing, it takes just 30 minutes, and the results can be seen within the next few days.

I have watched this type of MLM program for years, and this is the simplest and fastest that exists.

No stamps, no envelopes, no printing, no copies – just a little effort and a faith!!!

This program really keeps it “short and easy”!

UNLIMITED income potential!

This program is structured for everyone and only requires to send 40 emails.

Do not set the 40th limit. Send as many emails as you can. All 40 emails have a return of at least 20,000 – 30,000 Dollars WITHIN 100 DAYS.

So if you can send 50 E-Mails, 100 or whatever number, do it!

However, know that “sneaking” your name to a higher level of the list will NOT achieve the result.

Remember, the people in front of you have taken the trouble and deserve to be in their place.

So follow the guidelines, be honest and the money will come to you. You may still be skeptical, just as I was initially, wondering if it really works. I have behind me everything going through your head right now, and I know how it feels.

But let’s be honest, I thought about what I really lost at that time;

30 minutes and 1 Dollar.

Is that not ridiculous?

I am more than happy today that I invested it.

But please follow the guidelines!

This program does not cost more than 1 Dollar and half an hour of your time, it will be a win-win for everybody if we all stick to the guidelines!

You now have the knowledge that will enable you to earn more than $70,000 within the next few weeks. The only thing that can hold you back right now is lack of faith or lack of self-belief. All the doubts you have right now will disappear within a few days after putting this plan into practice.

Trust me!

PayPal allows anyone with an email address to open an account and is the #1 online payment service in the world.

PayPal is used by more than 3 million eBay members as well as a number of online stores. You can finance your payments with your credit card or current account if you send money through PayPal. You do not have to worry about your privacy because PayPal keeps your billing information safe.

Completing a transaction with PayPal is far safer than mailing a check, or giving your credit card number to a stranger. That’s why more than 9 MILLION people use PayPal to send money WORLDWIDE in real time.

I want to suggest one traffic source to promote this project – use EuropeanSafelist – you can send to 140,000 prospects per months and get 500 leads every month – you can use it for 1 dollar project.

Go to PRO membership – easy way to build your list (for $7 dollars per month)

Opening a PayPal account is completely free, easy, and takes just a few minutes.

So do not hesitate, do something for yourself and your wallet.

I wish you much success.

You have nothing to lose.

Have a fabulous day.

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How to use these 10 ways to increase visits to your blog.

The Top 10 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Blog Posts.

Get more traffic to your blog

As a blogger… you always want to get more traffic to your blog posts.

(Here you can find recommendations from marketing specialists- Bill and Michelle Pescosodilo – this free blog post is worth 2 hours training – you’ll find links to their tips and other blog posts below.)

Read more …

Obviously, more traffic means more opportunities for your reader to…

  • Opt in to become a lead
  • Become aware of your offer(s)
  • Be exposed to your brand

But let me ask you this…

Have you ever heard the expression:

“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it… does it make a sound?”

It’s a famous philosophical thought experiment that raises questions regarding observation and knowledge of reality.

So how about we look at this in a more ‘real world’ way that you and I can relate to.

Let’s try this instead…

“If a blogger writes a blog post and nobody ever sees it…. did it actually get written?”

Well… technically speaking the blog post did get written.

However, hopefully you see where I’m going with this.

If you write a blog post but nobody sees or reads it…

… it’s as if your blog post doesn’t even exist!

Now let’s think about that for just a second.

You put in the…

  • Time
  • Energy
  • Effort

… to write a great blog post… but nobody ever finds it!

Kind of a bummer, right?

Which is why as you keep reading, I’m going to reveal to you the top 10 ways to get more traffic to your blog posts.

Sound good?

Then let’s dive in!

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Wanna Get More Traffic To Your Blog?

Before we start, you and I both know that as a blogger, it’s absolutely imperative that you know how to bring traffic to your blog

However, this is easier said than done.

With almost 300 million blogs out on the internet today…

… the competition to get your content indexed and ranked by the search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing) is the toughest it’s ever been.

No longer can you…

  • Write a blog post
  • Publish it
  • Sit back and expect it to rank on page 1 of Google

Today you’ve got to be savvier and smarter than your competition.

By using these top 10 ways to get more traffic to your blog you’ll immediately put yourself in the best possible position to succeed.

So let’s dive in starting with #10…

10.) Keyword Research

Getting more traffic to your blog posts starts with choosing keywords for which you want your blog post to rank.


Because keyword-rich content ensures that your blog posts will appear in the search engine’s results.

According to Moz.com

Keyword research is one of the most important, valuable, and high return activities in the search marketing field. Ranking for the right keywords can make or break your website.

By researching your market’s keyword demand, you can not only learn which terms and phrases to target with SEO, but also learn more about your customers as a whole.

Knowing how to get traffic to your blog is good…

… but getting the right kind of traffic is great!

For example, if your product is men’s shoes, it won’t do you any good to get traffic that’s shopping for dresses.

Conducting keyword research will help Google understand what your content is about and who should see it.

One tool you can use to help you with Keywords is the Moz Keyword Explorer.

The Keyword Explorer tool will help streamline and improve how you discover and prioritize keywords.

(See the image below) 

get more traffic to your blog

The Moz Keyword Explorer provides…

  • Accurate monthly search volume data
  • An idea of how difficult it will be to rank for your keyword
  • Estimated click-through rate
  • A score representing your potential to rank

It also suggests related keywords for you to research.

The Moz Keyword Explorer tool cuts out a great deal of manual work and is free to try, so I recommend you try it out so you can get more blog traffic to your blog posts.

Useful Tools For Keyword Research:

Google Keyword Planner

Moz Keyword Explorer

SEM Rush Keyword Research 

9.) Find and Incorporate LSI Keywords

Our 9th way on how to bring traffic to your blog is to use LSI Keywords.

LSI keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing) are basically keywords that are semantically related to your primary keyword.

Here is a definition of LSI keywords are:

“LSI keywords (also known as semantic keywords) are the related keywords to the main keyword. Many of the search engines like Google use it to decide the link between different entities of the web content.”

Contrary to popular belief,  LSI keywords are NOT just synonyms or keywords that are similar in meaning.

Using LSI keywords along with your main keywords can significantly increase your rankings in the search engines.

The LSI keywords will help Google to understand the meaning of your content so they can better match it to the intent of the searcher.

For example, the word “apple” could be in reference to the fruit, the computer company, or (and this is rather unfortunate) Gwyneth Paltrow’s daughter.

So if I type “apple” into the Google search bar…

… how does it specifically know which of these I’m referring to?

The answer… LSI keywords.

LSI Graph is a great tool to help you find LSI keywords for your bog posts.

Get more traffic to your blog


Cool thing is… LSI Graph is completely free to use!

For example, not too long ago I wrote a blog post titled…

“5 Tips To SEO A Blog Post”

The keywords I chose for the blog post were… “SEO a blog post”

When I enter those keywords in the LSI Graph search bar here are the results that came back…


Get more traffic to your blog



(they actually provided more results than what I showed in the picture… but you get the idea)

I can now sprinkle these LSI keywords throughout my blog post in an effort to help Google determine the relevancy of my content.

Bottom line: Google’s goal is to improve their user’s experience.

As a result, they’re constantly trying to put the most relevant content in front of you when you make a search query.

The better Google can understand the content and purpose of your blog posts, the better they’ll be able to index and rank them.

What does this mean for you?

When you add more LSI keywords into your blog posts they’ll rank higher and show up more frequently when people conduct a search based around that topic.


8.) Use the Yoast SEO Plug In

The 8th way to get more traffic to your blog is to use Yoast SEO.

Yoast SEO is the most complete WordPress SEO plugin that exists today for WordPress users.

It incorporates everything you’ll need in order to optimize your blog posts for SEO purposes.

Yoast SEO includes a snippet editor and real time page analysis that helps you optimize your pages…

  • Content
  • Image titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • and more

Basically, everything you need from an SEO standpoint to get you blog posts indexed by the search engines and get more traffic to your blog.

As you can see by the image below taken from an actual blog post I’ve written…

Yoast SEO uses Red, Orange, or Green indicators to show you exactly where you’re looking good or what specific optimization aspect you still need to work on.

get more traffic to your blog

So if you want to get more views to your blog, both by optimizing your site and by writing better content, then Yoast SEO is a must have tool.

Best part is, you can get a great deal of Yoast SEO’s functionality for free.

They do have a premium version that you could eventually upgrade to if you feel the need.

But I recommend starting with the free version which may end up being all you require.


Get more traffic to your blog

7.) Click To Tweet

Click To Tweet is another plugin you’ll need that allows you to easily create “tweetable” content for your readers.

Simply put, Click To Tweet allows you to create custom messages inside the body of your blog post to highlight your content for the reader.

If you’ve read any of our blog posts you’ve probably seen that I’m often adding the Click To Tweet function to our posts.


Because it’s one more way to get more traffic to your blog posts.

get more views to your blog

This in turn makes it simple for your readers to share on Twitter.

You can create as many Click To Tweets as you’d like in a particular blog post.

However, I wouldn’t overdo it.

Too many of them in one blog post could end up being an annoying distraction to your reader.

Typically, I’ll have anywhere from 2-4 different Click To Tweets within a blog post, depending on how long the blog post is.

User Tip: In the past, I would simply take the title of my blog post, and use that as the sentence in my Click To Tweet. (see image above “5 Biggest Blogging Mistakes And How To Avoid Them”)

However, I’ve since found that it’s more effective to use a sentence in the context of what you were talking about.

For example, see how the actual Click To Tweet below is using more context rather than just the title of the blog post.

By using contextual sentences you’ll increase the amount of times people click on the “Click to Tweet” button and as a result, you’ll get more shares across Twitter.

Feel free to try it out by clicking on the Click to Tweet message box below.

6.) PushCrew

Another way to get more traffic to your blog posts is to use a service called PushCrew.

PushCrew is a tool that enables websites to send push notifications anywhere around the web. It allows you to send notifications to followers without them being on their website.

PushCrew lets you talk to your subscribers in a concise and easy manner, using push notifications on a browser. Push Notifications are clickable messages sent directly to your subscribers’ browsers (even when they’re not on your website).

get more traffic to your blog


As you can see in the image below, from one “push” we had 55 people click on a blog post which equated to a 16% open rate.

get more traffic to your blog


The opt-in and click rates are very high (13%-20% in our experience).

From a pure numbers standpoint the click rates are higher than a typical email open rate making PushCrew a very attractive method to boost blog traffic.

Push Crew is a great way to get more people to see your blog posts who might not otherwise.

5.) Share Your Content On Social Media

After I publish a new blog post, one of the first things I do to build blog traffic is to share it on Social Media.

For example, check out the image below which shows how I shared a blog post to my Facebook fan page.

get more traffic to your blog

Sharing your content on Social Media won’t necessarily impact SEO results.

Meaning, you won’t necessarily rank higher within the search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo just because you shared your content.

However, getting your content in front of as many people as possible is key.

And let’s be honest…

… people hang out on Social Media.

One of the most important things you can do is to know your Customer Avatar and know where they’re hanging out on Social Media.

So whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +, Pinterest, the list goes on… make sure you’re getting more blog traffic by sharing your new blog posts on as many Social Media outlets as possible.

Furthermore, when you share your blog posts on Facebook for example, some people who see it will also share it themselves to their own audience or followers.

As a result, your blog posts (and your brand and offers) will now be exposed to a whole new audience that you may not have reached on your own.

Therefore, if you’d like to get more reach for your blog posts and build blog traffic, sharing them on Social Media is must.

4.) Social Sharing 

Social sharing is a great way to generate traffic to your website for free.

Plus, if you’d like to…

  • Let your visitors share your content
  • Engage with your audience by using social sharing tools
  • Expand your reach and boost blog traffic

… then I recommend you use GetSocial

GetSocial is a free plugin that will allow you to have the upper hand in the highly competitive world of Social Media sharing.

With GetSocial you get social share buttons to increase your reach and boost your traffic, pop-ups to engage with your visitors, subscriber bars to generate leads and in-depth analytics to understand which of your pages is really performing best.

(See pic below) 

get more traffic to your blog

There are other social sharing plugins you can try, however we’ve found GetSocial to be the one that works best for us.

Bottom line, if you want to increase traffic to your blog, using a social sharing plugin like GetSocial is a great way to accomplish that.

3.) Email Your List

Believe it or not, most people wouldn’t think to email a recently published blog post to their email subscriber list.

But if you want to know how to increase blog views… this is a heck of a way!

Due to the fact that your email subscriber list is already a “warm” audience, it makes perfect sense to make them aware of any new blog posts.

The strategy I recommend is to email your list the day after you publish a new blog post.


Because Google is all about trying to provide the best and most relevant content to their users.

If Google sees that there is a lot of activity on your blog post i.e. people spending time reading your blog post, commenting on it, and sharing it with others…

… they will as a result view it as relevant content that’s providing value to the readers.

When you notify your email subscriber list about your new blog post, there is a good chance that many people on your list will check out your new blog post and comment and share it.

Again, this kind of activity on your blog post signals to Google that this is good content and deserves to be seen.

If you’re struggling to come up with ideas for new content then feel free to check out my new report on 24 ways to create an endless stream of highly converting blog posts.

2.) Create Compelling Curiosity Inducing Headlines

I can’t overstate the importance of creating strong, compelling, curiosity inducing headlines.

Look at it this way… your headline is the first thing your reader will see.

Write a bad headline and you risk losing your reader before they’ve even had a chance to hear what you have to say.

However, write a good headline, and you’ve hooked them at the very least into your introduction.

There are 3 main types of headlines you can write, each of them having a unique benefit.

They are:
  1. Social Proof headlines
  2. Threat headlines
  3. Gain headlines
Let’s take a quick look at each one of the headline styles.

Social Proof Headlines:

Social Proof headlines serve to leverage the fact that many other people have already done this (i.e. bought this, wear this, eat or drink this, etc)
As humans, we like to know that we’re not the only one doing something.
Social proof serves as a safety net for us and helps to ease us into moving forward with a decision or a purchase.
  • Here Is A Trick That Is Helping Thousands Of People To [blank]
  • The #1 Secret To [blank] All The Cool Kids Are Talking About
  • How To [blank] Like The Pros


Threat Headlines:

There are two strong emotional triggers that are often cited for why people take action.

The first one of those two is… moving away from pain.

The threat headline capitalizes on the “move away from pain” motivating factor.

  • Do Not Try Another [blank] Until You [take desired action]
  • Are You Making These 5 Blogging Mistakes?
  • The Ugly Truth About [blank]

Gain Headlines: 

Opposite to Threat headlines we have Gain headlines.

In addition to people being motivated to move away from pain…

… they also want to move towards pleasure.

Gain headlines serve to fulfill our desire to get closer to pleasure.

  • How To Build A Business You Can Be Proud Of
  • The Fastest Way To [achieve a specific goal]
  • How To Lose 20 lbs. Without Working Your Tail Off

As you can see, writing a good headline can make all the difference when it comes to your reader determining if the want to take the next step and dive into your content.

That’s why if you want to get more traffic to your blog posts, you should spend more time focusing on a compelling headline.

Get more traffic to your blog

1.) Create Better Content

This may sound obvious… or perhaps even cliche.

But it’s the truth.

If you want to get more traffic to your blog posts you’ve got to write better content.

So how do you create better content?

First, write for your reader and NOT for the search engines.

If your main focus while writing is to try to please the search engines, then your blog post will likely come across as forced and unnatural.

So while on the one hand you’re writing to get more traffic to your blog…

… on the other hand, you can’t forget about your reader.

Providing valuable content and creating a good reading experience should be your main goal.

“Write for your reader, NOT for the Search Engines.”

Another way to create better content is to make your content more readable.

Yoast SEO also provides a readability analysis that will help you to see how readable your content is and if you need to make improvements on it.

(See image below)

get more traffic to your blog

I use the Yoast Readability tool as a guide to help me write content that is more readable and consumable for my audience.

Creating better content isn’t as hard as you might think, but it does take practice.

Trust me, the more blog posts you write, the better they’ll be.

Once you apply the tips I’ve provided above you’ll be able to focus less on how to get more traffic to your blog…

… and focus more on creating highly informative and interesting content.

Final Thoughts: How To Get More Traffic To Your Blog

So there you have it… my top 10 ways to get more traffic to your blog posts.

Now that you’ve read through all 10 of these tips, you’re well versed on how to bring traffic to your blog.

However, as you probably already know… knowledge without action is useless.

My goal here is to help you out, but that will only be the case if you’re willing to do your part.

So here’s my final recommendation…

… go back through this blog and review which of these 10 tips you think you can start incorporating right away.

Start with 2-3 of your favorite tips above and start to apply them immediately to your writing.

The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be able to get more traffic to your blog.

However, if you struggle with writing blog posts and you’d like a simple to follow formula to help you write high quality, share worthy blog posts…

… every time you sit down at your computer!

Download our free report on 24 ways to create an endless stream of compelling blog post ideas.



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The Hidden Power of Forum Marketing.

One of the easiest ways to get people to know, like and trust you is
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Online forums exist in nearly every niche market imaginable, and are often
quite heavily trafficked. People are looking for answers, and forums can be
a great place to find them, in a free, non-threatening manner.

The easiest way to find relevant online forums is going to Google and
typing the type of niche you are interested in + discussion forum.

For example, if you search:

home business + discussion forum

You’ll find many discussion forums about home business. You could repeat
this search query for any industry or topic.

The basic idea here is to become someone who makes a useful contribution on
the forums, and eventually you’ll be viewed as a person of some
authority. This can happen faster than you might think.

Make some useful comment, direct people to valuable resources, and you’ll
quickly gain a few fans.

Make sure you set up your forum signature to reflect your site or squeeze
page. People can and do click these, particularly if you’ve been a
valuable asset on the forum.

Some of these forums have many thousands of members, and are growing as
more and more online marketers come onto the scene.

Forum marketing is an easy way to grab some highly-targeted, fast and free
traffic to your pages. Don’t discount this one!

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