F.U. Money and best-selling author Dan Lok with his book.

What kind of books should you read to become or build successful business?

You will find an answer in Dan Lok book. I am sure you will read this book (download audio version too).

I want to give in this post rather a big piece of the introduction to show the answer for the first question…

(before start reading you can watch some videos to get more impressions about the author)

<< If you go to the business section of bookstores and libraries, the shelves are packed with all kinds of business and success books—endless rows of personal development and self-help books. Most of these books are a complete waste of your time and money.

The first set of books is the touchy-feely, new age, prosperity-type stuff in the self-help section. The thing is, if you were to actually meet and get to know these so-called “prosperity gurus” in person, you would find out they have no money—they’re poor. They don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

So how the hell can they teach you about prosperity when they have no prosperity themselves? Oh, you might say, “Dan, they’re rich spiritually.” Yeah, right. That’s nothing but a lame ass excuse for the prosperity gurus to justify their lack of wealth. To me, true prosperity means being rich in ALL areas of your life.
This includes your home, love life, family, health, friends, fun, and yes, money. Lots of money.

The second set of books is the motivational psycho-babble.  These looney-toons tell you that if you recite daily affirmations… think positively enough… if you meditate and visualize… lock yourself in a room with purple candles and some hippy-smelling incense… that somehow money will fall into your lap.

These motivational gurus tell you if you feel good about yourself, you’ll make money. I say if you make a ton of money, then you’ll feel pretty damn good about yourself.

The third set of books is the business boos written by authors who have no real world business experience whatsoever. I particularly can’t stand these posers.

These are the business school professors and “paper gurus” who pose as business experts yet have never even started a business in their entire miserable lives.

While their theories might sound good, they’re of no help at all because the authors have never been in the trenches. They don’t know what it’s like to miss a payroll. They don’t know what it’s like to sell their car, mortgage their house, and live on rice and beans to keep their business alive.

Yet here they are doing “research” and feeding you all this nonsensical data and making it all so complicated that in the end you’re so confused that you never implement a damn thing.

Then you have the fourth group of books that attempt to walk you through the step-by-step mechanics of starting, growing, and, ultimately, selling a business.

Stuff like raising capital, marketing, selling, management, leadership, those types of books. Some are great, some are not so good, and some are downright dangerous. But NONE of these books will tell you how to prepare your mind and adjust your perspective for making your F.U. Money.

Lastly, you have the financial books—work hard, save money, live below your means, invest in mutual funds, let compound interest work its magic, and then ONE DAY you’ll be able to retire in comfort (not even rich) if you’re lucky.

Of course, that is if you have the self-discipline to put away the money, not blow everything you make at the end of every month, and get a high return on your investments for a LOOOONG period of time.

I don’t know about you, but I think the idea of working your entire life, as hard as you can, usually at a job you hate, so you can retire and enjoy life, is ludicrous.

Why wait until you’re old and gray to retire? Why wait until retirement to start enjoying your life? Why not do it now?

By the way, do you know who most of these financial experts and authors work for? The mutual fund companies! Why do you think these mutual fund companies advertise their retirement plans like crazy?

Cause they have your best interest at heart, or cause they make an obscene fortune in fees?

I think you already know the answer.


…read book>>

Download the book and read (.pdf file 284 pages) >>>
(There you can download Audio version too, but it can take time to download)


How to Test WordPress Site Performance

Why test WordPress site performance? Well, things like site speed are becoming increasingly more important each year, and maybe even each month. (recomended by ThemeTrust)

Quite simply, and this is something that’s been proven multiple timesthe faster your site is, the better you’ll be able to serve your audience.

This rings true on many levels:

  • chief of them: faster sites are more user-friendly – there’s simply less lag,
  • faster sites are more optimized for mobile viewing,
  • faster sites rank better in Google,
  • lastly, faster sites convert better (people generally don’t like to wait more than two seconds for a webpage to load).

But with all that being said … where does one actually start? How to test WordPress site performance – your site performance? Or, to put it bluntly, how do you know if your site’s slow?

Your answers:

Four ways to test WordPress site performance

1. Test your load times

Let’s begin by going through perhaps the most significant way to test WordPress site performance – the test of how fast your site is.

For starters, you could just enter the URL of the site in your browser’s address bar, and see for yourself. But a test like that doesn’t give you the whole picture. As in, it only lets you know how fast the site behaves for you, and not for your audience.

To do a better test, go to Pingdom:

Tools to test WordPress site performance: Pingdom

There, select the server location from where you want to measure your site performance. It’s best to select the location that is nearest to your target audience:

Pingdom locations

A couple of seconds after clicking “START TEST,” Pingdom will let you know about the individual components of your overall performance score.

You can look into them one by one for more insight:

Pingdom results

That being said, the most important info you can find right in the first section:

Pingdom performance summary

2. Test how much concurrent traffic your site can handle

The next test really worth doing is via the Load Impact tools:

Tools to test WordPress site performance: LoadImpact

Just enter your site’s URL in the box and click “Run free test.”

What Load Impact does is that it actually creates 25 concurrent (bot) users, and sends them over to your site in order to see how the site performs under load. The test takes place over the duration of five minutes.

When the test is done, you get a nice summary + chart:

LoadImpact results

At first glance, this seems complicated, but you can actually read that chart pretty easily. Basically, all that matters is this:

(!) You want the green line – representing your load time – to be as flat as possible. If it goes up, it means that your site performance can be improved.

3. Test the quality of your WordPress setup

Much like all software products, your WordPress site consists of multiple small elements, scripts, and mechanisms that, when combined together, give you all the features that make WordPress awesome.

However, not all those elements are always 100% optimized…

This is where GTmetrix comes into play, and provides a really comprehensive way to test WordPress site performance.

Tools to test WordPress site performance: GTmetrix

Similarly, all you need to do is enter your site’s URL and click the “Analyze” button.

After a while, you will get a detailed summary, going through different elements of your website:

  • image optimization,
  • browser caching,
  • JavaScript optimization,
  • CSS optimization,
  • redirections,
  • HTTP requests optimization, and much much more.

GTmetrix also gives you an overall score using a simple grading system. For example, if you’re not doing all that great in the performance department, you’ll see this:

GTmetrix d-score

4. Test how optimized your plugins are

Finally, we have the last element of the puzzle. It’s this plugin: P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler).

Tools to test WordPress site performance: P3 plugin

Once you have it installed and activated, you can go to wp-admin / Tools / P3 Plugin Profiler. There, just click the “Start Scan” button, and then “auto scan” when prompted:

P3 start scan

After a while, you’ll get a chart representing the impact that each of your plugins has on the overall load time of the entire site. Like this one:

P3 results

What you can do now, for example, is remove some of the slow plugins, and look for faster alternatives offering similar functionality.

So is your WordPress site slow?

After performing these tests, did you discover that your site could be faster? If so, the easiest and most surefire way to have a fast WordPress site, is through your web host. If you are looking for a new host, my recommendation is SiteGround. To put it simply, they are super fast, not only in serving your pages, but also in providing support.

In a recent survey among WordPress site owners, SiteGround received the most votes for the fastest web host. Of course do your own research, and if you decide to move to SiteGround, they will even migrate your site for free.

If you still want to learn more ways to speed up your site, don’t forget to check out this resource of ours.


Some Artificial Intelligence Tools for Bloggers

4 AI Tools to Make You a Better Blogger

Machine learning. Algorithms. Artificial intelligence. Whatever term you prefer to use, it’s obvious enough that computers and computer programs are doing a lot more than basic arithmetic these days.

Carefully designed apps have gained the capability to extrapolate and predict far more information than ever before. What’s shown in your Netflix suggestions or your Facebook news feed is not that by accident. It’s nowhere near random. The system is continually learning your preferences and catering your experience to fit those preferences. (These tools are discussed on Michael Kwan and John Chow blog posts)

From the perspective of a blogger and online content creator, there are numerous online tools that you can use to create better content for your audience. Many of these leverage artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning to some degree or another, and five of the most compelling are highlighted here today.


Before you can start blogging, you need to come up with ideas for content. You might have a lot of them when you first get started, but you’ll eventually find yourself in a bit of a creative rut. We’ve all been there. So, what can you do?

Head on over to AnswerThePublic and enter a keyword or two. The tool at AnswerThePublic is partly fueled by Google’s Autocomplete algorithm, taking that keyword and expanding it into hundreds of potential topic ideas for blog posts and other online content.

For example, I entered “smart glasses” as my query. The tool then suggested such possible topics or areas of exploration as:

  • Are smart glasses the future?
  • How to make smart glasses at home
  • What are level smart glasses?
  • Smart glasses for cycling
  • Smart glasses that look normal

It’s like having a brainstorming session with some of your smartest colleagues, but it’s almost instantaneous and far more comprehensive.


I realize that I might be shooting myself in the foot here a little, given that I make my living as a freelance writer and editor. At the same time, I also know that I can’t possibly edit everybody’s work, and yes, even I make typos and mistakes from time to time too. All humans do.

While you might think that the spellcheck utility in your word processor, blogging software, or web browser of choice is good enough, it’s nowhere near perfect. If I typed the word “prefect” in the previous sentence, it would not have been picked up as a spelling mistake, because “prefect” is a word… but it’s not “perfect.”

Grammarly uses artificial intelligence to improve your writing in almost every way, looking for spelling and grammatical mistakes, and offering suggestions for clarity and more. It’s pretty smart.


Many modern smartphone cameras offer some sort of “portrait mode.” On many phones, this mode is facilitated by a camera with multiple lenses. The phone can then better determine what is in the foreground and what is in the background, separating the two and applying a faux “bokeh” effect.

The Google Pixel 3 only has a single camera on the back, and yet it is able to achieve largely the same results thanks to machine learning and artificial intelligence. It takes its best guess to separate the subject from everything else, blurring out the background for an artistic aesthetic.

In some ways, it appears that Remove.bg performs a similar kind of thing, but for an entirely different purpose. Upload any image (or input an image URL), and the online tool will remove the background from that image in a matter of seconds. It’s not perfect, but it’s utterly remarkable, and can make for some fun, creative opportunities.


Grammarly looks at your words. Remove.bg looks at your images. And Wibbitz helps you create videos. As you know, video has very much become the name of the game with online content, but not everyone has the time, expertise or resources to pull together incredible video content.

Yes, everyone is vlogging and you should too. Yes, you can start with $200 or less. But what Wibbitz does is something different altogether. You simply provide it with text and it can convert that text into a video, complete with relevant imagery, making it perfect for platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

This won’t replace your vlog, but it will add tremendously to your repertoire when it comes to the kinds of content you can share with your audience. And fast too.


Viral Taco Traffic

How Hot Do You Like Your Traffic?

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Enjoy the Taco!


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Copywriting explained by Sean Vosler in his book 7 figure Marketing Copy

Hi, readers of my blog and readers of this post only.

” I’d like to recommend you this book –
this is “live” and full of valuable stuff, on copywriting,
psychology, marketing..you name it when you read it.

 If you are still looking for a good program,
business opportunity, I would also recommended you
to check [Partner With Anthony-2019] program.

I am the member of this community.
Training from Sean is incorporated there,
as also many other methods.

PDF format of Sean’s book available in this
PWA-2019 program inside the last modules.”

Yuri Grin

A Quick Note from Sean Vosler, author of the book…
( physical version is not released yet,
Sean is still working on content)

Specifically, sales copywriting…

Copywriting is the act of writing text for the purpose of advertising
or other forms of marketing.
The product, called copy, is written content that aims
to increase brand awareness and ultimately
persuade a person or group to take a particular action.
But copywriting is so much more
than the academic definition.
I’ll add to that…
Copywriting is the most profitable skill I’ve ever learned.
Every serious entrepreneur ought to
understand its principles if they want to reach their
most audacious goals.
Yet, copywriting seems to be the one business skill
that’s riddled with… well, riddles.
This guide is designed to teach you how to solve
the copywriting riddle, and take the headache,
and heartache, out of writing marketing copy.
I’ll also hand you a copywriting method I’ve developed
that’s saved me countless
hours, and I know will help you write killer content
about your product or service.
here’s the point…
NONE OF THOSE SKILLS, and I really mean
NONE OF THEM, can shake a stick at compare
with the staggeringly profitable results copywriting skills
can generated. For many of my clients I’ve become the
most profitable “division” of their business mainly because
I’m better able to leverage their audiences with
my copy strategies than they can.
Which brings them a healthy return on their “investment” in me.
You can be a great funnel developer, video producer,
freelancer, graphic designer, “ecommerce-
marketer”, or agency owner…
But, if you can’t persuade people to actually buy
your stuff (or your client’s stuff)…
well… you’re screwed.

Click here to learn more about this book (it is just 7% of book content)
or plug into PWA-2019 program to build your own business.

AdsMessenger delivers 100 guaranteed visitors with every message post.

AdsMessenger delivers 100 guaranteed visitors with every message post

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AdsMessenger delivers 100 guaranteed visitors with every message post.

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If you have an offer that is available only for US members or you want to promote

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No more clogged email inboxes, no more spam attached. Ads-Messenger (ADSM) is prepared for the future. This video shows you, how easy it is to read messages onsite instead from your email inbox.

Download ebook “The Hidden Millionaire” by Anthony Morrison

Free download HERE>>

If you are so lucky to show up on this page, you can not only download the eBook by Anthony Morrison. You can also join his “Partner with Anthony” new 2019 program. I did already that is why I have his free copy of book. This is the best program that I’ve seen in the last 2 years searching the internet.

At least I recommend you take a look what Anthony is going to say about his program. I can assure you if you join and stay in the program for 2-3 sessions, you will want to continue. It will become clear to you that affiliate marketing is more then just advertising someone else’s link.

Give it a tryHERE >>>

Before you down load the book or decide to join Anthony’s program, I posted here one small chapter of his book…

Read on…

“Entrepreneur”—What It Means to Me

Many people in the business world call themselves entrepreneurs. Some of them are ethical; some are not.

Some are outright charlatans whose business skills are defined by their abilities to separate hardworking people from their money.You can call yourself an entrepreneur,
but if your motives are cheating others and/or acquiring successful companies and liquidating them just to generate personal wealth, then as far as I’m concerned, you are
not an entrepreneur.

I personally reserve that title for people who create success through their own ideas,
initiatives and foresight. To me, turning other people’s money into your money does not really qualify as entrepreneurial.

My success is not based on traditional business training, the manipulation of others or blindly lucking into money but on principles I learned, often by accident
and mostly through perseverance. In looking back on my early experiences in business, I realized that I had applied the same principles to each of these early

Consequently, I began strategically applying these principles to each new and successive endeavor and miraculously my career took off like a shot!

In those early years when I was green and the furthest thing from savvy, I was feeling my way through the marketing and business world. It is my hope that you will be inspired by my story, learn and apply my formula for success and avoid this step.
As an adult, when I started my first business, I went from having no money to generating millions of dollars.

As you will soon discover, you can do the same thing at home with nothing more than a computer, an Internet connection, and a little motivation and innovation. All
that is required is passion and a little intestinal fortitude.

Build your own prospects list

Frustrated and Confused About What to Do?

Are you spinning your wheels in earning an online income because you are over-whelmed by too much information and too much to learn?

That’s not surprising because there are so many things to manage and learn. You need to be responsible for so much!

You keep trying to reinvent the wheel and come up with systems that let you attract new prospects, connect with them to build a relationship, and then sell products to them without being too pushy. It is a combination of science and art, and you don’t feel experienced enough at either.

Luckily, there is a system that you can just send your traffic to … and they take care of the rest. To help the beginning or struggling online marketer profit from the methods that actually work, without becoming a marketing expert first.

Click HERE to get Early Access.

Just Starting to Make Money Online?

Getting started making a reliable online income can be tough! There are lots of people telling you to do this or that, but most are just trying to sell you their solution.

The problem is that most of the solutions they are pitching are just one piece of the puzzle. You don’t need a puzzle piece.

You need a road map to success. Even better you need someone to just take you there. No hype or holding back the secrets. Just solutions that are proven to work.

I have found that solution that you are looking for. The ideal way to get on the path to earning without all the hype and pressure. Frankly, without all the complexity too. No auto-responder, Click Funnels, writing emails, and all the difficult parts of running a business.

Click HERE to get on the early notification list about this new system. It is going to be revolutionary and you get in early.

     Time is Money. Don’t waste the Time!

You can have your own online business using the power of email marketing, if you have your own list of prospects (potential buyers) and know how to monetize the list. Many people fail in online business because they not only do not have a list, but they have a very small list. Generally, sales start from list of 10,000 and more potential customers. That is why people quit before they can start to see results and profit.

Want to see results this year? Learn more here and take the first step. Ask me for complete details from webinar and testimonies.



Email is still the best way to connect with prospects

Are Your Emails Being Ignored?

Email is still the best way to connect with prospects and turn them into buyers …
if you know how to write compelling emails.
Today, you can get free access to a two-part workshop that will show you how to do exactly that.
These are workshops that others paid to get access to.  You get them for free.
Your ability to write emails will determine how many signups you get and how much money you make online.
This is a skill you need to sharpen!
Even more I will show you   r a d i c a l l y   different business online.

Want to succeed? Make things differently!

Click HERE to get free access to these two valuable workshops.

To create a thriving online business, you need the right tools.
We have access to the best tools that allow us to find hidden
opportunities, make the right decisions, get more done in less time, create systems
that can be replicated, market our businesses, and much more.
A successful online business requires research, studying your competition, sorting through data,
understanding analytics.
Creating funnels and auto-responders, and, of course, recognizing which sites and
which companies matter and which do not. Tools not only make life easier
but are essential to growing your business. Ultimately, you have to have the guidance
of somebody like our leader, Matthew Graves.
He has already done what we are all trying to do. On our newly formed team, you will have that guidance,
as well as the necessary tools to succeed. Our expert, Matthew Graves, will give you
all the tools you need and teach you within his videos as to how to use everything
to truly find success online.
Discover innovative ideas with a complete system that has never been done before!
This new system was created to help the beginners or struggling online marketer profit from the methods
that actually work, without becoming a marketing expert first.
Regards and see you on inside.
Yuri Grin

“Wise Men Speak Because
They Have Something To Say;
Fools Speak Because
They Have To Say Something”

ShurAds Activity Line Push System

ShurAds gives you 1 guaranteed visitor (high-quality traffic as like as Solo Ads) to your email ad for $0.0175 cent only.


How does your guaranteed mail ad advertising work?

A: With ShurAds, you get 100% usage of your mail ad credits (none wasted) with 100% views and 100% visits. If your ad is not read and website reviewed within 7 days of sending, you get that credit back.

Example: You send out to 1,000, if 726 get visited and reviewed within 7 days of being sent, you get the 274 unused credits back in your account to send another mail ad to. 

This way you never have wasted advertising and you’re getting the maximum out of your advertising dollars. PLUS remember, if you’re a pro affiliate (builder) your advertising credits generate matrix submissions to submit to the 100% Activity Driven “Trifecta” Infused, 6-Step Progressive Matrix & Rewards Platform, which in turn, generates up to 3 to 6 times more money back to you!


What do you mean by ““as mail ads become available”?

A: Our advertising platform is one-of-a-kind and built from scratch from ground up. There is sometimes a misconception that our site is a “Surf” site, which it is not. In a surf site, members submit ads and the ads get rotated on a surf bar.

In our system, our mail ads are sent out, just as any normal solo ad or email ad would be,and not to a surf bar. They are sent out and distributed to random pro affiliates (builders) first, then to free affiliates (and soon to random sites). Mail ads must be sent out by advertisers and affiliates for mail ads to” become available”. 

If you visit your “Submit Mail Ads” page, it explains how the 100% usage of mail ad credits work. As with any mail ad, not all get opened and read, and this is just one thing that makes ShurAds.com different. We guarantee our advertisers and affiliates 100% usage and visitation. So, if you send out 1,000 mail ads and only 300 get opened and reviewed within 7 days of it being sent out, when the mail ad expires, you receive the 700 unused (unopened and reviewed) ad credits back to send out a new (or resend an existing) mail ad using those 700 mail ad credits. 

Sign up to learn more benefits here >>>
