Journey to success is not a sprint it is a marathon

Journey to success is not a sprint it is a marathon

(Ryan Holmes)

What Kind of Runner Are You? (post by Matthew Graves)

May be you have a deep desire to find a way to make money online. Maybe you want to quit your offline job that you hate. Maybe you just want to make a little extra money to supplement your retirement income.

Both of these dreams are possible, if you are patient and avoid “shiny object syndrome”. The journey to reliable online income is a marathon, not a a sprint.

Having the right mindset and expectations is one of the most important differences between those who ultimately succeed and those who fail.

If you have the mindset of a sprinter, and you just want to find a way to get the first 100 yards of the journey as quickly as possible, then you are probably going to end up a victim. A victim of people who promise fast results with little work and small investments of money. Sprinters end up falling for the “get rich quick” schemes, or believing that the way to online riches is to find the “latest and greatest” money making opportunity.

I have been in this business for almost 20 years, and I have seen it over and over again. So much money wasted and so many dreams dashed by people who try to get results quickly and who don’t follow the right path. It is a crying shame.

What scares me the most is that I see people falling for these schemes over and over again. The same people promoting program after program with the latest buzz-words inserted. Crypto this and CBD that. The buzz words change, but the programs are all still a sham that take people’s money on the promise of fast riches that never come.

I see the same people who ran the last “money making opportunity of the decade” starting up new ones after the old one went bust. There are always more victims out there. They grab what they can, shut things down, rinse and repeat, leaving thousands of victims in their wake.

Journey to success is not a sprint it is a marathon

In contrast, I am a marathon runner, not a sprinter. I suggest that you take the mindset of a marathon runner as well.

Marathon runners are not concerned with their time in the first 100 yards of the race. They know that the key to success is to keep a steady pace over the entire 26 miles. If they go too hard at the beginning, then they will run out of steam and never make it to the end. They use strategies and tactics that will pay off in the long-run, not in the short term.

It took me 3 years of working every evening and every weekend before I reached the point where I could leave my full-time job and rely on my online income. I was in a marathon, not a sprint. However, because I built a business on a solid foundation, I am still here earning a full-time income more than 16 years later. My first program, launched in 2001, is still going strong 19 years later. That is a rarity in the online world. All of the programs I started are still in business. Marathon runners change approach, but they do not give up.

The strategy that I use is the build an audience of people who know, like, and trust me. I find and create products that add value and help my audience. This is the same strategy used by EVERY SINGLE ONE of the people I know who have had reliable online income.

The reason that this strategy is the most effective one for reliable income is simple. My income is not based on a single product. You cannot have reliable income when you sell a single product because the market changes. When I see people promoting a single product or program, I know that they are not going to have long-term success.

However, if your strategy is to turn strangers into friends, and then promote multiple useful products to that group, then you have longevity.

Most people who are reading this email will not follow my strategy. They are sprinters, not marathon runners. That is unfortunate because I have never known a sprinter who has made consistent income for more than a few weeks, even if they “got in early”. That is why 98% of people fail to make money online. They follow the sprinters instead of the marathon runners.

If you want the right training and systems for running the marathon of success, then you should look at Your Success Advantage. I created the system to support marathon runners and for the last 14 months, it has built audiences of over 100,000 followers for it’s members.

It is based on email marketing to promote dozens of affiliate programs. You send traffic to lead capture pages to build your audience. I email your audience and get them to buy products from you using the principles of modern marketing and know, like and trust. You don’t write any emails and do not need an auto-responder. If you follow the program, it will work. It’s that simple.

Journey to success is not a sprint it is a marathon

I want to help you. Read the full email and let me know if you want my help in accomplishing the goals you so desperately seek.

Find your marathon distance in online business – click here>>

Journey to success is not a sprint it is a marathon



Bitcoin Price Prediction in 2022

Bitcoin Price Prediction in 2022

** (see my offer at the end of this post) **

This Former Bitcoin Skeptic Thinks The Price Is About To Explode—Here’s Why

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency has had a mixed year—fears over a regulatory crackdown have risen, though the bitcoin price has doubled over the last 12 months (original post by Billy Bambrough).

The bitcoin price, which started the year at around $3,500 per bitcoin, soared to well over $10,000 this summer before crashing back to trade around $7,000 amid fears Facebook’s planned cryptocurrency project could cause central banks and regulators to take action against crypto.

Now, with bitcoin traders and investors looking hopefully towards 2020, one former crypto skeptic-turned bitcoin believer has predicted the bitcoin price could hit $100,000 per bitcoin over the next two years before climbing as high as $500,000 by 2030.



Your Success Advantage from Matthew Graves

Your Success Advantage from Matthew Graves

Getting Started – Part 2 – Getting Traffic and Visitors (see part 1 here)

In the Your Success Advantage system, your path to success relies on being able to generate a large volume of high quality visitors to the best converting funnels we give you.

This means that becoming a traffic expert is a great way to get more results. When discussing website traffic, I like to use the analogy of a fire hose. Your job is to build the biggest flow of traffic possible through your fire hose.

I will then direct you on where to point that hose that will generate the maximum number of subscribers in the system under you. Once someone subscribes, I take it from there, building a relationship, educating and motivating them to want to buy the products we promote … all with your affiliate links.

So, how do you create a really powerful fire hose of traffic to send to the highest converting lead funnels? It starts with understanding website traffic.

There are three types of traffic.

Traffic that you EARN, traffic that you CONTROL, and traffic that you OWN.

All the traffic you generate will fall into one of these three categories.

Which kind of traffic is best for you depends on some factors we will discuss later in this video.

Traffic that you EARN is the website traffic that comes from you trading your time for traffic. This is great for people who have free time, but not as much money to spend on traffic.

The second type of traffic is traffic which you CONTROL. Most paid traffic falls into this category, as well as Joint Venture Partnerships or having affiliates promote your own product for you. The traffic BELONGS to someone else, but you cut a deal to CONTROL a certain amount of it. If you run an ad on Facebook for example, you are paying for the ability to CONTROL some of the traffic they own from their community. That CONTROL allows you to send it to something that you want, like your product or lead capture page.

The third type of traffic is Traffic That You OWN. You OWN traffic when you have built up a community of people that you can contact and ask for them to visit a site you recommend.

This could be an email list in an auto-responder program. You send them emails with a links in them. They click the links and that traffic would be considered traffic that you own. If you have a large following on social media, then making posts with links in them to your audience would also be OWNED traffic.

Traffic that you OWN is generally the best quality traffic. Since you have a relationship with these people, they are more likely to take your advice and signup or buy.

Your Success Advantage from Matthew Graves

The goal of Your Success Advantage is to build up that community of people under you and when I email them on your behalf, I am creating traffic which you OWN that is going to affiliate offers where you can make a commission.

Traffic like this, which comes from people who know you, is called Warm Traffic. Traffic which comes from people who do not know who you are, like most earned and controlled traffic is called Cold Traffic.

Your basic strategy regarding traffic in your online business should be to send all your Cold Traffic, from strangers, to only offers which build your email list.

From that email list, you send emails to generate Warm Traffic, which get sent to the offers that you want people to take action to signup and buy. You turn strangers into subscribers, and then turn subscribers into customers.

This is another way of stating what I said at the beginning about turning strangers into friends and friends into customers.

The most successful members in Your Success Advantage send all their cold traffic to the offers that build their list in the program. They let the program promote the actual offers.

A sure way to failure is to try to split your cold traffic over too many different programs. You need to focus your cold traffic on what is building your list for the future. If you only have a small list, then you will only have small results.

Your Success Advantage from Matthew Graves

Stay focused and build your long-term asset, not draining off traffic to try to make a quick buck by selling something to strangers. It won’t work, and you will have lost the opportunity to use that traffic to build your list in Your Success Advantage, which will set back your progress.

Only send cold traffic to offers which build a list that you control. One important fact to realize is that every person will generate their traffic with a different mixture of earned, controlled, and owned traffic.

You have to find the right mixture that works for your unique constraints of time, money, and other resources. Some people get all their traffic from earned sources. They spend lots of time and very little money to get traffic.

Other people get all their traffic from paid sources. It takes less time, but you have to have some money to test sources and invest.

Others may have big email lists, and they promote using just emails sent to that list.

Click Image Below to Join Your Success Advantage >>

Your success advantage



Dan Lok Education Weekly Post

Dan Lok Education Weekly Post


Dan Lok Education Weekly Post

Do you HATE the sound of your damn alarm clock?

Forcing yourself out of bed, puffy eyes, brain full of fog, frustrated and grouchy…

Wouldn’t it just be great to doze back to sleep for a little longer?

“Just 10 more minutes. . .”

But no, apparently you’re not allowed to “if you want to be successful”. You’ve probably read things like the following on social media before:

“While successful people are up and at the gym, everyone else is still sleeping.”  Or.

“Successful people have done more than most people do by 9 AM”  Or.

“If you don’t wake up at 5 AM, kiss your chances goodbye.”

But is it true? Do you really need to wake up early to be successful?

Well, I’ll give you my thoughts in just a moment…

But first, let me just give you 2 great ways you can actually SUCCEED by hitting the snooze…

#1 The Visualization Snooze:

Set your alarm 10 minutes earlier than usual. And when it goes off, hit snooze.

Then during this time before you’re fully awake, start to visualize yourself succeeding at your day and getting everything you want done.

The more sleepy and groggy, the better…

This works since you’re not fully awake yet, so the visualization can actually go straight into your subconscious.

This may take some practice, some night-before prep, and some testing to see what works best for you…

But it’s a great way to program your mind for success. And the results can be incredible if you stick to it.

Here’s another great way you can use the snooze button.

The ‘In-The-Groove’ Snooze:

Do you have something to do that you know you should be doing, but you’re doing everything you can to avoid it?

This is the perfect time to use the In-The-Groove Snooze.

When you have to do something you don’t want to do… just set an alarm for 2-minutes from now, and commit to working on what you don’t want to do for just those 2 small minutes…

For example. Say you’re reading this at 11:25 AM, and you have to do some work you really don’t want to do…

Just set an alarm for 11:27 AM and commit to working on it for 2 minutes.

When the alarm goes off, hit the snooze, and work on it for another few minutes.

And once you get into a groove, you may find yourself hitting the snooze button twice or even three times.

Then before you know it, you’ll finally be done the work you didn’t want to do.

Try it. You’ll be amazed how well this trick works.

But now.. let’s circle back to this whole idea “you should wake up early” garbage.

Do you have to wake up early to be successful?

No, I don’t think so at all.

Actually, if you’re one of those people that hates waking up early – you might be MORE successful the later you wake up.

What’s going on here?

Well, it’s true that some successful people like waking up early. But there are actually a lot of successful people who wake up late, and prefer to work late in the night..

I’m one of them. I’m a night owl. I LOVE late-night work. I find late evenings and nights the best times for me to think and get creative work done.

I’m not always my best in the early morning. So from my own experience, this idea that waking up early is needed to be successful is just a load of crap.

Here’s what really matters.

Success Is Not About Waking Up Early — It’s About Your Habits

We all have 24 hours in a day.

So instead of focusing when to be awake – why not focus on what to do when you’re awake?

If you wake up at 5 AM but don’t do anything useful with your time – it doesn’t even matter you woke up at 5 does it?

On the other hand, if you have solid habits, you wake up late, but you get everything done… Does it matter what time you woke up?


You are reading..

Dan Lok Education Weekly Post

So focus on habits. Focus on what works.

Do what Bruce Lee says:

“Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless..”

Bruce Lee always says you should find your own path to success… And I agree.

You don’t have to do what other people do.

Focus on the things that get YOU results. The habits that help YOU be more productive. And the times of day that work best for YOU to wake up.

That’s how you’ll really get success.

PS: I know sleeping in is not a luxury everyone has…

But for those with the right skill set, it’s actually very common.

I’ve even seen some people with this skill set not get out of bed at all..

They just work for their clients from their bed all day!

Interested to get a set of sills that help you build a residual income online?
Click here >>

Did you watch the video?

Here is my private invitation to you >> 



Your Success Advantage

Your success advantage

Your Success Advantage

Part 1 – The Challenge of Affiliate Income 

Thanks for watching Getting Started With Your Success Advantage.

In the videos of this series, I am going to show you how to use Your Success Advantage to overcome the biggest problem holding you back from making a reliable online income.

Making money online hasn’t always been as hard as it is today. I started online in 2001 and back then, it was much easier to get people to buy whatever products you wanted to promote.

However, things have changed in the last 18 years. Competition has gotten much greater. Your prospects are overwhelmed with ads. The noise in the marketplace has gotten to a deafening roar.

How do you stand out?

In addition, people are more careful with their purchases than they were in 2001. They trust less and take longer to decide, even on relatively small amounts.

Your Success Advantage

Why should they trust you?

It has reached a point where they old techniques of just getting visitors to come to your sales page and expecting them to buy just doesn’t work. They don’t know who you are and they don’t trust what you say. You simply cannot sell to strangers anymore. You might get an occasional sale, here and there, but not something that you can count on or build a life around. Just enough to keep the hope alive that you might find a breakthrough. However, a breakthrough only happens when you change strategy.

The strategy that works today is to focus on turning those strangers into friends, and friends into customers. You need to build awareness and trust before they will make the decision to buy. You need to get them to “know, like, and trust” you.

This means that you need a system where you can take some time to build the relationship. You need to communicate with them over time, rather than trying to get them to buy on the first contact.

The most common way to do this is to get them to subscribe to your email list, and then build the relationship through a series of emails that are designed to educate and motivate them to want to do business with you. Patience and a system that works is the key.

I worked for years creating those systems for individual entrepreneurs. I setup lead capture pages to get people to subscribe, autoresponder systems to deliver the emails, wrote copy for thousands of mails, setup the tracking so we could analyze the results. Each person was a unique new setup … and it worked.

At the same time, I saw those who were starting out online struggling. They kept trying to sell to strangers because setting up a “know, like, and trust” system takes a lot of time, learning and experience. That is the hole that beginners get stuck in. They have to be skilled to compete with the pro’s in today’s market, but building those skills in so many areas of business takes years.

Most quit before they ever get good enough to see results … or they keep jumping from program to program trying to find the one that will work.

Sound familiar?

That is why I created Your Success Advantage. If I could automate or have “done for you” systems that did the hardest part of selling affiliate products online, then people could focus on mastering just one area of the business and get results faster.

The role of the member in Your Success Advantage is simply to send visitors to the lead capture funnels provided in the system. Your job is to become experts at getting good quality traffic in the highest volume possible.

You do not have to learn how to create lead capture funnels, setup email autoresponders, write compelling email copy, find products your audience wants to buy, and then figure out how to get them to buy them. That is the hard part that we do for you.

Your Success Advantage

You get a sophisticated marketing system, designed and managed by experts, but you only have to do one part of the puzzle. Get traffic that converts. Watch the next video to see how to create a traffic generating system that delivers a large volume of high quality visitors to your pages.

Take Your Challenge with Your Success Advantage!

Join here your success advantage

(Go to the part 2) >>



Go Founders and OnPassive Platform

Go Founders and OnPassive Platform

Have you heard of the new COMPLETELY AUTOMATED INCLUDING TRAFFIC home business called Go Founders and ONPASSIVE?

We are currently 83,728 strong and growing organically across 200 countries at 7,000-9,000 per month (statistics is on 23 May,2020). I joined as a founder in Dec., 29.2018, when the number of members was 10,474

All this at pre-launch. Launching Soon in 2020.

Imagine what will happen when Go Founders/ONPASSIVE uses our  artificial intelligence proprietary marketing tools to market every single persons link for them ALL DONE FOR YOU INCLUDING THE TRAFFIC.


Currently only a select few are sharing our vision because it is not required.

Working at home is quickly becoming the new way of life.

Go founders and onpassive platform

Go Founders and OnPassive Platform

Go Founders and ONPASSIVE platform is definitely going to carve out
a large share of the online business WORLDWIDE with
the value of our one stop shop for all your marketing needs with PROPRIETARY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE built
into each product DOING ALL THE WORK FOR YOU
-100% OF THE WORK.

The best products at the best value in the market.

Recruiting not needed – only if you chose to share with others.


Two Hundred plus Tech Staff in Bangalore, India
doing all the work so you can sit back and enjoy your life.

On passive is the smart way of online marketing

It’s never seen before – soon starts.

  • Massive Forced Matrix..
  • Everyone Gets Paid on Everyone..
  • Massive Virally Created Spillover..
  • Instant Automated Payments Made directly to you..
  • Automated Upgrades Generating Increasing Profits..
  • Truly Global and Hands-Free..

Here is a list of other valuable reasons to consider Go Founders and ONPASSIVE platform:

Don’t complicate things KEEP IT SIMPLE!



Check out this link for more information including a short video by our Founder/CEO Ash Mufareh. Very soon many people will know his name! (BTW the invitation below is one of many you can choose if you enjoy sharing with others. Just one of our products in our echo-system of marketing tools). Again not required only if you choose.

This is not hype or fluff! You have to see it for yourself. After our most recent webinar, We are totally convinced that we will all succeed to our wildest dreams with this business.

CHEERS TO THE. . . Greatest Opportunity so far, in the history of Internet Marketing!

Currently the cost to be a founder is $97 one time. But that price will be going up within the next few weeks same time as the company will start our first marketing campaigns to build our teams before launching to the world. ALL DONE FOR YOU JUST JOIN!
Please note once you pay – you need to login with your email and password you chose which will bring you to an Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to electronically sign (really simple but to protect our proprietary tools from going public before we launch). After signing you will be able to access the back office.

If you must stay home why not be a part of the best most ethical honest businesses online? It is the future – so now is the time. Working for someone else leads to stress and heartache. The cure is ONPASSIVE. Take control of your life back!


Become a Founder >> (limited availability can be in June, 2020)

We in it To Win It!



Million Leads for Free in 1 year

Million Leads for free in 1 year

Million Leads for Free in 1 year

Tight on Budget ? Not enough leads for your business? Here’s your chance to get 1 Million Double-Opted In, Daily Verified Leads For F*R*E*E !!

Come get it before they close this free offer !  

How we work:
At MillionLeadsForFree, every member may post to at least 5000 leads per day, which equals to 1,825,000 leads for the year!
The leads you’ll be posting to everyday have all been confirmed and verified. These leads have all logged in and show some activities and interest in various opportunities within the last 72 hours!
If you’d like to post to more than 5000 leads per day, we also offer a variety of ways, both paid and free, that you can choose from to post up to 100,000 leads per day!

Instruction on posting to 5,000 bonus leads per day:

(1)Go to your Message Inbox and read at least 10 messages each day
(2)Go to “Post to Open Contacts” and submit your message to 5,000 Ope Leads’ Message Inbox

Other than the 5,000 Bonus Daily leads, your personal referrals and downlines are automatically open to you to post too.

Million Leads for Free in 1 year

To open up your upline & sideline contacts to post to, you can choose to do either of the following:
Free Option:
For every 1 qualified* people you have personally referred, you will be given access to 100 contacts from your sidelines and uplines to post to everyday.
Paid Option:
For every $1 per month, you will be given access to 100 contacts from your sidelines and uplines to post to everyday for 30 days.
* These people that you have referred must be from different IP Address and must have logged in at least 3 days every 7 day period.

Million Leads for Free in 1 year

You will be given a bonus of 5,000 open contacts to post to everyday. These 5,000 open contacts are randomly selected from a group of people that has logged into the system within the last 72 hours.

To qualify for the 5,000 bonus contacts, the member can choose either of the following:

Free Option:
Go to your message inbox and read 10 advertisements from other members everyday
Paid Option:
Pay $20 per month

Ready to give it a try?  Press the banner below >

Million Leads for free to your offer in this year

Do you want me to show you what I promote with this program?

Click on this banner >

Prosperity Marketing System




Just Good Traffic to your website

Just Good Traffic to your website

Just Good Traffic to your website

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Are you ready to start sending free traffic to your websites and be part of this great advertising community, that prides itself not on just delivering quantity, but by focussing on quality, to get you the results you need….

Just Good Traffic to your website

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We have surfing limits per day to ensure that
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Check out this great exchange today

Thanks for reading,

How you can get visitors to your website
for less then 1 penny for view (=0.005c)?

  1. Sign up to Just Good Traffic (see banner below)
  2. Go Menu>Ads>Start Pages
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..and also I’d like to recommend this business opportunity if you are still not sure that you have a good one.

Don’t invent the wheel, just follow the model
that has been created 2009 online.

So, if your “job killing time” has come click
the link below.

If you snooze, you loose.

Take your time to see>>

Prosperity Marketing System




Prosperity Marketing System in April 2020

Prosperity Marketing System in April 2020

This program was designed by Darren Olander. He is an admin in many other traffic generating programs, safelists and traffic exchanges.

This guy, Jeff Aman, could change his career and start making full-time income with this program in 1 year.

Prosperity Marketing System in April 2020

Read one of many testimonials (you cab see more in side the program):

” Hi Darren, No doubts…this is the best system
I have seen so far where we can build a multiple
income streams with such a very low cost.
I have seen your other programs but when I saw
this one I did not hesitate to join immediately
because this is the best I have seen in my online
marketing experience. Building your own mailing
lists while making money at the same time is
WORTH GOLD!! Many…many…many thanks!!! ”

(Robert Jabas, internet entrepreneur)

Go ahead, register for a free tour and make up you mind.

Prosperity Marketing System in April 2020


This is another comment from Dan Lok (you can relate to the video above)..

>> Since the lock down started, over 26 million Americans have filed for unemployment…

And in most countries, the lock down is far from over. We haven’t even peaked yet.

The longer this lasts, the higher the numbers of unemployment goes.

Can you imagine millions of people…

Stressing out about how they’re going to keep a roof over their heads?

Or if their job could be at risk?

Now, I don’t know if any of these things are happening to you Iouri (I hope they aren’t)…

But who knows what’s going to happen next.

And even if this isn’t affecting you personally. What about your family? And your loved ones. Things are certainly NOT looking good right now.

When you look at those numbers and how fast people are being laid off, I don’t think I need to try to prove anything to you…

Jobs aren’t secure like they used to be…

Also, when you have a job…

You’re dependent on someone else to look after you. You’re trading your life and time for money. And when you have a job – you’re building someone else’s security. Not yours.

Jobs Are NOT Crisis-Proof — High-Income Skills Are

So what do you do?

Well, take a look at this…

Literally, since the economy started nose-diving, my students with High-Income Skills have been getting MORE results. >>

Prosperity Marketing System in April 2020

Learn how prosperity marketing system works
Review Prosperity Marketing Systemhttp://trckapp.com/h34m8y43/blog-post



How to Get POWERFUL Backlinks in 2020

How to get backlinks to your site

How to Get POWERFUL Backlinks in 2020

Learn exactly how to build links from authority sites in 2020.

In fact, I’ve used the link building strategies in this video
to get backlinks from authority sites like Forbes, Inc,
TechCrunch and more.

With that, here are the 9 strategies I’m going to cover
in today’s video.

First up, we have link roundups. This is one of my favorite ways to get links from blogs in ANY industry (even “boring” ones).

The second strategy I’ll cover is broken link building. I’ve been using this SEO strategy more and more this year and it’s working super well. I also walk you through the entire process.

Next up, we have a link building technique that’s like guest posting… but way better.

Our fourth technique is to create branded strategies and methods. This is more of a content marketing tip than an SEO strategy. But as you’ll see, it also happens to be a great way to get backlinks and higher Google rankings.

How to Get POWERFUL Backlinks in 2020

The next strategy is to get mentions (and links) from news sites and blogs. How? Become a source for their stories and articles.

The 6th strategy in the video is something called: “Pre Outreach”. I explain how it works with a real life case study.

Next, I show you how to get backlinks from .edu sites.

And for link building strategy #8, we’ve got The Moving Man Method. This is similar to broken link building… with an important twist.

Finally, I’ll show you how to get backlinks with Guestographics (one of my all-time favorite link building strategies).

Want to start or scale your online business? – see this >>

How to Get POWERFUL Backlinks in 2020
