People enjoy online success because they follow 6 key tips.

6 Key Reasons People Enjoy Success Online And Avoid Failure

6 Key Reasons People Enjoy Success Online And Avoid Failure

Success online is an elusive goal for most people.

Sadly in the online marketing area 90% of people who look for a way to make money online fail.  It is a fact of life, but you do not want to be part of the 90%. You want to be part of the 10% who succeed. (see Why Are So Many Internet Startups Failing Today)

Most articles approach this statistic from a negative angle. Why businesses fail.

I wanted to take a more positive slant and focus on turning those negatives into positives.

Here’s a quote to get us started:

“Losers quit when they fail. Winners fail until they succeed.

Robert Kiyosaki

1 People Enjoy Success Online: Don’t Go for the Get Rich  Quick Schemes

Dreaming of Getting RichSuccessful people understand that it takes work, effort, and investment of time and money to get a good return on that investment.

If it looks to good to be true then it probably is.

I know you’ve seen those websites with the big house, fancy cars and a yacht moored at some glamorous location promising you it’s all done for you. All you have to do is join. Instant success.

Believe me when I tell you they don’t work. I learned the hard way.

If you want success, you need to go with programs that have proven themselves over the long term.  Earning an income online takes time and lots of hard work. It isn’t fast or easy, so don’t believe anyone who tells you that it is.

We want to appeal to everyone and get rich quick. We want to be millionaires. I’ve got this plan to buy Tasmania you see.

Angus Young

2  People Enjoy Success Online Because They Are Prepared to Invest Time and Money

Invest in Yourself

To run an online business or make money online, there are tools that you need and they are not all free.

You will need a means to capture your an email list of prospects.  This is called an autoresponder. You also need to have a domain name and website hosting.

Successful people understand the need to invest in the right tools to help them succeed.

But many people bring a “free” mentality to online business that they would never think to take to bricks and mortar business.

For some reason, many people believe they can create a business online for little or no investment.

Perhaps it’s all those get rich quick schemes.

When you layout real money for products and services you will work harder to get a return. Whereas, if you haven’t invested anything…what’s to lose if you don’t put any work into it?

If you have limited resource, find someone to work with and set up a monthly budget for your business.

“Most people try to get rich by being cheap.” 

Robert Kiyosaki

3 People Enjoy Success Online Because they Do Their Reseach.

research shockMake sure that any program you want to join or promote has a good product behind it.

Test it out.

Find out how long has the program been running. Who is the owner? If there is no mention of the owner’s name then be careful.  You want a program from someone you can trust.

Check out online reviews. Ask other people who are using the program how they like it.

Do your due diligence. Don’t jump before you look.


Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.

Warren Buffett

4 People Enjoy Success Online Because they Don’t Quit

Don't QuitBuilding a business online takes time. It doesn’t happen overnight. But for people who haven’t invested, they don’t have much in the game. Therefore, when things get a little tough they walk away in disgust and say it doesn’t work.

Successful people do the opposite.

Persistence, patience, and perseverance: those are the words successful people understand.

“No, I don’t ever give up. I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.”

Elon Musk

What will keep you going in the face of adversity?

A no-quit attitude is a must.

5 People Enjoy Success Online Because They Understand the Need to Build an Email List

Building and Email ListIf you are going to be successful online you need to have an email newsletter list.  It is that simple.

Truly the money is in the list.

Your list allows you to stay in touch with those who are interested in what you have to offer.

However, you don’t just send your list emails trying to get them to buy from you.

You need to give value to your list and build relationships by sharing good content with them.  The best content is what will help them solve their biggest problems or accomplish their most important goals.  When you have a relationship, you will be able to send them recommendations, and they will see you as a trusted adviser and want to buy from you.

“If you’re not building an email list, you are an idiot. I know that’s harsh, but when companies can destroy your business in one fell swoop you should rely on things you can control.”

Derek Halpern

6 People Enjoy Success Online Because They Take Action

ActionThis seems like a very simple idea. All the previous steps are about taking action.

Things can sound really great in theory but until you take action nothing happens.

A large number of people believe that they personally don’t have to take action, just others around them need to do that.

Many of the programs and online business plans are designed to appeal to people who don’t want to take action.

An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied.

Arnold Glasow


The best way to increase your chances of being in the 10% who experience success online is by following what successful people do as I’ve outlined here.

Do you have a set budget you use to invest in yourself?

One thing that I am using that is bringing me results and builds my email list is Funnel-X Project. This funnel is set up to help me earn from four different income streams at one time.  It builds your list first then has video directions in it to help people to set it up.  It also makes sales for you with a video sales presentation built in.  This system is currently making sales for me daily.  You have nothing to lose give it a try today.  The funnel itself is worth serious money. Get the Funnel for Free Today!!!

Revealed: The Secrets our Clients Used to Earn $3 Billion



Earl Nightingale’s The strangest secret in the World

Earl Nightingale on: “My Greatest Discovery!”

Earl’s father had left the family when Earl was just twelve years old. 

He was living in a government-issued tent in Long Beach, California with his mother and two brothers. It was during the Great Depression, and like many thousands of families, the Nightingales would have been homeless if not for the help of the government’s Works Progress Administration (WPA), which created 8 million jobs and redistributed food, clothing and housing to the poor.

The disparity between the lives of the haves and have-nots was vast, and it troubled Nightingale. “As a youngster, I didn’t know anything about a sense of achievement, but I was all too aware of being poor,” he says in his book Earl Nightingale’s Greatest Discovery. “It didn’t seem to bother the other kids, but it bothered me. 

What made it all the more exasperating to me, as a boy of 12, was to be poor in Southern California, where there seemed to be so many who were rich…. I decided to find out why some people were rich while so very many of us were poor.”

“What is the secret of success?”

He spent 17 long years seeking the answer. During that time, he joined the Marines, was posted to Hawaii aboard the U.S.S. Arizona, and was one of the few hundred men who survived the battleship’s bombing in Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. Nightingale described the chaos and tragedy of the attack: scrambling to battle stations as bombs crippled the ship, seeing friends killed amid shrapnel and flames, getting blown into the water by the concussion of a blast and finally making it safely to shore with help from a Marine officer.

His experience left him with a conviction that he was spared for a reason, says his widow, Diana Nightingale. “He was a great believer in paying the price for what you wanted—whether that was personal freedom or the freedom of your country,” she says. “He came home from the war with great expectations and went about the business of life.”

“He was a man who really did live in the present. He felt the past served as an education and we should take what was valuable from it. He said the future wasn’t promised to anyone and that you should live each day fully and to the best of your ability.”

In 1950, at the age of 29, he found the secret of success in Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich: “We become what we think about.”

“While reading, it suddenly dawned upon me that I had been reading the same truth over and over again for many years. And all of a sudden, there they were, the words, in the proper order that I had been looking for 17 years: the astonishing truth that ‘we become what we think about.’ Those six simple words, in that order, revolutionized my life.”

Seizing new opportunities, Nightingale bought a small Franklin Life Insurance agency and gave pep talks to his salesmen every week.

The talks proved so popular that his manager asked him to record something to be played while Nightingale was away for two weeks.

“I thought about it, turning the ideas over and over in my mind. Finally, I asked myself, ‘What would you tell your children if you found you had only a short time to live? What advice could you pass on to them that would assist them in living highly productive, very successful lives?’ I awakened at 4 the next morning with the answer to that question clearly in mind.”

He got up and wrote down his ideas, and by noon the following day, had recorded the essay. “I called what I had written and recorded The Strangest Secret.” He chose the name because it seemed strange to him that such a simple truth could be secret to so many.

Word spread from insurance agents to their relatives and friends, and demand grew. “The Strangest Secret was the child that grew into the audio recording industry. With no effort on my part whatsoever, with no advertising of any kind, The Strangest Secret became a national best-seller. 

I was ill-prepared to handle the avalanche of orders for that recording. My good friend Lloyd Conant, then owner of Specialty Mail Services, stepped into the breach. He was happy and abundantly prepared to handle the business end of my sudden good fortune. 

The orders continued to pour in from every section of the country. It was astonishing how the word about that recorded message got around. And that was the beginning of what was to become—officially in 1960—the Nightingale-Conant Corporation.”

The recording sold more than 1 million copies, eventually becoming the first spoken-word recording to reach Gold Record status.

In 1959, Nightingale began a radio program called Our Changing World. The show, a five-minute uplifting message, became the largest syndicated radio show of its kind anywhere and was distributed to a worldwide audience via Nightingale-Conant. At its peak, about 1,000 radio stations carried the show.

I personally always loved listening to – and reading – the enlightening words of Earl Nightingale.

The Nightingale-Conant partnership was dubbed a “mastermind alliance” by W. Clement Stone because the skills of both men were so complementary. Between them, they built Nightingale-Conant into the premier audio self-improvement company in the country.

Although Nightingale died over a quarter century ago, his books and audio programs continue to inspire people around the world. Best-selling author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar says, “Earl Nightingale has inspired more people toward success and fortune than any other motivational speaker on the planet.”

As has been said by wiser people than me, “We all stand on the shoulders of giants.”

Just look at this list: Napoleon Hill stood on the shoulders of Andrew Carnegie and all the other titans of business and knowledge he interviewed before he wrote his book, Think and Grow Rich.

W. Clement Stone stood on the shoulders of Napoleon Hill.

Earl Nightingale stood on the shoulders of Hill and Stone.

Zig Ziglar stood on the shoulders of Earl Nightingale.

Furthermore, each of these stood on the shoulders of such giants as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson – who stood on the shoulders of such people as St. Augustine, Paul of Tarsus, and Aristotle.

Now, you and I have the opportunity to stand on the shoulders of ALL these giants.

A very important take away – in my opinion – from all of this – applied to Internet marketing – or any field of endeavor, for that matter – has nothing to do with Earl’s “words of wisdom”.

Rather think about where he came from.  All too many people today would have used…“growing up fatherless, in the middle of the Great Depression, living in a government-issued tent with his mother and two brothers,” as an excuse for a life of crime and failure.

An excuse to expect and DEMAND preferential treatment from others.

However, Earl did the exact opposite and used his youthful experience of a life of dismal reality to bootstrap himself to a place of world-wide prominence.

You could do the same – if…

IF you have the proper mindset to do so.

Back to what Napoleon Hill said,  “We become what we think about.”

What are you thinking about today?

What are you going to think about tomorrow?

You get to choose.

I hope you choose well.

Listen to his “The strangest secret in the world” (with subtitles).



7 Content Marketing Techniques to Power Up Your Online Business.

What is content marketing?

Dictionary.Com defines it this way:

A type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.

There are so many strategies and tactics being thrown around that it makes it difficult to know where to focus for the best results. However, content marketing is one of the best places to start.

Content marketing helps you:

1 Attract customers who prefer to learn rather than be sold. (The majority.)

Content Marketing

(Source: Why is Content Marketing Important.)

2 A way to show your expertise in your topic or subject.

3 You add value to your customer by providing information that helps them solve a problem.

4 You can use the content in many different ways to build your brand.

5. Sparks conversations with your customers or begins a word of mouth referral system.


Now that you can see the importance of content marketing let’s look the seven techniques you can use to power up your business.

1. Create valuable content


Create Good ContingBy posting good content on your blog you will get 77% more traffic and 97% more links than those businesses that do not.

Make sure that the content gives your customer or subscriber value.

Moreover, ask yourself if the content is on topic.

Don’t talk about the best coffee shops if you are focused on herbal teas.

Use lots of examples, graphics, and pictures to make your text more interesting.

Don’t be afraid to be controversial.

Ask introspective questions.


Make sure you post regularly. Create a posting schedule and stick to it.

Remember each piece of content you post to your blog, on your post cast, or video channel builds your authority, expertise, and brand.

2. Use Social Media to help you Connect with Your Audience

Facebook is one of the most powerful ways to connect with your audience.  I suggest you create a Facebook page or group so that people have a place to connect with you and others in your group.  By regular posting and interaction you can create strong relationships this will only strengthen your business

Social MediaStatistics suggest that most people spend, on average, two hours a day on Facebook. With over a billion users this makes this platform a great place to find prospects and to engage with them.

Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram are all dynamic social media platforms where you can show off your content and attract more attention your business and brand.

A search on Google will quickly reveal many excellent E-books on how best to use each platform.

Focus on one or two platforms that most appeal to you.

Make sure you follow a posting schedule that supplements your blog.

For a great article on the best social media platforms for content marketing read:

The Best Social Media Platforms for Social Media Marketing in 2018

3. Remember to Use Keywords

KeywordsNinety-five percent of all purchases begin with someone searching for it on google.  However, if you properly Optimise your site by adding relevant keywords, you will be found more often by Google. This creates more sales and sign-ups. This will also increase your ranking and prove your trustworthiness and drive more organic traffic to your site.

Moz.com defines a keyword this way: Keywords are ideas and topics that define what your content is about.

As a blogger, I highly recommend Yoast as your go-to plugin for SEO.

4. Launch The Awesome Power Of Social Media Advertising.

Advertising on Social MediaSocial media ads turn viewers into paying customers. “Paid Social Ads ” promotes your content to your target audience. With Facebook ads, for instance, you can target by country, age,  and interests. This makes Facebook, and other media platforms, a powerful way to reach your ideal or target customer.

These ads can be tailored to fit any budget.

You can easily scale your advertising. As revenue grows so does the budget you have available to purchase even more advertising.

My advice is to stay slow, experiment with your graphics and your message.

Then as you learn what works and you gain more confidence you can start to take bigger risks.

You don’t have to be a marketing guru to take advantage of this form of advertising to showcase your content and style.

Below is a brief synopsis of The 6 Most Effective Types of Social Media Advertising in 2018 posted in Big Commerce Incorporated. 

Note my highlight regarding using your content as a base for your advertising.

Social Media Advertising

5. Use Valuable Content As Lead Magnets

Lead MagnetThis definition of a lead magnet is from Digital Marketer: 9 Lead Magnet Ideas

“Lead Magnet — noun — an irresistible bribe offering a specific chunk of value to a prospect in exchange for their contact information. The goal of the Lead Magnet is to maximize the number of targeted leads you are getting for an offer.”

Premium content offers ebooks and email courses produce 3 times the same number of leads as conventional “outbound” advertising… and it costs 62% less.

You’ve already created the content.

All you need to do is transform your work into a different media to create that high-value piece of content others are willing to give away their name and email for.


6. Include a Call to Action

Take actionLike most things in life, if we want something you need to ask.

Here’s a fact:  70% of businesses do not have a call to action on their homepage.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to have an opt-in form and a direct request to fill it out.

This works best if you have a free report to offer or something of value.

The best way to create a free report or lead magnet as it’s often called is to assemble something from your content marketing.

For instance, you might have a long article about creating a lead magnet. To help you, customers,s you create a short checksheet of your most important points and give that away as a free offer in return for thier name and email address.

It’s not necessary to create new content all the time. It’s important to learn how to reuse or repurpose all that content you create.

Remember all that creative work and time spend composing your content won’t do much good if it doesn’t call to your readers to take action.

7. Use Great Visual Elements

Photo of Apples


The purpose of using visuals in your content marketing relates to our growing need to quickly grasp or assess content. You need to grab attention quickly and graphics do that before your text has a chance to put in its hooks.

Visuals also help break up blocks of text which makes the text appear less intimidating to the reader.

The use of infographics is an excellent way to enhance your content marketing using a condensed mix of visuals and graphics.

In fact turning one of your longer pieces of content into a visual graphic is a great way to repurpose your content while giving you a great lead magnet to offer to potential subscribers or customers.


Content marketing is a critical part of growing your business, creating a brand identity and showing off your expertise so your subscribers and customer come to know like and trust you by the great and valuable content you create for them.

You may try to resist the need to be a content provider. You may claim you aren’t an artist.

But it’s long been established in our  new economy everyone is an artist:

Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.

Don Miguel Ruiz

Now it’s your turn to take up the mantle of the artist in you.

Get into action. (Remember: call to action.)

Go out and create a new piece of content to enhance your business and marketing now.

From reading this article what would you suspect is your biggest challenge to calling forth the artist within you? 

(article prepared by © Kerri Foster)

I am currently using a funnel called Funnel X Project.  This funnel is set up to help me earn from four different income streams at one time.  It builds your list first then has video directions in it to help people to set it up.  It also makes sales for you with a video sales presentation built in.  This system is currently making sign-ups for me.  You have nothing to lose give it a try today.  The funnel itself is worth money. Get the Funnel for Free Today!!!



The Hidden Power of Forum Marketing.

One of the easiest ways to get people to know, like and trust you is
through the power of forum marketing.

Online forums exist in nearly every niche market imaginable, and are often
quite heavily trafficked. People are looking for answers, and forums can be
a great place to find them, in a free, non-threatening manner.

The easiest way to find relevant online forums is going to Google and
typing the type of niche you are interested in + discussion forum.

For example, if you search:

home business + discussion forum

You’ll find many discussion forums about home business. You could repeat
this search query for any industry or topic.

The basic idea here is to become someone who makes a useful contribution on
the forums, and eventually you’ll be viewed as a person of some
authority. This can happen faster than you might think.

Make some useful comment, direct people to valuable resources, and you’ll
quickly gain a few fans.

Make sure you set up your forum signature to reflect your site or squeeze
page. People can and do click these, particularly if you’ve been a
valuable asset on the forum.

Some of these forums have many thousands of members, and are growing as
more and more online marketers come onto the scene.

Forum marketing is an easy way to grab some highly-targeted, fast and free
traffic to your pages. Don’t discount this one!

Do you want to join the community of successful entrepreneurs?

You can find them here.

Do you want to build your online business with them?




Use splash pages on Traffic exchanges.

Traffic exchanges – which sites to put there

      If you use traffic exchanges you have most probably already experienced the situation when your site is not approved for advertising. If it is not the case it is some known scam site put on banned list by this TE there can be a technical problem – it is breaking the frame or it URL starts with https instead of http only. (by blogger Margaret)
       In this case you have a possibility to build a so called splash page from which you send the visitors further on. Some  traffic exchanges offer this possibility inside their member area as a free service for members. These splash pages are usually very simple, you can make them quickly. But you cannot apply a lot of your creativity.

If you want to have a splash page different from others, more original and eye-catching you have to use a special service. There are more of them online – I would recommend AdKreatorThis program offers you not only building of splash page but also banners of different sizes, buttons, squeeze pages etc.

And of course last but not least – splash page has a plus that it is simple, not much text – and therefore it is especially good for those traffic exchanges which show the pages only for 10 seconds for instance. In such a short time visitors cannot consider a long and detailed information.

Hungry For Hits free traffic exchange banner

Traffic Exchange with useful tools like: page creator, rotator and tracker.

Are you hungry for hits?

Hungry For Hits is a free traffic exchange which provides you with unlimited quality traffic! You also get a number of very useful tracking tools to help you track your progress. You can get started in minutes, even if you never used a traffic exchange before, and the customer service is quick.

More about Hungry For Hits….

TRACKING – Apart from advertising, Hungry For Hits offer extensive tracking tools and a site rotator service which is completely free!

EASY TO USE – Hungry For Hits is one of the most professional traffic exchanges, but there are simple step by step instructions for everything if you need it.

BRANDED – Brand yourself and your business to increase your trust and recognition easily with Hungry For Hits social tools and features!

FUN – Do you find surfing for credits boring? We have a social platform and many unique mini games to make surfing fun and keep surfers alert.

TARGETED – You’ll only get live, real-time targeted traffic from Hungry For Hits, with real people visiting your site. You can even talk to them in our chat!

PAGE CREATOR – We offer a free Page Creator where you can make your own ads and brand yourself. Hungry For Hits even hosts it for you!

Hungry For Hits free traffic exchange banner



Will an Internet Business Work for You?

One of the most common questions we get from our students and consultants is: “Will all of this work for me? Can I really do this?”

The answer is; regardless of your age, background, where you’re from, or your experience level, you can start and grow a successful business.

Sometimes all you need is someone to show you how.

In this section you will meet many of our students and consultants, and learn what they are doing to build and grow their online business.

It’s our hope that one day YOUR story will be turned into a video and featured in our community.

Matt Lloyd


MOBE Case Studies

Click here to see and watch video testimonials and after that go and try this business for yourself.



It’s not a problem, it’s an opportunity.

As you build your business, you will encounter tough situations. You can choose to see these as problems, or you can choose to see them as opportunities.

John Chow has always chosen to see opportunities where others may have seen problems, and that’s why he’s been successful in business.

In this video, filmed at the Super Charge Summit in Las Vegas, he talks about an example of a time he chose to see an opportunity instead of a problem.


John Chow’s family moved to Vancouver when he was 7. Although Vancouver is consistently voted one of the best places in the world to live, close to the mountain and the beach, John Chow’s family did not live on the side of Vancouver that you see on postcards.

They lived on the Downtown Eastside, which is notorious for its drug problems and has the highest concentration of HIV in North America.

It’s not a good place to raise a family, but the young John Chow never saw it as a problem. He always saw it as an opportunity. To him, it was a vast improvement on his neighborhood in China, where the toilets did not even flush.


When you’re presented with a tough situation, you can either see it as a problem or an opportunity.

It’s in those tough situations that our brains innovate, brainstorm and troubleshoot to create new opportunities.

When Sara Blakely decided to start Spanx, she had never been an entrepreneur before. You could consider that a problem for her, because she had a lack of experience. But it also meant that she had no fear, because she was naive about what could go wrong.

In a way, having no experience as an entrepreneur was an opportunity for her, not a problem. Within years, she became the world’s youngest female billionaire.

It’s your choice how you look at tough situations. They don’t have to be problems when you can see them as opportunities.

You can access more beginner business strategies like this one, and learn how to model the “thinking patterns” of the world’s most successful business owners and entrepreneurs, in the MOBE Silver Masterclass or other events.

Can I Really Do This Business?

One of the most common questions from people who are thinking about joining MOBE is, “Will all of this work for me?” and “Can I really do this business?” The answer is, regardless of your age, background, where you’re from, or your experience level, you can do this business. You can start your own online business, and be successful at it.

If you’re truly ready to move forward and make a positive change in your financial future, then go applying for this program.

This is a 21 step system that was created by MOBE (by Matt Lloyd) to help you make your first $1,250, $3,300, $5,500, and even $10,000 online. You’ll also be given a one on one coach who will work with you, and answer any questions you may have. All you have to do is follow the system and do what your coach advises. You may not make as much as 6-7 figures earners (who knows), but you will have access to the same tools and training that allowed them to make that kind of income.

The application fee is one time $49, and allows you to go through all 21 steps. I recommend you go through the steps, then decide if this is something you want to do.

If it is, great! Welcome aboard.

If you decided this is not something you want to do at this time, then get a refund and go on with your life. It can’t be simpler than that.

Topics: Idea & Strategy / Mindset & Success / Start Your Business / Startup Basics



7 Things Great Leaders Never Say

glowing bulb among the gray

As a leader, your words are powerful. Make sure you’re using them in the right way.

“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”  —Rudyard Kipling

As a leader, motivating and inspiring people is one of your most important tasks, and the words you say (and how you say them) are your most powerful tool. And if you strive to be a greatleader, there are things you should never say.

Here are seven statements to take out of our vocabulary completely:

1. “There are no problems, only opportunities.”

Yes, problems do come up, and denying them doesn’t make them go away. Although the phrase is often used to encourage team members to think more creatively, it can also communicate that the leader isn’t willing to listen when there are real challenges to overcome. It makes the leader look out of touch and weak.

The fix: Always be willing to listen to your employees, and ensure they know it. The result will be employees who are much more willing to tackle challenges and bring you solutions.

2. “Don’t do anything without asking me first.”

Unless someone is new to a job, micromanaging their every step not only hinders their growth, but is just as unproductive for the leader. When leaders micromanage everything, they bottleneck the process and lower employee morale. Employees are productive when they have meaningful work and the resources and authority to do their job.

The fix: Instead of micromanaging, clarify expectations ahead of time, check on employees appropriate to their training and ability, and follow up with feedback on how they are doing. The goal is to put the right people in the right places and enable them to succeed.

3. “Don’t bring me any bad news.”

Telling employees this doesn’t make the bad news go away, but it can keep a leader from finding out about it in time for it to be managed. Colin Powell, former U.S. secretary of state said, “Bad news isn’t wine. It doesn’t improve with age.” It’s always better to tackle a problem when it’s small than wait until it’s costly or causes bad publicity.

The fix: Create an environment where employees are encouraged to bring up issues when they appear so they can be solved.

4. “It’s not personal, it’s business.”

Business is all about relationships, and relationships are personal. Employees spend the majority of their waking hours at work. Leaders who ignore their feelings will create resentment and have a difficult time carrying out their goals.

The fix: Create a culture where employees know you have a passion for your work, but empathy for people. Demonstrate that you respect them by treating them the way they want to be treated.

5. “We don’t need any more ideas.”

Leaders often reject creative ideas not because those ideas don’t have potential, but because they aren’t capable of handling the fear, uncertainty and anxiety that goes with backing an idea that may be innovative but has potential risk, such as loss or negative judgment from their boss. After all, if the leader backs an unproven idea and the idea goes down in flames, they believe they do, too. The unintended result is that an organization doesn’t thrive and progress without an influx of innovative (and sometimes edgy) ideas.

The fix: Open yourself up to new ideas and ways of thinking. Take employees’ ideas seriously, and get an unbiased person you trust to evaluate how a new idea could be implemented with changes in strategy or process.

6. “I don’t want any interruptions.”

Leaders get interrupted a lot. You need time to plan and reflect, but if your door is always closed and employees never come to update you, it’s probably because the message is clear: You are too busy to be bothered. The downside is you don’t find out what is going well or what needs your guidance.

The fix: Stop what you are doing, turn away from your computer and really listen to your people. When you need to complete an important task and don’t have time to listen, try saying, “I really want to be able to listen to this because it’s an important topic. Please come back in an hour so I can give it my complete attention.” That way, you will stay informed and still be able to complete the things you need a longer block of time to do.

7. “Failure is not an option.”

Leaders who adopt this philosophy instill fear and anxiety in their employees because mistakes are not allowed. No one can take risks or try anything new because they always have to play it safe. This is the best way for leaders to build a stagnant culture and a company that cannot compete in the marketplace. Failure is really a teaching tool to bring us to something greater.

The fix: Ensure your employees know mistakes aren’t fatal—the goal is to discover mistakes quickly, correct them and move forward. If you wait for flawless, you will never begin anything new. The real failure is fear of developing an idea until it’s perfect.

NOTE: Let’s become partners in online business from home (or any WiFi connection)click here



Share this story with your friends

A rich man looked through his window and saw a poor man picking something from his dustbin … He said, Thank GOD I’m not poor.

The poor man looked around and saw a naked man misbehaving on the street … He said, Thank GOD I’m not mad.

The mad man looked ahead and saw an ambulance carrying a patient … He said, Thank GOD am not sick.

Then a sick person in hospital saw a trolley taking a dead body to the mortuary … He said, Thank GOD I’m not dead.

Only a dead person cannot thank God.

Why don’t you thank GOD today for all your blessings and for the gift of life … for another beautiful day.

What is LIFE?
To understand life better, you have to go to 3 locations :

1. Hospital
2. Prison
3. Cemetery

At the Hospital, you will understand that nothing is more beautiful than HEALTH.

In the Prison, you’ll see that FREEDOM is the most precious thing.

At the Cemetery, you will realize that life is worth nothing. The ground that we walk today will be our roof tomorrow.

Sad Truth* : We all come with Nothing and we will go with Nothing … Let us, therefore, remain humble and be thankful & grateful to God at all times for everything.

Could you please share this with someone else, and let them know that God loves them?

96% of people won’t share it, but if you are 1 of 4% share this truth to your friends.



Are You Struggling To Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines?

Are You Struggling To Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines?

There are a lot of reasons that we as marketers need to learn how to write attention-grabbing headlines!. Headlines are used to capture people’s attention and can affect all aspects of our business. Today, for example, I used a headline to get you to read this blog post. Some other places that we use headlines are emails, splash pages, and capture pages. In this article, I am going to give you some easy to implement tips that will help you in your efforts to write a good headline.

Six Attention-Grabbing Headlines

A Headline Should Be Unique

Unique finger print

No one even notices the person in the crowd that blends right in.

If you act the same and dress the same you will not be noticed.

But if you’re the one in the crowd wearing the clown costume or a bright neon shirt you are sure to be noticed.

Transfer this to your marketing campaigns do something different stand out from the crowd.

For instance, The Adkreator owner, Barb DelGiudice is known for her birds. There’s a woman who sings on video for her lead capture pages.

These are different than the rest, they stand out. Use your imagination and see what you can come up with.

Ask a Question

Ask Questions

Because your prospect’s brain (and your brain, too) is hard-wired to solve the problem. She or he must keep reading to answer the question… meet the challenge… discover the benefits (or the secret sources of her pain).

A good question headline will ask a question that your audience wants to know the answer to.  You will then need to answer the question in your article if you do a good job you will make them want to look for more articles from you that help them to solve their problem. Here is an example.

Do You Have A Hard Time Getting Visitors to Your Website?

So my article will address how to get visitors to my website

The “How To” Headline

How to Headlines

This kind of headline is very popular today because it works really well.

I think that how-to-do something is probably also something that people would google like: How to get people to read your blog post.  I may type in How do I get people to read my blog post on google and that would take me directly to an article on how to do that.

How to titles offer a fix for a problem your reader is having.


The Numbered Headline

Number Headlines

Numbered headlines work well because they offer tips or tricks that can solve your readers’ problem or pain point. Using numbers helps the headline to stand out because the reader might be aware of one or two ways to deal with their issue but you are offering six. It’s curiosity. It lures the reader in.

They asked themselves, “So what other ways can you do this?”

Check out these examples of Headlines Using Numbers

  1. Ten Simple Tips I Use to Get Traffic to My Blog.
  2. The Top 6 Reasons Why People Fail Online.
  3. 3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Results with Safelists

You can see how these headlines want you to keep reading.

The Who Else Headline

Who am I

Now, these are extremely effective because they imply social proof. People generally want to do what other people are doing.

Examples of this one are:

Who Else wants to learn some simple tricks to get views to your site?

Who Else Wants More Traffic to Their Website?

See Who Else is Using This SEO Trick?

These are easy headlines to create, spark curiosity and just a touch of nosiness.


The Weird Trick Headline


This has become popular lately because it implies a strange trick that can quickly get the reader what he or she wants.

For example:

One Weird Old Trick for Cutting Down Belly Fat


Weird Conversation Starters that Women will Respond To Positively 




Try Your Hand at Writing Attention-Grabbing Headlines

There are many ways to write attention-grabbing headlines.

One way to increase your ability to write go headlines is to create a swipe file where you collect headlines that stood out for you.  But don’t use collect. Use the headline format to write titles that match your area of interest.

If you use safelists you can find a lot of examples of different headlines. I do recommend one of the top 10 safelists – European safelist.

I am currently using a funnel called Funnel X Project.  This funnel is set up to help me earn from four different income streams at one time.  It builds your list first then has video directions in it to help people to set it up.  It also makes sales for you with a video sales presentation built in.  This system is currently making sales for me.  You have nothing to lose give it a try today. 
