Blogging 101

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Blogging 101

Blogging 101

Well, a blog is a way you get subscribers on your list, and it’s the way that you start building relationships and branding yourself before you even get them on your list.

So it’s not just about selling, it’s about actually connecting with people, establishing a relationship with them. And it’s not the same as traditional marketing that you’ve heard of where, you know, you run some sort of an ad or you put some sort of a piece of content out there, and then you just kind of drive
traffic to it instead. (and the way to promote your online businesshere is my link )

Blogging is more of just a custom way for you to actually share your voice. It’s a way to
connect with people and add a personal touch. It’s a way that you can get real time feedback,
because people can comment right there on your blog, on your blog post, and you could reach
a wider audience. (Blogging 101)

You could also cross pollinate your audiences, but it’s a place that people keep coming back
to, to hear from you. It’s a place where you could keep reminding people to come and visit to
learn from you unlike social media. And by the way, social media in many respects, plays a
similar role as your blog does.

Social media is a great way to cross pollinate, to bring people to your blog, and to get people
from your blog onto your social media accounts and to post content from your blog onto your
social media and link your social media onto your blog. It’s a great idea to do what we call
cross-pollinating your content on your blog, but essentially your blog.

Blogging 101

It’s not just an alternative to traditional marketing. It’s a completely different, unique way for you
to communicate with all of those people that you’re attracting and that you are building a
relationship with. So let’s talk about how you set up your blog. We use a platform called
WordPress. Okay? So WordPress is the most commonly used blogging platform.

As a matter of fact, WordPress as a site platform, it’s one of the most commonly used website
tools on the internet. I heard that more sites are built with WordPress than any other type of
site on the internet. So the idea here is for you to use WordPress as the platform to build your
blog. (Blogging 101 read more below…)

WordPress is essentially a blogging platform that you can install with your hosting account, but
essentially you’re going to use it to create that website or that blog that you communicate with
people. And WordPress is ideal for this because not only does it have a great looking website,
but it’s very easy to use and it’s got a very easy to navigate interface.

Blogging 101

This basically becomes your own user-friendly, powerful digital canvas. This is where you are
going to build your blog, build your site, and upload your content that’s gonna brand you to the
world. And that’s gonna help you attract an audience and establish a relationship with them.
Now, the first things that you want to do, the first steps that you want to take in, in your blog
building process is you wanna select a domain and you wanna set up your hosting.

A lot of people stress out over, you know, well, what should my domain name be? Should it be
clever? Should it be the name of a company? Should it be my name? Look, I think this is
where you really have to put your thinking cap on. This is where you have to sit down with a
pencil and a piece of paper and think about what you want out of your online business, right?

So think about what you want to have a year from now. What type of business do you want to
have? What kind of website do you want to have? What kind of audience do you wanna have
on that website? How is that website serving people? And how is it serving you? Right? And
you have to kind of jot down these ideas on a piece of paper, because that’s what’s gonna help
you design your site, and it’s what’s gonna help you set it up. (Blogging 101 – full report)

Read full eBook in .pdf format “Blogging 101” click here >>




All the best

Read report blogging 101

Yuri Grin

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Everyday rules and thoughts and quotes of being an Online Marketer

This post will be updated from time to time with rules, ideas and quotes. I don’t want to set the numbers like “30 rules or 15 ideas” etc. Watch this list grow…

At the end of the list I will refer to internet marketers who helped to collect these rules. Rules are listed in free order, there are no important or less important.

It depends on time you read them.

” This list is by no means exhaustive – it’s really more the result of a brain storm session when I sat down to figure out why some succeed online while other haven’t succeeded. (by Stone Evans)

Read on …

  1. You gotta sell something. I’ve known people who were “in business” for months, yet hadn’t sold a thing. Until you start to sell somebody’s product (yours or someone else’s, doesn’t matter) you don’t have a business.
  2. Get into profit as fast as possible. If you’re buying traffic, figure out how to make that traffic pay as soon as humanly possible. If you’re outsourcing work, find a way to make that work more than pay for itself. Sure it’s human sense, but I’ve seen a few folks go to a serious debt.
  3. Make smart investments that pay off.  Hiring a coach, finding a mentor, that shows you what you need to know is smart – throwing a few thousand at Facebook ads (without knowing how to do it right) is dumb. Investments are sometimes the fastest way to get your business on the fast track, but you’ve got to be smart about them.

4.  Turn lookers into prospects and then into buyers as soon as possible. If this means selling them a $5 dollar eBook, do it. That is the way they can know you, before they will see the value of your advice and will trust you.

5. Upsell. Once people buy the $5 eBook, realize they have greater needs that eBook won’t fill, so find a way to fill that needs and wants and charge more for this ( don’t forget to deliver more value for that).

6. Make it brain dead easy for your customers to sign up. The harder it is, the fewer customers you will have.

7. Competition in your niche is generally great. No competition means you are in the wrong niche.

8. Get to know your competitors personally. Send them email, talk to them on Skype. You’ll be surprised how often competitors can be turned into allies – and the first step is to say hello.

9. Make a new connection every day. This might be your competitors, but it could also be people in similar niches, different niches, affiliates, product owners, etc. Make a list of people you want to get to know and then start contacting them with no agenda except seeing if you can help them in some way.

10. Build a customer list, then create products for them. Building the product first means you’ve got no one to sell it to and puts you at the mercy of affiliates. Building the list first and getting that list toasty warm to your offer means you’ve got sales of your new product (when it launches) from day one and stats to show potential affiliates that totally rock.

11. Your customers are not numbers. And they’re not strangers, either. They are your relations, friends and your next door neighbors. Think of them that way and you can’t go wrong.

12. Watch the hype. A little hype in the form excitement and enthusiasm is okay if you can back it with evidence. Too much hype and no one will believe you, even if what you say is true.

13. Use the element of surprise. When you deliver your product, add something surprising for the customer. When you are paying your star affiliates, send them a bonus surprise – even if it’s just a small Amazon certificate. Always do a little bit more than expected.

14. Treat your active affiliates and JV or ClickBank partners like gold, because that’s what they are.

15. It’s okay to screw up. And fail. And feel stupid. And look like a complete dork on social media. Just learn from your mistake, apologize and keep moving forward. The only people who don’t fail are those who don’t do a thing, and you don’t want to be one of those.

16. Make a list of the 3 things you MUST get done today. Then do them.

17. Do the toughest thing first thing in the morning. What ever it is – running 5 miles or making that phone call you dread – get it done first. The the rest of the day is easier by comparison.

18. It’s not always fun. Sorry about that but it’s true – having your own online business means sometime you have to do things you don’t like. The trick is to suck it up and do it – or find someone to outsource it to. It’s like a journey – to get to your destination sometimes you have to drive through neighborhoods or even whole stretches of road that aren’t fun – do it anyway.

Read more – Sign up Secrets here >>> 

