After taking a speed reading course, Tony Robbins is known to have read 700 books in 7 years, averaging 2 books per week.
But why 700 books?
Well, the quote “The more you learn, the more you earn.” is very true.
But not everyone can speed read, and not everyone that does a speed reading course reads that fast.
So, if you can’t speed read, how can you increase your learning and earning power?
Well, I myself go through at least 2-3 books each week.
But here’s my secret… I don’t read them.
And not only do I not read them, but I don’t even take notes.
Yet, I use the books to grow at an alarming rate, and I get more out of books than someone who reads them cover to cover.
It sounds too good to be true, but I can assure you it is true.
So, if you want to know my secret to reading without reading, and how you can apply it to your life so you can experience the same growth I do, then click below to watch the quick video I’ve shot for you.
and read my report – here or sign up on the right side of the blog –>
Most people are looking for ways to read books faster, but they’re looking in the wrong direction. It’s not about reading faster… So in today’s video, you’ll discover the truth on how to read more books in less time.
Speed Reading
Four tips to read faster:
How do you improve your reading speed? It’s not as complicated as you may think. Watch this video to discover Dan’s 4 tips to improve your reading speed.
But I was in too deep. I couldn’t let go now. And I was going to prove everyone wrong (read the story of Dan Lok).
I was going to show them I don’t need school. And that I CAN be a successful investor and entrepreneur.
When I was getting started in business, I jumped straight into the riskiest investment you can think of.
You see, in my late teens, I met this guy across the hall from us…
(Yeah, that’s right – it’s one of these stories.)
And after we talked a little bit here and there, he said to me:
“Hey Daniel, wanna start a business with me? I can build it, I just need some help with capital – you in?”
“Yeah sure, let’s do it!”
But I couldn’t have been more stupid…
I managed to find a couple thousand bucks to start funding this project.
But after a few weeks went by, I got this:
“Daniel, we’ve got a problem, I don’t have any more capital to make this work. We need more money…”
So he got me to find more…
And after I did that, the same thing happened again a couple weeks later.
“Sorry man, we needed more than I expected. You have any more…?”
And so I just kept pouring money into this thing. Into this big hole.
The more I gave him, the easier it became…
And soon I was borrowing from my relatives, my mom, and anyone that I could think of.
You know those guys that always have some shady deal to offer you?
Yeah, that was me when talking to basically anyone I knew.
To make things worse, I would justify what I was doing…
“I am an investor – business is all about risks…”
And then it happened.
I asked him for the status, and looking at me, he said:
“Man we’re so so close now, we’re just one week away from being done. But we still need probably around $5000 more.”
So I said.
“Okay, let me see what I can do.”
And that’s when I did something shameful.
Something I don’t even really want to talk about…
(But you need to hear this.)
I dragged my mom by the hand to the bank to bring out the LAST bit of our savings…
“Daniel NO! Please don’t do this.”
But like I already told you. I was in it too deep.
I couldn’t let go now.
And so I got him the money…
“This’ll work. Thanks Dan.”
*His Door Closes Shut*
And that was the end of the conversation…
That night, I felt sick in my gut.
This wasn’t how I was supposed to feel before making it big.
It was supposed to be exciting.
“I had done something no one else was prepared to do.”
“This is the price of success, right?”
But when I went to find out the status in the morning. He had already gone…
I was so angry.
I had been scammed. And not just me. I had dragged my whole family with me into this mess – and scammed them for all of their savings.
I had shamed everyone.
All because of my greed and my desperation…
And it took me years to recover from that stupid “investment”.
I thought I was being smart, I thought I was being clever and determined.
But I was just being an arrogant idiot.
You may say I was naive, or that I didn’t have a High-Income Skill.
Or even that I shouldn’t be using other people’s money…
But here’s the biggest lesson I learnt from that.
Failed in business review
Never Invest In What You Don’t Understand
I can tell you right now, almost every investment I made that I didn’t understand – failed terribly.
And that’s why my number one rule for investing is only invest in what you do understand.
Because when you don’t understand what you’re doing, you might as well be gambling.
You might as well throw your money away like I did when I was in my late teens…
Now if you’re new to investing and you have a bit of savings put aside to invest, the best thing you could do is invest that into yourself.
That’s right. Invest it in yourself.
When I look back on all the investments I’ve made over the years, the ones that made the biggest difference were not the real estate properties or businesses I invested in…
No. The investments that made all the difference were the events I went to.
The books I read.
And all the courses I spent hours on every single night.
So why not do the same yourself?
Buy some books on investing. Go attend some special events. And take some courses on investing.
You’ve got nothing to lose, but everything to gain.
And you’ll always look back on these investments as some of the best you’ve ever made.
Most people want to know how the law of attraction really works, because they think it will magically give them success and abundance. That’s not the truth. And that’s why in this video, Dan Lok breaks down how the law of attraction really works and how to use it to create the life you desire for yourself and your loved ones.
Find for yourself online business close to this idea – click here
Some people believe you have to be really smart to make it.
They say.
“You have to know something no one else does to be successful.”
“You have to come up with a unique business idea.”
But is that the truth?
Can you really only be successful if you are also smart?
Well… before I let you know what I think, let me share with you a short story…(this post is generated out of Dan Lok ideas)
Back in my early 20s, just a little after I first got started in business, I would attend this elite mastermind that my mentor Alan Jacques was a part of…
And while everyone would sit in a circle talking about very their large business problems – I would sit far back in the corner intimidated.
“I don’t even know what they’re talking about.”
“No wonder they’re so successful.”
But I kept going.
And after a while, the strangest thing happened.
I started understanding what they were talking about. And I started to get comfortable around them.
And then it hit me.
Even though these guys were 10x more successful than me…
It was impossible they could be 10x smarter than me.
And they couldn’t possibly be 10x more hardworking than me too.
So it didn’t matter to me anymore if I was the smartest or not.
All that mattered was my attitude towards success.
Because I realized…
Success Is More About Attitude Than IQ
I can see why people think that you have to be super smart to be successful…
When you look at Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates, it seems like they’re all successful because of how smart they are.
But what about all the other smart people in the world?
What about 99.99% of smart people that never make it?
If success was about IQ, why aren’t they also successful?
You see, I believe that what really matters is not your IQ – but your attitude.
It’s true that Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates are smart.
But would they be anywhere near where they are today if they didn’t also work hard, remain persistent, and learn from other people?
I don’t think so.
And that’s what many people overlook.
There are so many talented and gifted people out there that never achieve anything in their life – simply because they are too lazy.
And because they have the wrong attitude.
When I was getting started, I can tell you right now – I wasn’t at all talented at what I do.
I’m not a native English speaker, I’m not naturally good at speaking, and I was definitely not naturally good at writing.
But because I had the right attitude. And because I worked harder than anyone else – I made it.
If you do the same, who knows what you’ll be able to achieve…
Dan Lok is known for his sales secrets, and this video you’ll discover Dan Lok’s best cold call secrets. They aren’t what you’d expect. Watch this video now to discover Dan’s best cold call secrets.
How to make cold calls by Dan Lok.
Dan Lok is a Chinese-Canadian business magnate and global educator.
Mr. Lok is leading a global education movement spanning across 120+ countries where Mr. Lok has taught millions of men and women to develop high income skills, unlock true financial confidence and master their financial destinies.
Beyond his success in business, Mr. Lok was also a two times TEDx opening speaker. An international best-selling author of over a dozen books. And the host of The Dan Lok Show – a series featuring billionaire tycoons and millionaire entrepreneurs.
Today, Mr. Lok continues to be featured in hundreds of media channels and publications every year and is widely seen as one of the top business leaders by millions around the world.
You can also watch another video about cold calls:
Cold Call Character Building – Dan Lok & Sabri Suby and Sabri says:
“As soon as my daughters can speak, they’ll be on the phones making money.” Nothing builds character like being on the front lines of capitalism reaching out to strangers over the phone.
Dan Lok and Sabri Suby going deep into cold calling.
“When you make an outbound call – you are a salesman, when you receive an inbound call – you are an expert”.
You can’t make a good cold call unless your client is not pre-qualified before. You don’t have to sell product on phone, you have to sell trust first.
People like to buy, but they don’t like to be sold.
Here is an analysis made by Dan Lok about housing situation in Canada (I live in Toronto and can relate).
I want to share with you a disturbing statistic I came across the other day…
In my city Vancouver there are 70 neighborhoods. And out of those 70 neighbourhoods, do you know how many of them minimum-wage workers can afford to live in?
It’s a very easy number to remember…
And I’m not talking about buying a condo or a property…
I’m not talking about renting in the city centre or renting some 2 or 3 bedroom apartment somewhere…
I’m just talking about renting ONE single bedroom apartments.
According to The Star Vancouver – minimum wage workers can’t afford a one bedroom apartment ANYWHERE in Vancouver.
And minimum-wage workers would need up to DOUBLE what they curently make to afford a one bedroom rental in most parts of Vancouver.
And as housing keeps becoming more expensive, it’s going to get worse.
So how do they survive?
Well. They have to get creative.
Some live very far out of town (2 hours away by car) and they commute for hours every day.
Some team up and pool their resources together and get as many roommates as possible.
And others just work two full-time jobs…
Anything they can do to make it.
Minimum Wage Isn’t Just A Problem In Vancouver
Toronto, the largest city in Canada, has the same problem.
And in the U.S., there’s NO single state where a minimum-wage 40-hour worker can afford any comfortable two-bedroom apartment…
It’s really bad.
If you’re going through this like I did.
Or if you know someone that is going through this, let me just tell you right now…
You have to do something about this FAST. Because it’s not going to get easier.
I remember when I was working a minimum wage job like yesterday.
People didn’t appreciate me. I was replaceable. And the longer I worked – the harder it became to break out.
The debt started to build up.
I had to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag while my mom slept on the bed.
And we were even afraid at times of getting kicked out of our apartment.
…with no idea where we would go.
And that was almost two decades ago! Back when rent was cheaper.
So I can’t imagine how people are still making it happen today.
This is serious, and it’s getting more difficult every. single. month.
Getting a 4-year education isn’t enough now. Getting two jobs only fixes this problem in the short term.
And if you already have a family or want to start one… pooling with other minimum wage workers won’t work either.
You need something else.
A competitive advantage.
Now it’s going to take you some work. And I don’t know if this is going to work for everyone…
But this complimentary training may just be what you need to start protecting yourself and your future…
Tens of thousands have taken this training and many more are going through it.
Now you can read another story or lesson that Dan Lok sent to my email box as I had subscribed to his list.
Dan works exclusively with coaches, consultants, thought leaders and other service professionals who want a more sustainable, leveraged lifestyle and business through High-Ticket programs and Equity Income. Dan is one of the rare keynote speakers and business consultants that actually owns a portfolio of highly profitable business ventures.
Here it is …read on. I hope you’ll find it interesting. Don’t forget to check my offer at the end of this post.
< >
Have you ever heard of the “Marathon Monks” of central Japan? If you haven’t, you’re in for one crazy story (and two lessons I’ll be sharing right after)…
So, in central Japan on a mountain called Mt. Hiei, there’s this group of monks called the ‘Tendai Buddhist Monks’. And these monks believe that extreme self–denial and physical exertion leads to enlightenment…
So for hundreds of years, they have been running a marathon challenge called the “Kaihogyo” (which literally means in Japanese: “circling the mountain”)…
But this isn’t like any marathon challenge you’ve EVER heard of. It’s a 1,000 day challenge that takes place over 7 years…
And if you fail the challenge – you actually have to end your own life. Yes. It’s that serious.
Here’s what awaits monks that accept this challenge:
Year 1: Run 30 km per day (about 18 miles) for 100 straight days. Year 2: Run 30 km per day for 100 straight days. Year 3: Run 30 km per day for 100 straight days. Year 4: Run 30 km per day for 200 straight days. Year 5: Run 30 km per day for 200 straight days.
After completing the fifth year of running, the monk must go for 9 straight days without any food, water, or rest. (Two monks actually stand beside him and watch him so he doesn’t fall asleep).
Year 6: Run 60 km (about 37 miles) per day for 100 straight days. Year 7: Run 84 km (about 52 miles) per day for 100 straight days.
And then, for the final 100 days of year 7, he must run another 30 km per day.
This amount of running is actually insane, and is the equivalent of running around the entire Earth!
But there is one part of the challenge that makes The Kaihogyo unlike anything else ever…
Do you know what it is?
The monk can quit The Kaihogyo for the first 100 days. But from Day 101 onwards, there is no quitting…
The monk will either successfully complete EVERY SINGLE DAY of the Kaihogyo … or take his own life.
No second chances…
So when these monks go running – they actually carry a length of rope and a small sword at all times on their journey. Just in case…
And in the last 400+ years, only 46 have actually completed this challenge.
Now, what does all have to do with you?
Well, if you want to KILL your procrastination for good – here are two lessons we can learn from these Marathon Monks.
1) A Task Expands Into The Size Of Its Deadline
“Hey, go run 36,000 kilometers, good luck.”
If this was what the Marathon Monks were told on Day 1 – how many people would actually start the challenge, and complete it within just 7 years?
Probably no one.
So Marathon Monks don’t approach the Kaihogyo like this, they approach it in bite sizes.
They make non negotiable daily deadlines.
And that’s what you should do too.
Many people set a goal for themselves but only reevaluate at the end of the year.
They make a goal in January, and then in December they ask themselves:
“Did I hit my goal?”
Instead of doing this, break what you want to do into daily pieces.
This way, you’ll very quickly know if you’re on track or not.
And this way, you’re actually training your mind to get something done within a time period.
And the second part to this is…
2) Set ‘Do Or Die’ Deadlines
Marathon Monks take what they have to do seriously. And if they don’t get done what they say they’re going to get done in the day…
…they have pretty devastating consequences…
Now, you don’t have to carry a knife with you to work to make sure you finish a project. But you can give yourself consequences for not finishing things on time…
For example:
“If I don’t finish X by 6 PM, I have to do 20 pushups.”
“If I don’t finish X by 6 PM, I have to tell my friend that was keeping me accountable that I failed.”
“Or if I don’t finish X by 6 PM, I have to give my friend 100 bucks.”
Whatever it is you decide for consequences, they need to be more painful than procrastinating.
We usually procrastinate because we think it’s LESS painful to procrastinate.
But when the consequences of procrastination are even MORE painful than getting it done – then it’s a LOT easier to do.
Keep going. And remember:
Kill procrastination, or procrastination will kill you.
Want to start your own online business this year? Watch this video.
Defining your own personality type, along with the people who you are close with, is one of the most valuable things that you can do. I realized that others aren’t motivated by the same things I’m motivated by (see the test here – Shannon Hargrave).
A great book that helps put this into perspective is Personality Plus by Florence Litthauer! It helps you realize that you can effectively communicate with others by listening to them more and also understanding how they learned and thrived by categorizing them into these styles.
You will build stronger foundations and trust between you. I encourage you to do this as well.
The 4 Personality Gems come from the motivational speaker Dani Johnson. Johnson says, “You have all four Gem characteristics in you. Some people have a lot of two Gems and very little of the others. Others have quite a bit of each one in them, but they lead and communicate in one primary Gem most of the time.” Once you understand your GEM type, you can learn to spot other GEMS™ quickly. Walk through these various scenarios and answer the questions honestly. Remember, the only right answer is an honest answer! Not all of these scenarios will apply to you perfectly, because we are all different. So just place a check mark next to the answer that is most appropriate or you feel best describes you.
Pass the GEM TEST on your personality.
Once you identify your own personality type, or GEM, and get comfortable with your own language, you will also spot other GEMS quickly. Being able to identify yourself and others will allow you to communicate more effectively and speak to others in their language.
You will notice that both your personal and working relationships will become less stressful, more productive, and more fulfilling in every way.
Notice:That kind of 4-types personality theory (Gem theory) is not the only one (see Hippocrates “4 Humours”, Empedocles “4 elements” or Galen, Karl Gustav Jung “4 temperaments”)
Empedocles theory suggested that four elements: earth, fire, water, and air; earth produce the natural systems. Since this theory was influential for centuries, later scholars paired qualities associated with each humour as described by Hippocrates-Galen with seasons and “basic elements” as described by Empedocles[18].
The following table shows the four humors with their corresponding elements, seasons, sites of formation, and resulting temperaments:[19]
May be you’ve noticed that in my blog I’ve already posted 3-4 videos from Dan Lok. I can say that almost every video has value and awesome content, no matter that they are 5-7 min.
In this video, Dan Lok reveals what he believes is the #1 habit that will change your world.
It’s not positive thinking… it’s not gratitude… and it’s not constant learning and growth…
so what is it?
Watch this video to discover the #1 habit that will change your world.
Dan is the creator of High-Ticket Millions Methodology™, the world’s most advanced system for getting high-end clients and commanding high fees with no resistance.
Dan works exclusively with coaches, consultants, thought leaders and other service professionals who want a more sustainable, leveraged lifestyle and business through High-Ticket programs and Equity Income.
Dan is one of the rare keynote speakers and business consultants that actually owns a portfolio of highly profitable business ventures. Not only he is a two times TEDx opening speaker, he’s also an international best-selling author of over 12 books and the host of Shoulders of Titans show.
Dan’s availability is extremely limited. As such, he’s very selective and he is expensive (although it will be FAR less expensive than staying where you are). Many of his clients are seeing a positive return on their investments in days, not months.
From Two Time TEDx Opening Speaker, Multi-Millionaire Entrepreneur, And Best Selling Author Of Over 12 Books, Dan Lok
F.U. Money Is A Step-By-Step Look At How I Went From Failing At 13 Businesses To Becoming A Self-Made Millionaire By The Age Of 27. And From There, Building An 8-Figure Empire Soon After. For A Limited Time, Download Both The Digital & Audio Version For FREE.
SALES Techniques – How To Convince A Customer To Buy From You
In this video, Dan Lok reveals one of his sales techniques, and how to convince a customer to buy from you. It doesn’t have to do with your script. It doesn’t have to do with how good of a closer or salesperson you are. So what does it have to do with?
Watch this video to discover the sales techniques of how to convince a customer to buy from you.
Dan Lok, a.k.a. The King of High-Ticket Sales is one of the highest-paid and most respected consultants in the luxury and “high-ticket” space.
Dan is the creator of High-Ticket Millions Methodology™, the world’s most advanced system for getting high-end clients and commanding high fees with no resistance.
Dan works exclusively with coaches, consultants, thought leaders and other service professionals who want a more sustainable, leveraged lifestyle and business through High-Ticket programs and Equity Income.
Dan is one of the rare keynote speakers and business consultants that actually owns a portfolio of highly profitable business ventures. Not only he is a two times TEDx opening speaker, he’s also an international best-selling author of over 12 books and the host of Shoulders of Titans show.
Dan’s availability is extremely limited. As such, he’s very selective and he is expensive (although it will be FAR less expensive than staying where you are). Many of his clients are seeing a positive return on their investments in days, not months.
When clients say, “how much is it?” what do you say?
Do you tell them the price right away?
Do you sell them features and benefits?
Or do you tell them why your product or service is so good?
The answer is none of those.
In this video, Dan Lok reveals why people ask this question,
and what it means if they ask this question at certain times.
Watch it now to discover what to say when clients say, “how much is it?”
Dan Lok, a.k.a. The King of High-Ticket Sales is one of the highest-paid and most respected consultants in the luxury and “high-ticket” space.
Dan is the creator of High-Ticket Millions Methodology™, the world’s most advanced system for getting high-end clients and commanding high fees with no resistance. Dan works exclusively with coaches, consultants, thought leaders and other service professionals who want a more sustainable, leveraged lifestyle and business through High-Ticket programs and Equity Income.
Dan is one of the rare keynote speakers and business consultants that actually owns a portfolio of highly profitable business ventures. Not only he is a two times TEDx opening speaker, he’s also an international best-selling author of over 12 books and the host of Shoulders of Titans show.
Dan’s availability is extremely limited. As such, he’s very selective and he is expensive (although it will be FAR less expensive than staying where you are). Many of his clients are seeing a positive return on their investments in days, not months.
and read another article…
Responding to ‘It Costs Too Much’
You can gently transform the world’s most common sales objection into a commitment to buy your product. (by Geoffrey James)
There’s a point in nearly every sales situation where the customer says something like “it costs too much” or “the price is too high.” The dumbest thing you can do at this point is to trot out the kind of canned answers they teach in sales training courses.
Here’s a much more powerful approach, based upon a conversation with Bob Nicols, CEO of Axiom Sales Force Development. Take these steps, one by one.
1. Uncover the Real Objection
When you encounter a price objection, find out whether it’s a smokescreen for objections to your product or service. To do this, ask the following question:
“If we set price aside for a moment, do we have the products that you want to buy and the support organization that you want to buy from?”
That’s powerful stuff, because it smokes out reality. Here’s how.
If the customer’s response is “no” or “maybe,” price is not your only problem and may not even be the problem. In this case, you’ll need to ask further questions to determine what concerns the buyer has with your product and/or support. Handle those objections first–because negotiating price is meaningless if the customer does not want to buy what you are selling.
For example, if a customer has a global operation and you don’t have service centers outside the United States, that prospect might question whether your firm can adequately provide service after your product has been purchased. Your challenge now is to describe why remote service from the U.S. is a viable option.
On the other hand, if the customer’s answer is “yes,” it’s entirely appropriate to focus on price.
Your job is now to figure out how the customer is assessing your price. Is it “too high” compared to a competitor? Is it “too high” to fit into a budget? Is it “too high” relative to the perceived economic benefit of having the product?
These are all quite different situations and demand a different response. For example, if a competitor’s product is cheaper, you need to explain why your product is still the better value. Contrariwise, if the price doesn’t fit into the budget, you may need to introduce payment terms.
2. Find Out: Objection or Condition?
Once you understand what’s going on, you need to determine whether you’re dealing with it’s whether the objection is actually a condition. This is absolutely critical: Objections are negotiable, but conditions are non-negotiable.
To discover whether an objection is actually a condition, ask the following question:
Is this a big enough concern that it will keep you from getting what you want to buy?
You will get one of three answers: no, maybe, or yes. If the answer to the question is “maybe” or “no,” you’re dealing with an objection.
If the answer is “yes,” you’re dealing with a condition.
For example, if a “price is too high” objection is based upon a comparison with a competitive product, it is possible to negotiate the objection away by differentiating your product so that it seems to be the better value.
However, if the “price is too high” because the prospect literally does not have any money (say, it just filed bankruptcy), that’s a condition. It’s pointless to attempt to negotiate it away, because the money just isn’t there to spend.
Similarly, if a “you don’t have feature X” objection is based upon a preconceived notion of how to solve a particular problem, you can negotiate the objection away by changing the prospect’s notion of how to solve that problem.
If, on the other hand, the “you don’t have feature X” objection is based upon a statutory requirement to have feature X, that’s a condition. You’re out of the running, so you might as well withdraw from the opportunity.
3. Show Empathy to the Customer
Once you’ve confirmed that the objection is an objection–rather than a condition –you can begin to position the discussion so that you and customer become partners in the process of coming up with a solution.
Start by stating that you understand and empathize with the customer’s concerns. For example, if the objection is price relative to a competitive product, you would say something like:
“I completely understand. Price is extremely important to you, and you are looking to choose the vendor that will provide the best value for your company.”
This kind of statement puts you and the customer on the same side of the issue, and helps prevents the customer from assuming that you think the objection is foolish.
4. Identify the Problem to Be Solved
Negotiations become difficult when one or both parties view an objection as a conflict between two positions, where the person who abandons his position is the “loser” and the person who sticks to his position is the “winner.”
To avoid this kind of impasse, say something like:
“Let’s put that objection on the table and see if, between the two of us, we can’t figure out a creative way to get you what you want to buy.”
The idea is to strip the objection from any emotional attachments that both the buyer and seller may have associated with it.
5. Brainstorm Possible Solutions
Ask the customer to participate, then try to come up with every possible combination of ideas and events that would allow the objection to become overcome. Even ideas that might seem ridiculous can be entertained at this point, because the determination about what approach makes sense will be made after all the ideas have surfaced.
Between virtually any buyer and seller, there is always some series of events that can take a buying decision from “no” to “yes.” Once those avenues have been laid out, you can then guide the discussion to the ones that are practical.
For example, an objection about the lack of global service might be overcome by a guarantee of Internet support from a central location. Similarly, a budget objection might be overcome by scaling down the purchase or coming up with payment terms over time.
Note: Bob Nicols is a true genius when it comes to sales strategy and tactics. I doubt whether I’ve done more than scratch the surface of his ideas, so if you’re interested in this kind of advanced sales training, go ahead and contact him directly.
You can gently transform the world’s most common sales objection