Kala wallet

This video is to walk you through setting up a Kala Wallet. It is a step by step instruction of how to sign up and complete the KYC (Know Your Customer) process.

I use Kala Wallet in this company – Praetorian Group Internationalclick here to contact with me.

Kala wallet

Get to Know Your Kala Wallet

The Kala Wallet is a secure place to hold, send, receive and keep track of your cryptocurrency. You’re in control because it’s really your wallet!

Kala Wallet

Kala wallet

Keeping Your Kala Safe

Designed with a two-step verification process Kala Wallet protects you and your Kala.

Fast & Easy Transactions

Send and receive Kala to any person or business with a Kala wallet address through our secure network.

Join the Kala community today and enjoy access to amazing deals, powerful functionality, and an easy to use Kala Wallet.

I buy BTC in Kala Wallet and invest in Praetorian Group International