magic in you

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Magic in you

I am going to let you in on a secret that most online income earning programs do not want you to know.

In fact, their business model revolves around convincing you that this lie is actually the truth.

There is no “magic” program that will make you a success or finally start bringing in easy money.

The secret is that the magic is in the marketer, not the program.

There are no secrets to success.
It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

Magic in you

Magic in you

Magic in you

Here is the story from Matthew Graves..

This message is a little long, but important. If you want to accomplish your goals, then you need to know how to keep going when it gets tough. You need to keep moving forward DESPITE the resistance that stands in the way. The personal story of how I have spent the last 8 days is a good example to illustrate this point.

No matter what you try to accomplish in life, there will be obstacles that stand in the way. Some obstacles will be small and easily navigated. Other obstacles will seem impossible to overcome. How you deal with those obstacles can easily make the difference between achieving what you want and failing.

Let me tell you a story that illustrates that, pulled right from my experience in the last 9 days on my road trip.

I needed to do a big road trip to take care of some personal business in Orlando (our second home) and move my son out his apartment in Chicago where he went to school for the last 6 years. It was going to be a big trip and we have been planning it for several months. Driving from Nova Scotia to Orlando, then to Chicago, and then back to Nova Scotia is about 8,000 Km or 5,000 miles.

Often when you are trying to accomplish something that will be difficult, the world seems to conspire to add extra challenges. These extra obstacles change the task and make it even more difficult to accomplish. It happens EVERY TIME, if you are trying to do hard things. Expect the unexpected.

This trip was no exception. Days before leaving, I had problems with my Mercedes Sprinter van, which I am converting into a camper to use for family trips. Taking a car was not an option because I need to van to return my son’s furniture from his apartment. Getting the items fixed before leaving was not an option because the dealer could not schedule the repairs in time. Delaying the trip was not an option because my son would not be home for Christmas. I had to figure outa solution.

1 KEY – The ability to figure out solutions to challenges on the journey to your goals is one of the biggest traits of those who do big things. Most people give up before truly “giving their all” in finding solutions. There is almost always a solution … IF you are creative and dig deep enough.

I talked to several mechanics, and did a lot of internet research, to determine that it was unlikely that the problems I was having with the van would get worse while on the trip. It was still drive-able and doing the trip with the problems was unlikely to make things worse. This was a manageable risk.

2 KEY – This illustrates that there are always risks when taking action to accomplish your goals. Nothing is guaranteed. Things can, and probably will, go wrong and the plan will not happen as you think it will. You have to be willing to take some risks and deal with the consequences should you be wrong.

I prepared for the trip knowing that things would not go as smoothly as I hoped. I made sure that I took the tools, parts and supplies to help deal with what might go wrong.

3 KEY – You need to expect that things will go wrong on the way to your goals and be prepared. Part of that preparation is having a “Plan B” or knowing what you will do if certain things happen. Part of the preparation is being mentally prepared for the challenges. That ensures that you are more likely to be able to “keep your cool” and deal with the inevitable problems.

Of course, things went wrong on my trip quickly. Before I even made it out of Canada, the van started acting up. Warning lights were turned on. Since I had prepared for this possibility, I had brought my tools and a scanner to read the errors in the van’s computer. I won’t go into the gory details, but it was a problem which I had seen before. The van was running fine, but now I had a new challenge. If I turned off the van, it might not restart without a tow truck to the dealer.

Stopping and waiting for the dealer to do repairs was not possible. If I was busy at the dealer for a few days, then no one would be back home for Christmas. If I turned around and cancelled the trip, then my son would not be home for Christmas. Failure was not an option. My family’s Christmas was on the line.

4 KEY – If the goals you are trying to accomplish are important enough, then you need to be confident that you can find a solution. If it hadn’t been important, then I would have never gone in the first place. You need to brainstorm solutions and not give up. Perseverance is critical.

Giving up too easily is the biggest reason most people don’t accomplish their goals. If you really want something, then keep fighting for it.

I made the decision to continue on the trip, but to minimize the risk of getting stuck, I would NEVER turn off the van. I would keep it running 24/7 for the next 8 days. The consequences of turning it off and it not restarting were huge. Of course, I did the research to make sure that I was making an educated decision. Leaving a diesel engine on for extended periods is routine and you can refuel a diesel without turning off the engine, like you need to do for gasoline cars.

5 KEY – It is important to choose your risks. You don’t take reckless risks and you avoid risks where possible when working on accomplishing your goals. If there is a way to do something with less risk, then you take that path. Turning off the engine was like rolling the dice and hoping it would turn out well. I like to take risks I can control, not risks which take away my ability to have some control over the outcome.

I continue on the trip and drove for 3 days to Florida without turning off the van, even when I was sleeping. The van is equipped as a camper, so everything I needed was inside the van. No reason for me to ever be out of sight of the vehicle while it was running. I arrived in Florida as planned on Tuesday. I did what needed to be done there and started to Chicago on Tuesday evening.

As I was about leave Florida heading north, the next challenge happened. I had to stop for 24 hours to deal with unexpected issues online. As I am doing this trip, I am still running my online businesses, so that is another area where something could go wrong. Of course, it did and I had to stop to fix it. I spent 24 hours, unplanned, in Lake City Florida sorting through it. Ultimately, the problem was fixed and I could start driving again, but now I am a day behind schedule.

On the drive to Chicago, my dog gets sick and I end up losing another 6 hours. I don’t arrive in Chicago until almost lunch time on Friday, when I was supposed to be there on Thursday morning. I HAD to be back in Nova Scotia on Monday for important medical appointments for myself and my wife, so this meant that I was going to have to make up some time. More challenges that I have to figure out.

6 KEY – When you successfully get past one obstacle, you need to expect that there will be more on the way. Challenges keep changing, but they never stop.

The other thing I discover when I arrive in Chicago is that other things have been happening that I was unaware of. Omicron is spreading rapidly and cases are surging. This was going to introduce even more challenges into the final days of my trip, even though I did not know it at the time.

In order to re-enter Canada, we both have to test negative for Covid using a molecular test no more than 72 hours before we cross the border. We spend 5 hours searching in Chicago for a testing center than can complete the test and have the results to us within the 3 day limit. Center after center is closed or cannot deliver the results in time due to the surge of people who need testing.

Once again, creativity is required to come up with a solution. Instead of being tested in Chicago, we needed to complete our tests in Portland, Maine on the return trip. They can do the test and get us results back to us in time … if we can be in Maine by noon on Sunday. That is just 24 hours from now and we are in Chicago. Time to hit the road.

7 KEY – There is always a solution to the problems you face. You just have to find it. It may be different that what you are thinking, so keep an open mind. However, as you change path to get around one obstacle, it can create new challenges that have to be solved.

The drive to Maine proves to be a new challenge. I drove until 11 PM on Saturday night and slept just 2 hours in Pennsylvania, hitting the road again at 1 AM. We arrive at the testing center in Maine with less than an hour to spare. Of course, if we test positive, then all bets are off and we cannot reenter Canada for 2 weeks. Luckily all the precautions we have been taking paid off and the tests were negative.

However, there is still a challenge or two left. After all, there was still another eight and a half hours of driving to go. By the time we reach the Canadian border, we are in whiteout conditions with snow and high winds. We have to slow down and take even longer to finish. An eight and a half hour drive ends up taking 13 hours instead. We arrive home today at 4 AM on Monday morning. At that point, I had been driving for 27 hours since waking up at 1 AM on Sunday morning.

I gave the van a big thank you and turned it off for the first time in 8 days. Time to rest for both of us.

8 KEY – This just shows that sometimes when you feel like you are close to the end, that is when the obstacles can get really tough. Many people give up on their goals when the end is just around the corner. You just have to keep doing what has gotten you to that point. Keep taking action and figuring out solutions to get you to the next milestone.

Keep the lessons in mind from this story of my 5,000 mile journey as you move forward on your journey to success. If you choose important goals, don’t give up, and stay creative and flexible, then you can accomplish anything you desire.

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Magic is always in you not in the specific program
