Shiny object syndrome and magic pills for online marketers

“Most people don’t want the truth.

They’re just looking for things that sound good.”

One the biggest reasons people never profit online is that they get sucked into the latest moneymaking schemes, such as the latest real estate trend, the latest pyramid schemes, the so-called “opportunity of a lifetime.” (extract from “F.U.Money” book by Dan Lok p.214

<< When I was broke, I was all over the map. I was the guy who bought all those home biz and opportunity magazines and responded to all the how-to-make-money-from-home ads. I got into day trading, mail order, vending machines—you name it. I was always looking for the next big thing, the next big idea. Anything that would make a quick buck.

Bottom line: I wanted to get rich quick without doing the work. I never made the kind of money I am
making now when I was jumping from one thing to another. Not even close.

It’s like people who try to lose weight by buying all these gadgets, pills, programs, and potions that are supposed help them lose weight.

The REAL formula is simple: it’s proper diet and exercise. Get off your lazy ass and exercise, and don’t shovel all that fatty food down your throat. It doesn’t get any simpler—but people don’t want simple.

They want to buy the magic pills and machines that will do the work for them instead. They are just opportunity seekers, jumping from one idea to another.

In fact, I know an entrepreneur who runs a very successful Internet company offering weight loss solutions.

The funny thing is that he sells about fifteen different programs, all from different manufacturers. He knows that once he finds a person who will buy one weight loss pill, he or she will try just about everything else. This person will try one thing for a few months and then switch to something else.

… So when you hear the message, “We do all the work, you don’t have to lift a finger, and voila, you’ll make a gazillion dollars!” BEWARE. It’s just like those illegal pyramid schemes that have been going on forever— where ONE person talks you into it by telling you that “if you get in soon enough and sign enough other people up quickly, you’ll make a fortune. It’s a groundbreaking opportunity.”

Hold onto your wallet and RUN!>> (p.219)
