Residual income in 12 months

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Residual income in 12 months.

Welcome to Yuri Grin Blog

Welcome, I am Yuri Grin, 8+ years experience, internet and affiliate marketer.

Thanks for visiting my blog, check your country flag on the right side of the blog.
I would like as many as possible visitors on my blog became my partners 😉 (see my statistics from 7th Nov. 2023).

I am going to work with the company that makes difference to the way I got traffic before. I need 1 week more to post and publish it here (on the step 5).

Keep in touch.  And I will for your consideration another program that you could make your primary (core) online business (it’s optional).

Step 1: Report

=> Here is the report, I recommended on my previous page (it will save you alot of money and time).

See my personal page for more contacts and partnership.
(It shows beautiful views of Saint-Petersburg, where I lived many years).

Are you looking for the way to build your own online business?

Residual income in 12 months

continue reading if you want to see what programs I use to build business online.

Don’t get fooled again.

(you received the report already and checked the email I sent you)
Free report outlines 5 questions you must ask
before you spend money and time on that…
“..hot, new ‘business’ opportunity”

Read it now! Study it! ..and never make another
costly mistake!

The best things in life don’t wait.
Time is our most limited asset –

By the way, you have 1440 min in a day.
You can spend 30 min a day to start
your online business. (but first it will take more
time to set up).

Step 2: eBook

When you read the report (the link above), you might guess
how much I should pay for the traffic to promote my primary online business.

The TRUTH is that it doesn’t matter how glamorous your website is,
or how good your product is, you need TRAFFIC – lots and LOTS of traffic!

You need to read 7.00 USD book to get a main idea.
(I am sure you might have heard about the program
that has been around from 2001). Maybe you have it.

This is a very good start to promote
your special program or website.

Go and get the book “Secrets of The Big Dogs”Click HERE >>
(…and you will get contacts of 2 succesfull sponsors)

Don’t be left wondering “what if?”
Seal the deal today!
Contact me for more information.

Step 3: List

Sign up to my list so that I can share with you codes
for capture page, thank you page, follow up letters etc.

Click HERE >>

…here is just another sample of landing page (the link below).

If you think passive income is a pipe dream,
you need to check this out.

…and we can start share our programs with you and
our experiences.

Don’t forget. If you don’t have this book (click the banner below):

Step 4: Tools

Sign up to the LeadsLeap – PRO Membership.
This program described in details in the book “Secrets of the Big Dogs”.

This is what you’ll get… click HERE >>

  •  Traffic to your websites. Human, not bot.
  •  List manager. 10 lists, unlimited subscribers.
  •  Page builder. 10 pages, hosting included.
  •  Popup creator. 10 popups, hosting included
  •  Link tracker. 199 trackers and 10 rotators.
  •  Make money. 5 ways, some super easy.
  •  And more. Read on to find out…

Step 5: Traffic

Let’s add to traditional ways to send emails through safelist or viral mailers this very new platform: EzClix Club => Click HERE

Once you set up your profile and get paid membership ($6.00 approx. at this time) – you will get leads hands free.

Forget everything you think you know about traffic…

Click play to discover how you can activate hands-free, high quality traffic that pays you…

  •  No Tedious Busy-Work
  •  No Complicated Software
  •  No Expensive Price Tag
  •  No Diminishing Returns
  • Just Good, Fast, Affordable Traffic!

Build a residual income with Big Dogs.

Step 6: Advertise Smarter!

Step 7: Autoresponder

I recommend Aweber because it’s free if you have a list less then 500 subscribers
(When you have more, you’ll be able to pay for this).

Click HERE to register an account.

Step 8: Crypto

When you earn commissions, you would like to make money work for you. Crypto is the way.
You can check what are reviews about BTC in the next 3-5 years.

This is another program to earn online – cryptocurrency.

Financial Management and Wealth Growth.

Top Trade Global remains at the forefront of assets management and wealth growth, licensed to engage in all forms of cryptocurrency, forex and stock trading, using the best AI tools.

We always try to understand investors’ expectations

30M+ Deposits

77M+ Withdrawals
10K+  Investors
70+ Staff

Register an account – Click HERE >> (contact me after that by yurigrin@gmail.com or Telegram)

Step 9: Join Main Online Program – EasyCash4Ads


I recommend this program because it pays.

Click HERE to learn more..

Step 1o: Contact with community of MLM and Networkers

MLM Gateway - Helping network marketers build their business

Come and join this great platform for independent business owners and network marketers. My invitation gives you 5 free credits to begin with!

Join MLM Gateway (of course Pro member is better to get personal contacts of entrepreneurs)
click HERE >>

Step 11: Bonus Solo Ad

Promote your online business

Click HERE to send >>

Step 12: Networking Company – Qiuck Silver

Start your TOUR HERE >>


Build a residual income in one year

Don’t spend your whole life working for someone else.

Residual income in 12 months


Read this Free report before you want to join any program online => Click HERE

Yuri Grin, Canada, Toronto




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Visitors since November 07.2023





99 percent cannot succeed in MLM

Do you want to try yourself in a good company? – Click HERE >>

99 percent cannot succeed in MLM

99% of People Can’t Succeed… (and How to Fix) – Tim Sales

Ever heard this one?

“99% can’t get even 1 paid member in their network, so Marketing doesn’t work.”
(MLM or Network or Recruiting etc.)

Is that true?

Whenever you say you CAN’T do something (anything), you’re making an excuse

— blaming something else as the reason why.

But you can’t have excuses AND have success…

I’ll say that again:

You can have an excuse or you can have success. You can’t have both.

If you’ve failed at something, there is no value in blaming. In fact, it actually hurts you in the end. If you’re blaming anything, you are literally blocking your own ability to be resourceful.

One of my huge discoveries in life is that “everything is knowable with the right training.”

To the degree you realize that nothing is unknowable, the more able you can become.

It’s just a matter of finding/getting the right training.

And when you realize that, it utterly will set you free!

For people who WILL do the pipeline, Network Marketing works brilliantly.
People who WON’T do the pipeline, they will never succeed.

Simple as that.

99 percent cannot succeed in MLM

Click here to get your FREE training on the PIPELINE, my personal framework for building giant Network Marketing teams: https://pipelineboard.com/

99 percent cannot succeed in MLM

#2 is What creates drive?

Why are some people so much more driven to succeed than others?

Drive comes from two things: Desire and Incentive.

If you have a desire to build your network marketing business and a strong incentive (or reason WHY) to build it, you only need one thing: training.


99 percent cannot succeed in MLM

Tim Sales is a 30-year veteran in Network Marketing.

He’s a million-dollar earner in multiple companies, he’s been interviewed by Larry King and Grant Cardone, and now he’s sharing his knowledge on how to build a successful network marketing business of your own, with real-world examples from his 30-year experience in the industry.

He’s breaking down the industry into little bite-sized pieces, so you have exactly what it takes to really have success in network marketing.

Here is your chance to start with awesome networking company – Click here >

99 percent cannot succeed in MLM



Benefits of Network Marketing

Join this project after you will see benefits >>

Benefits of Network Marketing

The 13 Top Benefits of Network Marketing (by Tim Sales)

#1 – Income Can Be Exponential and Residual

This is a factor that I’ve never seen in any other business. What do I mean by that?

Residual income would be, for example, when you subscribed to an internet service, they get a residual income because you’re paying for that service every single month.

Exponential has to do with the compounding effect of something. It is not purely multiplication. It compounds over time. Let me give you an example.  Exponential means that your internet service would get other internet services for them, or your phone would get other phone services. But phones don’t get phones, and real estate rental properties don’t get more real estate rental properties.

Those businesses give you residual income (the phone company collects a payment from you every month for the phone use, or the landlord gets paid every month for the rental property), but those types of businesses cannot create the exponential income you can get from network marketing.

When you combine those two together, this is what you get: I acquired 40 customers and I now I have 36,953 customers. That’s a 92,000% increase from my effort, when united with a team. I recruited 129 new representatives, and that number turned into 41,000 representatives. That is a 32,000 exponential factor. That is a really, really big deal.

Benefits of Network Marketing
Why Network Marketing? The fact that you can earn both residual income AND exponential income is my number one reason why I have a network marketing business.

#2 – Team Effort

Because I acquired 40 customers, I now know how to get customers, so I become valuable to the person that I bring into the business. That’s how my 40 customers turned into 36,000 customers. That is the team effort.

I make myself unimportant to the generation of my income. That is one of the biggest points of how to create wealth. 

Here’s an example: In real estate, let’s say that you sell a $225,000 house, and you make a $5,000 commission. You’d have to sell ten of them to make $50,000. In the next year, you have to do it again if you want to make $50,000. If you want to make $100,000, you will have to sell 20 of them. It’s all you.

I’m not cutting real estate down in any way. I will never cut down any industry. It is just from my vantage point, after being in a lot of different businesses, that network marketing has the most opportunities for building wealth. I talk about this in another video, Side Hustles That Made Me a Millionaire.  I think team effort is a big part of that.

#3 – Reps, Not Employees

I prefer that the people I work with are not employees. I’ll just leave it at that, because with employees, I have to pay them for whatever they do during working hours, whether they produce anything or not.

#4 – Build from Anywhere

I can build my network marketing business from anywhere in the world. That is really important to me, especially right now in 2020, when it seems like America’s sliding off into the ocean. I like to be able to live where I live. I live up in the mountains, on a farm with a river. I like doing it where I want to.

how to use Benefits of Network Marketing
Working with my beautiful wife, Laura.
We love having the freedom to work anywhere in the world.

#5 – Low Financial Entry and Risk

Low financial entry into it is important to me. I can’t believe that at this point in time, I spent $1,500 to start my business, and now I have a $300 million business under me. That is incredible.

#6 – Own Customers

I own my own customers. When you compare network marketing to other businesses, what you’ll find is that in the other businesses you don’t own the customer. If you’re, for example, an Amazon seller, you don’t own the customer. That means that you acquire them for somebody else. Your acquisition of customers takes the most amount of effort – the most amount of money that is ever spent is to acquire a customer. You’re acquiring customers for another business and you don’t get that upside potential of owning that customer.

Benefits of Network Marketing

#7 – 1099 Income

In a W2 (salary) income, somewhere around 30-40% of your income is taken out before you ever see it coming, because it’s taken right out of your check. The advantage with network marketing is that we have 1099 income. If I want to run ads for my business, the IRS allows me to take that deduction for the money I spent to advertise my business. In a way, it doesn’t cost me anything, because I get it back.

#8 – Geographic Diversification

As a real estate agent, I would have to be in a certain location, and be limited to this location. I like the ability I get in network marketing to make money out of Italy even though I don’t know the Italian language. I like being able to make money out of China and not know any Chinese whatsoever.

#9 – Work With People You Want

what are the main Benefits of Network Marketing
With my friend and business partner, Stephane Page. I like being able to
choose the people that I want to work with.

Working with people that I want was an important one for me when I first started. I remember there were people in the military who were jerks. I don’t know any other word to describe them. I didn’t like to work with them, but if they were also wherever my duty station was, I HAD to work with that person for two years.

I like to choose the people that I want to hang with.

#10 – Money and Time Freedom

Because I’ve been making a six to seven figure income for 31 years, this one is lower on the scale for me. I’ve been able to create wealth, and so have had money and time freedom for years. You can place whatever value you like on this one.

#11 – Easier Transition (Part-Time)

This was a big one for me when I started out. I didn’t know I would be transitioning into a full time effort.  I thought I was just getting money so that I could close on a house. When I first started, I had no idea that it was going to route me into creating wealth.

#12 – Marketing Is Dynamic

This one takes a little bit of an explanation. How do we do network marketing? Some people try to brand us by how we do it.

When I first came into network marketing, somebody said, “Is this one of those things where I have to go door to door?” I said, “No, I’ve never knocked on anybody’s door.” He was trying to put it into that category. Someone else asked, “Is this something where I have to spam my friends?” I said, “No, what are you talking about?”

It doesn’t matter how you want to build, you can build. If I bring somebody into the business and that person owns a postcard business, how am I going to recommend that they generate leads? Postcards. If a doctor comes into the business, how am I going to tell him to build his business? He can send a postcard or an email to his patients and have them come into the office.

It’s dynamic and it’s constantly shifting. I had a lady who specialized in doing expos. Guess how I told her to generate leads? Go to expos. You can never say how we do it because we are always changing and adapting to any opportunity, technology or  situation. When the coronavirus hit, we shifted to Zoom, just like that. How can we do big events? Let’s put them on the internet, do them on Zoom. It’s that aspect of network marketing that I love.

#13 – Availability of Training

application of Benefits of Network Marketing
Hands-on training: putting his feet to the fire.
There’s nothing like training with someone until they CAN do it.

This was number one for me when I first started, but not now, because I don’t need to be trained a whole lot anymore. I had to learn when I first came back into the industry, because back when I started, the fax machine was the blazing speed that we operated with.

But today, it’s the internet. I had to learn social media. I had to learn ads, display ads, Facebook ads and YouTube marketing. The concepts were the same, but they were just placed in different places.

You just don’t get that availability of training everywhere. In real estate, I think you do, because you do have to have a broker sponsor you in order to be accepted and hang your certificate up on their wall. I think there is guidance from that sponsor, but I don’t know how much marketing training there is.

And I want to emphasize: I’m not putting it down or doubting it. I’m just saying that I don’t know how much there is.

I do know that based upon my situation in network marketing, training is getting in there elbow to elbow.

I really want this person to succeed. It helps me. Why wouldn’t I?
