Jim Rohn Recharge Your Mind

Jim Rohn Recharge Your Mind

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For more than 40 years, Jim Rohn honed his craft like a skilled artist—helping people the world over sculpt life strategies that expanded their imagination of what is possible.

Those who had the privilege of hearing him speak can attest to the elegance and common sense of his material.

It is no coincidence, then, that he is still widely regarded as one of the most influential thinkers of our time, and thought of by many as a national treasure.

He authored countless books and audio and video programs, and helped motivate and shape an entire generation of personal-development trainers and hundreds of executives from America’s top corporations.

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Jim Rohn Recharge Your Mind

Have you ever heard the phrase: ” What’s Easy to do, is also easy not to do.“?

Basically he was saying that success in anything on a daily basis “is easy to do
but easy not to do!” What exactly does that mean?

Well let me explain. Many successful habits don’t have to be time consuming or
difficult. But because they are so easy to do they are also so easy to put off
till tomorrow!

But if you don’t put it off, you will find that it is the accumulation of these habits
over time that makes them so powerful!

So next time you find yourself overwhelmed by life’s demands, just hold on to
the basics. Whether or not you exercise (for example) for half an hour or longer,
if your day becomes too demanding, just make sure you exercise a little.

The habit is more important than anything else.

Yes the amount of time you spend is important too but when you destroy your habit
or are not consistent enough to FORM the habit, that’s when it will all fall apart!

So taking this habit to your business is also the same concept. Build your habit
and keep it – even if it’s just five minutes.
 The daily habit will force your mind
to contemplate how to eventually find more time!

Jim Rohn Recharge Your Mind

“Success is what you attract by the person you become.” Jim Rohn

Dreaming is the first step.

Seeing what you could become in your heart and mind is something you should do every day. After this, applying real life steps to accomplish your dream is essential, even if they are small steps.

Realize that your thoughts and actions can become self fulfilling! Its not magic…its attracting success by who you become.

Understand however, that most people give up shortly after they begin. They lose heart, lose vision or both. Keeping your vision in your heart and mind daily is vitally important.

How much money or knowledge you have is not the most important thing. Realize that the vision starts with your mind and is nurtured by your mind. Your actions (whether successful or not) just support your vision.

Eventually you will get better and your actions will become more and more successful.

It is the person you eventually become that will attract success!

What was Jim Rohn best known for?

Rohn was the recipient of the 1985 National Speakers Association CPAE Award for excellence in speaking. He is the author of 17 written, audio, and video media, including The Power of Ambition, Take Charge of Your Life, and The Day That Turns Your Life Around.

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