One ClickFunnel Away 30 days challenge
– Will You Do This Cool Challenge With Me?
– I Just Joined The Coolest 30 Day Challenge…
This year, I’m putting a huge focus on IMPLEMENTATION
in my business.
We live in a world with soooo much information right at
our fingertips.
Almost anything we need to know is literally
a few clicks away…right?
But here’s the thing…
All the articles you sift through to find out how
to grow your business online…
All the business books that you read…
All the info products that you buy…
All the courses…
They mean almost NOTHING if you don’t actually execute.
But imagine if you took just ONE plan to start and
grow your business (or next business) online,
and hyper-executed EVERYTHING…
ONE plan well executed is infinitely more powerful
than knowledge from 50 books that you do nothing with
So here’s my challenge for you:
I’m challenging you for 30 days to TAKE ACTION on
your business, and get your funnel built and launched.
It’s the SAME challenge that Russell Brunson just gave
to me, and I accepted!
It’s called the One Funnel Away Challenge, and thought
it would be cool if you and I could go through
it together…
It’s designed to FORCE entrepreneurs to stop working
on stuff that doesn’t matter, and start implementing
the KEY tasks that will get your funnel LIVE,
and your business flowing…
One ClickFunnel Away 30 days challenge.
In 30 days, you’ll have a funnel that is built and LIVE,
and ready to gather leads and sales.
If you’re the type of person who vaguely knows what to do,
but just needs to buckle down and DO IT…
then this Challenge is going to be the kick-in-the-pants
you need EVERY DAY until you get your funnel launched!
You can start today and try for another 2 weeks
to understand how it works.
Here’s the link to join the One Funnel Away Challenge
with me.
“A Journey off thousand miles begins with one
first step.” (Lao-Tzu)
Yuri Grin
Are you ready to take the challenge?
One ClickFunnel Away 30 days challenge.
For today’s episode of the One Funnel Away:
Stories, I’m joined by Cory Oldham.
Cory is a doctor of chiropractic by trade and education.
Still, the title he prefers to go by is “servant” and if you tune into our conversation, you’re going to find out exactly why.
During his college days, Cory was struggling with a chronic back injury. Fortunately, he was able to find relief and manage his condition through chiropractic adjustment. And because the treatment had such an amazing effect on him, the whole experience inspired him to get into the field and help others.
Now, more often than not, you’ll hear stories about people being forced into entrepreneurship.
Kind of like a thing you turn to when you’ve run out of options. What makes Cory’s story so special is that he actually turned down a very lucrative offer and chose to start a private business with his wife.
And why was he so determined to turn down a sure thing in order to take the road less traveled? It’s because he was able to get out of his head and follow his passion.
In today’s episode, Cory is going to take us through his journey bit by bit and explain why listening to his heart turned out to be the best decision he ever made.