Failed in business review

Failed in business review

Failed in business review

“Daniel NO! Please don’t do this.”

But I was in too deep. I couldn’t let go now. And I was going to prove everyone wrong (read the story of Dan Lok).

I was going to show them I don’t need school. And that I CAN be a successful investor and entrepreneur.

When I was getting started in business, I jumped straight into the riskiest investment you can think of.

You see, in my late teens, I met this guy across the hall from us…

(Yeah, that’s right – it’s one of these stories.)

And after we talked a little bit here and there, he said to me:

“Hey Daniel, wanna start a business with me? I can build it, I just need some help with capital – you in?”

“Yeah sure, let’s do it!”

But I couldn’t have been more stupid…

I managed to find a couple thousand bucks to start funding this project.

But after a few weeks went by, I got this:

“Daniel, we’ve got a problem, I don’t have any more capital to make this work. We need more money…”

So he got me to find more…

And after I did that, the same thing happened again a couple weeks later.

“Sorry man, we needed more than I expected. You have any more…?”

And so I just kept pouring money into this thing. Into this big hole.

The more I gave him, the easier it became…

And soon I was borrowing from my relatives, my mom, and anyone that I could think of.

You know those guys that always have some shady deal to offer you?

Yeah, that was me when talking to basically anyone I knew.

To make things worse, I would justify what I was doing…

“I am an investor – business is all about risks…”

And then it happened.

I asked him for the status, and looking at me, he said:

“Man we’re so so close now, we’re just one week away from being done. But we still need probably around $5000 more.”

So I said.

“Okay, let me see what I can do.”

And that’s when I did something shameful.

Something I don’t even really want to talk about…

(But you need to hear this.)

I dragged my mom by the hand to the bank to bring out the LAST bit of our savings…

Daniel NO! Please don’t do this.”

But like I already told you. I was in it too deep.

I couldn’t let go now.

And so I got him the money…

“This’ll work. Thanks Dan.”

*His Door Closes Shut*

And that was the end of the conversation…

That night, I felt sick in my gut.

This wasn’t how I was supposed to feel before making it big.

It was supposed to be exciting.

“I had done something no one else was prepared to do.”

“This is the price of success, right?”

But when I went to find out the status in the morning. He had already gone…



I was so angry.

I had been scammed. And not just me. I had dragged my whole family with me into this mess – and scammed them for all of their savings.

I had shamed everyone.

All because of my greed and my desperation…

And it took me years to recover from that stupid “investment”.

I thought I was being smart, I thought I was being clever and determined.

But I was just being an arrogant idiot.

You may say I was naive, or that I didn’t have a High-Income Skill.

Or even that I shouldn’t be using other people’s money…

But here’s the biggest lesson I learnt from that.

Failed in business review

Never Invest In What You Don’t Understand

I can tell you right now, almost every investment I made that I didn’t understand – failed terribly.

And that’s why my number one rule for investing is only invest in what you do understand.

Because when you don’t understand what you’re doing, you might as well be gambling.

You might as well throw your money away like I did when I was in my late teens…

Now if you’re new to investing and you have a bit of savings put aside to invest, the best thing you could do is invest that into yourself.

That’s right. Invest it in yourself.

When I look back on all the investments I’ve made over the years, the ones that made the biggest difference were not the real estate properties or businesses I invested in…

No. The investments that made all the difference were the events I went to.

The books I read.

And all the courses I spent hours on every single night.

So why not do the same yourself?

Buy some books on investing. Go attend some special events. And take some courses on investing.

You’ve got nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

And you’ll always look back on these investments as some of the best you’ve ever made.

How Dan Lok Failed in business review

Take a look at what I have to offer you here >

He failed in business review

The Law of Attraction.

Most people want to know how the law of attraction really works, because they think it will magically give them success and abundance. That’s not the truth. And that’s why in this video, Dan Lok breaks down how the law of attraction really works and how to use it to create the life you desire for yourself and your loved ones.

Find for yourself online business close to this idea – click here
