Time management.

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How do you fill your “bucket of time”?

Don’t fill bucket of time this way.

If this is the way you fill your “bucket of time”. Don’t do this year!

Let me explain. Of course, many entrepreneurs know this idea.

How do you plan your 2018? (still it’s not late)

What you (and I) need to do better, is decide what are the most important things we have to accomplish in our home businesses in the next 90 days, and then focus on getting them done.

These are what you call your ‘Rocks.’

First, put big ‘rocks’ in the bucket.

Imagine, The big glass container represents your time.

Lets call it the next 90 days.

Next to it, you have some big rocks, pebbles, sand, and water.

If you put in the water and sand first, they’ll fall right to the bottom.  Then if you add in the pebbles, they’ll sit immersed in the water, on top of the sand.

Then if you try to put in the big rocks, they’ll sit on top of everything else, and they won’t all fit.


If you do it another way, it’s possible to get everything to fit in the jar just nicely.

First put in the big rocks.

Then the pebbles are poured in, and they all fall between the gaps in the rocks to the bottom.  Then the sand is poured, and finally the water.

Everything fits.

Here’s the lesson;  those rocks represent the big, important things you have to do each day.

It could be sending an email to your list.  Hosting a sales webinar.  Setting up a joint venture deal.

Planning the outline of a new product. Making 10 sales calls.

Basically the important things that move your business forwards.

The pebbles, sand, and water represent the lesser important ‘busy’ work.

A pebble might be taking a phone call with a colleague in your industry, and chatting about how things are going in your businesses.

You might get some value out of this call.  But more likely, you’ll burn up 30 minutes of time and it won’t impact your business.

The sand could be you responding to a few urgent but unimportant emails.

The water is you checking Facebook, Skype, Snapchat, Twitter… or getting sucked into watching time wasting videos on Youtube.

The water activities are incredibly tempting.  They don’t require much deep thought, and are entertaining.

But they do nothing to move your business forwards.

My big goal in 2018 is to focus more on the rocks and leave the pebbles, sand and water to the end of the day IF I have time.

Matt Lloyd, founder and CEO of MOBE

By the way – I didn’t come up with this analogy.

I read about it in this book by Verne Harnish, it’s called ‘Scaling Up.’ (thanks to my mentor, Matt Lloyd for this reminder).

If you’ve got a business that’s doing 5 figures annually and you want to scale to 6 figures, you’ll get a lot out of this book.

And if you have a new business and / or you’re not yet making a lot of sales, you’ll still get some useful insights out of it.

Any opportunities / distractions that come up during those 90 days, will have to go on the waiting list for the next 90 days.  Completing the current Rocks will be the number one priority.

My advice to you is to start operating your own home business (set your own schedule).

Decide on what the most important things are to accomplish in the next 90 days, and block out everything else.  What few important projects will result in the greatest amount of sales?

If you focus on these things, you’ll be able to complete 2017 having accomplished a few super important projects that catapulted your business forwards, rather than half-completed 100 different things that were not really that important in the first place.

Start from here >>>


Yuri Grin

Internet entrepreneur, consultant. Toronto, Canada